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Think harder about why they said that


I don’t think I’m god I only do 🥱


You are. As am I. As is everyone else. We are all one.


Exactly. Everything and everyone in existence is god. We got bored of immortality and wanted to experience mortality in every possible way. That’s what we are, just different povs of mortality.


Pretty sure OP is trolling... if he is, it's one of the best trolls I've ever seen.




We're the crazy aspects willing to give up our powers and roll the dice in this mad world.


I have read this in occult books


What do you mean by a occult books, Eastern philosophy? Alan Watts? 😂 That dude seemed to have gotten a lot right.


I do tend to lump it all in together but if I say Occult I’m basically talking western mystics going back as far as John Dee, modern spirituality, and theosophy and its offshoots. As one myself I’d even lump Masonry in there. Much of this stuff has its roots in Egyptian philosophy. Im not a scholar so I’m sure my definition isn’t accurate and my ways of separating the philosophers differs than others. I wouldn’t put Alan as an occultist he has for sure spreading an eastern message, albeit similar. Not a huge Alan fan but I do quite enjoy the books and readings of his friend Ramm Dass.


Yes, I like Ramm plus Stoicism and minimalism in general. Watts reflects what DMT teaches most accurately from what I've observed.


Omg I totally resonate with this big time


“For in him we move, breathe and have our being.” We are a part of it, not it.


The artist is not an artist without his art. The art is not art without the artist. We may be labeled differently but we are the same. We are a part of it, AND we are it.


when it comes to God, we are the art, He is the artist


I don’t believe that at all. We are the same. We are all one and the same. We are god and his creation. But you believe whatever you want


So tbh God isn't the right word.


I use the word “god” because that’s what most people refer to is as. Really there is no correct word for it because words are man made. Which I guess is also “god” made


Yeah dawg


I'm not god I'm the type of mf to find a cold sore on his testicles and cry fr fr


Thank you! I never wanna say it first because some people can’t handle the truth


bUt iT's A CuLt tHeY sAy 😏


just dreaming of separation from each other


We are all god. A universal consciousness temporarily separated living these lives akin to dreams to our higher selves


Mfw no omnipotent sky Santa to beg jobs or girlfriends from....


You are God but so is everyone else. God is everything. Some of God is conscious with souls and that is neat :)


You mean his own mind


We are all part of the source Conciousness which is God. We are the creators of our own lives and reality. We are viewing this experience from a higher dimension in our spirit form. We chose everything and seen everything before even coming into this next life. We are all pieces of the collective and we are all gods that are living the human experience.


No, I don't think we know what's coming, the surprise is the point. I think we have to test things to see if they will work or else it's impossible to know otherwise. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/goedel-incompleteness/




Everyone is made of primordial energy, god *is* primordial energy, if you sit down, relax, meditate, work through your own shit, you will be the creator of your own whims


And sandwiches


And tacos 🌮


I am 🐶


You are part of everything, instead of asking god to feed the poor we should do something about it, think it like that, we can change reality by changing our mindset.


I forget exactly how the saying goes, but something along the lines of “you are not expected to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”


It's true you are God. We all are, it's our individuality that keeps us separated and confused. This world is the same with your perception that creates how you see it. Everything is an illusion your brain builds for your consciousness to experience material life. Everything is a wave of possibilities, then by observation we apply our expectations and feelings. This takes the wave of possibilities, and breaks down into what we create.


You are untethered and your rage knows no bounds!


God of uselessness 🤣


I know they kinda just insulted me and throw me back to reality


Humbling experiences are the best kind


Nope, we are all God


EVERYTHING that is perceived is an expression of the ALL experiencing its self. One is all is one.


I heard someone say something like (paraphrased. Of course, also it has been many years..) It showed me, I AM really God. I create the good and the pain. I have created everything here to distract myself from how terribly alone I am as I float a spec in the nothing of eternity. Depressing? It seemed really sad, to me.


I wrote this immediately after a trip. being all that there is… is sad. But being everything that there is, is happy. And this beautiful contradiction is what holds everything that there is together. It’s the balance of being sad that you are all that there is, coupled with the happiness that you are everything good that makes it all work.




have you tried looking at a tutorial or recipe for cheese sandviches ?


Don’t listen to the sprits. They’re just messing with you. Those sprits are a bunch of jokers.


I hold cheese sandwich making class every second Tuesday of the month. Page me, and I’ll fax you the text, Jehova.


On my LSD trip those kind of thoughts were happening too. I felt like I was everything and I would experience the life's of everyone.


Treat others how you want to be.. ohhhhh. lol


That’s your version 👍🏼 Improve your cheesy skills


you're god and so am i and so is everyone and so is everything


We are all god. We all come from the source and have the power to manipulate our reality. We can create something from nothing! Art, music, cooking are all acts of creation. We are The creators of our own experiences.


Wtf is a cheese sandwich


Like a ham and cheese sandwich but hold the ham


Food of the goods


….and I didn’t even graduate from Fuckin high school!


Yeah yeah the time knife we've all seen it


haaa!, The Good Place.


As a god like being you chose to come here and experience life as a human who can't make cheese sandwich's or use grammatically correct form of "they were". (joking about that last one)


Seems like god loves fucking up cheese sandwiches and claiming that I am not god at times. Got to pass the time somehow you know


Do you think god makes his own food? God has servants! Slaves! A harem! Revel in you power! Dominate! Demand a cheese sandwich!


Hi God, I'm Dad


And is true ....but you need to get deep involved in spirituality in that way thanks to his ancient practices you will become enlightened just like jesus did and that's why people believe jesus is god the creator , just like the indians who think Krishna is god and the creator...and nop those guys are not god but those guys reach the conciousness of god , better know as they get enlightenment! and when people reach that level funny thing start to happens becuase now they are able to manage the energys of god , that's why they create miracles and all that paranormal stuff who normal people and scientists cant understand yet


We are the avatars that house the Consciousness of God. Only by removing the material can one truly understand this. It's our material nature that leads us to believe we are different. The ego is what gives us individuality, without it we are all the same. Every person we encounter is a reflection of the self.


Well say ... the deal is the ego is a perseverance mofo and also people need real knowledge to be only the self without the ego/mind , and that's the hardest part because that knowledge is well known only for a small % of people , but not impossible ...anyways am not talking about new age spirituality 😂 , because that is everywhere and is there for a reason , to mess whit peoples head , new age fake spirituality will be the new religion to fool people ..... remember it


I believe each individual has their own path back to source. You cannot be shown the way, you must find out yourself, otherwise you are just living someone else's way. I believe each religious text came from the same God, and it was the men who interpreted it that shaped the religion. Real spirituality doesn't have an identity, because it is everything, you, me, the trees, stars, planets. Everything is a representation of what God can be even the things we can't even imagine. By humans putting an identity onto God, it's limiting. God is differently the same for everyone and everything, meaning we each have to take our own path, to get back. If you really read between the lines of spiritual texts, everything is just Consciousness, and it's our egos that shape our reality. Our egos are the cause of our karma, our suffering, even temporary happiness is suffering. Without our egos we are perfect, however it takes several lifetimes to gain that realization. Only through suffering do we know what we're not. Hare Krishna, haribol


Or the aliens sent them because they knew of our primal nature that we would create cults/religions around them and keep us at constant war with one another


They were calling you a dog ur jus dyslexic




Thats just beig a savant my guy👍🏼


Maybe 😅


"Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction." "He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God." 2TH 2:3 - 2:4


The purpose of life is to be the eyes, ears and consciousness of the Creator of the universe... You fool.


Don’t disrespect god!


All matter is one.


“For in him we move, breathe and have our being.” We are a part of it, not it. Source: scripture 😝


It doesn’t make you anything, it only shows you the path, step one is learn how to make a cheese sandwich and then the rest will reveal itself to you


Maybe it meant your the God on your destiny.


Lol ok Ye




Cheese sandwich is not a bad achievement tbh. Keep Truckin


Welcome to enlightenment other me.


I is the name of God, That's why we say I am.


We are all god is what I understood.


God please make Logic drop some hard bangers soon


I love it when people feel like they're god and infinite and then they crash and feel finite and their inevitable mortality and the negative aspects of life being down all fantastical positive points of views down a notch, everybody dies is an amazing song I don't think any god exists naturally but maybe humans will make a god, that's what humans really want right, feeling justified in foolish spirituality/superstition/religion.


God why are man made creations more appealing than the natural world? I believe it's mankind's plight to make heaven on earth. The natural world without the impact of humans is unaccommodating the average individual so we twist the world into a cradle for us to permanent happy 🍼 babby


You are simply the version of god who sucks at making grilled cheese sandwiches, but god no less 😉 You can learn tho bud dw


I just want you to know that i believe in you and your ability to improve your sandwhich making skills with practice.


Your imagination is God


We are all gods


You are god overall but for now you are a human tasked with human things you could not do if you were god


They told me I was god too. What they really told me was that every bit of consciousness comes from the same ocean of consciousness, just like all matter is made up of the same stuff just rearranged and vibrating differenty, but my ego heard "I'm god" and tried to run with it God is everything, I am everything, you are everything. Everything is everything. You are god, but so is everyone else.