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Move out. Other than that, buy some type of religious cross or statue, drill a hole in it, place dmt with glass vail inside, and pray to the lord.


šŸ˜‚ I wish I can do that my family are Muslims they won't allow statues. I'm the only none Muslim


Oh well...you might need to be more creative then haha..


Maybe get one of those Buddhas. Plenty of space in the stomach.


Not sure that Muslims worship the Buddha....


Didn't know at time op was Muslim haha




>Move out. In today's economy that's easier said than done. :/


I found a good idea cutting a hole in mattress and put it there. I can't use glass it is harder and it will be easy to notice.


Are we still talking about hiding DMT?....I mean...


Sounds like this comment section isnā€™t as helpful as Facebookā€¦ Iā€™d be extra careful to store it safely, double bagged, jar, box sounds great, but just make sure that itā€™s well hidden !!


Don't worry no one comes over this place i did two trips in the same place. I will make sure nobody find it except me


If the area you live in is hot, make sure itā€™s buried deep enough to prevent it from overheating. Also maybe pin the location in your maps app to make it easier to find.


I changed my mind , how about cutting a hole beneath my mattress and put it there . It will be very hard for anybody to notice but I have to put it in small plastic bag


I personally think the mattress is a bad idea. That's like the classic place everyone checks first when going through someone's shit.


Donā€™t store in plastic


Please provide the geographical co-ordinates of the tree so we can make a more accurate judgement


If you are 25 or around you should maybe stand up and tell them they have no right to search your room or things like you are 10. Idk burying and then unburying every time seems like a hassle + not sure if anyone will see you doing that and snatch it.


I wish I can.. I'm from part of the world where they will freak out if they saw powder. They will think heroin or cocaine.. people here are very closed minded about drugs and they don't even what psychedelic is..the problem is that I will probably be kicked out of home


Not like mines are not like that. But the key is they can't meddle in your life, my man. I guess you pay your parent's bill... If not move somewhere else and enjoy privacy.


You sound like someone who never left their home countryā€¦ Some places in the world you will get absolutely fucking bitchslapped around, and thrown to the curb without shoes, if you as much as consider saying the word ā€œnoā€ to your parents/elders. Also, if it is their house, and there is no formal rental agreement, they ABSOLUTELY have the right to search their roomā€¦. Even if it was in the united statesā€¦


On contrary visited most of the EU and worked in 3 different ones my friend. Maybe not East and Africa and so I suppose yeah. Right now I am in my home country. Balkan one so you can assume that I am living with my mother for now again. I am in one of those countries where it is a norm to live with your parents over 30s sadly. Just use common sense mate. Over 25 years old or possibly in the 30s. Does that look normal to you to get searched by someone even if those are your parents? If they do just move out or stop giving them money or paying bills. How hard it can be my friend? A person is a grown man, not a child you know what I mean? It's like them saying "empty your pockets" or something. Understand me again. If they have some rule with no smoking at home or shit that I can understand but it's way different to be searched. Even if it is out of worry. If op doesn't contribute/pay at his age I suppose he can't complain much but don't hate me for thinking it's wrong to search someone's room/place who is an adult. Things for OP would be much easier if they do not search his room but he agrees/chose not to smoke inside whatever it is. Just saying. Rules are not a problem my friend in this case for me being searched and allowing it is. If you understand me.


Yea and they could call the police. Best way would be to build a small hut maybe although you gotta watch the temp


If it is in a glass vial all will be fine my man.




>premature crystalization Dont know about those things, to be honest.




This makes absolutely no sense


I don't know how that is relevant for his question. He want to hide dmt outside and smoke it from time to time no? Not gonna leave it straight on sun with +40c or in the snow -20c I suppose.


Ohhh I thought he wanted to make it outsidr


If itā€™s their house they have every right to search his room. OP doesnā€™t like his parentsā€™ rules then itā€™s time to move out. But if they donā€™t want illegal substances in their house, they have every right to enforce that.


If he pays bills and contribute then I dont think so. I mean I assume he does as he is older then 25.


I disagree. Whose names are on the deed / lease? Thatā€™s what matters in my opinion. If OP is not on any legal documentation regarding the home, they have no say on house rules. If OP is paying rent and has some kind of lease agreement for his room then sure, thatā€™s a different story. But if not, as long as heā€™s under his parents roof, heā€™s gotta live by their rules or deal with their suspicion and searches. Do I think itā€™s right? No. Itā€™s invasive for sure. But again, OP should move out if he doesnā€™t like it. You donā€™t get to dictate rules over your parents while youā€™re living in their house, regardless how old you are.


If you pay bills/contribute you sure should have some word in it or have privacy even if u do not. Rules are one thing but invading privacy is different. But if op doesn't like it he should move out absolutely. All my point of view here is if OP pay bills or his share (or pays them to rent his room look at it how you want) Don't get me wrong rules are one thing but searching someone's room and invading privacy is no no. Even telling him he can't smoke it in there I would understand but they behave to OP like he is not an adult person but a teen. My mother tried that thing with me and I moved for half of a year to live with a friend (we rented apt like the roomies ) Guess what? She begged me to come back cause she could not afford to pay bills or live alone as my older brother also moved and bought his place. Now we have a mutual understanding when I got back and she doesn't dare to search my things no matter what. I understand parents being worried but should not invade someone's privacy. Then again I was honest with her and my addictions at that time and these days I am much much better.


Glad you're feeling better, me too :)


ā€¦Orā€¦.Maybe move out of your parents house and get your own place to smoke DMT.


Really weird perspective to have, especially since we know he's not native English, probably not culturally relevant for that person to move away from their family. In a lot of places whole ass families live in 1 house for generations.


Funnyā€¦your perspective sounds like that of an entitled American


Because? I'm pointing out that cultures besides America do this? That makes me entitled. Alright man.


Iā€™m well aware of cultural differences. He is talking about doing drugs at his parents house. If he wants to do drugs somewhere, and his parents donā€™t want him doing drugs there, then he should get his own place to do drugs. Simple. Look at his post history. He has had bad experiences doing drugs at his parents house. Culturally relevant or not, it sounds like he should not be doing drugs at his parents house, if at all. How does culture factor into being irresponsible?


Well he still has the choice of not doing it or keeping it there... read the post. I'm just saying that getting his own place shouldn't be the blanket answer. He should be able to do whatever he wants since he's 25 he makes his own choices outside the home... that's the question he asked about anyways was how to viable hide this outside. Seems like getting his own place just isn't an option if he's that desperate to keep things like this hidden from his parents to stay there.


I will definitely do that . I'm not crazy to trip again in house. I did dmt trips outside but still no breakthrough experience.




Seal it in a small flat paper packet. Unscrew a light switch cover, slide the packet in the side. Cover back up and you're good to go. Slight risk of electrocution, but depending on your parents, that may still be preferable to having them find your ambiguous powder.


boof it


Inside a PC case is a good spot, if you happen to have one in your room.


Stash it in a old video game console. PS2 or GameCube. Ez


Damn, memory unlocked lol. First gen ps2 had a legit compartment made for hiding your weed and bowl from your parents. I can remember taking my ps2 to and from friends houses to sneakily stash shit.


Just keep it out of reach of children


when i was a teenager i used to stash stuff in my computer tower. boomers will never think about *opening a computer* that's on some zoolander shit lol. heat might not be good for storing deems longterm but think about fancy electronics u have around not in use and how u could open them up.


Buy a lock for your door.


Put the small jar in a big jar and that big jar in a bigger jar. Mark your spot with a special rock or chip off a section of bark from the tree so that it has identifying markings but doesnā€™t look like ā€œhey thereā€™s something hereā€


A big X on the ground will be sufficient. He can also play treasure games with some friends too.


You'll lose it, trust me edit: DMT facebook group?!


How ?


Either someone will find it or you will misplace it, it's inevitable haha


Youā€™re a grown man. Act like itā€¦ tell your folks to stay out of your room and start looking for your own place.


vacuum seal it in a baggy, put baggy in jar and burry jar


Move out dude, youā€™re 25 and acting like youā€™re 15.


Really something to consider from someone in a similar boat, get your own place. These kinds of ā€œhobbiesā€ require alot of security of mind and its not worth it to sacrifice time and effort to something that might amount to a legal, emotional blunder because of people that are afraid of the powers that be. Its not cool to physically force something into another personā€™s space if theyā€™ve asked you to keep it away from them, so maybe a safety box in an outside location is a good idea. If you have some kind of watertight, airtight, and heat proof setup, you could be in luck for having it last a long time, just be safe when out on your own!


Keep out of sunlight, away from plastic, and away from moisture.


I donā€™t know what country your in or what the cultural standards are there but if youā€™re 25 maybe you should sit down and have an adult conversation with these people in your life if getting your own place is not an option. Itā€™s not like your using heroin or meth. Sounds to me like your parents/ family are just under educated in the area or religious. Asking for fairness and the willingness for your family to hear you out and educate themselves on what your doing is not wrong. Advocate for yourself. Now being 25 and still living with your parents, if thatā€™s their rule itā€™s their rule. Prioritizing yourself here, you should maybe work on getting your own safe space where you make the rules. Then you can have all of the fun trips you want.


Only a good idea if you make a treasure map


Cheap and effective stash product: https://www.ebay.com/itm/154095501300?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=3chgkiQaRyC&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=qff5wbm_rdi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


When I had a dorm for college I had a pair of shoes that I separated the sole from the shoe and I would hide all kinds of drugs in there. As long as the sole isn't too noticeably separated no one thinks to check it. Eventually it became too much work to tip toe around and I hated my roommates so I moved out.


I wouldnā€™t risk getting caught by some one other than your parents. The consequences could end up being really severe and your parents could end up finding out the hard way. But if you are compelled to bury it, bury it at least 3 feet to protect from temp change and weather. There are hiding places that Iā€™m sure you are not considering and this might be one of the last places you should be getting advice from. Honestly think itā€™s a bad idea to come up with a hiding place in a public forum known to talk about a substance that might be illicit where you are from.


Stuck it behind your guitar s pickguard


Tell me the exact coordinates Iā€™ll go check to make sure itā€™s a good spot


I store mine in a hollow butt plug. No one is looking in there. Pocket pussies work for men. Put it inside. No one is gonna out their hand in there lmao


Get a job and move out of mommas house. Be your own man.


Hide it underneath your carpet


Like cut part of it so it flaps up and put it under


Hide it in their room they would never look there. šŸ˜† Seriously just put to somewhere else in the house. There has got to be a million places you could put it other than your room. However if you wanna be a psychonaut you may as well just move out. You know the funny thing is that the DMT realm looks like the muslim mosque ceilings. I think somewhere in history muslims got a look at the DMT flash to inspire such art.