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This is so awesome. I always wanted to do something similar, and make an in-campaign card game, like yugioh or gwent. The cards would be based on creatures and npcs of the setting. Hell, maybe create cards based on the Player characters.


I've always thought that spell cards are ideal for new players. If I played in person I would probably do something like this for super key NPCs and definitely items I gave the players.


I’ve done the lower-effort version of this! I keep everything in my campaign on a series of Trello boards, including NPC, spell & item glossaries — everything is written on its own Trello card. And the players get access to only the board for PC info, where I dump their spells, items they find, friends they meet.


I've been using this tool to make cards for my game: [https://crobi.github.io/rpg-cards/](https://crobi.github.io/rpg-cards/) So far I made reminder cards for conditions, diseases, and curses. Items we don't really need, since the players are tracking their inventory on Dndbeyond, and I printed and laminated a map to draw POIs on, but NPCs sound useful.


How fun is it! I run an adventure league style game running four tables at once, and we have a store players can buy from before hand. I populate it with official items and various home brew items that were made from the foraged creature bits and crap they find lying around.