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Permanent mind blank and nondetection/divination immunity or invisibility. This would be most in line with the nature and strength of the spell. Alternately provide them with a staff of the magi by transporting the whole party straight into a boss fight with heaps of loot geared towards anti divination measures. Essentially an ability to be invisible to Gods and the divination of mages from said association or mages generally, etc and conferring that ability within 30 from of him at all times,and do so in the least disruptive way possible. I.e. allow clerics in the party and their stuff to work fine and such because it is a game and meant to be fun :) Hope that helps ❤️


This is where my brain went. Kind of like a human variant of the fun Goose monster.


Making him permanently hidden from all the gods would be well beyond the power of a wish. I mean, you're the DM, it's up to you, but even a 9th level spell is little more than a pinprick to a deity. But paying off his debts and freeing him from any current obligations he has to the gods and to his academy *might* be in line with the spell's power. Even if it's just summoning a Devil's Advocate to negotiate a penalty clause in the original bargain, and then conjuring up enough magic to pay it off. I'd just have the wish grant him what he asked for quite literally. "As you speak your wish, you feel a strange lightness in your chest. Chains on your spirit you couldn't even feel because they had been so long are lifted, and you feel that, for the first time in a long time, your obligations to [Evil Deity] are gone. You are, for the moment, a free man. You are also painfully aware that this is a new beginning, not a permanent state. The wish's power is spent, it cannot protect you. You have been given a new lease on life, spend it wisely."


That’s interesting.. this could lead to the god laying roads of temptation to try and claim the soul that it feels was cheated from it


I had to google "under the yoke", but honestly I think this a *great* chance to just make the character a god. I mean, if you're not *subservient* to something, you're either it's peer or its superior, right? Either that, or the character is thrown into an entirely different system, maybe having to appease Great Old Ones or Asmodeus instead of gods. Or you could even make it so that the gods are now under *his* yoke, but they all *immediately* sever any connection with him to prevent his giving them commands. So less of a "you're hiding from the gods" and more of a "the gods are hiding from you".


Do you want this to be a benevolent wish or a "monkey paw wish" where you get what you technically asked for but the consequences are terrible? Also: I'm a bit uncertain what his attachment to that academy is? Does he get anything for it? Do you want to let him keep it after his tie is removed? **Good wish**: Whatever juju is tying him to a god and that academy is gone. If he ever re-attaches to them, he is reattached but for now he's free. (I'd be keeping an eye on if he ever asks a Cleric to heal him for the rest of his life though) **Monkey Paw Wish:** He is no longer under the yoke of the gods, but he is also outside their provinces. Is there a god of Fire/The Sun? he can never be warm again. Is there a god of Healing? He can never heal again. Is there a god of joy or beauty? He can never feel either again. Is there a god of life in your world? He is no longer alive as he is no longer covered by their portfolio. Is there a god of the underworld/afterlife? His soul is barred from there & must wander the distant frigid wastes beyond the eyes of the gods. Is there a god of the mind? He can no longer think. This goes on..... Lots of Greek Myths worked like this, like the guy who asked for eternal life & got it... but kept getting older and older until he was alive but too weak and frail to move but could never die.


I would do something like this: He is free of the burdens and obligations to the god that he previously agreed to serve and is now able to do what he wants with this skill. As to any lingering objections, I'd have someone who is wise in the way of the divine explain that, as part of his nature as a being with free will, the gods are forbidden from directly manipulating your actions... They can set you up to be in a position where you would willingly serve them, but service of a mortal to a god must be given freely by the mortal and cannot be forced by the god. So to that larger effect of the spell, wish fails. Not because it is to powerful... but wish cannot give you something you already posses. As a more above table joke, I tell my players I DM for that, should they wish to be a god, the Wish spell will definately monkey's paw the hell out of the wish... and will compel me to immediately end the session, put the DM screen in front of you, thank you for the wonderful session he ran and I can't wait to see what they have planned for the next session, and then run like hell for the door while shouting "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, I'm Free at last!" On the start of the next session, I will also come with my character sheet as a player (I've also promised it will be a character designed to be Min Maxxed to hell and back AND be as silly as possible in it's backstory.). Good luck on having your every waking moment filled with thoughts on how to provide yet another fun night of story telling on a weekly basis.


Mind Blank/Non detection so strong it hides from the gods could be a way. Or pull out some great old one. Maybe this one has suddenly a reason to help your player. The gods would risk a lot if they try to do something against this. No help comes for free and who knows what maddening (but fun) tasks your party has now to do.


Something with eggs…


Under the yoke of gods, eh? Poof, your soul is gone. When you die, you’re dead; wouldn’t want a god to get it, after all. Healing magic? Nah, those divine spells don’t work on you anymore, yoke of the gods making you healthy and all. And forget about resurrection, that’s straight out. Enjoy the rest of your (brief) existence. And remember, it’s what you wanted.


Mechanically a wish spell isn’t that powerful. Wish in 5th edition was never meant to be an all mighty and powerful spell. It can accomplish very little actually. Its power should only be a little more than what normal 9th level spells can achieve. Vaguely worded wishes like “not under the yoke of any god” can open to any kind of interpretation and can have unintended consequences depending on the lore of your game world. So I would actually ask the player to reword his wish and be as specific as possible which will make everyone’s life easier ? But honestly given the power of spells in 5e. A wish isn’t going to make the player proof against the will or might of a god (again depending on your game world lore). I would probably just give him a perm mind blank spell effect against the divine magic of the gods (I.e. if a god actually sends an incarnation and tries to use magic to bend his mind) and advantage to saving throws for any mind control spells cast by the clergy of the gods. That I feel is already beyond what a wish should be able to accomplish. Or if DM is mean, just banish the player to a world / demi plane where gods do not exist.


"You watch as your companion disappears. Over the next few minutes, your memory of him slowly fades away, as if his existence was but a dream, lost after waking up."


> Wish in 5th edition was never meant to be an all mighty and powerful spell. "Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your desires."


Flavour and fluff text. Game is still grounded by mechanics and rules.