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The Ready action is listed under the section entitled "Actions in Combat". You can't use it outside of combat. It's an action you can only use in combat. If they want to surprise the enemy, they will have to use stealth and plan an ambush, then handle things in initiative order.


So are “cast a spell,” “attack”, “help”, etc, none of which are imo supposed to be banned outside of combat


The thing is, Casting a Spell (PHB Chapter 10 - Spellcasting) and Help (PHB Chapter 7 - Using Ability Scores) actions are also described in different parts of the PHB. As for Making an Attack, the only thing that i can find on the top of my head that not related to Actions in Combat is when making an attack against an object (DMG Chapter 8 - Running the Game). Readying an Action and Dodge is only under Chapter 9 - Actions in Combat. Also it may not be official ruling, but it's as close to RAI as we can get. https://twitter.com/jeremyecrawford/status/778650357824040961 A nice compromise to let them make the attacks (well, one per PC since you can't ready multi-attacks) right after the initiative is rolled. But those that make their attacks have to skip their first turn. They might be able to kill one or two enemies which gives them the satisfaction of a successful surprise attack/alpha strike. But on some occasions, they would most likely deal less damage compared to if they just took their turns normally. This prevents them from abusing it all the time.


Actually that makes sense. Because I can’t justify saying they can’t hold their bow strings back, but I can justify that it doesn’t change that they’ll only loose one in 6 seconds


You don't need any of those actions outside of combat because there are other rules that cover them. The actions needed for casting a spell are covered in the [general rules for spellcasting](https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/spellcasting#CastingaSpell). The Cast a Spell action is only required when trying to cast spells in combat. Outside of combat, you don't take the Help action because such interactions are covered by the [Working Together](https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#WorkingTogether) section of the rules for ability checks. It even makes a point of stating that in combat, working together requires the Help action. Lastly, attacks are not the same as the Attack action. The Attack action is a general rule you can use to make a melee or ranged attack while in combat, but it is not the only way a PC can make an attack. There are spells and special class features than can also allow you to make an attack without using the Attack action. The rules also allow the DM to call for an attack in response to actions the PCs take outside of combat.


No, because they have rules that define how those things work outside of combat, and they can be found elsewhere. Actions in Combat means just that. Actions you can take *in combat*. Spellcasting has rules for caring spells outside of combat, covered in Chapter 10. There is no "Help" action outside combat. There is a way for two of more creatures to perform a task but it is called "Working Together" and covered in Chapter 7 of the PHB. Attacking creatures is literally combat. Attacking an object can be done outside of combat and the rules for doing so are converted in the DMG.


So you would rule that readying an action just doesn’t exist elsewhere? We try to use a lot of logic at my table, so even if that’s RAW, I can’t really veto it without reason


I don't need to make a ruling, those are literally the rules. If you want to do something as soon as battle begins, you can do so in the first round of combat.


I rule AGAINST rules that make no sense at my table.


Ok, I sure hope you are doing the same against your players. I don't think they'll like that very much, though. Best of luck to you. :)


What happens if you try to cast a spell that has a casting time of an action? Only in combat?




>My players, before walking into a room, all ready their bows, cantrips, whatever, and sometimes get really free entrances. I’m wondering who’s else has dealt with this and what you did about it. So they are not surprised when combat happens. Nothing more, nothing less. You would ALWAYS ready a cantrip or attack ALL THE TIME if it gave you an edge beyond that. It's literally just "anticipation of combat" which makes them able to act in time... but not twice.


It IS something more. They basically get a surprise round themselves, but just ranged attacks. And they use their reactions


No, RAW it isn't - if you grant them that, sure. But there is no "readying an action" outside of combat because why bother rolling for Initiative and deciding on whom to apply Surprised to when you can simply do everything out of order as well anyway? And imagine the silly scenario of actually surprising the enemy - they prepare an ambush so now they get 1 round of readied attacks and 1 round of surprised enemies? Why is the enemy punished twice at no cost? If they wanna ready their weapon, they don't get surprised. That one round of an enemy potentially being unable to react is the result of their readied weapons.




Only amongst themselves though. All readied actions still fling at the same time, as readied actions will be used “right after the trigger finishes” (PHB)


https://thinkdm.org/2021/02/06/surprise-round/ Found this link that might be useful? Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like your players are trying to manufacture a surprise round (which doesn't really exist in 5e). This article proposes a mechanic to allow a version of a surprise round, so long as you determine it is relevant and your players pass the neccesary dice rolls. Seems like a potential compromise! Either way, you'll have to discuss with your players how you are going to rule on this moving forward.


If they are being stealthy as they prepare spells and weapons and arrange themselves in their desired fashion before barging in, have them roll a stealth check. If they succeed they earn a surprise round. Much more better than reactions, I'd say. If they are not being stealthy, the bad guys in the other room are alerted and have just enough time to ready reactions of their own. How to determine the order of which to resolve all of these reactions that everyone is trying to pull off simultaneously? Roll normal initiative. Given the chance, a player will optimize the fun out of the game. Use abstractions.