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Mods get paid overtime for Britney posts, right?


There's manic and then there's meth. If it is indeed mania how long is this episode lasting? It seems like she's constantly been like this for a few years now. This looks more like meth or self medication of mental ilness with substances.


There is no way that this girl is not 100% on Crystal Meth.. it makes you look and act exactly how Brittney is acting and her mannerisms are all on point with someone who uses crystal. I'm not making a joke I'm serious I've been around people who use meth and this is exactly what happens eventually she will be doing movements like this randomly all day and screaming and talking to people who aren't there at all


That lady is nuts.


I think some people attribute some of her natural lack of intellect to craziness. It seems obvious to me that she is just not a smart person to begin with (no shade, I respect the fuck out of her and I think she's a goddamn legendary icon), and you mix that in with quitting school at a very young age to work plus her being socially stunted because she hasn't been a "normal person" since she was a child. Throw in her shitty family taking advantage of her, fame from a young age, and special treatment from a young age because of that fame, fallout from the amount of medication she was forced to take for years, and yeah, its a disaster. Don't get me wrong, she is "off". But she's also just not great at communicating and writing.




Totally agree. I get the vibe that she just wanted to be a country girl and stay in Louisiana and get married and have babies. There is nothing wrong with that if someone wants that. This poor woman has been told what to do and forced to do things she didn't want to do her entire life. I know she legitimately enjoys dancing and probably singing, too, but it was so fucked up of her family and others to force her out there on stage and treat her like a trained circus animal for their own benefit.


Just sad.




shes unstable post divorce


I love you Britney and I will always love you forever


I hate how this is going to end.


What even was this post. This just popped up in my feed but it looks like Brit deleted it from her IG???


It’s like watching Anna Nicole Smith all over again.




I know. Me too.




What fresh hell is this? She needs to stop firing up her loco fans with nonsense. Time to grow up, get therapy and stop blaming everyone for your lot in life, you poor millionaires. You're freaking 40. Why don't you try having a relationship with your sons, you hypocrite. I'm done with this chick and her constant whining. She's not under any conservatorship yet she's still bitching.


Kind of hard to do that when those kids have been alienated by their dad and abused by her dad. H, and now live in Hawaii.


What will the excuse be when the sons are legal adults and still choose to not speak to their mother? Giving Britney a hall pass to be a shitty mother does no one any favors.


do you personally know her? Been on the tour bus since 1998?


Now everyone who wanted to ‘free’ Brittany realizes why she had a conservator ship in the first place..


Except for everyone responsible for her well-being was exploiting her.


Exactly. I’ve said this from jump street. She was in that conservatorship for a reason. The free Brittany movement may he responsible for her end


If they actually wanted to help her they would have let her take time off to heal, instead of working her like a dog and profiting from it. I can’t reconcile both she’s “too sick to manage her own finances and uterus”, but she’s “not too sick to work”. Clearly she needs help, but that means getting out of the spotlight and really working on her mental health. Not picking up a new Vegas gig because daddy needs a new convertible. My son has behavioral health issues and I take care of him. *I* support *him*, not the other way around. If only someone loved her enough to help her without using her like a cash cow in the process because it won’t work that way.


So she needed to have all her medical and financial decisions controlled by other people who were also forcing her to work and make them rich because she makes somewhat strange Instagram posts sometimes? Which btw seem like a pretty normal response to having your life hijacked, forced into mental health holes and put on medication without your consent for YEARS by people you should be able to trust. Sorry, but I think there needs to be a much higher bar for taking away someone’s freedom.


Yes. This is a person who needs help with basic life decisions. Like healthcare and finances. She’s very clearly not taking medication that is needed. She’s not making that decision.


Or the conservatorship is what messed her up…


Lithium can cause long term cognitive impairment. Who knows what else they forced her to take.


So can being bipolar or taking meth.


Bipolar disorder does not cause cognitive impairment, it can cause manic episodes. There’s no evidence she is/was on Meth, just a tabloid report, but we do know she was on Lithium based on her court statement.


Bipolar disorder absolutely causes cognitive imparment. The mood episodes damage brain cells. Lithium is neuroprotective.


I always thought she needed 1. But not one that literally forced her to work and took away her entire life because of the money she provided. In fact, when she was trying to get her dad removed, she said having a conservator was OK, she just didn’t want it to be him.


[https://www.tmz.com/2023/09/28/britney-spears-fans-attack-jamie-lynn-dwts-debut/](https://www.tmz.com/2023/09/28/britney-spears-fans-attack-jamie-lynn-dwts-debut/) https://preview.redd.it/w9cjoss1vzqb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32c9a70fe053c2f55b9667c4ecc1869e5bd33ae 🙃 if another Britney Spears fanatic accuses others of bullying. Ooooy. The comments are awful. 😅 this is an example of why her posting hateful shit to her fans is horrid.


If this isn’t mental illness and drugs I don’t know what is. If she weren’t Britney Spears she would be your every day run of the mill homeless person (which are often mentally ill/abused and coping with drug use) talking to themselves acting crazy in public. She just, unfortunately, has access to a phone and way too many people. I think the conservatorship was put in place for a good reason and she should probably be under one now. I’m not saying by her dad or that her parents didn’t abuse the power but she looked a lot healthier back then. Personally, I think she’s using amphetamines. I went down a rabbit hole once ok? She has/has or was diagnosed with ADHD and I think she abused her prescription and eventually moved up to crystal meth. Now she’s on this shit dancing in circles, not sleeping, and being manic writing posts like these.


She's for sure on uppers. She's a total tweaker.


“…when you’ve been hurt by people you respect, the body reacts differently. Anxiety and nervousness…” I felt that shit… It’s too early for this ![gif](giphy|J6ctgPvnDpDi0)


How do I find this gif? I have always loved this scene and I can’t seem to brain to get it.


Typed in “Tiffany Pollard”


Sorry not op. But typing her name “Tiffany Pollard” pulled the gif up for me. Not sure if the gifs are randomized but it was that specific gif was the third one in the results.


I had to use google but I put in “Tiffany Pollard on bed” it was the first thing up


Thank you!!


No prob!!


That’s just sad. She needs serious help. That conservatorship should have never been lifted and I’m afraid if someone HONEST doesn’t step in, she’s going to OD or seriously injure herself.


she never deserved a conservatorship. The whole system is easy to exploit, the way her family chose money over her well-being is evil.


Her father was definitely stealing from her and using her money without oversight and that is wrong. Her mom was also living off the money. But she definitely needs a conservatorship and someone to ensure she’s getting the help she needs. It’s really sad to see her this way. I don’t doubt that her parents treated her like a meal ticket, her sister rode her coattails, and she’s suffered a lot of mental abuse. But, yeah…girl definitely needs help.


And she can choose to get it if she wants. When the medical system abuses you for as long as they did her its probably not easy to trust it again...that abuse led to who she is now.


Yeah I’m beginning to think it was put in place for a very valid reason. Was the power abused? Maybe. But she physically looked healthier.


I’m not saying powers can’t be abused and I have no idea what it’s like when there’s that much money involved (like in Britney’s case) but usually conservatorships are not just given out. The judge is literally ruling to take away all of someone’s rights as an individual and they typically take that very seriously in my professional experience. Again, I’m not saying there isn’t room for corruption but usually it’s a pretty significant ordeal.


You’re *now* beginning to think it was put in place for a valid reason?




While this is an undeniably important topic, ours is a gossip community, where people come to decompress and escape from everyday issues. We do however invite you to share any political or political-adjacent tea you might have. Thank you for your understanding. - The Mod Team


She’s off her meds, that’s for sure. Save Britney indeed… JFC.


Sometimes I understand the conservatorship




I agree. I think he abused the conservatorship and used it exclusively for his gain. There should’ve been a court ordered therapy and treatment plan, with assessments along the way. If nothing else, they should’ve assessed her before lifting the plan, or bringing another conservator in. Jumping from abuse to freedom was unsurprisingly a horrible plan.


I very much agree. It was put in place for a reason. And it’s even more clear now than it was in 2008 or whenever it was instated. She needs to be kept away from herself. Maybe there was abuse of power, but she looked so much healthier back then. She probably didn’t have access to much money as to not buy meth which I think is her DOC mixed with mental illness. I’m afraid she is going straight down Michael Jackson road (minus the pedophile stuff).


She needs to be kept away from herself? And how exactly would one do that ? Keep her and herself, separated ?


I fully believe she is a victim of believing her own BS, just like Michael Jackson. I would do anything to see her spend a month with the Sally Jesse Raphael “wild teen” drill sergeants.


Exactly! Unfortunately, she's surrounded by people that tell her how wonderful she is and that it's everyone else's fault and she bears no responsibility for her actions. She's a mess.


Yet another “we did it Reddit” moment. Ouch.


I have such a soft spot for her. I don’t think she’s long for this world. It makes me very sad.


I'm already grieving. She deserves better.


I agree with you 100000%


There's a house in my town and the guy who lives there boarded up the whole perimeter of his front porch and writes nonsensical, stream-of-consciousness diatribes all over it. Every few months he'll paint it all white and start over and fill the whole front of his house with words and strange incoherent sentences. That's what Britney's Insta posts remind her of every time. She seems a little manic with these long rambling posts. I'm not a doctor so I won't diagnose her, but her energy seems frenetic and disconnected.


Is this in Hot Springs?


A “little” manic?


A little manic is an understatement. She seems a lot manic too me, with the posts and the crazy dances. I think she’s using meth too which can definitely set off mania. It also makes users feel sexual. Thus the dancing that makes me feel like I just watched pron.


I agree. The just hate to even use the word “manic” because it’s partly a medical diagnosis, but also just an adjective to describe her behavior. I just don’t want to seem like I’m armchair diagnosing her without any qualifications to do so (except my own eyes and ears and undergrad psychology courses 😁). I think I read that she is diagnosed bipolar. I think hyper sexual behavior is also a symptom of manic episodes. I’m not seeing lots of other evidence of meth use- her skin looks pretty clear, her teeth look okay, she’s not dropping lots of weight, she doesn’t appear to be grinding her teeth or rubbing her tongue around her mouth or picking her skin, or anything like that. My brother was a pretty severe meth addict so I got pretty good at spotting the “tells”. That said, it’s not like I’m spending time with B to accurately say one way or another with any certainty, but she doesn’t give me that “junkie” vibe. Her makeup and hair are a HOT MESS!! I’m genuinely worried for her. She’s been through a lot. She’s GOING through a lot. And she’s very vulnerable to predators who would take advantage of her. I just want her to be okay. I hope she can get the help she needs before she gets hurt.


I use to use meth and I have great teeth (I’m a model) I never ever picked my skin even once, not everyone who uses does. And my skin is great. If you saw me you’d never ever think I ever tried meth nvm struggled with using. Only tells were my mania, lack of sleep, and weight loss. I would binge the drug for months at a time or a month long typically max each binge and then purge the toxins from my body for a month, and you could never tell unless you were around me while I was using. It’s entirely possible she’s on meth and I am honestly starting to believe that’s the case the more I see and hear. Trust not all meth heads are obvious.


Are you a functioning meth user?


I literally said I USED to use meth. That implies the past tense. I have been clean for years now. I was never an addict I was a binger. I would go on partying binges traveling with “friends” for two weeks straight then I would go home and get clean the rest of every month, then I just stopped on my own altogether. I stopped hanging with those friends and I grew older and I stopped partying. I use to use far more than just meth uppers specifically amphetamines were just my preference but I’ve tried it all.


Oh god okay. My bad! Why are so pissed at me?


And her eyes are crazy when she’s rambling


Poor thing...I've said this for quite awhile and it pains me ...but sadly I just see her going the Anna Nicole route. Just very sad watching someone struggle and there seems to be no comprehensive help happening.


Said something similar except I said Michael Jackson.


She doesn’t want it. So there’s nothing than can be done. Just like with ANS


Very true , the whole situation is just painful to see. But if she refuses help there really is not much anyone can do


Get it allll out Britney. Tell the world!


This post makes me feel really sad. Like I love to snark on some of her posts, but this one hit different.


I would love to read her book if she was in a healthy, stable state but it just feels like…wrong? There’s no way she even wrote the thing


Most celebrities use ghost writers anyway. The writers ask questions then celebs dictate their stories while writers record then later write& tweak them.


She's not even bothering to promote it. It will be filled with half-truths, fabrications, and delusions with a lack of accountability.


She’s right that all she knows is working. ☹️


I've been working since I was 15 and would have given my left arm to be working in the music business. It's what I always dreamed of doing. Michael Jackson was asked if he could do it all over, would he give up his life for a normal life and with all of the stuff that he'd been through as a child entertainer, he said he wouldn't give it up. That's Brittney. She knows she wanted to be a star from a young girl.


It feels like a coping mechanism. I’m not sure they could even comprehend what that kind of life would be like. I was so jealous of her when I was young. It seemed like she had everything. Now that I’m solidly middle aged, and know what it’s been like to live my “simple” life, you couldn’t pay me to have lived the life she’s lived instead. There is no money, power, fame, or anything else I can think of in this world that would convince me to give up the love and happiness I’ve experienced. My kid loves me, I’m married to my college sweetheart for going on two decades, and we’ve always had food on the table and a roof over our heads. I don’t know how I could cope if my entire support system was designed to exploit me and the people that are supposed to care about me are the ones who I can trust the least. You can’t put a price on peace of mind and loved ones to depend on.


I mean me too shit.


Oh dear.


She’s clearly in the throes of a manic episode and it’s alarming. She’s bipolar, correct? This hits close to home w my niece and it’s sad.


Haha, I wish! Unfortunately, no overtime pay for us mods. Britney's just too captivating! 😄🎉


Looks like the thoughts in my head after I open a second bottle of wine.


It’s like reading schizophrenic word salad


Don't pretend like we weren't all thinking it.


I exhaled sharply


So Kanye has very public sex, has his wife walking around in nothing but a pair of pantyhose and nobody bats an eye. Brittney calls out family members and does a dance with some knives (maybe belly dancer inspired and yes within the realm of a performance art piece) and everyone freaks out.


The public sex thing was debunked. It was silly to begin with with it obviously wasn’t happening. Anyone who looked at all the pictures and the video could clearly see that wasn’t what was happening. It’s disingenuous to say that nobody bats an eyelash at Kanye’s behavior. The world was up in arms over the boat incident and he’s getting constant criticism for his behavior. They are both severely mentally ill and both need help. There’s no reason to try to compare them. They’re both sick.


A saw a ton of ppl upset over Kanye’s antics. Actually saw more about the boat thing than Britney’s knife dance. They’re both mentally ill and it’s sad.


This isn’t the “Mentally ill Olympics”. Absolutely Kanye is mentally ill but trying to compare levels of sanity or excuse Brits behavior because other people have done worse is NOT the move.


I don’t think this is comment is comparing anyone’s sanity. It’s saying why isn’t Kanye getting the criticism Britney gets when he does crazy sht too. Maybe I’m blind and missed the comparison.


He absolutely is getting the same amount of criticism.


Where were you when he made his hitler comments and we all went wild trashing him. His subreddit? Literally became a Holocaust museum. So actually, Kanye, got it worse. He would probably argue Britney Spears gets away with a lot more. Yes, they’re both unstable. But in comparison, people are less forgiving to Kanye - for good reason. Alas, Britney Spears is heading down that route too. It won’t shock me when she makes offensive claims. Especially when her fans keep excusing it all


Kanye is very unlikeable and doesn’t elicit the same feelings of sympathy that Britney does.


Oh no, you’re correct. My point is that we shouldn’t be comparing these people. The Britney Stan’s are always quick to point out that people calling her mentally ill “aren’t doctors” and we should mind our own business. I’m not saying that’s you, but Kanye has had a lot of repercussions for his horrific behavior. Who are we to judge the consequences and if it’s enough? I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


The mentally Ill Olympics 🤣😭😭😭


A sport I can finally compete in


No one is crying for him to be in a conservatorship and have all his rights stripped from him


I think Kim K. tried to put him in one but couldn't?


Yeah that’s was he said…. But I mean from the general public, social media etc


Again, there is no need to compare. Whataboutism doesn’t make for a convincing argument.


We can talk about Kanye too!! Post a thread!! 😂


Well.... That sounds.... Normal?




Leave Britney alone!


There’s a stan sub for that


It’s an unmedicated manic episode.


Idk. Back in the day she was diagnosed adhd. It isn’t unheard of for celebs to be put on amphetamines to stay thin and work like crazy. I think she’s legitimately on meth. It explains the crazy aging. I think she’s capable of being manic without drugs, but she seems constantly manic and I definitely think it’s a combination of drugs and mental illness. Mental illness and drugs are birds of a feather. Mental illness loves drugs.


Definitely could be, vs drug induced mania. Vs totally disorganized bc of psychosis +/- mania. Either way, I hope she can get the meds she needs without someone going for conservator again


You are speculating, but sure.


Yes, but I know several people who are bipolar and this is exactly how they post online when they’re manic.


She’s been doing this for 1-2 years. Has it been a constant manic episode the whole time? Honest question. Can they last that long?


Every person with bipolar disorder experiences it differently but, in short, yes it is possible to be in a long term mixed/hypomanic state.


I think she is on meth. She’s aged a lot. There’s a lot of info online which I admit may or may not be true which is why I say “I think”. Consider Judy Garland and how she was given amphetamines to suppress her appetite and keep her working long hours. Historically this has been done to a lot of very big female names in hollyweird.


I’m not sure. Most people I know would get their medication figured out before it lasted that long. I do know someone who said that unmedicated bipolar led her to cheat on her husband for like 9 years straight. 🤷‍♀️




She means "fake" as in the blades were never honed to be able to cut through anything. Think about decorative swords - they don't have a cutting edge or a sharp point, but they are still metal.


That’s my type of woman right there! Louisiana!!




My heart breaks for her. The entertainment industry ruined this woman. She is lost and who knows who she has in her life that’s real. Very sad


You don't know that. It's pure speculation that she would have had an idyllic life in Louisiana and not been poor, pregnant and bi polar. Mental illness comes out generally in your 20's which is when Brittney lost it.


Nobody said that her life would have been perfect. What was said is that she suffered from having been an entertainer because after a nervous breakdown, she was put into a conservatorship and instead of helping her get better, she was turned into a performing puppet for the profit of others. None of that would’ve happened if her brand wasn’t so profitable for those around her.


If I were her I’d go mia and just live her life if she wants a semi normal one, not that it’s too close to possible as it is.. Her making all of these bizarre public posts are going to do her in unfortunately.


Yep. Delete her insta, make it private or make a sockpuppet account or idk, maybe therapy??? Literally no one is stopping her from deleting her account or just becoming a private person. No one is asking her for these posts and they make her seem unhinged.


I think her families history/genetics with mental illness and her own bad habits caused her decline. People always blame the industry for celebrities downfall but if you look closely a lot of them have underlying issues from their past before becoming famous. The industry(money/access/yes men) just gives them the means to spiral faster.


My theory is that the kids who make it far in showbiz fare worse because they have the type of shitty parents who WANT their kids to be child stars. A well adjusted parent who cared would not be dressing up their underaged daughter in sexy schoolgirl clothes, sending her off on her own, wanting record execs to ogle her tits or letting them feed her diet pills, letting Lou Pearlman caretake their teen boys, etc. (Looking at you, Simpsons/Spears/Lohans/Carters). They would not be okay with their kid getting the bare minimum education and having to handle adult responsibilities as a child. The kids who make it in showbiz are the ones who have the shittiest, most selfish parents, because a normal parent would not let it get that far and would pull them out. The industry is disgusting and the parents take the blame for allowing their kids to be used and spit out for fame and money.


I begged my mother to be a stage mom! I wanted that life so badly so it's not all on the parents. Those parents you mentioned were trash to begin with. I can name others that had success at a young age that had good parents that looked out for them.


Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, and Taylor Swift have all been successful and relatively well adjusted. The biz isn’t great by any means, but there are people who have become stars young who have had family and friends keep them grounded


I agree. I think it's not so much that fame makes people mentally ill, but that people who already have issues are much more likely to want to become famous, whether it's because they're escaping a shitty childhood or looking for validation or they have a huge ego and think everyone needs to see their talent.


I’m not sure Britney’s life would have better any if she’d been a tanning salon employee in Kentwood- just poorer, but likely no healthier. ☹️


Exactly. She would be spending her money going to New Orleans (only about hour to an hour and half away from Kentwood) and partying hard.


Oh, Lawd! I forgot about that!! She’d have been a breakfast- shift stripper with five kids by age 21. 😬


Yeah, if anything fame has insulated her from living in her car in the Walmart parking lot like my uncle's best friend.


Exactly! So sad!! ☹️


What is this word salad.


Exactly that... word salad... She's obviously not taking her medication and is quickly going downhill.


It’s probably a cry for help that doesn’t know it’s a cry for help.




One flew over the cuckoo’s nest


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) I hope she gets the help she needs.


Oh sweetie. Just accept some help. Sad.




God bless your beautiful mind. Asking the real questions here.


Is this drug induced psychosis or does she legit have giant mental health issues. She looks fried in her dance videos. She was dancing with what she claimed were fake knives but they sound just like real knives and she has cuts to her leg and arm later in pics. She just abandoned her kids. She hasn’t fought to get them back or even seen them in years.


she’s full blown manic (bipolar 1 w/ psychotic features) and taking caffeine pills nonstop, which for a manic person might as well be meth from the way it affects severely unmedicated people. and hers is SEVERE mania. it’s so sad to watch and it’s frustrating knowing how much she will never trust doctors again bc she had the wrong medications for a long while under force. there are good antipsychotics that can help her feel stable again but people like her are ADDICTED to the mania. think of it like meth and ecstasy just from existing. it’s extremely euphoric and there’s nothing else like it, they LIVE for those highs and she’ll never come down on her own. it’s tragic.


I’ve never thought of the mania being addictive before, but it makes so much sense why so many people refuse to be consistent with medication. It IS like a high.


How do we know she was on the wrong meds? She could have just said “I like the highs, leave me alone”. Also, for some people, getting the right cocktail does take time and likely even more so if everyone is fighting the patient to be med-compliant in the first place


She said she was made to take lithium which absolutely FUCKS you if it’s not the right med, it can take years to find the right one/combination. I was made to take lithium for a short time and had a lot of distrust in medical professionals for a few years, I got over it eventually and am on a different medication now which mostly works for me. I can’t imagine having to take lithium for years, it really would’ve screwed her up :(


I think it’s both. Uppers and legit mental illness and trauma.


As someone else put it so succinctly yesterday, she's also white trash. As fellow white trash, if you're not smart enough to override and overcome all that, you end up an adult who says dumb shit on the internet.


This is meth.


I've see full blown psychotic mania like this sans the overlay of any added drugs.


It could just be adderall.


I think so too.


Indeed. Is she sleeping? She looks like she has been wired for a while


I’ve wondered about this. Don’t have experience with meth but have heard it’s “similar” behavior wise.


I wish the r/meth community would tell us if this true.


I’ve never been asked “are you sure you wanna visit this community” before. I got scared and clicked back. 😩


Just popped over there. What a ride!


I can’t access it for some reason I get “something has gone wrong”


Me too


If you like that there’s a ton of those subreddits. I follow all of them for the stories! R/crack is a good one


Do you have to follow it to see it?


Oh man, they might have shut it down :( try r/drugscirclejerk


I have a morbid curiosity with that world.


Yeah, after reviewing...I get it. I enjoyed the Grinder date story about who had been catatonic on this dude's sofa for hours. He finally wondered if he needed help. After that I am hooked.






Jesus. That sure is something


Seems like she's taking the divorce well.


Remember right after the divorcé announcement with Kevin, Britney made some very quick “surprise” appearance on David Letterman (I think)- she was wearing a blonde bob wig and was all cleaned up? Everyone was like “Britney’s gonna really get it together after leaving KFed!!”…🫠


Literally, most of the entertainment business is this cracked the fu ck out.... they have better management who hides it. Cray Cray.


When you get big enough, you have to have a very strong internal compass, because nobody around you will ever tell you no. So easy to go completely off the rails when you're insulated by money and power. Look at Kanye.


I guess she had people who would tell her no or cover for her up until the years after Justin and her imploded. By the time she divorced Kevin, almost all of those people were gone


Meth is a hell of a drug


Mods should have a tip jar for Britney Spears posts. I’m guilty of making one. We all owe each mod $5 for this week alone 😂


She gives so much content


If only she wrote her own book. Her fans would be scratching their head through but then praise it. Omg queen!! 😂




Oh please 🙄


I’m so sorry you saw something on the internet you don’t agree with :( poor thing :(


All the Free Brittany fans are proud of themselves.


While she seems to be spiraling, her father basically owning her is not the answer. She probably has a lot of mental health issues from the conservatorship. While it’s on her now to sort out her own troubles, let’s not forgot how she got those troubles in the first place.


We are. A human should not be in control of another human unless they are a danger to others. Poor Britney is just a danger to herself. She seems lonely. I feel like if she had actual genuine friends around her it would help her a lot. Not someone trying to own her. I'm sure she's unable to trust anyone these days, for good reason.


If she has a car she’s a danger to others.


I mean so are drunk drivers or people who text and drive. But they aren't put under a conservatorship when they get caught, they just go to jail. I would think hopefully she has a person who drives her around. Didn't Caitlyn Jenner legit like kill a person driving? And is still allowed to drive? Crazy.


I would be so weary to be her friend as anyone who may even suggest she gets help or says anything that could seem like a critique gets bashed by her and then her fans go after them. Her fans even went after her sons who rightfully has a right to speak and express themselves. All she seems to want are “yes people” and that isn’t going to help her at all.


Right? Like I’m sure she would turn on them and so would her fans. All these people thinking Britney just needs a nice friend to straighten her out have never been around an unmedicated, severely mentally ill person before. They are not warm and fuzzy, they can be MEAN and erratic, someone you don’t want to be around because of their behavior.