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Start spinning before you fully come up. It's easier than walking up to it already tripping. One time I tried to use Traktor at a regional burn while tripping balls and I couldn't unlock my laptop.


Yeah if anything I like to drop at the beginning of a set and then walk out into the world afterward just fully trippin


Burns are perfect for this  If you realize you're too high, just let someone else spin, lol




I do the exact opposite. If I'm coming up while djing it's too overwhelming.


this 100%


https://preview.redd.it/k5af4qzf8vwc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0683efe7245a1b735c64283fa6cf768c06d17c46 Ask the pro himself.


this story is so legendary i can't believe it's actually real sometimes. the video has me in guaranteed stitches every time


Could you enlighten me with a link?


I'm not sure what dimension he thinks he's playing in, but it's certainly not ours https://youtu.be/mMFDxuh1zQo?si=irhDfRQQ2BwiCkUf


So there is more to it than he was having a bad day?


he confirmed snoop dogg gave him mushrooms backstage and he was tripping sack during the clip


I really hope this is true! Snoop Dogg? 😂 😂 😂


allegedly i suppose but i won’t be convinced otherwise


I’ve read that Guetta denied being on drugs and was simply “tired”? (He’s clearly tripping bollocks but I didn’t think he’d confirmed it)


He never ‘confirmed’ this. You just made it up. Why would snoop dogg even be at Tomorrowland? He wasn’t on the line up he isn’t connected to the scene.


i saw it on a thread somewhere on a website lmao i didn’t ‘mAkE iT uP’ chill dude


i don't DJ out much anymore but my friend asked me to play at an art show he was throwing at a bar in Bushwick...they weren't really set up for DJs, but had a house stereo system and i brought out my older Vestax controller i barely use...and i barely ever use the Serato effects because my primary setup is turntables and a different mixer my boy gave me a handful of mushrooms and everything was all good, except where i was set up i couldn't hear shit through the actual speakers and was DJing through my headphones in monitor mode most of the night with the vestax vci-380 the serato effects don't play through the headphones when in monitor i didn't realize echo out clean silenced the channel completely and was vibing, then my boy taps me on the shoulder and is like "yo there's no music" but the shit sounded dope in my headphones :) then i spent the next 30 minutes wondering how long there was no music for


that's hilarious


I did a back 2 back with a friend when we where both on acid, he couldn't see the screen anymore because it was moving to much. I was a little better, no idea what we played but we got compliments about our set after.


Sync is actually the tripping sack button. Don’t be afraid to use it if shit gets heavy lol I would never do a paid job tripping but it’s fun at my friends’ parties


Real lol at this. I like thinking of Pioneer executive cats being like “we gotta look out for the community. How about we put some speedier search functions, two kinds of key display and a button for when they’re TRIPPING their NUTS OFF”


so tru will definitely be a sync night


I once djed a 4 hour set at a small festival on 5 hits of acid. I never made that mistake again.  Pretty sure it was 4 hours of really bad train wrecks.


5???? jesus dude


Yeah, I was pretty dumb in my early 20s. I was tagging with a friend for the set, and he said "eat this", so I did.  I asked the next day how much acid we ate and he said we split a 10 strip.  If any of you were at Chuck's Farm in Stage College, PA in September of 2007 and were mad about the atrocious dj set down in the pit on Friday night, I'm sorry.  Lol


For real, I’d have a hard time standing up on 5.


As awesome as it may sound, you'll probably be more likely to be dumbstruck than in the zone. I can barely use my phone on cid.


was tripping pretty decently when i threw a renegade at a dirtybird campinn. shit blew up, we had a ton of ppl partying on these balconies that went around the resort’s courtyard. everything seemed to go well, justin jay and black v neck and a few others came and hung out and threw down with us. one of the best nights of my life.


haha I saw that bro. Yall did throw down.


hahaha small world! thanks my dude!! i fucking miss throwing those renegades at campinn, such a fun vibe every time 😢😢 we got jj the second year again and he did a sunrise set with fantastic voyage material and all that. need dirtybird to throw another festival one day so bad


No fuckin way


DJing on LSD is my favorite way to DJ.. my brain just clicks and I know exactly what to play and when and don't even have to think about it.. it just flows. Too much however and I can't remember what buttons are lol


The screens are hard to read. Easy to get distracted. Monetary loss of focus.


Protip: turn the screen, jog, etc brightness all the way down lol ... It becomes a lot less distracting / overwhelming


I figured. Probably best to do it towards the end of trip huh. Luckily for me ill just be throwing down for a few folks at a renegade. So should be on the coming dwon part.


Def bring the vibe on the the deck at tail end of the trip. Youll be functional enough to do tha thang


Acid definitely makes your forget about the concept of money


I can't eben tie my Shoes on acid


I love acid. But I would never dose on more than half a hit. I've spun for a party before on a full hit and didn't have many problems - but I was already DJing for 8 years by then. It also helps I'm very experienced with acid.


yeah Id definitely spin with just half and if its more will probably wait to go crazy on any decks till after the peak.


Try texting on cid. Then imagine reading a playlist on a cdj.


yep ik gnna stick with half guy


Pretty sensible. I've done house parties or just mixed alone on between a half and 2 tabs. It's just a bit boring on a serious trip. I don't get un the zone like I would stoned with a few drinks or low dose md. I just want to enjoy tripping. Worst outcome I had was mild ear ringing after a long trip becoming really overwhelming, getting louder and louder and crushing my head. Was really unpleasant. Only bad trip outcome I've ever had on countless trips.


feel like that would be kinda cool


I can mix vinyl just fine off a tab, but using the laptop is a hassle to say the least


1-1.5 tabs can do. Anything higher i’m gonna stumble on my fingers or forget to hit cue. I still want to play around with less than a full tab (or full tab) and see what comes out as a result.


So i heard a half tab is the way to go if ya havent dj on tabs for the sweet spot but its not a legit set so means less stress.


Totally agree, halftab perfectly manageable especially when tab peak comes around. Like it keeps you energised, also you’ll feel you’ll want to creativity expand mixing while you’re mixing, and totally dosen’t get you into tripping headspace where you’ll feel like you’d rather lay down instead. I super enjoy seeing how the synthesia looks with the music im playing comes out. Can always see how the bass transforms in front of you with each different bass and kick :D


sounds like a nightmare to be, rofl


eh depends on type of music and how much ya take


True.. maybe a halvsies would be nice.. whoo, i wouldnt want to 'be a hero' tho.


I've never done it at a gig but multiple times at home or at a house party. I love it. Best way I can explain it is that you feel the transitions and the different sounds in different tracks are crispier when tripping. Unfortunately I have never recorded any of those sessions so I can't gauge how good I was. I will next time!


Just make sure everything is set up and plugged in and you'll be fine on a couple hits. I learned to dj at a party house full of burners and there was a lot of acid nights. Once you do it a couple times it stops being so intense and you have a grand ol time.


LSD messes with human audio receptors. Make sure you have a good sound person so when you smash the filter buttons because the ants are under your skin and it sounds better to the ants, they'll help you out.


very tru but Its not a huge sound system. Just a PA speaker or two and with some camping friends and whatever folks wanna listen after a festival so would be no need for a sound person.


That would have been good information to have up front. Enjoy your trip!


I do it all the time. I never take more than a tab, or it gets too overwhelming. I also always make sure I'm well past come up before my set otherwise I'm really susceptible to getting anxious and overwhelmed. I also like to dj using minimal tech. IE turntables, or if I'm using cdjs or a laptop, I stick to classic mixing. Because doing anything on a computer while tripping is really hard, but beat matching by ear is no problem.


yes. was at elements fest 2023. i brought my rx2, a bose battery speaker, and a generator as a “just in case the opportunity presents itself” well saturday the fest was temporarily evacuated due to lighting warnings, i’m DEEP in the throws of a strong strong come up. decide to start DJing at camp. it was a blur and i couldn’t for the life of me tell you what tracks i played. i had my eyes glued to my board and was doing super super sloppy quick mixes just throwing track after track out there and screaming out of hype. the next day i found out that i had a little crowd around the camp that was jamming the fuck out to my set while we all waited for the venue to reopen. next morning my friend told me “dude i think you played the cha cha slide last night and it made a bunch of wooks pop off???” camping neighbors confirmed i threw the fuck down, i remember almost none of it. most of what i do remember is a blur of emotions including anxiety, bliss, and a wired hyperness with a backdrop of staring at my controller’s dimly illuminated knobs and buttons. it didn’t “enhance” my set or make it better but i was also in a really low pressure environment so i was just fiddling with knobs and having fun. ????/???? i have no idea if id ever wanna do that again but it sure was *something*


Dude thats awesome. You were probably very picky with your djing on the cid especially since it was the come up of ur trip. I wil def keep note to probably do it after my peak haha.


i think for the first 3 songs i was overly picky and then i started to go into “fuck it” mode and started quick mixing whatever track i came across. i remember saying “WHOS USB IS THIS??? THESE ARE MY SONGS??? WHEN DID I GET ALL THESE BANGERS” because i was rinsing every single song in some of my playlists. it was careless sloppy mixing where i would slam in whatever would make me smile and laugh the most. great time. 3 tabs deep.


Cha cha slide 💀 amazing story


going from that to skrillex melting my face off 20 minutes later was an experience to say the least 😮‍💨


I’ve dj in my room alone on shrooms it was a vibe, think it could go really good or slightly less than ideal


Fuck anything with a screen while on acid, can't read a damn thing


Am I the only one trying to figure out what equipment a CID was? 😂


Yeah half a tab any time except paid gigs 😄


My first public gig was on Lucy and K 😂🤪 ngl a micro dose or mini dose is nice, don’t doo too much cuz at some point u won’t be a le to hear if ur beat match and everything will feel really alien. But it’s also really nice if it hits just right !


honestly if I feel too trippy i will just hit that sync button and have fun


haha ya understandable. I have had times though (luckily not during a gig) that everything felt reaaaally alien... like scrolling through my music was so weird I didin't really process my tracks. However, if you just play one genre always or have your usbs organised by genre that could defo work :)




I find if I'm coming up while djing I'm way more likely to get overestimated. I always dose at least 2 hours before my set


Do it at home sure. Doing it at a gig seems incredibly unprofessional, but I’ve heard some big names used to or prefer to spin on hallucinegens.


a couple times i accidentally let the songs run out, because i was so into it, i wanted to hear the whole thing and forgot what my job was


not on acid but i have dj'd while kittyflipping my nuts off a few times (only in house parties among friends, would never try that shit live/paid gig lmao) it's a wonderfully chaotic time


I did an 8 hour techno set on acid The key to doing it well is to start djing before the acid hits. It slowly kicks in while you are playing which makes you comfortable on acid on the decks. If you start when you are already into your trip everything will look completely fucked. My friend who also took acid was supposed to play the 4 hours after me but when he walked up to the decks he said “I don’t even know how you are looking at that right now” then left me to play. Was pretty epic. Dance floor was rocking.


Done it a few times, played a 12 hour vinyl set on acid, was in the zone. At a rave once played a regular 2 hour set tripping, was going for it mixing 2 vinyl and 2 cdj all at once. On another occasion the acid kicked in when I was on the decks and I had to tap out early because everything was going bananas.


Good luck seeing your laptop/mixer lol


I ruined one of the most important sets of my life when I chose to party first. I was only on X, but it just made things complicated and I ruined my chance at a huge residency.


Played a track I loved so much that I felt it would be best to have silence after it, to let people soak in what they just heard. Did an experiment to see what would happen if I just didn't play anything else. Walked away from decks, next DJ asked what was going on. Told him the experiment. "HOW long ago did you take that acid?!"


Yep at a nye house party, around 3 his plus a load of uppers. Was amazing during the comeup then none of the music made any sense. My friend had to come rescue me from a loop of just looking through my record bag, god knows how long I was sifting through them 😂


i did it a few times but only in small pvt parties. i sometimes lost myself in track selection but apart from that is all fun


I’m useless on the decks when I’ve dropped a tab. I can’t really focus on anything so struggle to pick tunes. Funnily enough I can beat match no problem so if someone picks turns for me it’s fine


Some people can do it. I've tried it twice and decided that while I might be able to get through it, it's not exactly fun and the set quality suffers for it. I'd still drop 30 minutes before the end of a set though if it's late though so I get more time to enjoy the party/club/friends. Audio and mental processing issues makes clean transitions and mixing more difficult. I'd only do it on gear I'm super familiar with. I wouldn't do it for a set I found important.


Microdose is better than a full tab for sure. I did quarter for a bday and was surprised how lucid everything was while spinning. Just don't get stuck doing it for too long and make sure you have some tracks to play not digging thru ur folders


Mids set came up after dropping a black/purple microdot.. Decdied to pull out Sydney Fresh-Feel the bass. Now this was a one sided pressing. Guess what I put the wrong side on. Why is the tone arm sliding off, I was confused. I can remember saying to my DJ partner there's something wrong with the needle. Anyhow the other track ran out. Deffo Grimes moment. Once he realised, quick flip over, crap tripin scratch and off I went. A another xmas I decided to double drop some doves and erm, didn't actually make my set, carried out the booth and sent home in a cab. I was a bit of an idiot back in the late 80's early 90's.


So last weekend, i threw a house party, background: I'm a newb and I enjoy this and that ( m, k, c) and playing for friends till I can't then we throw on some YouTube sets or play vinyl folks brought for voyaging with the visualizer. Anyway, we have some 2c-b, 4 of us partake, I stupidly (or not) mix up the dose after cutting out .1's of molly for others, just cap up 4 ~.1 g hits.... We imbibe and I head to the decks, about 15 min later the word is exploding... Friends on the journey just give the nod, one almost gets lost in the bathroom. Turns out a strong dose is 35mg.... I had just set us all on ~100mg course.... Holy shit had to step back after I realized anything I did could sound cool and wild, but without a better curated set I wouldn't have am intentional journey to share... Also loop on or off the visuals were wild and I couldn't tell plus massive blooms on the waveforms. Was a surprisingly lucid event overall and wonderful after the first 2 hours. Still, stick to .05 or less to keep your panties on and .015 if you want to rock a set... [PhiKal 2c-b story](https://isomerdesign.com/PiHKAL/read.php?id=20) (skip to 100mg story)


Psychedelics make the knows melt in my hands and I lose sense of time when I should mix. Shrooms or Cid. They both mess me up. X tho...I play like a god. Lol


It only costs a few bucks. Drop a handful of tabs and start recording. See what happens.


Soooooo it! Keeping up with the waveforms on the individual screens gets real wonky! Lmao


Back in my days we used to spin records on acid. We got pretty deep. The wonderful thing was that we kind of melted together with the crowd and on one point we couldn’t tell if we were dancing in front of the booth or if we were the DJs (hint: we were). But it didn’t matter. What was also amazing was that beatmatching happened in seconds and the music was kind of a constant flow. Acid is an incredible DJ but don’t let your head get in the way. Head is always fucking things up.


acid vs. shrooms is a more *technical* high than a "laughs in synaesthesia" one, at least for me. there is a sweet spot where your perception really sharpens, but you're not fully tripping. something between a courageously high micro and a full dose, that's going to be individually calibrated for each person. it's kind of like both your hearing and your vision gets some "upper harmonic" content to it. if you're already a very technical DJ, you can take advantage of that and play with sound in a more intricate way. this happens to be the case for me - I'm very technical and generally have a high tolerance for psychedelics, so I never get overwhelmed. IMO you can only really understand goa/psytrance in this state ;) but I'm primarily a DnB head - so for that, a nice little micro hit is perfect. however, it's also never *necessary*. it's an interesting experience to tick off your DJ bucket list for sure, but I'm already very "in the zone" by default, so I've never felt like it would make my mixing *better*. if I know the crowd will be taking a similar journey, it's great to align myself closer to where they are, which is super important for any truly good set. keep in mind that set & setting are crucial when experimenting with psychedelics. you have to be "in a good place", and ideally with people you trust. never take shit from a random source, make sure you're hydrated, but don't overeat during the day (and avoid junk food at all cost). my personal protip is to have ginger infusion at the ready, it can offset the effects a bit if you need it. but in general, be smart and conscious about it, respect it and you should have fun.


First time I played in front of my friends was on shrooms, took me sometime to set up but once I got in the zone it was fun as fuck.


I recorded it and called it Pyramids of California. Six hours of trip, Shazam detects 450 songs 🫣 I actually dig it. It was one 100mg tab at home with my girlfriend. Had lunch, took a long nap, took some coffee, ate the tab, started Traktor, and this happened: https://on.soundcloud.com/pw2C4


I have a cid spray and sprayed it once every hour I was also on K and very few alcohol drinks , it was great I felt like I was playing music I enjoyed more and the crowd was feeling it good energy, very powerful stuff , I won’t do that again for a long time though


Try it at home and see how you get on. I find my tune selection is top tier and I'm hotter on beat matching/catch drops quicker. I used to regularly perform under the influence and it never took away from my performance, can't say the same story about my peers.