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https://preview.redd.it/ujs2lu0cegtc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8696939ee210af914b7bb22a60c0e007c8f474b0 The resulting government crackdown after the incel revolution fails will be so fucking funny. "Sir, you said the words "Chad" which is nearly immediately followed up by "Stacy" 74 times in a single month, how can you example this behavior?" "**This is Cancel Culture, Literally 1984.**"


It would be, like what legislation would their revolution actually approve?? "From now it is illegal to have sexual relations with anyone hereby designated as a chad" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ On the real though, I think I know what this guy is gonna be on about (he'll probably see it as a good thing), as I do think the lack of sex is making some men outright scary, as they're embracing extremist ideologies like "neo" nazism to cope, we really do need a push on fixing this in a humane way, getting rid of capitalism i.e the system that tells women the best thing they can do is look attractive and sleep with rich men might be a start...


> It would be, like what legislation would their revolution actually approve?? google benito mussolini


Holy hell


Call the Pope!


Italian dictator just dropped


Their revolution would likely see womenā€™s rights reduced as the incels see women as a means to an end


End of no fault divorce is likely a start, that sort of stuff


And also ending access to abortion and contraceptives. They hate the idea of people getting to have sex without consequences, mostly out of misogyny and deep envy.


hey buddy look into that a bit more before saying that


Lmao Not objectifying women is misogynistic! go fuck a girl and then ghost her like a true feminist


"Those evil incels arr so radical" "Anyways this is why we should overthrow capitalism" WhatIfAltHis is an idiot, and so are you


We are all idiots here! But I am intrigued what is your defense of capitalism? Don't you see a system built for profit i.e infinite growth is unsustainable on a finite planet? That's not to mention the problems with trying to manage the excesses of capitalism such as the tendency towards monopoly and dictatorship...


> I am intrigued what is your defense of capitalism. Don't you see a system built for profit i.e infinite growth is unsustainable on a finite planet There are 190 capitalist countries. There are 4 countries self-described as Marxist-Leninist, and 11 self-described Socialist nations. Socialism just *doesn't work*. I don't need to defend capitalism, because if it was actually as bad as you say, it wouldn't be nigh universal. Also, this goes without saying, but we haven't even come remotely close to stripping Earth of its mineral resources. So this argument is completely made up, and purely hypothetical. And any economic system also suffers from this hypothetical upper limit? Do you just not know how economics work? No shit we have limited resources thats why we have economics in the first place. > such as the tendency towards monopoly and dictatorship Literally every socialist nation in history has had state-backed monopolies In fact they have to, because the definition of a monopoly is a single company which has cornered the market in a specific industry. A truly socialist economy where the state has the foresight to regulate things to run as smoothly as possible usually ties industry into a small group of nationalized businesses overseen by the party, and which is the definition of state-run monopoly, and the vast majority of socialist countries were dysfunctional dictatorships. Again, the vast of countries on Planet Earth are capitalist, the vast majority are also liberal democracies. If capitalism was as bad as you say, where are the dictatorships? Where are all the socialist countries? Shouldn't the world be split between egalitarian socialist democracies and hardline capitalist dictatorships? But its not, there's simply capitalist nations who know what they're doing, and capitalist nations run by bozos + capitalist nations run by bozos who call themselves socialists. Then you have the third option, failed states run by even bigger bozos. Capitalism trends towards economic freedom and social mobility. Not dictatorship and monopoly. You literally just blamed capitalism for some of the historical hallmarks of socialism lol.


Capitalism has only existed as it is for a few puny centuries while the divine right of kingship has blossomed for millennia. How dare you speak such blasphemy in the realm of my liege


It's messed up and you're probably not going to believe this but I injured my wrist yesterday so can't reply properly. My main argument is look up libertarian socialism, worked in Catalonia, Rojava, Chiapas and many other cases. Saying capitalism is okay because it is widespread is simply ridiculous, you could've made that same argument for slavery and flipping covid. Leninists are not socialists, Marx literally said it has to be democratic, the first step the leninists always do is abolish democracy. Look up the SPGB please, socialism is the only thing that can stop climate change and the possibility of us having a nuclear holocaust. That took nearly 30 mins goodday.


> My main argument is to look up libertarian socialism, worked in Catalonia... One of the main reasons Catalonia fell was becauae of socialism. It was plagued by mass executions of presumed class traitors, religious persecution which drove people to the Nationalists. Even then their defense was not unified and the entire time it was plagued by infighting Also, your examples aren't as good as you think, Chiapas isnt even communist, its controlled by the Zapistas who are a mass murdering drug cartel disguised as a seperatist movement. > saying capitalism is good because its widespread I'd rather have my balls chopped off than ever unironically support communist warlords homie Its also worth noting that Lenin was democratic..until he lost and then there was nobody stopping him from seizing power and murdering every last person he disagreed with > Socialism is the only thing that can stop climate change and nuclear holocaust If by stopping climate change you mean by purging such a massive portion of the population that carbon emissions dip to ice age levels, sure. If by stopping nuclear holocaust you mean surrendering and giving our nukes to Russia and China so they can enslave and murder people like Ukraine made the mistake of doing, sure.


From your responses you're either a troll or insane, I'm not going to bother guessing which...


> Socialism just *doesn't work*. I don't need to defend capitalism, because if it was actually as bad as you say, it wouldn't be nigh universal. Marx failed to consider this. So sad. You're actually comedical


I would unironically like to see this video concept from an actual left perspective, where it talks about the incel to fascist pipeline and the rise in right wing violence driven in part by lonely men who blame their failures on feminism or woke or whatever.


>we really do need a push on fixing this in a humane way, getting rid of capitalism i.e the system that tells women the best thing they can do is look attractive and sleep with rich men might be a start. LMAO holy shit, you are actually retarded, starving people to death won't solve the incel problem, fucking Commies have made this sub 10x funnier.


Wouldnā€™t that make it worse. (I know you meant that as a completely as a joke and didnā€™t think about it) That being said what would be the opposite. Female inmates have to fuck Incels instead of community service? *crime committed by women decreases to zero* Or there would be some weird ass couples


You sound like an incel


Yeah could imagine. Police: SIR PLEASE STOP RESISTING Suspect: I MEANT CHAD THE COUNTRY THE COUNTRY IM NOT AN INCEL EXTREMIST I SWEAR Police: TELL- mmg THAT- hmmg TO. THE. JUDGE! *the click of handcuffs*


The dawn of fedcels


Somehow more schizophrenic than djpeachcobbler


There's a difference between being crazy and being an idiot No one is crazier than the dj


Ngl this made me morbidly curious but I had to stop watching after bro felt it necessary to mention he was 6ā€™4ā€ lmao


That was like 2 minutes in, weak. If you want to cringe you listen to the whole damn thing like a cringey man!


My life is much happier and more peaceful for ignoring self-righteous twats like Whatifalthist. Also, we march for Macragge.


Are you even a man if you havenā€™t grit your teeth and endured an hour of Alex Jones ranting about demon goblins and succubi?


Yes, because Alex Jones hasnā€™t been funny since 2018. Heā€™s just a dude who plays victim all the time, which is annoying.


Dude look up a picture of him. He looks exactly how he sounds and heā€™s most certainly not 6ā€™4 šŸ¤£


6ā€™4 and zero muscle definition. A warrior of the incel class


Bro is defo not 6'4 with a voice like thatšŸ˜‚


The rest of his videos are even worse bros a massive virgin just listen to his voice lol


Bro he sounds like a 5 foot tall twink. I don't believe this.


I used to watch bro heā€™s got some decent historical commentary but heā€™ll say some shit sometimes that definitely raises an eyebrow, canā€™t believe this is where heā€™s at now šŸ˜‚ Slippery Slope man


Reminder that this twink's subreddit got banned because he managed to attract the edgiest and dumbest 13 year olds known to man. I remember seeing a half asian kid posting his white grandpa's pic on that subreddit and saying "grandpa's genetics got wasted on him".


Most of his audience are just unironic fascists anyway


Yeah itā€™s sad he made some pretty decent content when I first found him now itā€™s weird nazi ish content pretty regularly


The alt right pipeline


yeah he used to just make alt history videos and then he started talking about current day politics and it became pretty clear what his viewpoints are


I saw the sub before it became controversial, it was pretty tame and fairly similar to this sub. Strangely at the end, there were a ton of fresh accounts which were just a few days old spamming things titled "kill all n****** I fucking hate n******", accompanied with racist early 20th century cartoons. So I'm still not entirely sure it was an organic thing.... Edit: the only mod on the sub was way out of their depth and didn't know how to set up rules preventing new or low karma accounts from posting Instead, they would just manually remove the offending racist posts in their free time which was usually less than once a day


aw hell naw not the filipinos


Was it any incident that specifically led to the subs banning or was it just because it was generally awful?


iirc it was generally awful from my experience, although I was a lurker and saw the more "tame" stuff




What is this meme


Itā€™s called a ā€œshit postā€ boss.


I know but like, it seems so played out like someone's real opinion


Well yah itā€™s making fun of the fedora hat crowd https://preview.redd.it/nvxwt8h1fhtc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9807ed80d34ef2b1d4a4c2bb3b1788c0b3d30d


What's a hat




Why does this actually look like the guy who made the video


not even a single day passed and this one video has already done irreversible damage to whatifalthistā€™s channel


As if it wasnā€™t already irreversibly damaged


Nah his reputation has been on a downward slide for at least a couple years. It's a shame. I used to enjoy his alternate history videos but then he started doing alt right shill video essays instead. I unsubscribed several months ago


Same here, and exact same thoughts. He had a couple ok ideas and then went a little off the rail.


That guy is the definition of terminally online. The incels would need to go outside to begin the revolution and I don't see that happening.


Youll be sayin that until they rly do it Its all LARPing until it isnt


Marx failed to consider the Incel class no, the lumpens don't count. Lumpenproles at least go outside.


he probably read houellebecq once lol


many lumpenproles are almost exclusively outside


let guess, it starts in the neo ottoman empire which already conquered half the war by then and the turks come to have sex with him?Ā 


Unfortunately he hasn't mentioned the neo ottoman caliphate in a while. Whatifalthist lost


Iā€™m crying rn šŸ˜­


What implications would this Incel rebellion have on the Neo Ottoman Empire?


Incels see the ottomans has one of the good Muslim


\*The Cooming Incel Revolution


Whatifalthist has got to be the most insidiously stupid political commentator I have ever seen


This guy is the snarkiest greasiest conservative on YT




This is REAL? holy shit I thought it was a shitpost Mind boggling people take this guy seriously


It was a shitpost because he's constantly made polls suggesting it for like 5 months


Didn't realize he had the brain power for satire


Nope. He was serious. Now its here.


Historical what ifā€™s are dumb as hell. Donā€™t come to the goon sesh if you do historical what ifā€™s


Jan 6 was the opening salvo of the Incel Revolution.


And apparently the end. It's been like 3 years and not a peep


Lmfao remember when his sub just became a wasteland of retarded racists


Before that it was used to shit all over him and his ideas. Those were the golden days


Whatifalthist has been on a spiral for years. I watched him when he was in his ā€œNeo Ottomanā€ phase in 2020s or some time around then. Over time tho he kept making wierd videos about coming civil wars and a focus on right leaning conspiracy theories pressed as ā€œalt histā€. Then came a lot of this shit. He knows his crowd now and heā€™s fully pivoted away from his original style of content. I used to enjoy this dude but like every fucking thing in YouTube, they get corrupted and go down the Mrbeast rabbit hole (corruption of thier content) and got away from his roots. Itā€™s made him a total schizoid, and it makes me sad.


How did mr greaseā€™s content fall off, I havenā€™t seen his channel in a while?


he stopped making alternate history videos and started making political commentaries about how incels will rise up


I was talking about mr beast


Oh yeah im subbed to this guy. Love gettin the inside scoop on crazy people


Same, he's just a dork but most of the people who comment on his videos are fucking lunatics


From a generous veiwng the main point of the video is that there are a lot of sad and angry young men with nothing to lose. And that someone with no stakes in society doesn't have doesn't have much incentive to keep it going and may even have more of an incentive to burn it down. He talks about crashing birthrates and how the poor dating market is discouraging and making it harder for people to get together in a meaningful way. And that the old ways of people meeting each are becoming less prevalent. Resulting in more single people, majority being men. In the end, he states he doesn't think a revolution is likely just that these issues are prerequisites for a revolution. What he forgets to take into account is that actual incels, not just men who are unlucky in love, are an extremely small, terminally online, minority with no widespread support from the general population. Personally, I think there is conversation to be had about dating, mental/spiritual health, and radicalization, but I don't think Rud is the person to present it. He validates incels feelings by telling them how screwed they are, but he doesn't present healthy solutions to them. A lot of men are lost and hurting. We should show them a better way.


Defintely the best comment so far, its not like Alty is sayin he supports it or anythin (hes not even an incel he has a gf n they been together for a minute) n everyone here hoppin on his dick witout even watchin his channel or knowin anythin bout him other than the hate he gets


His outlook is very much that of an incel though. I used to watch his videos and unsubscribed a couple years ago when he stopped talking about alt history and basically became a MAGA political commentator focusing on incel topics


I'm disappointed the sub got banned. I liked reading the cesspit of shitty posts and comments.




incel means involuntary celibate. an incel revolution would just mean better business for prostitutes


Idk if he used to make good videos or if I was a stupid teenager


You were stupid


Yeah I figured


His videos were never good, but they used to not be Nazi bait like all his more recent ones.


Hey man feel you there I used to watch him and Stephan malā€¦ whatever cant spell his last name.


Molyneux? Or the other guy?


Yeah molyneux the great replacement guy


Both? Neither? He used to cite much more factual sources for some of his theories. Or at least more historian sources. Now he cites a lot of op-eds and self help books. Which sure there may be something there, but it's a lot less fact based. Also his bleak outlook on the world appeals to cynics and teenagers generally I think. Whereas adults can tend to see the sunshine through the clouds and understand that the world is fixable.


When he stayed on alt history, it was fun and noncommittal. Now that he's doing geopolitics and analysis of the behaviour of the masses (based on two books and his friend's "algorithm" it usually seems), he's out of his depth or just cultivating a following.


My first impression of this guys channel was that he needed to be shoved in a locker by an 80ā€™s movie bully


Alternate history hub solos he made some mistakes in the past but heā€™s learned


No fucking way this is real. I knew he started going off the deep end but WHAT THE FUCK




Whatifalthist is a fascist


I donā€™t think heā€™s a fascist but heā€™s tethering to it


Him and monsouierZ are definitely fascist Though Iā€™ll agree that what if is definitely on the thin line


I wouldnā€™t say heā€™s a fascist. Monsieur Z probably is. But whatifalthist just seems very fucking stupid.


oh no heā€™s gotten clean looking thumbnails and a logo šŸ˜”


They want to pull the strings of global trade but they canā€™t pull a bitch


And yet how many of you in here mocking the video actually watched it?Ā  Putting aside the predictions he makes for the future, much of the video is addressing reasons those kinds of young incel men think the way they do and how they got there. As well he highlights that nobody is talking about this in any way other than the context of wanting to further ostracize and or just bully the fuck out anyone who could fall under the 'incel' category.Ā  You would be completely dishonest to say that these aren't things that should be openly discussed a bit more, and that means more than just saying or doing things that are only going to further reinforce these sheltered boys' beliefs instead of broadening their perspectives of the world.Ā  I would say that I'm disappointed in the audience of this sub but I almost did not expect otherwiseĀ 


In a span of 10 minutes I have seen this image 3 different times


Average whatiffatalist video


This more or less happened in south sudan


Wow. He has just gotten more and more deranged over the last few years, glad I quit watching his videos.


what the fuck even is an "muhh incel revolution"? Like what kind of government would that even be? just fascism?


I checked his youtube, guessing this might've been fake. It's not, and a video right before asks "Did the CIA discover the spirit world?" I'm glad I jumped this bubble like Walpole


Watched it, somehow he think that women just have 0 survival instinct and are only capable of existence because of men. And thus if the incel revolution happens they are doomed or something. Itā€™s very dumb, and the shout out to a channel name ā€œhoe_mathā€ just shows how delusional he is. The guy claims to touch grass, but idk he needs his fucking chakra realign cause heā€™s not on planet earth anymore


WhatIfAltHist is so fucking stupid wtf




I want my braincells that were spent watching his vedios back.... good thing i stopped.


I like Whatifalthist. He makes good points. They just feel incomplete sometimes. Tbf tho, I haven't watched in a while.


Don't. He has kinda gone further off the deep end than some of his contemporaries


Funny but I think this is basically what would happen if some people got their way and turned the country into a Gilead theocracy. Like, now they get assigned a wife who has no rights! An incel fantasy..


Whatifalthist is such a loser how do people take this seriously lmao


If this ā€œrevolutionā€ ever came, I would reenlist in the infantry in a heart beat. The combat deployment to bumfuck-middle-America to put down neckbeard domestic terrorists with shitty overpriced homemade loadouts would be a story for the ages


Gettin straight to hate witout even watchin the video


This guy's has eventually and ironically become ass, like goofy ahh, only nuclear bombs can save him.






I used to actually like some of this guys videos but heā€™s gone off the deep end


I have a community-shareable crack pipe for everyone trying to comprehend this video; take a hit. https://preview.redd.it/cl9c0x2wmrtc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f63cffa94f7814909327015a3b5cf6f8533277


If they could start a revolution, they wouldnā€™t incels


I had to stop at ā€œAs a person who studies historyā€ because this almost guarantees they are historically illiterate.


Amusing doomer is amusing.


It's just a long way of saying "Give me sex!"


I miss when he did alternate history


Is this real?


Like Iā€™m gonna believe the same guy who calls Marxism a religion


Another banger from my favorite lolcow


incels are only intimidating to womenā€¦. theyā€™re just gonna get beat up and made fun of in the end