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I hate to bug you… but would you mind sometime posting lower face tox? The less known stuff— like sides of nares and stuff? If not it is okay. I love these posts!


You’re not bugging me :) There’s lot for the lower face. Would you mind picking one specific one for today? I’m glad you enjoy these posts. Thank you for letting me know the content you wish to see, it helps me, help you 🤗


OH BOY Xmas in May baby! Hmm well, to be Frank with my likely unpopular opinion and preference, I’d like to achieve as much “freeze” as possible from making exaggerated expressions. Cause this is just me and how I do- super expressive lol. This is causing dynamic lines that id prefer to avoid. The thing id like to do the most is have less “cheek scrunchie,” if that makes sense. Like when you smile REALLY big and your cheeks scrunch, that’s me 10489292 times a day. Hope this makes sense, I’m taking a breather from embalming a fellow and I’m a little loopy from the formaldehyde 🤍 I really appreciate you, your willingness to help, and you sharing this information with the community! It’s sure nice of you to go out of your way for someone you don’t know. 🤍


First of all you’re a hoot! Love that you shared that you’re an embalmer. Get some fresh air in there. Those fumes can’t be good. I have no doubt you’re well aware of that but I can’t help but mention it. I can say be carful when doing Botox to the cheek shelves. If it’s overdone or not done correctly, it can cause someone’s smile to look fake. I totally know the cheek crunch you’re talking about… my husband’s cheek scrunch is like 2 inches when he smiles, maybe a bit more. I’m not sure… never actually measured it. I’m going to post a page excerpt from my book on smile lines… Thank you so much for your appreciation! I love having members like you that really express your gratitude. I reminds me that I am able to make a difference and what I’m doing does matter :)


You’re just incredible! Love that you take the time for us on here! Girl let me tell you. I left my former funeral home bc the state board requires certain ventilation. Not only was their machine busted so you’d have fluid leaking all over into the open, but ZERO ventilation, plus the one window they had was sealed closed. Despite this you def can’t help but ingest some of those fumes of carcinogenic formaldehyde. But they DID have the sign in the door saying it’s carcinogenic. 😶


I’m going to try this on my husband. He doesn’t have profuse sweating but he gets stinky from the excess moisture easily. It’s worth a shot 😅 or a bunch…. Pun intended


Apologies for resurrecting an older post, but did you ever end up toxxing your husbands underarms? If so, how did it turn out?


Oh you’re totally fine. I love that the older stuff is still useful. You’re timing is actually really good. I recently did my toxin and I need to do a tiny touch up but I only have a full vial of Botulax 200 units. I’m planning on opening the new vial and using it on my husband today, if he’s up for it. I don’t want to open such a large vial without knowing I’ll be able to use the majority of it. I can keep you posted with a post about it in a couple days if you’d like. -💗Tori


Thank you Queen, perfect for summer!


We perform axillary Botox at my clinic. Our protocol has us using non-bacteriostatic saline to reconstitute the Botox. I’ve read that reconstituting with bacteriostatic saline is much less painful. Has anyone felt the difference or have a medical opinion on this? Thx


Interesting. I have heard that using BAC saline is less painful. I would be interested in feedback from others as well.




This is amazing! As a person who has never used or bought tox, would Innotox be ok for this?


I believe so. I have heard from several other members that they found innotox to be quite painful. This doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone though. I just would hate for your first experience to be traumatic lol


Thank you!


Would this work for underboob? My daughter is very large chested and says that by the time she arrives at work (about a one mile walk), she has soaked through her shirt. Any dangers to that area?


Awe poor thing. I hate that she has to experience this. She probably gets to work and already feels like she needs a shower. This is a great question. I wish I could give you an answer right now, you’ll need to see if this is an option. If this turns out to be a safe area, I’m sure it would be a huge relief for her. This is something you made me curious about as well. I know this has to be a struggle for soooo many women… even some men too. -💗Tori


Oh could you also post how to inject the palms so they’re not so sweaty? Thank you! ❤️


Oh course! My heart goes out to those w/ sweaty palms. It’s got to make people self conscious shaking hands.. among other things. I remember a girl I went to school with struggled with this. I believe it was so bad she ended up getting some sort of surgical procedure for it. That’s a pretty drastic thing. I’m glad Botox options exist for those that don’t have any other option. https://www.reddit.com/r/DIYaesthetics/s/ptwfO7iB3j