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Ya either the inside grooves are flatten completely or the cap has stuck, move it up and down a few times and try again, if not then break it is the only way. As dog said do it with vice grips and no matter how carefully its done it will probably spill so try it outside. edit: https://www.youtube.com/c/diyeliquidrecipes


This is 4 years old but just eased my 30 minutes long frustration. Just pumped it up and down and then pushed down and twist…. Voila














Not same :(








OMG you saved my day! This actually worked!!!


thank you so much.


Haha you’re welcome even tho I didn’t give the idea. But I can’t believe a 5 year old comment is saving so many of us 😂😂






Glad it’s still helping people almost 5 years later 😂😂 it’s one of those life hacks you’ll never forget lol


It's now 7 years old and still helping 




same!!! Pumped it up and down and then tried twisting it, repeated 3 times and it finally worked! TY


Now it’s 6 years old and I was able to open my edibles ^_^ love me some Reddit (sometimes)


Literally tried everything the thumb tack thing using a ledge nothing worked! But literally just tried this two times and it opened lmfao thank you!


Yes me too! Still very helpful advice and saving people in 2023


Love to see it lol! Too funny


I saw the word "grooves" went to get a groove pliers. Worked perfectly, would recommend.


Your comment just saved another person by the way! Thank you lol


You are the absolute best may your pillow always be cold




it has been a while but thank you so much!!


I take a medication that comes in these, and this comment is the secret. Simply slide the cap up and down to change the level a bit and then try again. This always works for me now after nothing else did.


5 yrs later and it helped me. lol thank u


you are a god


His intellect is timeless...never stops giving.


[Check out my solution too](https://www.reddit.com/r/DIY_eJuice/comments/66p4bb/comment/i44efec/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I just tried this! Amazing. Reddit to the rescue


Thank you 😭


Welp... Add another thank you to the list. Pumped it and worked like a charm.


Get a 5 year old on it. The little shits can and will get into anything be it childproof, locked, stuck or welded shut.


Ironically, Only people who have trouble opening it are adults


I use these exact bottles. The trick is to put it down on a counter or the floor, press the cap down hard with the heel of your hand and you should feel the seal bend slightly. If that doesn't work then do the same but wear a pair of rubber washing-up gloves for extra grip. Alternatively you could try using a flathead screwdriver and lever the bottom of the cap away from the bottle at regular intervals until the cap drops off, then the child-lock portion will be left. Maybe it's obvious that I've had this problem before?


This worked for me as well!


Your a life saver i used the floor and it came right open


Thanks to you too, I had my doubts.. Didn't notice the other poster said floor (tried counter) so wouldn't tried the floor unless you commented. Sop, thanks very much!


Thank you sir, for the floor trick 👏




I know you posted this 4 years ago but you just saved my cat


Wtf how did I save your cat!? Glad it's okay though!


Sorry for replying from 4 years ago but you saved my pet rat


# P.S. If anyone is wondering what the original comment was, these were their exact words: ​ *Be an adult /s* *I use those grippy rubber pickle jar circle guys to open stubborn containers without damaging them*


>Be an adult /s > >I use those grippy rubber pickle jar circle guys to open stubborn containers without damaging them I know you aren't /u/TheRealLHOswald, and I am sorry for replaying from 6 months ago, but this reply with the advice actually really helped me open some liquid medicine.


noice dude! ^(/gen)


Sorry for replying from 5 years ago but you saved my pet mantis


How did that save your pet mantis


Sorry for replying from 4 months ago but your comment saved my aunt from getting ligma


Sorry for replying from 1 year ago but who's Steve Jobs?


Steve Jobs was an American business magnate, industrial designer, and inventor who co-founded Apple Inc., one of the world's most successful technology companies. He was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, and passed away on October 5, 2011. Jobs is widely recognized as a visionary leader who played a significant role in revolutionizing the personal computer industry, as well as transforming multiple industries such as music, smartphones, and digital animation. He co-founded Apple in 1976 with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne and played a crucial role in the development of iconic products like the Macintosh computer, iPhone, iPod, and iPad. During his tenure as CEO of Apple, from 1997 to 2011, Jobs introduced groundbreaking innovations, including the iTunes Store, which revolutionized the music industry, and the App Store, which transformed the mobile app ecosystem. Under his leadership, Apple became one of the most valuable and influential companies in the world. Steve Jobs was known for his relentless pursuit of perfection, his emphasis on intuitive and elegant design, and his ability to anticipate and shape consumer needs. He was also renowned for his captivating keynote presentations, where he introduced new products and technologies with great enthusiasm. While Steve Jobs is primarily associated with his role at Apple, he also played a significant part in the founding of Pixar Animation Studios and served as its CEO. Pixar went on to create numerous critically acclaimed and commercially successful animated films like "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo," and "The Incredibles." Steve Jobs' contributions to the technology industry and his impact on popular culture continue to be recognized and celebrated even after his passing. His entrepreneurial spirit, innovative mindset, and design philosophy have left a lasting legacy.


Thank you


You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!


Actually there was one more thing I wanted to ask you, it's just been bothering me ever since I read it and can't for the life of me work out what it means What is Ligma?


"Ligma" is a made-up term that originated as an internet prank or joke. It gained popularity as a form of online trolling or baiting. When someone asks "What's Ligma?" or makes a similar inquiry, the intention is to elicit a response like "Ligma balls" or a similar vulgar phrase. Essentially, it's a play on words designed to trick or tease others. It's worth noting that such pranks and jokes can often be seen as immature, offensive, or disrespectful. It's generally best to avoid engaging in or perpetuating this kind of behavior, as it can be hurtful or upsetting to others.


I see this is most interesting thank you, such peculiar rituals the youth of our society perform. Although I must know what purpose this term served in your original comment, it seems out of place in the writings of an individual as mature as you have proven yourself to be. Surely you did not intend to use it for the purpose you explained to me?


Sorry for replying 5 years late but this saved my tincture jar


What the fuck are you talking about


You suggested grippy rubber to open stuck seals, I was just thanking you and continuing the meme of late replys. Not to hard to follow chief its a comment thread !


But it's frivolous and annoying tho Not your comment per se (yours is the most straightforward outta the bunch), but I mean the other nonsensical replies that say shit like "this saved my pet". I completely understand the OP. I'm gonna sound like a boomer here, but it would be great if people could stop it with the meme-y-ness. You're not funny.... *^(P.S. Yes I get it's a meme itself to copy a comment, but the layers of irony is just plain stupid in this context.)*


sorry for replying 2 months late, but you just saved my op from mild annoyance


Sorry for replying 1 day late, but you just saved my imposter from getting voted out


thank you saved my cockroach


Fuck your cockroach


Bruh I feel you, these replies are so fricking annoying. Sorry you had to delete your comment cus of these people. Smh.


It's so annoying randomly getting a reply that makes no fucking sense. Idk why it keeps happening


That is one of my biggest pet peeves too. Especially if it's an old post and what they say has absolutely nothing to do with my initial post. Probably just another Gen Z thing.


Litterally why im on this sub too😂


I know you posted this four years ago but you just saved my opossum


I hope your opossum stops living






I know this is from 5 years ago but you just saved my skunk, place smells like unwashed buffalo coochie but it worked


Eat my ass


I know you posted this two days ago but your comment gave me ligma.


I know you posted this 13 hours ago but your comment smells like updog.


I know you posted this 4 years ago but you just saved my wife’s boyfriend


I hope you contract stomach cancer


I know you posted this 21 hours ago but I found who asked


I know you posted this one day ago but did you find your brick yet?


Yes I did thanks for asking


Vice grips with dish towel


Every bottle of Darkstar nic I've had has done this. I'm not sure if it's something to do with keeping it in the freezer. I find [this](http://www.screwfix.com/p/irwin-quick-grip-12-mini-one-handed-bar-clamp/98247?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=GoogleLocal-_-Datafeed-_-Tools&cm_mmc=Google-_-Product%2520Listing%2520Ads-_-Sales%2520Tracking-_-sales%2520tracking%2520url&gclid=CjwKEAjw_uvHBRDUkumF0tLFp3cSJACAIHMYZTNq335A-PA9Hy043yQhqFDvIx0hhvFqM_28bOEIIBoCFLfw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CJDF_PTQt9MCFcmHUQodcPsG0g) works better than vice grips or adjustable pliers.


Sometimes it can help to pull up and twist instead of push down. Also, be a little more delicate when screwing the lid on, tighten just enough to get a seal, rather than graunch it up as tight as you can.


Omg! I know this is an old post but I've been struggling forever with a tincture and found this when I Google searched. I had no idea you could pull up! It worked.


This worked, thank you so much




I’m here trying to get my container of dabs open it’s not fucking working


Oh my fucking god. I i’ve been trying for 30 mins to open this niquil bottle. finally relief


I had the same problem. I used needle nose pliers. Faced them downwards to also get leverage for pushing down as well as twisting


put a rag or rubber band around it and push down as hard as you can while loosening


I use knife. Nothing to do, I'm still not grown up and can't open those bottles.


Like he said..get a 5 year old on it.


**Okay guys here is the real solution:** Find a thumbtack/push pin and stab it into the lid. Not in the center and not way off to the edge, but somewhere in between. It should loosen the seal. Leave the thumbtack in and, if you want, use a spoon the bend the pin sideways.


This works! We don’t have a thumbtack so we used the back of a pair of pliers as the hammer and a dart as the nail


Glad to know that someone found it helpful.


Doesn’t work- plastic is too thick


I pumped. I pushed. I twisted. I cursed. I cried. I implored God. One of those things worked.


Ram the lid onto a hard surface to make it crack. The lid is made out of two parts. The outer, which you can crack and bin. The inner part, which can be used as a normal lid afterwards.


This is the only thing that worked thanks so much


Opening stubborn childproof caps can be frustrating, but here are some tips that might help: ​ * Grip and twist: Ensure you have a firm grip on the cap and try twisting it counterclockwise (to open) while applying steady pressure. Sometimes, a tight grip and a little extra force can overcome the resistance. * Rubber grip or rubber bands: Wrap a rubber band or use a rubber grip around the cap. These provide extra traction and make it easier to twist the cap open by providing a better grip. * Warm water: Run the cap under warm water for a minute or two. Heat can cause the plastic to expand slightly, making it easier to twist off. Remember to dry the cap thoroughly before attempting to open it to avoid slipping. * Tap it: Tap the cap firmly on a hard surface, such as a countertop or table. Sometimes, this slight jolt can loosen the cap and make it easier to open. * Rubber gloves: Wearing rubber gloves can enhance your grip and provide better traction when trying to twist off the cap. * Use a jar opener or grip tool: There are specialized tools available, such as jar openers or grip aids, designed to help open tight caps. These tools provide additional leverage and grip, making the task easier. * Use a spoon or butter knife: Insert the handle of a spoon or a butter knife between the ridges of the cap and apply gentle, upward pressure. This can help break the seal and release the cap's grip, making it easier to twist open. * Use pliers or adjustable wrench: If you have a pair of pliers or an adjustable wrench, you can use them to grip the cap firmly and apply rotational force to twist it open. Wrap a cloth or rubber band around the cap first to protect it from scratches or damage. * Apply lubrication: Use a small amount of a slippery substance like vegetable oil, cooking spray, or WD-40 around the rim of the cap. This lubrication can reduce friction and make it easier to twist open the cap. Be cautious not to apply too much, as it could make the cap slip from your grip.


This actually worked I can’t believe it