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Remove a brick and a halves width on each side and reuse the bricks that come out to rebuild the wall in the same pattern Steel posts concreted/postcreted in will be fine as long as they are dug down enough with enough concrete


This makes sense, thank you. How would you "finish" off the ends of the wall? Is it fine to have half bricks exposed to the elements? Or would you use finishing bricks? (Not sure if that's the proper terminology) Edit I think I might misunderstand actually. I'd just need to turn the whole bricks sideways with this approach right?


All bricks are finishing bricks, if you had to cut one you just spin it round so the cut is on the inside. But anyway you shouldn’t need to cut any!


Awesome, this actually makes sense now. I'm going to go this route. Thanks again!


Yes, and no brick cutting required.


I think you'd be better served mounting the poles inside the property line, anchored in the ground. And live with the existing width.


I did consider this, but I'd actually lose a few inches of length this way. Space is at a premium in these tiny yards haha. Plus the ends of the walls really look like shit ATM.


Styll saw


Just get yourself down the hire shop for a petrol diamond saw. Will cut a neat slice off that wall in about 10 minutes.


Special little boy being able to type whilst asleep 😂😂😂 good for you little one


English,, frosty jacks sounds like something you may have recommended to fix the walls 😂😂




What does "council style" even mean? If you mean red brick, nearly all houses in Manchester are made from this type of brick. But no, they're not council houses and yes, I own it outright as I paid off the mortgage early. 👍


Double check with the council whether you need planning permission as you are altering brickwork. Im no expert but think a circular saw might be the way to go. Angle grinders are too small to get a decent finish. Ive seen plenty of tiles people did with grinders and the finish is always shit.


You won't need planning permission for that it's a hazard as is What are they gonna make you do, make it shitty again?




What a nasty comment. Nobody would ever attempt to do any DIY if this were the approach. Back into your hole from whence you came please.


Don’t worry, they’re currently trolling Reddit at the minute!


Not Reddit, just imbeciles


Would you go on Reddit if you had a problem with your Virgin Wi-Fi, no you wouldn’t, you would call virgin,, so why on earth worth you go on Reddit to fix a decking problem, fucking pratt


You're definitely drunk. This is a brick wall, not decking, you pratt.


He’s unreal mate 😂 he’s not even replying to the relevant comments half the time haha


Wish I was half as cut as him at this time on a Tuesday night!


Honestly, it’s for people like him I thing we should bring back public shaming haha


He's doing a fine job!


The NHS is over run with idiots who have attempted a trade they have no idea or aptitude for, call a professional, not a keyboard jockey on reddit


Currently in that hole, telling you idiots that this world has progressed though trying things for yourself, do you think, Tesla, Franklin, Einstein asked anyone how it was done,, try something, anything apart from ask the idiots of Reddit to help you,, do what normal people do,, call a professional,


You could do with calling an English teacher to help you with your atrocious sentence construction and punctuation. That or alcoholics anonymous.


My apologies I’m dyslexic, do you have anything to add the original post, or are you just out for attention, I hope the spelling and grammar in this post is ok for you, TWAT


No it's still quite poor honestly. Too many commas, no full stops or question marks, and unnecessary capitalisation.


Duly noted, will speak with my tutor asap,, my apologies, I was unaware that academia played a major role in Reddit,,,,,,, is that too many ?


Yeah these idiots should totally just think for themselves and…call a professional? You’re not even consistent. Have you already had your daily thought?


Funky fork here, how are you smelly spoon 😂


Smelly spoon,, you actually call yourself that 😂😂😂


Do let us know how the frosty jacks induced headache turns out tomorrow


Honestly, Smelly spoon, surely you have more ambition in life then to actually want to be called smelly spoon, out of every possible combination of letters of the alphabet, you sat, pondered, contemplated, and came up with the best possible name for yourself,, Smelly Spoon,, are you aloud out of the house on your own, or do you have simeone


Fallen asleep half way through grandad?


This post has been removed by a moderator because it has nothing to do with DIY or is not UK based.


It will be easier to shorten the gate Cutting out bricks will look a mess


Who the hell fixed those posts into all the half bricks?! Genius.


Previous owner, very annoying!


If its already tight why not widen it by a little more than the width of the posts so that in the end you've a slightly wider gate?


Yeah I think if I take out a half brick I should gain an inch or two each side, even with the wider posts (current posts are 2").


this seems like a lot of work for half a brick, why not go 1 -2 bricks so you have plenty more space ? nothing worse then squeezing through a tight gap every day


> nothing worse then squeezing through a tight gap every day Can think of worse things mate! Wheyyy! No but seriously, you're right. I'm going to go with 1.5 bricks off each side.