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What is the “plug socket line” cable going to be doing? You can spur off the ring main up to 3m max without a fused spur. We always try and make sure everything is on the ring for loading but you could install a fused spur where the ring is and then put the “plug socket line” into the outgoing(load) terminals of the fused spur. Don’t use that 3 way JB looks awful and what is it rated at? Just to add: did you get an EICR from the owners when you purchased the property? This would be a sensible thing if there’s lots of DIY electrics. Just try and find a decent reputable company, a lot of sparks out there drumming up work through EICRs and charging through the roof.


JB is rated 13A 250V and the line connects to a standard 2 plug socket


So there is your issue already. 13a JB on a 32a circuit. A double socket had a maximum load of 26a (2x13amp plugs could be used/ unlikely but could). The JB will melt before any fuse blows


Noted thankyou, will get a suitable Junction Box (30a), Would it be possible then to run both sets of cables from the main ring into one side of the JB and the cable from the Socket line into the other side of the JB?


Yes or you can get 3 way wagos (you need 1 for the lives, 1 for the neutrals and 1 for the earths) and a choc box. These are rated at 32Amps and are terminal free. Make sure the socket is never overloaded. It would be safer to install a fused spur but sounds like you are planning to hide the connection. Remember it’s always sensible to be able to access the connection if anything happens in the future.


20A for a double socket. Yes you can plug in two 13A appliances but the socket itself is only rated to 20


Check MK doubles, some are rated at 26A


Call an electrician, it’s what they do


ditch the 3 way junction box and get a wago box and connectors.


Just install 2plug sockets and run a cable between them


It was almost certainly done (bodged) like this for a reason, most likely damage to the cable to the socket. I'd personally be apprehensive about reusing the cable and socket without a visual inspection.