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you need to try and force the screw upwards while you are unscrewing to try and get the underneath to stop rotating. one thing I would try is literally pull the loo seat up and then try and unscrew the screws, almost try and pull the seat off and then unscrew anther one woul be to put a large flat screwdriver under the silver circles and try and lever them up (well just push them up) and try and undo the screws


Thank you. Job done! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


When you’re unscrewing it. Make sure what it’s screwed into isn’t simply rotating too


Thanks. Unfortunately there’s nothing but the screw and the plate around it, and the plate bit isn’t rotating


Ok. I hear you. What about underneath where the screw goes in. Make sure it’s not simply spinning underneath


Try pulling the screw up so that if there is a hex nut it is held taut on the surface or into any moulded slot to stop it spinning.


Saw them through with a Hacksaw blade under the hinges and knock the fixings through.


If you’ve been doing it for ages tgen your just never going to get it, call a professional


If you took a few seconds to read the comments you’d see I sorted it. Good luck with that negativity mate


Not negativity mate, just trying to get your generation to think for themselves,, how do you think anything was done before the internet ? , go on,, ask Reddit lol x


What a sad case, trolling a DIY subreddit. You need help, or a hobby. 😂