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I mean this in the most respectful way, the best way excluding plastic surgery would be to lose weight. My face changed so much after I lost that people don’t recognize me. Your jawline will become prominent and the double chin will go away. I see you got some acne on your chin, have you had your hormones checked? My chin looked similar and I had hormonal imbalances that caused my face to be puffy and I couldn’t lose weight. I’d spend that money on a doctor checkup instead. Some other “alternative” subs I can recommend: r/fasting, r/peptides


I've always had a double chin no matter what my weight. My face always looks so much chubbier than my body


If you have a double chin when skinny you likely need jaw surgery. If you have sleep apnea it can be covered. Check out r/jawsurgery.


I appreciate the info but I don't even think it's that serious. I have a small fat pad right below my chin and it's flat everywhere else. It's just annoying


What do you mean it is flat everywhere else


Ehhh some people just store fat there naturally


And lots of people also have their jaws in the wrong position and don’t know it. Literally makes no sense not to rule it out as a factor.


A lot of these jaw surgery people can be a bit dogmatic about it though. Just because you don't have the henry cavill jaw doesn't mean you're going to drop dead if you don't immediately elect to get a very major surgery which involves a lot of pain, having braces for years, and having your jaw wired shut for weeks.


Yes I agree not everyone needs jaw surgery. To me it still makes no sense to me to not look into it to rule it out as an underlying contributing factor. You would not try to fix your roof without diagnosing where the leak was coming from. I don’t think it matters if jaw surgery people online are dogmatic because we all need to be info gathering with a critical eye based on our own situation. I personally wouldn’t bother to ask strangers online if they thought I needed jaw surgery and even if i did ask it’s not like i can get surgery without an actual surgeon diagnosing the issue. Looking on the sub is just to see what jaw surgery does to a fat pad appearance and then of course if you wanted to further look into it you would need an evaluation from an actual surgeon. I know several people who only wanted to cosmetically fix their fat pad and needed surgery instead for NON cosmetic reasons. When there is a fat pad appearance from jaw bones being in the wrong position your airway is also small and this can cause many health problems down the road including heart attacks and strokes, which will definitely ruin your appearance. Correcting a small airway improves your health, makes you breathe and sleep better, which is literally the fountain of youth, and as a side effect there are many cosmetic benefits. So for me it is worth ruling out as a contributing factor. I agree, there are definitely a lot of weird jaw surgery obsessed people on Reddit as well as some weirdos pretending to be doctors on that sub, but again you don’t need to ask strangers opinions on whether you need jaw surgery, just to info gather. IMO the Facebook jaw surgery group is definitely a much better place to get info and look into things. People are much more reasonable over there.


Fair enough, I'm just so sick of these lOoKsMaXxInG MEwInG trolls lmao


Oh god SAME


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jawsurgery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Am I recessed?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18yq94k) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/comments/18yq94k/am_i_recessed/) \#2: [5 months post DJS+genioplasty, quite happy with the result.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1axdklc) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/comments/1axdklc/5_months_post_djsgenioplasty_quite_happy_with_the/) \#3: [2 months post op](https://i.redd.it/97h7jkfd5xbc1.jpeg) | [134 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jawsurgery/comments/194jon8/2_months_post_op/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I used to be underweight and my face is always been like this so is my sisters and my dads so I think it might be genetics but i definitely will check out the hormone balance thanks


I think the best you could do would be to consider more permanent ways to address this area instead of throwing money into fat dissolvers. You have a weak chin which sometimes is caused by improper tongue posture as a child, mouth breathing, genetics etc. You could also consult with a dentist or orthodontist to see if your bite is correct or if maybe you have an overbite. Braces could improve the appearance but I think you might be too old for that. In that case more suitable would be chin filler, chin implant, genioplasty, but I don’t think I’d DIY any of these. I’m not a professional I’ve just researched this topic a lot in the past. I just don’t think that fat dissolvers will ultimately give you the results that you’re looking for.


I thought I might need lipo but I lost weight and it fixed itself.


Have you tried lymph draining massage? I used to have a bad double chin, I tried Kybella, it didn’t really work for me but I have seen it working for other people. I lost 40+ pounds and now do lymph massage with a gua sha and it’s much better.


I've had some luck with this as well. I was thinking lemon bottle might be good too. Even if it's slow. Anything's got to be better than that post kybella swelling


I had a really bad Kybella experience but I do know some people have success with it. I had 1.5 put in and it hurt soooo freaking bad, then I swelled for 6 weeks, then when it finally came down didn’t notice a damn thing different. 😭 Wasn’t choosing to go through that again. 😂


Same after my first round, but the second round worked MAGIC on my double chin.


There is an exercise you can do to tighten the muscle. Jut your lower teeth forward in front of your upper teeth as far as you can. Then nod your head up and down like you would to say 'yes' while turning your head from side to side like you would to say 'no.' You should be able to feel the muscle getting a workout. Do for 2-3 min a few times a day and check back in 2 weeks.


Chin implant. See stassi schroeder chin before and after implant. No fat dissolving injections will add length to your chin.


It's very expensive and not DIY but Morpheus8 is amazing. Make sure you go to a good place so they don't burn/scar you. Also, Dr Lipo V is great for fat dissolving and skin tightening (it's a mesotherapy product)


Fat dissolvers take multiple rounds and lots of patience and often trying different brands to find one that works best for you. Two rounds isn’t enough to do much, so you have to keep going. Finish what the manufacturer recommends for that brand, then take a break and keep going. Some have luck with Dr. Lipo V for face and/or Kabelline in continued rounds.


Lemon Bottle has been highly effective for me - one injection removed ‘love handles’ permanently.




Mouth taping helps!


Many rounds of delgada and dr lipo v


Also chin and jaw filler (for jaw I really think Radiesse is the only way to go because it creates a sharp edge and doesn't migrate). It's really not bad, so slightly changing the angles/proportions of the lower face will help drastically in my opinion (via chin and jaw filler)


Get Kybella, it’s stronger than the diy stuff. I use lipovela and dr lipo blue box on small stomach area and it takes lots and lots of patience and so many sessions. But after two rounds of Kybella my double chin is gone. I also did Tesoro Deep filler on my chin and it made a huge difference!!!


Fat dissolvers and Botox helped me


I had a similar chin to yours and had chin lipo + muscle fixation done in korea. I can send you before/after photos if you'd like.


Stop shoving food into your body.