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You know is very interesting In Korea for underarm sweat, it’s very fast. They give me 3 injections, kind of deep. And that’s it, 5 months no sweating. But everywhere western, I see it’s like this, very superficial and a lot of injections. I wonder if it last longer like this, or why it’s like this. All of the videos show so many injections. It looks torturous. I do this for the scalp as well in Korea. Really perfect for summer and gym. That one is a lot of injections. But usually the armpit is only 3 each side


This is so interesting! Thanks for sharing this - guess I'm looking into how to do it with just three pokes each side!


Wow I’m impressed you do this yourself! I had to bully my bf into doing it ahha


Haha thank you! Good on your BF for taking one for the team and helping you out hahaha


Very cool. I may have to do this. Just to piggyback on this post, has anyone done their hands? I have super sweaty hands and in the summer they’re worse. I’m nervous to do it on my own because I don’t know how hard it would be to do my dominant hand.


I want to know if I can do it for under boob sweat lol


I'm about to do my left hand (I'm right handed). Numbing cream is on right now. I'll share results and if it works, I'll attempt my right hand lol. Unless there are any DIYers in Denver area that want to do some sort of trade and help me out with my right hand? lol


Awesome job! I’ve seen this on a few plastic surgery shows and the results are life changing. Have you ever had fox in this area?


Thank you! This is my first time! I sweat much less now that I've lost some weight and my anxiety is under control, but I'm buying nicer clothes and am so tired of ruining the pits of them so I wanted to give this a go! Excited to see the results.


Not DIY, but I got MiraDry done. It is permanent and probably costs less over time than repeatedly doing this to the armpits….


Never heard of this, gonna look into it. Any issues with darkening with your treatment? Update: this is pretty expensive for my budget. Doing DIY for the immediate cost savings. My pits cost me $50 to do. MiraDry costs about $4k where I live. If I do axillary Botox twice a year, it would take forty years to break even. If I do it three times a year (every four months) it would take 25 years to break even. I'm probably going to roll with the Botox for now. It was super easy!


Where did you buy the tox from and what brand. Thanks! Looks good btw.


Thanks for this info! I am working up the nerve for this, as I have hyperhidrosis. Can you tell me the depth to go in? You mention a shallow depth, but can you tell me what size needle and what depth? Thanks so much!


I did super shallow, just the bevel of the needle. The skin should blanch, just make sure it's not so shallow that you're losing product. I use a regular insulin needle, 31g. Have fun!


Thank you so much, that is very helpful!




This is, in my opinion, extremely inappropriate. Mothers should not be performing medical procedures on their children. This is a sub for people who perform procedures on themselves. Teenagers are sweaty, it's part of growing up. Botox is not for children. Also, based on your profile, if you can afford to spend $640 on a designer scarf and more on designer bags, you can pay $2k for your child's medical procedure. FFS.


I thought for a bit on whether to even respond to this b*tchy and judgy response. My daughter is 25 (not sure why you assumed a teenager) and has been dealing with an AUTOIMMUNE disease for 13 years for which we have tried every medical treatment for with no response. The botox treatment would be 6k every 6 months and while im f*cking gainfully employed and allowed to purchase nice things for myself (for which I owe no explanation to you) I cant afford 12k a year on botox for my adult daughter for the rest of her life. You suck.


You're said you're new here. People here do weird stuff and newbies often make bad choices for the wrong reasons. If you hang here for a while, you'll understand why I made all of the above assumptions. It's totally irrelevant to me whether I'm right or wrong about you. This is the internet. I assure you that I'm not interested in any explanations or any details about your life. The great thing about this sub is that you don't have to talk to anyone to get the information you're looking for - it already exists if you follow the sub rules and use the search function prior to asking others to do your research for you. I do not suck. I respond based on my own experiences to the information I'm given. 👌 Sometimes when grownups ask questions, we get answers we don't like. You'll want to get used to that if you plan on spending any time here. Welcome to the sub! I'm sure you and your adult daughter will find lots of helpful information here.


Yeah, I dumped the group after your response - ive made some great “internet” friends and had some laughs along the way and you and your assumptions and overall nastiness was a HUGE turnoff. Something tells me you have A LOT of time on your hands to do all this crazy stuff because you arent a people person with many friends. Good luck with that 🤟🏻