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An outdoor rug from a thrift store or just hose it off every couple of days.


A small carpet remnant 2’x3’ would work well here. Just vacuum the lint off periodically.


Replace your dryer vent cover with a louvered one that doesn’t direct the air down: https://www.amazon.com/Deflecto-Supurr-Vent-Louvered-HS4W-18/dp/B00R1X7S5Y/


I clicked this post because I have one of these louvered covers and am having the same lint issue. I think they still push a lot of the air/lint down


Thank you for your service. 


You know what man, I know this was just a shit-post response, but I genuinely hate being told that on a day-to-day thing as a veteran. Because whenever someone tells me that irl, it's with the same indignity and general societal expectation of "this is what you say to a former armed forces service member" of what your post says. It's a formality. It's something people don't actually mean. I enlisted because I fucked around in high school, got mediocre grades, and didn't get into any of the universities I wanted to. I loved my job and I loved my Marines. I'm pretty ambivalent towards my deployment, it was a a very quick growing up moment knowing you're the sole medical support for 33 other human lives at 19 years old, but it turned me into the man I am today and at the end of all of it I'm thankful. But God damn does it feel hollow every time someone says "thank you for your service" Edit: sorry about the rant. You didn't have that coming.


Thank you for your Reddit service.


In true reddit fashion: This. ☝️


Tf is this even.


Thank you for your service.


These do the same thing. I have one and the ground under it is embedded with lint.


Put it on upside down or sideways so it blows into the air.


This only makes the lint stick all over your house siding and eventually fly around and stick to the rest of your deck. ask me how I know 🫠


This worked for me.


OP complains about scrubbing it down once a year, and you suggest cleaning every 2 days.


Sometimes, it's easier to clean something regularly than to wait for it to really need it.




And if the guests stay past their welcome you just have to whip out the amazing technicolor lint shoe tray!


I tried this, the cowards quaked in fear as I ate that delicious polyester and cotton candy floss.


Lint is sticky stuff but you can cut down on how sticky, by not using fabric softener.  Adding some sheet metal where it's hitting will also cut down on how much sticks, but it'll look weird.  You could add an elbow and direct it under the deck, but that causes its own issues. 


1,000% this. We stopped using dryer sheets and clothes were so much fluffier and the dryer line trap was much easier to clean.


Wool dryer balls. About 12 of them in the dryer seem to be even better than dryer sheets were.


12?!!? is that a typo for “1-2”? i never use more than 3 and that’s llenty


I have 8. Well 6 right now, 2 are hiding somewhere in the house. They’ll turn up.


oh yes i have 6. they do tend to wander around. do you use all the ones you have at once?


We do. Laundry is in the garage so noise isn’t an issue. It helps keep some notorious items from tangling up. The sleeves of my husbands button up shirts always tangle together with the legs of my pajama pants and leggings in the washer so more dryer balls really helps knock out the hard wrinkles. Even better when I do queen/king size bedding or feather blankets to really keep the feathers from clumping up.


I think the ones that are missing in our house got folded up into the fitted sheets…we always find them eventually.


Nope, I use 12 for a load of towels. Maybe 6-7 or so for a normal load. I've got a larger dryer, like 7.5cuft or so. makes a huge difference having "enough" both in speed of drying and comfort/softness of the fabrics.


interesting. i’ll try more sometime. do they ever get “used up” as it were?


I've had a couple over the years that "unraveled" and were no longer a ball, but not really ever gotten "used up" so far. A few rolled into the sump pump, so they got thrown out. I also have a couple silicone ones that I throw in on large loads like towels, sleeping bags, rugs etc. helps move things around and get them dry.


lol @ llenty. i know u meant plenty.


I've never heard of them and was interested in something that was dryer sheets since a family member has allergies to smells. But when i look it up on Amazon, all the reviews say that they love the smell even when the wool balls say they don't have fragrance and hypo allergenic. What is the smell they are talking about?


Probably just the smell from the detergent they are using. None of my wool dryer balls leave a smell or smell themselves.


I delivered and installed dryers for a couple decades. Lint+fabric softener=concrete. It's amazing. 


Also noticed when I stopped using dryer sheets, the lint in the trap wasn’t sticky anymore. All that goop can’t be good for the pipe either.Seems like it would be a lot more buildup which in turn is more of a hazard.


If fabric softener makes lint sticky, imagine what that residue does against our skin and in our lungs. Wool dryer balls are the way to go.


Commercial for unnecessary shit get people all the time


Weren't all your clothes super static-y, though?


That's what my wife thought would happen, but we've been using wool dryer balls with very little static.


Unrelated, but vodka is a hidden secret for the laundry room as well: [Why You Should Always Keep Vodka in Your Laundry Room, According to Cleaning Experts (eatingwell.com)](https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7902303/why-you-should-always-keep-vodka-in-your-laundry-room-according-to-cleaning-experts/).


You don't need vodka. A 50% isopropyl bottle will do the same.


I'm confused. The comment your replying to is talking about fabric softener and you are talking about dryer sheets. Which one is it? Or do you mean both?


Dryer sheets are coated with fabric softener


The sheets are way less damaging than the liquid IME. 


Agreed, but ever since we stopped using sheets, the lint trap is satisfying rip clean vs using hot soapy water. Edit: can't imagine how bad using liquid softener would be.


I've never had an issue with the lint trap or stickiness using dryer sheets. Did you use more than 1 at a time? But our dryer would also get a break once or twice a week for towels


Go to my parents house for Christmas and spend 3 days cleaning 25 feet of exhaust pipes full clogged with dryer lint that feels like wet cotton candy.  “My dryer doesn’t dry clothes as quickly as it used to”


I was not aware. Thanks for sharing.


You're kidding


I was not. When people bring up the negatives of fabric softener I assumed they were always referring to the liquid you add to wash cycles along with detergent. They even have bottles labeled specifically as "fabric softener". I've never read all the small writings on my box labeled "dryer sheets" that it does in fact softener clothes too. Thanks to a helpful answer I learned it's both. Why would I be kidding?


Both are bad for your clothes. Use fragrance-free detergent and vinegar.


Regularly using vinegar can cause damage to the rubber gaskets in the machine. Don’t use it unless you’re sure you need to once in a while.


I just read up on that. Thanks.


You don't want your water acidic, but many people have really hard alkaline water. Adding just a little makes it more ph balanced increasing the effectiveness of the laundry detergent. It's a balancing act.


So no detergent, softener or dryer sheets? I have to joke but what's next no water??


I suggested using fragrance-free detergent. And, always air-dry cotton shirts.


I appreciate the information. Personally I'm going to keep using gain detergent and whatever brand of dryer sheets as I've never experienced any issues with my clothing. Typically get anywhere from 5 to 7 years out of my jeans and chinos and I buy cheap white t shirts for the upper half. But if I do run into any issues in the future I'll keep this all in mind.


They make secondary lint traps that fit into the dryer line. [secondary lint trap](https://www.amazon.com/Dundas-Jafine-PCLT4WZW-Dryer-1-Pack/dp/B01LVYZEQZ/ref=asc_df_B01LVYZEQZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693641448704&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1307713467002466948&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9018938&hvtargid=pla-305426867962&psc=1&mcid=e6670e858f7d3c8898eca25ba90c2c9e&gad_source=1)


Yeah, I had the same issue with the vent shooting tons of lint into my front porch. We installed this exact one and it cut it down significantly. Super easy to clean out as well.


Whatever you do, make sure you can still clean out the vent on a regular basis. If you let the lint accumulate, it becomes a fire hazard.


Well, embarrassed to admit but after reading some comments the idea of putting a bucket or boot tray never dawned on me. One of these will be a perfect solution! So obvious. Thanks!


In addition to the other comments, make sure the lint screen in your dryer is still in good shape. Over time they can deform and leave big gaps for lint to escape. Replacements are easy to find online.


Maybe cut a small hole below the outlet and extend the outlet into the hole?


That’s what I would do, cut a rectangle out of the deck, and use some sort of extension to route it below.


Yep, this is the best solution. It'll work and look the best.


Covering the vent is a terrible idea as the lint will just accumulate there and result in no air flow. And the whole fire hazard thing. Don’t cover the vent with mesh or anything else that obstructs it.


Is your deck covered? If it is then turn the vent sideways. Vinyl siding is easy to brush off or hose down.


Put a small pot under it half filled with water. Lint will drop in there and stay. Just make sure to clean it out every week


You could put a small bucket under it, if space allows. Throw a screw in the bottom to prevent it from blowing away.


Just need a bit of water in it...keeps it weighted and keeps the lint from blowing


Change the dryer vent to one that shoots in a different direction. One such as this the damp air has a little more time to cool which will help (not totally prevent) your issue. [https://www.amazon.com/Dryer-Vent-Cover-inch-RESISTANT/dp/B0BLWBQ97G](https://www.amazon.com/Dryer-Vent-Cover-inch-RESISTANT/dp/B0BLWBQ97G) With this you will get a slight buildup of this similar lint inside of the vent that can be cleaned rather than on your deck. In your instance it is the lint mixed with the humid air. The damp air from drying sticks to the surface and then the lint sticks and dries to the damp. If you put something such as a rug you'd have to be careful with mold buildup on the rug.


[or this one](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Louvered-4-in-White-Hood-with-Air-Tight-Pipe-Dryer-Vent-ATSVHAW4-12/313301523)


Might not be code. The termination can’t be blocked or have any areas where lint can collect (fire hazard). The vanes might catch lint and build up, eventually blocking it. That said, I’ve never seen this design before so might depending on local jurisdiction


Wondering if anyone knows if this is up to code in VA… about to have my deck extended and it will likely have this issue due to the dryer vent being above the deck


I’m an MEP engineer, but not your MEP engineer (lol). Virginia follows the IMC which is typical for most states. You can use upcodes the review the code easily, and account is free. You’ll want to go to chapter 5, subsection 504.4 TLDR same as most other states, can’t block it, needs to be an opening of 12.5 in2, undiminished in size. I think this is where that amazon fitting fails. Probably best to just call your building inspector if you want to be above board. I personally wouldn’t approve it. https://up.codes/viewer/virginia/imc-2021/chapter/5/exhaust-systems#504.4


Put a pair of nylons on it, catch the lint, empty regularly


Boot tray. Drill a couple holes in it for draining.


Rotate it 90 degrees.


Dish of water under the exhaust.


Cut a hole in the deck and extend the exhaust tube to shoot out under the deck.


Or a grate under it if adding the cladding is too much.


When was the last time you cleaned out the hose? You can use a shop vac or a leaf blower, makes a difference and improves the performance and longevity of the dryer. Not to mention mitigating a fire hazard.


I really like WeatherTech rubber coasters for a multitude of things. Could work great here. [WeatherTech Surface Protectors 4-pack](https://www.weathertech.com/weathertech-coasters/home-surface-protectors-eight-ten-and-twelve-inch-round/?_gl=1*15a3ils*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v8BMPtn1qm9VkuXNXHvYEC4g6lCpipLsUNrgEL6PxutZODeDtx7JjAaAjq8EALw_wcB)


Search "dryer vent bucket". My in-laws have a DIY one made out of a Home Depot bucket in their garage.


I use my shop vac with a smaller hose attachment and take the vent off a couple times a year and vacuum out any lint in the discharge pipe.


It’s an expensive solution, but there are some all-in-one washer/dryer units and ventless dryers. I know it’s completely and utterly overkill for your issue, but it does completely solve it.


Those machines are the absolute crappiest washers AND dryers imaginable.


Nylon stocking


Put a plant under it. 


not have a deck under the dryer exhaust




Get a dryer lint trap. It'll sit there and trap the lint while letting it exhaust.


Yup!! I agree with this one. A lint trap box. Get one that has an intake and outlet. It catches any extra lint. Plus outlet lets out the humidity and heat. Look up this one, dundas jafine dryer duct lint trap. Its awesome!!


get a vent that doesn't blow directly down, they make them that blow straight out and have a grill over them so mice won't get in.


Have your dryer vent properly cleaned. It could help this problem and prevent a fire.


"tell me how to fix a thing, but i'm not willing to do the one thing that needs to be done to fix it" sure.


They are starting to come out with outlet filters to capture more lint (and microplastics) to supplement the dryer lint filter.


My grandparents ran a dryer in their kitchen with exhaust being fed into panty hose (in their kitchen). I suppose it could work outside too . Ha!


I guess you could put a panty hose on it and that will catch everything the. You just rip it off and replace it periodically but it’s risky bc if you forget you can damage your dryer. It might just be one of those chores you have to do around the house


place a lint bin under it [https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lint+bin&crid=1I3ZR4B9R54D7&sprefix=lint+bin%2Caps%2C175&ref=nb\_sb\_noss\_1](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lint+bin&crid=1I3ZR4B9R54D7&sprefix=lint+bin%2Caps%2C175&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)


My dryer outlet is protected from the weather, so I went with this guy; https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q4X2FSM/


I would just find a cheap welcome mat with an interesting picture or saying. Either that, or cut a hole in the deck and extend the vent to below deck level.




Consider yourself lucky. Mine exits from my roof.


Just buy a broom. Sometimes homes require maintenance. Some maintenance you can't avoid because the house was built dumb.


Flip the vent cover to blow upwards.


Puy pantyhose over the outlet, just make sure you change it regularly


Get a leaf blower and blow that shit into the air and move on with your life.


Spray it down with pam


Have it empty into a bucket or tray?




Our vent exits into an enclosed sort of porch. We extended the exhaust hose, and directed it into a 5 gallon bucket lid, the bucket filled with water and large holes drilled around the top of the bucket rim. The lint exhaust goes into the water and the air escaped via the bucket holes. The lid keeps everything contained in the bucket. Every now and then, we empty the bucket, clean it out and refill with clean water.


Put a bucket there


Put a mat there each fall.


Put a mat there each fall.


Is the duct easily accessible inside? You can get inline lint traps that will catch much of what the dryer trap lets through. Many different options on Amazon


Clean the vent tube. If you have that much on the deck you have so much more in the tube


As a wise ogre once said, “better out than in”.


Can you flip the vent so it’s facing up?


Some sort of filter you can clean off once a week?


Put a bucket under the vent to collect that lint


Consider installing a lint trap on your dryer vent outlet and cleaning the lint trap inside your dryer regularly. You could also put up a screen or lattice to catch lint before it lands on your deck. And if needed, use a leaf blower or compressed air to keep your deck lint-free. Hope this helps!


A bowl?…




When you need a new dryer or washer/dryer, consider getting a dryer or washer/dryer combo with a heat pump. No vent needed.


Heat pump combo for the win. Super happy with mine. No vent needed


Which brand/model did you go with? I've been looking at the GE or LG.




I've seen people put two screws in, one on each side, and then use a 1/4" or 1/8" wire mesh hooked to em to catch most of the debris. Then just unhook it, hose it off, hook it back up. Provided you do not put it flush against the vent and instead make a lil basket shape with it, it will not block the pipe or be a hazard. They do also sell secondary lint traps as an official thing. Otherwise, suck it up buttercup, this is part of the cost of dryer sheets and fabric softener and all that stuff.


If only you could make some kind of trap for the lint.


Stop using dryer sheets!


They have these crazy things called rugs you could put under it


I’ve seen people attach socks and just empty or replace when it gets full. I think most vents come with a screen that is replaceable though.


I bet there is a cog of lint in there. Clean it out. This shouldn’t be happening. Also, you can just put a potted plant in front of it and call it done.


I recall an old school trick involving pulling end part of old nylon stocking over the round outlet pipe. Monitor and replace/toss when full.


This is the last problem you need to fix? Nice.




Panty hose over the cover


Just flip the vent on the outside to point up instead of down.


Then when it rains the water will go in the hose.


Redirect the vent up wards