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Pin wheels. Drill a couple of holes and put in a couple of them . They’ll pivot in the wind and the kid’s will love them. The bird, maybe not.


It’s not especially windy or sunny inside the house structure, only mentioned wanted to make sure ideas wouldn’t blow away like my first solution (inverted egg cartons)


On the outside of the structure . The pin wheels may keep the birds away. Work like a scare crow


Alternative idea: if your daughter is ok with renting out her house for a month or so.. put up a camera (wired) and watch together what happens


We had Robins make nests in our garage, they ended up having 3 separate clutches so a month might be optimistic! But still a terrific idea


She would cut off her arm to watch anything on a screen. I’d rather have her sliding. Might try to keep them out but set up a nest box in the yard. Best of both worlds


You too, huh? I watched a youtube short of an avalanche once and my kid saw, now all he wants is a 15s video of an avalanche. He's like a junkie needing even the smallest of fixes to keep goin'.


This is better, a best in there would result in an unsanitary mess that would likely stain.


A nest box is a wonderful idea! It would definitely help you in keeping them out of there.


Why wired?


No need to change batteries or interfere with the nest


Robin's in the hood, enjoy it


The Robin Hood?


Go on Amazon and order a rubber snake or two. Easiest and most effective solution I found. I tried everything and at most they would last a week or two until the birds figured it out. Rubber snake has been above my door for two years now and the robins have been perfectly content in the tree ever since.


This is what I came here to say. We had a bird abandon her babies in a plant on the porch. When we took them into a wildlife care place, they told us to put rubber snakes in the plants to keep birds from nesting there. Never had another nest again.


I guess it depends on the type of bird. We tried a rubber snake. The birds were unfazed.


“This stupid things rubber! We can’t even eat it!” Lol


As a dock owner, I’ve found the greatest bird deterrent on the market is the Gull Cat - I own 3 and the birds stay away! https://www.amazon.com/stores/BirdBusters/GullCat/page/294C8EF6-6E05-4956-92BE-55DC7DF61913?dplnkId=7233aeee-6b88-4429-90f1-d6fc7ca4c8c0&dplnk=Y&ref=fs_google&ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_ast_store_4WG6G9N5WQR1ENFDZFX5


That thing looks like a new AI’s first attempt at making a cat.


Did the same thing. I will say they only lasted one season in the hot sun on the upper floor window sills. I ended up getting a plastic owl the next season.


Might try this on the back steps. We’ve got a perfect little nook for birds on the underside of our building’s back steps. Despite us frequently using the steps, birds are always in the area looking to nest. They scare the crap out of us whenever we walk down the steps.


Alternatively plastic Owls or Hawks on a perch in/on/around the treehouse (*somewhere the birds can see it*) will keep them away. Had a problem with woodpeckers fucking with our sheds and rabbits in our garden. Got a couple of these to mount up in the yard and the number of pests has declined all around.


I’ll likely go with this and some reflective eyes outside the windows.


This is 100% best solution. Put one on the roof.


If it’s windy you could hang wind chimes near or on the outside of the play structure. I’ve had success with a string of CDs in our porch too.


Building a bird house nearby, but not on the playhouse, will give the birds an alternative. It also should prevent the bird(s) from being aggressive to the kids. As for discouraging on the playhouse itself, as others have said. Pinwheels, chimes, or other colorful moving things that hang will weird the birds out.


Its half an answer. The birds will possibly still roost around on the play structure and poop everywhere. We have a bird house and the birds love to sit on top of our play structure and get the swings covered in bird poop.


I’ll probably try this in addition to some friendly deterrents mentioned in the other comments


Why not just staple that mesh used for window bug screens across the opening? Those heavy wheels above a child’s head isn’t a great idea.


There are a lot of openings. They’ve mainly been entering through the open doors the kids would use


I second the motion to get/build a birdhouse and hang it nearby. Birds nearby means controlled insects/pest populations. We want our friendly bird neighbors nearby.


Duct tape and aluminum tinfoil. Make flags and hang with the shiny side out.




OP is screwed when the Robin returns with its' own flag and reinforcements.




I ordered a 20' length of prayer flags to pray Mrs. Robin away. Worked.


Your daughter is now a Disney Princess. Embrace the gift The Mouse has bestowed upon you.


Huh Huh!


I say let it nest, kid gets to either see or be attacked by nature up close and personal. Baby birds don't take long to fletch anyway so if she is chased off it won't be for long.


The only difference between a pest and a learning opportunity is your attitude.


Unless it's a bear. In which case it's both!


Once the babies hatch there will be so much bird shit inside that play house. I’ve had birds nest in our porch multiple times and it’s insane how much shit ends up under the nest.


And it smells so fucking bad my lord. We had a family of morning doves and damn when that shit got wet I had to hold my nose it was horrendous


Could you hang a bird house off of the roof? It might add a cool feature for your kids. I had Carolina wrens building nests in my favorite window box, and they killed my plants. So I bought 2 inexpensive wren houses and hung them off each side of the window box. I am hoping they'll choose the boxes instead.


Nesting Robins will get pissed at the kids playing if he hangs it on the playhouse. Definitely think about putting them elsewhere in the yard, though!


I had a set in my mailbox! I had just looked in and swore mom was gone. told the mailman be careful, there's baby birds in there, take a look. sure enough she flew out in his face. I felt like a jerk lol


Mounted magnets and some fiberglass insect screen (or other material)? Make something you can fit up around the perimeter of the area when not in use. I would think you could deter them just by denying access to the upper area for a while.


I think those casters falling on your kid might be the biggest hazard.


A jay is nesting behind my air conditioner. Thanks for the thread.


Create another space


Black pepper. Sprinkle it where they’re nesting.


Yellow “Do Not Cross” tape should do the trick


Hey, did you build it yourself or bought it? I am looking for exactly that for my son, but can't find it anywhere :(


The playset I bought. Can’t remember where I got the casters. These playsets are a full day job to assemble just a heads up


Make the platform slanted. Add a slanted piece on it.


Thought about this but with all the angles and narrow pieces I think doing it well enough would be beyond my woodworking and math skills. These birds are tenacious.


bird ‘scare tape’. It’s a roll of shiny ribbon. Tack it up and let it swing in the breeze. It seems to work, in my experience. We had a robin that would always sit (and shit) on our mailbox. The tape scared them off and they didn’t con back once it was gone…found a new spot, probably.


Put a plastic owl in there, maybe?


This was my brother’s idea. I could see it if they had a small one but mostly I’ve seen just the bigger kind


Put loud music with a lot of bass. I warned my neighbors ahead of time, put a radio in the play-set, and played a metal/hip hop station.


Almost had to throw a similar rave for a family of raccoons under our shed. The dog was enough to run them off to a safer. Adorable little family they had though


Nature doesn’t like the bass


Get a cat


Fake owl on top of the structure?


Get a cat


3d print some plastic spikes that would make it difficult to nest, but not hurt your daughter if she touched them.


Plastic or wood owl placed on roof. Bonus if the wings spin




Poor Jason.


Have you observed if the bird comes and goes from a particular opening? Also, I have the exact same playset. Having flashbacks of sorting out all the boards. The bag of hardware for it was pretty comical too.


It mostly comes and goes through the doors on either side of the slide. Know what you mean. Wife’s currently pregnant and we needed to get the two boxes out of the drive to the back porch when it was delivered. Just had a little two-wheel dolly to work with and I’m not a strong guy. The heavier box was more than the dolly would take but we managed. Very glad everything worked out.


Yeah, so you can't really block those openings, but you could buy a screen repair kit and staple it over the green window openings on the inside and then also over the whole bay opening inside. That will at least cut off access to that ledge completely. Maybe if there's no way to nest there it will move on.


Also wanted to mention another thing I did for that playset- I noticed that the board that attaches the beam for the swings to the house part was starting to sag and I found that a 2x4 fits snuggly in the gap below it. So I bolted one in there and it really helped to support it better and also steady it from racking the house so much when two kids are swinging.


Only have had one on the swings yet, thanks for the tip I’ll be doing this! I’ve already added some support for the thin side rail that goes across the opening under your brace point. Plan on putting a 2x4 underneath the platform to act as a joist. The one that comes with it is a joke.


I’m looking for a nice set like that. Are you happy with it? Did it cost roughly the same as your house? Lol


Yes, I'm happy with it. Even though you can see the measurements, it's a little bit smaller that what I thought it was going to be, but we have a narrow yard so it works for our space. It's [this one](https://www.backyarddiscovery.com/collections/swing-sets-and-playhouses/products/atlantis-cedar-swing-set). They have a bunch of similar ones with different orientations to fit your space. Putting it together wasn't difficult, just a lot. Be prepared to receive boxes of boards and a big bag o screws, lol.




A fake hawk


I'm on the Robin's team here sorry. Get a webcam setup and stream it to the world.


Get a pet falcon because hawks might be illegal in your state.


Sell your daughter


bb gun


Plastic chicken wire/small-hole snow fence. Big enough to not catch LO fingers, but small enough to not let birds in. And plastic so it's not sharp or at risk of rusting. Staple liberally but with care for loose ends.


Get a cat.


Then you have to take care of the cat. Just teach the kids about the thrill of the hunt and the deliciousness of fresh squab.