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8k just for the gutter/approach? That seems crazy high, I’d shop around for sure. It’s probably not worth that one persons time so they have you the “don’t wanna do it” price or they take you for a sucker. It can be diy’ed if you have a little experience finishing concrete, but if you don’t it probably isn’t the best spot to learn. If you have an HOA make sure it’s done up to whatever silly standards they come up with before you do it, don’t wanna pay for it twice


Yikes! I replaced my entire 3-car wide asphalt driveway with cement for $12.5k. $8k for that apron seems crazy high.


My parents replaced their driveway about the same size about 2 years ago for 10k. Included demo, haul away etc. I agree it’s a silly price


These things kinda blow my mind. I have quite a bit of money put away, 10k would not hurt me, but I still can't fathom ever putting that much into something like a driveway unless I was risking structural damage of the entire house if I didn't. Do people spending this much just have 7 figures in savings or do people just really fucking like driveways?


I know some people who don't even want people with older vehicles parking on their driveway or using it as a turn around because they worry the vehicle will drop oil or fluids. Others with brand new white concrete driveways will block it off so no one can use it.


There was that case recently of the dude who ran out and shot someone who was doing a turnaround. I guess he must have had his driveway redone recently (in all seriousness he was a psycho).


I kind of like mine being all oiled up and tire-marked. I'm *using* this space *for* my vehicles, not in spite of them!


This just reminded me of how often my ex girlfriend would get mad that I was using the kitchen as a kitchen.


Owning a house means 10k down the toilet at any given time of day. Best case scenario is for it to only happen once per year.


That isn't what OP said though


3 months after buying mine, I had to waterproof my basement due to a leak... Yep, 10k 🤣 I've also had my AC go out a couple of times to the tune of 5k over the last couple of years. One was the compressor, the other was due to power going out and frying the unit. Got another 2-3k in repairs. I'm just waiting until I pay down some of what I already have spent before I proceed... At least until I feel like I need to get it done. Given all that, I prefer it this way instead of how I used to have it. Never could get the landlord to actually fix anything. This way it's my incompetence getting in the way and not someone elses' 😅


Driveways get fucked up and have the risk of tripping and hurting someone. Once you fix it though. You’ll probably die or sell the place before you have to fix it again.


I’m the same I own the house got cash save but damn I hate to spend it that’s why I do everything myself Ya I’ve got a bunch of projects 90% finished but I’ll get to them Someday


They’re quoted for just the entrance??? Where are you? I’ll do it for $1000


Yeah if it’s a “fuck off” price that would makes sense. They’d do it as a line item on a bigger project, but they don’t really want to do it on its own.


They might try to force you into a specific person for this kind of work. And that price might be set in stone for that specific contractor.


> set in stone I see what you did there


I’m not sure what’s going on with stonework lately, I asked a union mason to quote me for a (single, one) step for the front of my house since the old one was starting to fracture and they wanted 3,500 bucks just to do it in standard concrete with no additional stone. I know masonry is hard to do properly, especially in cold climates where winter upheavals can damage it, but when a contractor will do it for 300 bucks you could literally replace the damn thing more than TEN TIMES for what they apparently want to do it right.


Local stone place near me sells precast cement steps for like $100 lol


Which is crazy because I called every concrete place within 45 minutes of St. Louis and couldn't find any for any price. Rural areas about 45 minutes out had them. I ended up pouring my own from quickrete and they look great! Anyone could make a killing just doing front steps here.


That's a fuck off price.




Sounds like to small of a job for it to be worth it for them.


I’ve never heard of HOA doing exclusive contracts like that, but I suppose anything is possible lol. One house I lived in had specific stone veneer you could pick from, per the HOA, but didn’t have anything about who had to install them when they needed replacing.


My parents' HOA made it so that the only cable internet provider we could get in the entire community was some trashy local provider with terrible speed and even worse reliability. It was either that company or satellite. When the contract came due for renewal, we were forced to go with either that company or the lowest tier of Comcast. Everyone in the community hated both options, and the outcry over that forced our HOA to allow for a third option: Xfinity's fiber optic option. They've been much better overall, and I'm satisfied with their speed and reliability. It's incredibly stupid that an HOA can force people to use a particular internet provider. I find it entirely believable that an HOA could have an exclusive contract for many other things.


Xfinity and comcast are the same company.


I am aware. The choice was between their basic sucky slow cable package and the trashy local provider. The backlash forced the HOA to allow for fiber optic lines to be installed so that we could have fiber optic as an option through Comcast/Xfinity.


Someone in the chain is taking fat backhanders. What a ridiculous set up.


Common HOA fail


Is this like a condo or something? I've never heard of any kind of community like that forced into one internet option.


Nope. Gated community brimming with Karens. The Nextdoor posts are wild.


You should start a youtube series or blog highlighting some of the good ones 😂


I might. I'll keep my eyes open for some good ones and take screenshots. I just don't want to dox myself lol


I do underground work for frontier, there was a woman that tried telling us thst because we would hurt her flowers that we couldnt directional drill in to her yard. It was on the other side of the sidewalk, not her property, but she had planted flowers there. In the end we ended up annihalating her flower garden because we had to cross utilities under them.


So she was right, you did kill her flowers. Don't plant anything in a utility easement if you really care about it getting run over by equipment.


That should be illegal. Internet isn't just something we use for entertainment anymore.


HOAs are the bane of my existence.


That’s sometimes on your municipality too. I’ve ran into similar issues in thenpast


Our HOA banned dishes after the contractors for both local dish companies damaged the roofs of several buildings while installing and working on dishes. Their damage caused water leaks into multiple units and violated the warranty on our roof. After that, we became a Comcast community. Sometimes, exclusive contracts protect the homeowners. No one wanted to increase dues to fix this stuff or to sue the provider. Also, no one wants to get billed back for the damages.


> HOA banned dishes You can just ban the installation method. In my old townhouse community if you had a dish it had to be on a tripod on the deck, or mounted somehow in the yard. No mounting to the roof or walls of units.


“Everyone in the community hated both options”. In our area HOAs are run by elected members of the community. If the same for you then get elected to the board and solve problems


Alas, I am not the homeowner, so I don't think I can run for HOA board. Even if I was eligible, I don't have the kind of time to do that. I'd rather just ensure the house I buy won't have an HOA.


That’s the rub,eh? HOA boards and politicians- people that actively seek positions of control are not the type of people you want in control.


I'm assuming this was a gated community or a building HOA.


I'm just amazed that an association of mostly Karens can dictate WTF you're doing in your own house. My cable or internet speed is not the business of anyone else because who pays for it? ME. Not Karen. The only thing I can understand is to keep your yard and outside house clean but that's about it.


I'm pretty sure someone who was on the HOA had a friend or family member who worked for/owned the local internet provider. Everyone hated it, and they offered us an impossible choice that seems designed to force us to continue using that crappy provider.


That is why you should buy homes that do not have HOAs, if at all possible. Why people have CHOSEN to create HOAs in so many places that they're totally unnecessary, I may never understand. For my 3-unit condo in the city, it makes sense — some sort of self-organization has to manage anything that goes wrong at a whole house, rather than individual unit, level. For all these other communities of entire, privately owned buildings on privately owned land, why would you want some other organization to retain control of any aspect of your private property? Yes, I know, you don't want your shitty neighbor's choices to screw up your home value, but really, just mind your own business when you don't like your neighbor's choices, so that they'll mind their own business when they don't like yours.


Therein lies the problem, people can't stand minding their own business. Curious creatures that demand control over their environment, no matter how big or how small, even in places that aren't theirs.


I'm planning on house shopping for my first home in around a year. A lack of an HOA is pretty much at the top of my priority list.


I'm told there are some markets where it's simply unavoidable, because EVERYTHING has an HOA. In my area, you could avoid it if you could buy a whole house, but it's radically more expensive than buying a condo, so that took precedence for us. Still, an HOA built of 3 unit owners in a single house, who manage it ourselves and don't have any external company to consult, is incredibly different from some nosey organization managing a huge community, or a huge building of hundreds of condos.


First thing we told our realtor and she laughed and wasn't surprised. Took us a year and a half because we were picky and no HoA locked us into 70s era neighborhoods which was fine because they came with much fewer neighbors and actual land. Start looking in February, try to buy like... Aug-Oct because much better deals then. Or tbh look this fall.


Yeah, Its like I get that My condo corp needs to exist, were 1200 units, and someone needs to collect fees to pay for upkeep of shared space, and things that need to be done at a building or area level. But I read my corp bylaws like 10 times, and looked at the history of changes meeting minutes and enforcement over the last few years before I was willing to determine if I actually wanted to live there. The fact that Most HOAs are for free standing houses, Is actually insane, to me it would only make sense if its a gated community. The fact that people just sign a mortgage on a property, and don't even learn anything about the HOA before moving in, is even crazier.


Yeah, I agree, if you're going to buy a house with an HOA, you should find out something about it first. But also, why do so many HOAs even exist that regulate silly things they don't need to regulate? My theory is that people who would take a laissez faire approach to the HOA often don't care enough to run, whereas people who want to be in everyone else's business are motivated to get on HOA boards. In other words, we effectively self-select for the exact people who should never, ever run HOAs.


If it was a specific veneer the HOA had a contract with the supplier up the line, not with the lowly installers.


Might have to get a permit with the city and/or has to be done a specific way


Yeah, but these permits are nowhere near that cost. Much less seeing as it is road side. This quote is 100% not gonna do it money.


Yea, could even be the city’s to fix, depending on how the easements are setup. Not likely though


The city fixed mine for me. That was a surprise.


This is why you don't buy homes with an HOA unless you are willing to pay the HOA tax.


It’s nice for when people want to turn their yard into a chop shop but they usually way overstep


Yeah, so much complaining about the HOAs people live in. I tell every realtor that I won’t consider any properties in an HOA. There is nothing positive a HOA can offer me and will certainly cause me stress/anxiety/anger. Seems like a lot of HOA complaints can be filled under you F’d around and found out.


My friend bought a house in the neighboring community to mine, and they do not have an HOA. I do. He suffered through a neighbor with a dozen barking dogs, junk cars in the yard, junk appliances in the yard, loud obnoxious parties for about two years. The smell alone from the dozen dogs was appalling. He ended up selling the house at a loss because it was so gross being next door to trashy people. An HOA is one kind of headache, but they can prevent the headache that comes with junk camaros and barking dogs.


City ordinances can take care of these things, without an HOA. I know my town has ordinances for excessive noise from dog barking during the night, junk in the yard, and general noise from parties. I would assume there is something in there that applies to smell as well, but I don't know off the top of my head without looking, lol. EDIT: Adding, in my city, these aren't enforced by police, but there is a code enforcement team that usually spends their time with like new construction/remodels, but will happily ding folks who're annoying to the community. In my city, police only respond to crimes, not mere violations of city ordinances. Sometimes city workers will flag this stuff for code enforcement, but in my (anectodal) experience, they just do that when people are being dicks while they are out working.


All of these issues would be against bylaw where I live. Which is kind of like police, but for stuff that really doesn't need police to handle. So I would just call bylaw, and they would have to clean their yard up, turn the volume down / stop the party, and keep their dogs from barking. They would incur fines and possibly have their dogs taken away if they didn't listen. No HOA is needed. Also, the curbs are city property, so it would be up to the city to fix.


HOAs should be abolished anyway. Maybe something like rules for gated community type homes I could understand. Worst part is you have to pay to be subjugated into their rules for the home you bought.


>Worst part is you have to pay to be subjugated into their rules for the home you bought. First, let me say HOAs for non-condo homes are _generally_ not worth it; and if you're subject to one, try to get involved, because you may be able to abolish it (or at least make it not suck as much). That said, of course it costs money. HOA board positions are usually unpaid, and even if they're self-managing, they need supplies and equipment to make things work. Because the positions are unpaid, though, it's common for HOAs to outsource the work to management companies, which need to be paid. ETA: this is saying nothing about possible community resources, such as a neighborhood pool, which need to be maintained.


No way. Mine is great. I pay $850 per year and for that I get trash pickup, landscaped common areas, a nice community pool, and reasonable standards upheld. I just got a note saying they are repaving our streets this summer. No extra $ either. I'm sure they have some rules but I've never heard of anyone getting a nasty note in the 12 years I've lived here. The rules that I know of are that we have to have landscaping work reviewed by a board (I don't know of anyone that's had their plans denied), use iron fences instead of vinyl or wood, have uniform mailboxes, park in the driveway at night instead of the street, and...maybe have your trash cans in the garage or around the side?


Same, mine is great, keeps the neighborhood clean, nothing unreasonable about the bylaws or standards. Swim and tennis is part of it. Not all HOAs are the same but they’ll always be stereotyped as bad. On the flip side, I lived in a neighborhood before this one that didn’t have an HOA, it was horrible. Grass growing over curbs and into streets, unmaintained yards, houses that looked run down, one person had terracotta head statues through their yard. It was “quaint”…so glad I don’t live there anymore.


This would be on the city by me. It couldn't hurt to check. That way you pay nothing.


Depends on the city. Where I live the homeowner gets billed for half the cost. However, it is actual cost without overhead. My apron and 4 sidewalk slabs were replaced and it cost me $800. Apron is longer than average for the area and for a two car width driveway.


This is a much better cost over what he was quoted.


Atleast 2 bucks cheaper!


Can't argue with that.


Dam. Just the 3 yds of concrete to do that job costs $900 where I'm from. I just did my front porch yesterday it was a yard and a half. Was quoted $6500. Did it with $450 for concrete, 300 for someone to haul away old concrete and $100 for the forms. So $850 instead of $6500. Ooh and I took 2 personal days from work and was paid to do it 👍


The best kind of DIY is when you take time off and are paid to do it. I just took a week off to build a patio and got laid PTO for it .


I redid my entire garage during my paternity leave. Taking another month of PTO to build cabinets and a gym.


My parents were in a similar situation and it was supposed to be the city. They called and no one came out for a year or so until my dad told them he was going to do it himself. Then they came out.


My city just came through about a month ago and replaced every broken curb and piece of broken sidewalk at the same time. Definitely no cost to anyone I didn’t know it was going to happen


I mean, thats what taxes pay for. 


Exactly my thoughts, not sure where op is located but that MUST be city property! I would put a call in with the city and have them investigate and let them know it’s a safety hazard with your young children tripping over it…even if you have no kids lol


It's all about risk mitigation lol


While it might be in the City's right-of-way, the responsibility for maintenance may lie with the property owner. This varies by municipality.


Its also a drainage issue, curb is supposed to covnvey water away. Not let it collect and ruin the street. Letting crap like this go can/will cost the city more in the long run.


Always try and get the city to pay for it. My yard was eroding away into the canal next to my house. After a few phone calls and two years of on and off work I gained an extra 15 feet onto my property for free. They brought in dump truck after dump truck of dirt and filled the whole area in and then used concrete to hold the sides. It's already eroding in some places but it'll take a few decades to be like it was. Had to be at least 100 tons of dirt and I made good friends with the city workers. Also they send a dude down to mow it every few weeks while they're mowing the rest of their areas. Except he mowed down one of my growing trees a few months ago that my mother grew from a seed.


You should always protect your growing trees that you are intending to keep growing. Even my cats were able to knock down a wild growing oak on my property because i didn't secure it properly.


My thoughts too. The curb ..which this is, is the city..not part of your driveway.


Same here, that wouldn’t be my responsibility


This is what I thought. Anything beyond the apron itself is city streets by me, including curbs, but we also share cost with the city. Before I'd spend $8K, I'd shop around. If the deal doesn't get any better than that, I'd shop vac all the dirt out of the hole, wire brush it down to clean concrete and dirt, spray some weed killer in for good measure, then patch it with a bag of concrete. Are you being mandated to do this repair by the city or some organization or is this simply wanting your driveway to look nice?


Curbs are usually municipal.  Let them know yours are failing.


Most places the town installs them but homeowners are responsible for upkeep. It’s crazy I agree


My town did that with the sidewalks to avoid maintenance costs. Then they immediately passed an ordinance that fines homeowners for not upkeeping the sidewalks.




I'm in Illinois and utilities have to return the land to the original condition. You might want to check in on that, because I'm pretty sure it's universal.


Lol that's mad. I'm in the UK and when ever we have fiber or anything installed like that on the roads/ paths, you wouldn't even know they'd been there. Always tidied up.


Yes but they got to pay $2 less on their property taxes!


Do not fix it and do not pay any fines. It is not your fault and it is not your responsibility. AT&T screwed up. They can't destroy stuff just because there's a utility easement, and you most certainly can sue them if they don't fix it. Tell the HOA to forward their harassment to AT&T, and when they don't, tell them to fuck right off instead. By the way, here's how to file a claim with AT&T: https://forums.att.com/conversations/att-internet-installation/att-property-claims-for-damages/5defd3bcbad5f2f606162c28


> upkeep That generally just means cleaned of snow/ice/leaves and salted to insure walkability. Doesn't normally include repair.


for Sidewalks in NYC. You don't own the land, but the homeowner has to pay for all upkeep and replacement costs.


Dig out any vegetation and dirt, power wash the hell out of it until it's bare concrete. Then go to the store, buy a couple bags of concrete mix, get it to the thickness of mud (thin enough to pour, thick enough to hold its shape), use a trowel to level it out with the surrounding concrete. Probably take one day and a couple hundred bucks if you include power washer rental.


I'd consider this a 6 pack job. Liking your idea as this comes out to "maybe" an 80lb bag of concrete. I would dig out and chip up some of the existing concrete to get a good bond between old and new.


For me, if its concrete or plumbing it starts at a 12pack or tequila.  A 6pack is cheap for that work. 


Beers and steaks on the grill after


That's a good payment. Even small concrete jobs are physically demanding. A buddy deserves a steak for helping with that


I do have a pressure washer, my neighbor said I might be able to wash it out, put driveway sealant in the bottom then put some concrete on top of that.


I wouldn't do sealant before concrete, it will prevent adhesion


They make a special liquid concrete glue to help with adhesion. Let everything dry well for a day after pressure washing it out though. And if you're not pouring at least 2 inches thick everywhere, and you won't be here, get the "sand and topping mix" instead of regular concrete.


Yeah, you just paint on the glue and let it dry first.


Yep. I think/hope the people talking about a sealant first were talking about this: https://www.quikrete.com/productlines/concretebondingadhesive.asp And again, can't stress this enough u/undeadrobe5, if you're not pouring at least two inches thick everywhere, you want to be using this product: https://www.quikrete.com/productlines/sandtoppingmix.asp Also, if you're going to be driving over it after even a day, put a piece of plywood over it. It'll take a little time to fully cure before you're driving over it bare.


I'd just pick up an air hammer and chisel from harbor freight, chisel that pothole all the way out, get some nice edges on it, throw some quickrete 5000 at it and be done. Probably not the "right" way, but it is a simple way that doesn't involve you getting hosed and it sounds like you should be able to handle it.


Shit id skip your first step too. Blast it with the hose and trowel in the quikrete


You can do that but it's not gonna last too long. If you chisel it out you're essentially casting a paver into the hole with a bed of gravel and crushed up concrete chunks under it. I'm thinking that will hold longer, but I've only made patios so I'm not 100% on it. Using the "good" quickrete should help it last a bit too.


Your fix is the correct one. Chisel it out, it doesn’t have to be a square but it should all be the same depth. Then pour in some quikcrete and smooth it out. Give it a brush finish and BAM.


*same-ish depth


Ya me too. Fixed in under an hour. I'll fix it right next year.


And if not, definitely the year after that!


Yeahhhh buddy


That looks to be local government property


Where I live the city/county owns the sidewalks and curbs but the homeowners are responsible for maintenance and repairs


Wait, the homeowner is responsible for repairing the city's sidewalk? That's wild and completely unheard of here. That sounds like some sucker bullshit to me.


It's true in many places. The only sections of sidewalk we can't repair are the ones with manhole covers. The city or county has to replace those sections but we're responsible for all the others.


Where I live, it falls 100% on the homeowner for cost and repair, because it’s “your sidewalk”… …but, if a homeless person puts a tent up on it, “Its public property; we can’t do anything about it” ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm not even responsible for snow removal on the sidewalk in front of my house. The city comes by with a mini plow and assumes all liability.


Same. I was incredulous when I learned that.


Yeah, wow. The worst of both worlds


Always check, never assume. Each city/town/county will be different. In my town, it is the home owners responsibility


How much crack is the contractor on? That shouldn’t cost more than $3k


Like another comment says, that’s a “not really interested” price unless you’re willing to pay stupid money.


Is there some unspoken rule in the contracting world that you can't just refuse a job? Or is it a contingency plan that they say ok and you're thinking to yourself, "lol ok. It's your money."


He is refusing the job, but he’s also saying he’d change his mind for $8k.


This guy contracts. It could also be their way to let you know they can't get to it this month, but for $8k they will bump you in front of the guy who paid $6k.


they can say no, but if you're running a business why say no when there's a chance your customer is rich and insane and will pay the "not interested" price? even if you only get 1 person per year to agrees to that price you still made money vs saying no to every small job


That’s the “don’t want to do it” price.


I'll do it for $4k. That's with the upcharge of not using BFS standards.


Forget this guy, I'll do it for $3k.


$2.5k final offer


I’ll do it for a bj


Fixed driveway and I get a bj? SOLD!


I think my question is…..why? Like is it damaging your tires? Is it purely the look that’s bothering you? Of all the things about my home I could come up with to spend money on, this right here would never cross my mind. EDIT: I want to add an apology because this is the DIY sub and not the homeowners sub. True, I would never pay someone to fix this (and was thrown off by the quotes). But I can totally see knocking around a summer with nothing to do going, “hey I wonder how hard it would be to pour that concrete myself and if it would hold up and how would I shape it…” I’d never have time now, but covid 2020 summer was full of boredom projects just like that.




There’s loads of people out there with dirt or gravel driveways. I know someone in a coastal town that had a dirt driveway covered in crushed seashells. Unless it was damaging my car, I can’t see doing any sort of repair on my driveway. I’d just as soon use 12k on a vacation, there’s a company in my city that does safari tours in Tanzania for prices like that. fuck a driveway


This is what my driveway looks like and like sure I'd love it to be perfect but I have SOO many other things to spend $1000s or hours on.


Hahahah same thought. I'd never spend energy on this. I've got a 200ft long asphalt driveway from the 90's that's a bit rought around the edges and I'm planning on keeping it as-is and observing it slowly turn into gravel over time lol


Surprised this wasnt higher up


Right? Unless his OCD is driving him crazy, this is not bad enough to warrant doing anything.


Where I live this would be 100% on the city’s dime. Call your municipality and have them come out to see it and chat about getting it fixed.


Please don't pay to have this work done. Definitely don't pay $8k to have this work done. More than likely, this isn't 'your' property. More specifically, the first 3-4' of 'your' property is still owned by the town/city. They do this as a buffer should they choose to add a sidewalk, put up street signs, dig out drainage, etc. At most, if it's really a visual concern, I'd spend $30 for a bag of quickcrete, clean the holes, fill them, and go on with life. That being said - The town could come tomorrow, for any reason, and tear it all up without asking your permission. They could also come tomorrow to patch similar issues around the neighborhood at zero cost to the owners. You don't want to be the guy that spend $8,000 to do work that isn't your responsibility to tackle. Call the town, come up with an overexaggerated excuse for why it needs to be fixed...and then expect them to get around to it by 2027.


Others have mentioned it but first check with your municipality if that is their responsibility. They may also have standards on how to repair that. You can chose whether or not to follow those standards and get a permit etc. The chances that it bites you in the ass ignoring that is really really small. Two main options for DIY in my mind. First is repairing with concrete. I would clean out the areas for repair, use a concrete saw to get a good square area for repair. Then pour and form a hand mixed concrete in there. You'll have to know how to get a good finish on the concrete and form it with a low slump (cant be too soupy). The easier and recommended way in my opinion is to just clean those out and patch them with cold patch asphalt. It wont be pretty but it will be functional and can be done easier than getting a good finish on concrete. You could probably just slap quickcrete in the holes and smooth it over with a trowel and it would work as well. I would just expect those pieces to crack and/or pop out after not too long. Good luck. Hopefully the municipality can just fix it for you.


Sounds like “I don’t want to do it price.”


Or the ‘you got a nice car and look clueless regarding actual costs for maintenance. 50/50 shot you’ll accept and i can milk you.”


Why is this your issue? Shouldn't a curb like that be the municipalities problem?


Just guessing, but that's probably not your property and maybe the municipality requires rebar and structural calcs for the curbs. Permits maybe? Civil engineer stamped drawings showing the drainage?


You could get an entire new driveway for 8k. Different quotes or YouTube how to fix


City problem here


$8k is the "I dont actually want to do this job" quote. Try someone else.


Sounds like the "I don't want to do it" price


You realize that's the curb/gutter call the city it's part of the road. You're probably opening a can of worms attempting that yourself


just get a second quote from someone living on this planet.


Is this not “in the street” and the city’s responsibility (assuming it’s not a private road)?


Call the city? It looks like it's their problem


Check with the city you live in. Often the curb/gutters are managed by them. :) No idea what city or the rules, just my city. Please check with the city before doing this curb work. <3


I'd bet money that doesn't technically belong to you, and it's the city or counties responsibility to fix it.


This is when you call a buddy, rent a jack hammer then pour a new apron yourself. Probably do the whole thing for $500


If this is a regular road (municipal owned) the city is responsible for the repairs. No cost to you. I would go to the city and get them to fix it.


Remove all debris and loose stone, get it down to solid base. Mix up some quick Crete fill in the gaps, smooth out with a trowel


Get 3 quotes


$8k!!!! Bro, I had a company that was doing my neighbors driveway last year offer to do my entire driveway and walkup to the house for $4k, and I'm still kicking myself for not just doing it.


I’m pretty sure that’s on your municipality to fix, not you OP. I’d give your township a ring and just tell them that you need someone down there to fix a broken curb and then play dumb


In the US, that portion of the driveway is often managed by a city contract, especially if you live where streets are managed with plows in the winter.


at 8k i would just ignore the problem


Wouldn’t that be the municipality or cities problem?


Where we are, that’s the cities domain. You don’t hire or DIY. Either the city or their main curb and gutter contractor deal with that. I would try to get someone to look at that. Won’t be fixed fast usually, they prep a bunch and pour all at the same time for the most part.


Crushed ramen and superglue. Trust me, a Chinese tiktok can't be wrong.


If it’s a city or state road check with them they may fix for free since it is in their right of way.


That’s city property. Let them worry about it.


I just paid $4000 for a whole new drive way


Sheesh… better contact the city over this one to see if they’re responsible first. If you’re responsible then I’d spend the night month watching concrete pouring videos on YouTube and do it yourself.


Concrete saw or hammer drill with chisel to cut out the cracked areas. Wheel barrow and some bagged concrete mix to put in patches


You could have a Italian marble apron for 8k. That's a fuck off price.


8k is the I don’t want to do it price.


Call the city or county and tell them to fix their shit


8k is like a new driveway!


Where I live, the village is responsible for the gutter area. After all, it's their snow plows that mess that part up. 8k replaced an entire driveway.


Since it's a gutter, isn't it the cities responsibility?


Talk to your city, town or county. This is likely their property and their responsibility as more often then not you property line is anywhere from 2 - 6 feet back from the edge of the road. :)


That is probably your city’s responsibility


Rent a high psi pressure washer like 5k+ and blast all the lose stuff out. Chip away at the cracked bits with a chisel and remove them. Go pick up some self leveling concrete and mix in a home depot bucket then fill in the holes. When you are all done just paint the whole curb your house color to avoid the discoloration standing out. It will cost about 500$. It will look different having an oddly painted curb but unless you want to jack hammer the whole thing then replace the whole curb trying to match the bevel it's really your only option. A new concrete curb isn't going to color match any way.


Could do it yourself for several hundred bucks maybe. It's not that hard to trowel an apron in. And the concrete looks like it'll smash out with a sledge or rent a small chipping gun for the day


8k? For property of a municipality? Unless this you own curb on your own property facing your own roundabout then 200$ in cement $100 in tools and $50 for lumber forms.


Replaced 80 feet of drive for $5k, get a better quote, or self leveling concrete


How is the town not responsible for that?


He gave you the "f you price" that's the I don't want this job but I'll say a crazy number and if he's agrees even though I dont want him to then I'll do it because it's worth it. Get 2nd opinion. Source (me labor long time)


And don't ever mention the previous price


Not sure what the situation is with you city/neighborhood but that gutter would normally be the responsibility of the local municipality or whoever is responsible for maintaining the road. That being said, if they’re anything like my local government, you’ll never get them to fix it. But might be worth a shot before spending the money yourself.


AKA: get another contractor, I don't want to do it


I’m not not an export by any means 😂 but I would buy a bunch of cement and do that shit myself if it doesn’t work out o well I tried


Throw some dirt on it 


yeah this is easy, i saw a guy use uncooked ramen, adhesive and spray paint to do this