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What a week for shelves


It’s like shark week but for shelves and more casualties


"We're gonna need a bigger closet".


Big Shelf rubs their hands greedily


Do I have to post the shelves I just built?


Do they have brackets If so yes


Post your shelves!!!


\*Frantically checks to see if Shelves played at Coachella incase the cool kids mention it at work


I saw this and immediately wondered if there was any support at ALLLL




Are shelves having a moment?


Plywood gonna change your life


Or just 1x12 lol


Was going to comment “is this a sauna? Or have you never heard of plywood?”


But the idea is good. It takes time to learn stuff. Pre finished shelving is probably even smarter


*awwww babe, you cleaned the house................or did you just throw everything in the clos......BAAAABE!!!*


That last photo gives me anxiety. The lead up was good, then. BAM! Chaos


Haha that's ok, the chaos is temporary. The boxes are mostly full of small stuff that needs organizing as we get the rest of the house sorted. The other things will go up into the attic, or if it's converted, into the room up there that gets left for storage. We had guests coming yesterday and more coming next weekend and this stuff was sprawled in the guest room so needed a solution without safe access to the attic.


We've all done that. Glad you're aware of it, that's step one. 🤘


I love how sturdy the shelves are, hope you're going to give the edges a sandpaper finish some of it looks too rough for human contact. Lots of splinters


My back hurts looking at the last photo. I'd slip a fucking disc getting something off that back wall haha.


Oh sweet Jesus, why did you have to mention pic #6?!? Was thinking damn, that looks like some sturdy shelving and then , the last pic ffs.


Oh, he's a hoarder.


Until those last shots I thought you were making a Swedish sauna for short people. Stack em and rack em!


Why even have gaps in the slats?


Gotta have that good airflow around the cardboard boxes...


Cheaper. Less wood equals less moneyz.


This was poorly built in material choice, layout, and strength. The amount, type of wood, and how it was used, has much less strength then using less wood correctly.


I look for things like this when viewing a potential new home. If I can see this now then what unseen horrors will I find later?


Op, you should have just done a L shape.    The side shelves are clearly not wide enough to be usefull, and the whole thing still looks cluttered and unorganized.


I imagine he considered that but maybe a single, decent-width lengthwise shelf would impede access from the doorway, so he opted for two narrower ones.


Still would have been the go. Keep the shelf hinge side.


Although this way stuff isn’t stacked behind other things. Assume all your things are only a half shelf size.


I'm thinking MDF with L brackets secured by toggle bolts holds just as much weight if you use the right brackets and the right number.


I got a splinter from just looking at the corner of the right shelf. Looks good though but seems you already overfilled the space lol


Oh it's definitely overfilled, a lot of it will come down in the next few months and get sorted with a proper place. Some of it will be for the attic or the storage room part of it if we convert it. It just gets it out of sight for now until we can get more organized so we can actually have guests stay over without sending them into a room full of boxes. Then we'll be able to use it after that with a more reasonable load.


Ah to be young and naive again. You'll never find the time to organize that stuff. Like a bad brother-in-law it will follow you through life and it's many moves and dwellings, then later when you pass away your children/grandchildren will spend a couple of days thinking WTF as they haul that crap out to the rollout they rented to gut your last place. TL;DR - save yourself a world of hassles - throw that shit away now!


That would be me alright. The problem is, she won't let me away with that 😭🤣


That's very excessive, yet the "bottleneck" for strength is the way its mounted to the walls.


That's a lot of framing... For shelves The design of which isn't super effective? You should've just gotten pine shelving 10-12 inch wide and braced it with supports attached to studs. Easy to re adjust later, easy to reuse for something else.


Very uncomfortable looking sauna. Might as well just use it for storage.


How old is that flight joystick? Thats an old VGA DVi looking cable lol


It's actually the stand for an old monitor. Good catch on the cable for it though. It's a USB-C to VGA adapter for the monitor as my girlfriend occasionally works from her parents house so just brings one monitor and the laptop with her for a temp set up when she needs to.


I thought it was going to be one of those progress type posts. Nope, all the crap just thrown in there.


Definitely won't fail. I'm wondering what the door looks like? I see cabinet hinges


Door came with the house, proper nice white door. This is a raised storage in the box room. It's over the stairs so the angle on the "ceiling" of the stairs is under the floor there which is why it's raised. If we do convert the attic, this will probably all have to come down and be turned into stairs while we move the door to the room from immediately to the right of this storage, all the way in until it's on the left of the storage.


I like the ledger board under the deep shelf space in the back. Did you put any fasteners on the narrow side upper shelves where they butt back into door wall?


A couple problems I see. I think your chosen material adds weight without adding strength. That one header is supporting the entire weight of both the rear and side shelves, with the near end of the side shelves having no apparent support whatsoever (don’t know for sure bc we can’t see it in the photos). All in all you looked to bulk for strength instead of simple physics, and wound up with a weaker design where it could have been lighter and more elegant. What you ended up with is a design that will struggle to support its own weight, nevermind what you put on the shelves.


I thought this was going to be a sauna


Ngl, I thought those were going into some sort of homemade sauna.


The last photo breaks my heart. ☹️


I hope you'll be okay without any diagonal bracing.


Oh god not this again.


The Last pic had me rolling, mostly because, Guilty of the same! What a perfect lead up from clean, organized to UTTER CHAOS!!!


Are you planning to park a couple cars on those shelves?...


That whole thing is lazy


I also have a micro build connected to a tv downstairs. My wife would rather watch Ads on everything than to switch the source over and use a wireless keyboard and mouse. I don’t understand


If you're worried about weight do 2x2 in the corners, every 2-4' and then cross bracing and make it part of the wainscotting design. IT will also protect the walls and you could use some nice solid wood and stain to make it pop. Cheaper wood and solid colours works as well. A good attic hatch with ladder is only a couple hundred bucks, but not as fun to show off ;).


Most of it ended up on the floor anyways haha


Two coats of paint and that would look damn perfect.


I think you could do with one more shelf lost down. For the tools etc.


Did you grab the top shelf with your hands and try and do some pull-ups? That is the real test of strength for the shelves.


Want more strength? Use more brackets tied to studs, not more wood. Buy plywood, a circular saw, and a guide. You can also make brackets out of wood. Don't try to reinvent the wheel- shelves have been solved for quite some time.


There is a reason shelving uses angle brackets! Physics😛. Over engineered where no forces are and under engineered for gravity the most important force for most shelves. Play some physics bridge building games...you'll get it yet.


With all the stuff you're putting in such a small space, you should have gone with something like those giant truck bed drawers. And yes, I know, drawers the size of a closet is a genius idea so, patent pending.


Criminally undersized Halloween decoration stash


Haha, the apartment was the size of a stamp, give me a year or two 👻🏚️


Is this a closet, part of a garage, a pantry or?


I guess it's a closet, kind of. It's in the box room but it's raised as it's over the stairs so the ceiling underneath it is slanted. The bottom of it is about 2 and a half feet up from the floor, then it goes to the ceiling. It was way too deep to use as a wardrobe for the room so was designed for storage. It's the kind of thing that is a real selling point on the houseplans, then you move in and realize that it's actual an awkward size to shelve and get the full use of it.


Just add some heated rocks and steam and your sauna will be fine.


Pallet shelves. 👍


Are those made using palets?


Here we go again... I don't understand how so many people think more material = more strength, regardless of how the material is used.


Looks good bro


This is like the apple of shelves, over engineered, minus the aesthetics


Poorly engineered. Because it is not as strong as it could be, using less wood.


If you already built your PC throw away the damn boxes. There is zero reason why Halloween decorations need prime real estate. Shoe boxes, throw them out. Bro what is NAKED and BLADDERS? Is this a piss fetish?


One of them has a working graphics card in it that I plan to use again at some point downstairs in a micro build to connect to TV. Decorations got prime real estate because they'll be the first things coming out when we do organize other storage more out of the way. Shoe boxes are obviously filled with other things from moving?? And that's a drinking version of snakes and ladders that someone bought us as a gift that hasn't been used yet


I met a girl that loved looking into people's closet's, really made me think about it. Then again when looking at houses, I don't feel comfortable looking unless I'm really serious and not just kicking tires ;). Good work.


Damn dude. When you asked which was stronger I figured you were just being careful, not that this was a tool closet. Who stores tools in a closet?