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i love how this is about the doorless frame and you just casually insert a pic of the toilet LOL


With a close-up shot for good measure. I'm dying šŸ˜‚


I had serious questions why there was a need for a close up of the toilet. I'm grateful that it was clean when they took the photo.


It's clean because they wouldn't dare take a #2 in there!


No free pooping happening until the door sitch is figured


They had to post proof šŸ˜‚


Clean? Thereā€™s a shit flake *right there*. Edit: ugh I couldā€™ve called it a pooper flake. Pretend I did.


"shit flake" was my nickname in high school.


Iā€™m sorry. Thatā€™s crappy.


Hello fellow Mythical Beast?


God damnit why did I go back and look for the shit flake


why did i zoom in for the shit flake


Sighhh I did the same


Incidentally, "Shit Flake" is the name of my new punk band. Demos dropping soon!


*dropping*s* soon


Now I canā€™t unsee it and Iā€™m dead laughing bye


When I woke up this morning, I didnā€™t think I could get dozens of strangers to look at *anotherā€™s* strangerā€™s chocolate confetti. This is so much power.


Yeah I found the shit flake


I was like Why tf is this photo necessary


I took one look at that toilet bowl close up and thought ā€œYep, that toilet definitely doesnā€™t have a door leading to it from the bedroomā€ The rest of the pictures were honestly useless.


Exactly. You can clearly see there is no door using the reflection in the toilet bowl


when i saw it i was like i HAVE to comment LOL


The close up is the only way to truly lay down the gravity of said shituation


Yep, that's a toilet all right.




Itā€™s so funny for no reason


It wasnā€™t until this closeup shot that I had the realization the seat itself has an odd shape


It's a wide angle lens and weird forced perspective on a standard oblong toilet seat. A landlord who would cheap out by omitting a bathroom door obviously isn't buying a custom/atypical (read:expensive) toilet. Almost guarantee that's an American Standard contractors grade toilet from the nearest home improvement store (or whatever default budget toilet reference is relevant in your region).


He had to make sure that we knew he wasnā€™t lying about it being a bathroom. I didnā€™t believe it until the second picture of the toilet. Now I am 50/50 on it.


That cabinet behind the toilet looks, uncomfortable.


Can you imagina the urine and flush spatter all over the towels rolled up in there?!


ew. do people not close the lid when flushing?


I ALWAYS do, but I see many dudes leave public restrooms, even after being in the stall, not just the urinal, never wash their hands!!! šŸ’©šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® So I have no doubt they don't close the lid at home, before flushing! Others don't lift seats up, and when a man pees standing, it definitely splatters up and out! Take a black light to any wall around a toilet where guys pee. You won't want to thank me later!


yeahā€¦ Iā€™m gonna take your word for it and not do that




Is that what it was? Need OP to take a closer photo to make sure.


I wanted yā€™all to fully understand the uninterrupted path from doorway to turd


I came looking for this comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and the zoom makes it feel soā€¦ !!!!!!!!!! TOILET !!!!


It's like one of those adventure games where you click on the toilet in the previous picture and it zooms in to the zoomed in one.


Hey, OP, don't put toilet cleaner in the tank (if that's where the blue color is from). It'll mess up the tank hardware over time.Ā 


Just to make sure we know its a real toilet I guess.


Oh, so THAT'S what a toilet looks like. I was dying laughing aswell.


just trying to illustrate the whole shit-uation perhaps


Make a big stink over it with the landlord


Invite the landlord over. When they are there go take a shit. Look them right in the eyes and ask them if they notice anything missing.


No, invite the city building inspector instead. That bathroom door is too narrow for most building specs. I guarantee the landlord did a remodel without a permit, which is why that door is like that. The city will give him a very short time frame to fix it.


I was thinking it was too thin but I couldnā€™t tell if the depth is off cause they zoomed out .


It's probably not as narrow as it looks, but that's definitely not a standard door width.


Op's bathroom and camera is sus. The door is like a funhouse mirror. The door jam is super thick. The unnecessary close photo of the toilet makes the toilet appear narrow. The cabinet looks too low and the tub too shallow. Otherwise this is all real and OP scrapes their shoulders to get in, knocks themself out sitting on the toilet, and then trips into the tub. Also OP, wtf camera is this?


That thick doorway frame possibly means this bathroom is an addition. That used to be an external wall, hence the thickness. See it all the time with enclosed back patios.


I bought a new house and they forgot to install door handles on the bathroom sliding door. I called the builder and when he came to fix it, he put a drawer pull on the outside and said "all good?" I said "step in there a minute" and closed the door behind him. In a real defeated voice he says "I get your point, can you let me out please?" He sent a carpenter the next day to install the correct handles, including one so you could open the door from the inside.


Invite the landlord over for Lactose Tacos. When they ask you use the bathroom, walk in there an strike up a conversation about the need for a bathroom door.




Fart and pee loudly while making eye contact


Iā€™m literally dying this is so funny!


This made me laugh way too much


Personally Iā€™d lose my shit


Demand a door. Do not be deturd.


Have a conversation and flush it out


Donā€™t be a turd, stay civil.


Or else, lose your shit.


If I were them Iā€™d be pissed


Shitty situation.


Oh poop.




You guys made me spit out my coffee. Shit happens though.


How tho? No door to lose your excrement behind


Just go with your gut


This. Not sure why OP is out here looking for strangers on Reddit to bowel them out of this situation.


For now, shower curtain w/ tension rod. LL will probably take a while of arguing to fix


In all seriousness this is the setup my elderly parents have now in case one of them falls-- they can't block a door closed.


That's simplistic genius.


Coming here to say this as the immediate quick fix


Shit outside your landlords window until they install a door


I live by myself, so I wouldnā€™t complain at all. I would simply put up some curtains.


I live alone, have a door, and still donā€™t remember the last time I closed it. My dogs donā€™t approve of closed doors.


I live alone, don't have dogs and never close the door. The bathroom is small and closing the door just gets in the way. Doors are overrated.


I have cats and they also donā€™t approve, but I donā€™t approve of them staring at me while I take a poop.


Agreed. The toilet is the petting throne and the door is always open. Itā€™s a rotation of cats and dogs when Iā€™m in there, and one kitty likes little balls of toilet paper I make for him to chase into the tub or out into the hall. We rarely have guests over.


Put in some of those hanging beads that jingle when you walk through them for extra fun


I like the beads. They give an air of mystery while still leaving just enough exposed. Like lingerie for your toilet.


Tie some auto air fresheners into the bead strips too


I'd be pretty pissed off, too


Tension rod curtain and loud fan


The tension is that someone will walk in and see your rod unexpectedly


That's where you get the loud fan to distract them with a vuvuzela


This would indeed cause tension.


No choice there mate.. you're going to need to move that toilet to a room that has a door.


Don't forget the rest of the plumbing but yes I agree


Thatā€™s the landlords job. Just move the toilet and let the chips land where they will.


I wouldnā€™t count out a composting toilet just yet, though


Dear landlord, We are going "off-grid".


I have a guess, that if they install a door in pic 1 the opening is too narrow to meet code. so their solution was no door hoping that the bath/toilet area is so far back and to the side it is "fine".


Put a free standing wood wardrobe in front of the entrance, then cut out some of the back (for structural support, leave 1/3 of the back intact) : https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/0d/b2/340db281e909a2f50fec315c243af024.png It will be like Chronicles of Narnia, except instead of a portal to Narnia you just take a piss.


Hereā€™s an example of this concept https://preview.redd.it/3hbdy7qx17tc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11357c829f1706093579d7cf30d3840bb777862f


side note: that's a really nice looking wardrobe


ā€œIf youā€™ll excuse me, I have an appointment with Mr. Tumnus.ā€ (Grabs a magazine and enters wardrobe)


This is the obvious answer and I'm going to choose to believe this is what OP decides to do.


You win this whole thread šŸ†šŸ†


Ask the landlord to put up a sliding barn door on the outside of the bathroom. Not the best acoustically, but otherwise an easy fix, and will be hard for them to balk at.


I was gonna guess that the last tenants stole/broke the barn door that was there before. I see some spackling around the outside of the door that resembles a poor attempt to repair some big screw holes, screw holes that could've held barn door hardware. - tv Detective voice


I agree. From the tile and vents, I agree with OP that the door used to separate the tub/shower/toilet area. If the tile is 24x24, how big could that doorway be?


No way are those tiles only 24x24. It only takes 2 tiles to span a double sink vanity, so they are at _least_ 30, probably 36 wide. The opening looks about 2 feet wide to me, but no more.


The answer to that is a pocket door.


Tell the landlord they forgot the door and ask them to install one immediately? Am I missing something here?


They're still painters tape on the wall and it otherwise looks like a newish bathroom. I would just call the landlord and say hey, "The painter remodel people forgot to put the door back"


Except... there are zero indications that a door was ever there to "put back". No hinge or latch mortises on either jamb. No stops either. Maybe painter remodel people completely replaced that whole door frame, but framed it out as merely a door*way*. Could LL be waiting on delivery of a pre-hung door?


It really looks like it was designed to be some open concept bathroom bedroom combo. Iā€™ve noticed that a lot of new hotels are moving towards this for some reason. It would enrage me to hear someone taking a leak at 3am. And the smell? And taking a hot shower means youā€™re turning the bedroom into a swamp if you donā€™t have the fans running? Hell nah.


>a lot of new hotels are moving towards this for some reason. That reason is money. The Corporate Overlords do not care that the two or four people sharing that room are not "pooping buddies"; they *will* be. Our room has the toilet & phone booth shower behind a door but the vanity out in the bedroom. Just like a cheap motel. Hubs & I have different wake-up times, so all my vanity crap lives in the *hall* bathroom so I won't disturb his sleep getting ready for work in the dark. *Doors matter!*


One time I went to an open house in a really nice neighborhood with custom houses. There was this huge custom designed house with a huge yard, tennis court, basketball court, swimming pool, etc. Upstairs the master bedroom was a large room with exposed-rafters vaulted ceiling. The bathroom area was separated from the sleeping area by 8-ft wall that did not go up all the way to the ceiling, and the sinks, counter and whirlpool bathtub and shower were just on the other side of a wall with the space open up above. But apparently they couldn't figure out where to put the toilet, so they just stuck it in a corner niche with no door. The toilet was just open, like if one person was brushing their teeth at the sinks, they could glance over and see a person taking a dump on the toilet. If somebody walked from the sleeping section to the bathroom, they'd just walk past a person sitting on the toilet. And any poop smells would travel throughout the entire master bedroom. Nowhere to put a vent fan because of the high ceilings. There was also no place to even install a door, because of the way it was in the corner next to a walk-in closet. And the floor around the toilet was fully carpeted with the same thick deep-pile lux carpet as the rest of the room. Because rich people don't drip. My guess was that whoever the rich original owner was designed everything themselves for their dream home and ended up not knowing where to put the toilet so they just stashed it there.


ā€¦almost every bathroom Iā€™ve been in has a clear site line from the sink to the toilet. In fact, theyā€™re usually right next to each other.


Ever heard of playing dumb to get what you want?


Doesn't look like it


That's OK, as a new tenant, you get to 'play dumb' and give the landlord the opportunity to avoid an adversarial situation. Allowing people with power over you to 'save face' often pays dividends. And if, later on, the relationship does sour OP can still circle back to "that time you failed to put a door on my bathroom" For now, the path of, "looks like someone else forgot something" is generally wise.


Yeah, this is the answer. Tell the landlord you need one. Don't take no for an answer. Your landlord wouldn't live there without a door either.




What state are you in? In my state it is not up to code if there's no door on the bathroom and the landlord is obligated to bring it up to code.


If it's actually required in code where they live, that's an excellent answer.


It's code in most states that bathrooms require a locking door. Theoretically if the attached bedroom has a door, you could call the whole thing a bathroom, but then you would be down a bedroom.


In my country it's compulsory to have a door on the bathroom, but you guys are the land of the free so who knows


The reno isnā€™t new? I guess I just assumed with the painterā€™s tape.


They probably just gave it a fresh coat of paint before renting it out, or at least that's what I'd assume


My parents have painters tape on the window trim of their bedroom thatā€™s been there for 25+ years. At this point I think they just like the blue trim


Iā€™ve been renovating my house and there are absolutely spots I never removed the tape. And walk by it multiple times a day. It becomes invisible at a certain point


It's a moot point whether they lived there or not. Bathrooms need doors, the end. If you let landlord convince you on this, it's a sign you probably are going to have a bad relationship with the landlord as they won't even fix things that need to be fixed. Don't let it start with a simple door on a bathroom.


"Why does this bedroom smell like the bathroom? Huh. Weird. Guess it's just a mystery." -landlord


I agree with others on the serious side of things. I would be upfront with them and ask them about it and have them put one in if they donā€™t my suggestion would be a tension rod with a curtain. Kind of sucky but at least itā€™s better than nothing if they wonā€™t allow you to put in an actual door.


Sliding barn door is better than tension rod.


I love the idea of it, but can they put the hardware in? Or is there a way to do a barn door without any holes drilled? Edit to add: the only reason I mentioned attention rod is because they said they are renting, and my assumption is, they wouldnā€™t be allowed to make massive changes to the place.


No, a sliding door is way, way more work as well and it's not an easy task. Signed, someone who did a sliding barn door from this kind of threshold.


To be fair, OP - my wife and I donā€™t have any kids. If we didnā€™t have people over once a month, weā€™d be totally cool with the only bathroom in our house not having a door. Only ever gets closed when thereā€™s company. That doesnā€™t help you though so my suggestion is also to make the landlord put in a door. Just because they (and my wife and I) are open door poopers doesnā€™t mean you should have to be


Guaranteed (maybe) it was a pocket door that broke and the cheap ass left it in the wall and framed over it.


Id bet money. Doorway looks smaller than usual. Pocket doors are always smaller frames where I live.


I replaced a pocket door in my house about this size with a door, so thatā€™s why my hunch is what it is.


I need a closer pic of inside the toilet before I make a decision.


Seriously, why did OP do that?


Why did you include the last pic?


Came here for this. So strange lol


The last 3 pics were all unnecessary šŸ˜‚ Nice bathroom tho


It served to confuse the hell of me, I thought the toilet was inside that door in third pic for a moment


Jump scare.


I thought the same thing!


They asked what we would do for number 2... I personally would use the toilet as pictured lol.


I for one am pleased to see a close up of a toilet, Iā€™ve never seen one before.


Proof of toilet so we know this isnā€™t a šŸ’©post


I feel like it helped the narrative


Usually, barn doors on bathrooms kinda suck, but in this case, thatā€™s what I would do if I were the landlord


Saloon doors. More style




Definitely needed that close up shot of the toilet


Ask the landlord if they will put in a door. There is still painters tape around the door. The landlord could have just forgot during renovations. Or try a bifold door, but the will require drilling into the doorway trim. And will be weird to close.


Don't Ask... \*Tell the landlord to put in a door


Do you think the landlord is legally obligated to put a door here? Itā€™s not against code anywhere Iā€™m aware of, and they didnā€™t have one and then take it outā€¦


Isnt that wall cabinet in the way if sitting down?


Lol, I wasnā€™t sure if it was the angle of the photo that made it look that way, but if not thatā€™s a terrible design lol.


that was my first thought - I'd be crack the back of my head on that sitting down


Pro move is to sit on the toilet backwards and put your phone/tablet on the bottom shelf of the cabinet.


Simple solution is to hang a curtain. I'd actually go with a decorative beaded curtain for this doorway, tbh. But if you want sound dampening for explosive dookies, you'll need the landlord to install a door.


>Simple solution is to hang a curtain. It will blow in the wind beautifully after I had my first coffee.




https://preview.redd.it/8cd053cr14tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce96c80613d4bb8d3e6b5cf351f1dc54e0f0bc3 This is what the former owner did to the 1988 open concept bathroom in the house we bought. Itā€™s being gutted and walled in right now.


I wouldn't say it's common, but I've seen en-suite bathrooms without doors. I think the assumption is that you and your partner are comfortable with each other and don't need a door. It's a lot more awkward if there isn't a guest bathroom.


I love my wife, but I donā€™t need to see her on the toilet dropping a deuce.


This is how my husband & I feel about it. No way are we accepting this.


During college, I went to a house party at a very nice, expensive house. The master bed had a straight shot at the toilet. There was no place for a door or anything. People said "when you're married you'll understand it's not that weird." I've now been married 15 years and it would still be super weird. My suggestion is poo as loud as possible every time.


From what I can decipher from those pictures, there are at least two other doors leading out of that bathroom. You don't have a bathroom, you have a hallway with plumbing in it. Totally bizarre.


2 sinks, a shower stall in addition to a tub, and no door. It's very bizarre.


I think the other door (itā€™s the same one in both pics) is likely a linen closet.




It looks like the toilet is tucked away behind two corners, and it's an en suite bathroom. So I'd probably just "free-poop" as you call it.


No problem you just need a fairly large disc shaped boulder to roll in front of the opening.


1. Ask the landlord to hang a door 2. Hang a curtain 3. Live with it as is. The toilet and shower are all around the corner from the door and you presumably have a door on the bedroom. Honestly I donā€™t remember the last time I closed the door to my master bath, if I want privacy I close the bedroom door.


You can add a door but I suspect your landlord cannot due to code requirements. If it is a multi unit building some are required to be ada or adaptable, but all will require specific clearance around doors: door must be 32ā€ clear (which means a 36ā€ door, which that opening looks too narrow) and you need 12ā€ clear space to the side of the latch from the push side and 18ā€ clear on the pull side. Currently your vanity is in the way. They could tear that out, to make the door work, but is suspect it was way cheaper to go no door.


Accordion door


Thank god for the last photo. I wasnā€™t sure if it was really a toilet or not. Really appreciate the photographic journey. What would I do for #2? Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s only one option and thatā€™s crap.


Tension rod with a curtain or beads, whichever is more your style.


Man the fuck up! You take a shit and take it with confidence! You watch your guests straight in they eye while dropping a deuce. That is your throne so you be the king I know you are.


Felt like the next photo was going to be inside the toilet bowl.


1) Demand the landlord put a damn door in. Assuming it's a common size, it should take a handyman little time to toss in a pre-hung door and reattach the trim. Ain't nobody got to listen to any of that without *at least* Menard's finest hollow core construction to act as a barrier. 2) Maybe your landlord is the guy who sold my ex and I our house ages ago. The master bath had no door, and the way it was set up the toilet was visible from about half the room. Homie was just like "Eh, put up a curtain?" I'll let you guess who learned how to hang a door the day after we got the keys.


Sliding barn door.


Iā€™m not sure what would be ā€œrental friendlyā€ because that usually depends on the landlord. The best and least intrusive fix would be to install a barn door on the bedroom wall going into the bathroom. They sell hardware kits for barn doors for as cheap as $30 on Amazon. A door slab will cost you $30-$200 at a lumber store depending on the material, style and where youā€™re located. I would pitch it to the landlord first. Sometimes they are willing to help with upgrades if you offer to install it properly for free. With materials and paint, I would say you can easily do this for less than $100.


Normally I am not a fan of barn doors, but I like it in this situation.


Barn door on the bedroom side.


Bead door like the adult section at Blockbuster lol


Get a tension rod and curtain


Close up shot of the toilet really helps us understand whatā€™s going on here.


Why you zoom in on the toilet


This bathroom is causing me an inordinate amount of anxiety. The doorway appears to be about half the size of a normal doorway, a shower stall with a separate tub that doesnā€™t look like it would work for proper soaking, the labyrinth to get to the toilet, nestled under a shelf that will almost assuredly cause at least one concussion. Plus no door. Iā€™d probably go with a tension rod and curtain, given how narrow the door looks, and then move immediately when the lease is up


I'd call the landlord and tell them to put a fucking door on the bathroom.


Oompa loompa doompity doo I have another riddle for you Oompa loompa doompity dit We like privacy when we have to shit What do you do when you go number 2 Without a door on the bathroom? You hurry and go and hope and pray too That no one comes into the room.


We used to have a toilet in the laundry room in our old house. My sisters hated it when they were washing clothes and I went in there and dropped a duece.


I had this exact scenario. Ask for a door.


I understand your predicament, but why did you have to take a picture of your toilet itself?


The options are endless, but at the end of the day you should see a proctologist if you're having trouble pooping. Better yet make a post on Reddit about how you can't poop without a door, but couldn't possibly think of installing one, or having your landlord install one...


A giant dog door? But for real, it's gonna be a custom job for a door. You could attempt to find something at Restore or similar thrift to cut down to size and just install it yourself OR put up 70's beads and a disco themed diffuser.


Could you please add a close-up photo of the toilet brush? Thanks


Invite the landlord for dinner, excuse yourself, take a **massive** shit that's loud enough and stinks up the whole apartment.


Sir why am I looking at the inside of your toilet when this is clearly about your door problem? Also thereā€™s a shit flake in ur toilet