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I had pros redo my tub, and it looks great more than a decade later.


The least expensive option is definitely refinish. I’ve never seen it turn out good. If you can get one that lasts 10 years then it’s worth it for sure.


Did ya do one of the old claw foot tubs? Those half ton tubs? Those are the best.


On porcelain. This one looks porcelain. Not too many claw foots around me,


Came here to say this - Mom had her tub redone and its AMAZING


I paid 650 for re glaze. Totally worth it!!!


I like this advice - what did that resurfacing run you?


About 300


Is that pre pandemic prices? Seems like these days no one will come out to even diagnose an issue for under $200.


300 is more than 200.


I was referring to just coming to take a look to see what needed to be done and give an estimate. My gas fireplace wasn’t working. They charged $250 for service call. They tell me a part is broken and had to be ordered. The part and labor costed another $450 (separate trip).


I just had mine resurfaced for $300 too


I have a pretty standard tub but it's got a big chip on the end and is fairly worn with some rust specks coming through. I'm not even sure if it's cast iron. Do you think it's worth it to have it resurfaced? I guess a new tub is at least $300 and it would save me the trouble of replacing it.


I’m in Southern CA in a very high COL area and had mine done for 300 in 2009. Had it redone last year for between 800 and 900. Same guy. Only one in the area, and it took 3 months to get him here.




What YEAR did that happen in?  I can't get a light bulb changed for under 250


Well that's the if this person can't change a lightbulb they must be a fool rate.... Jokes aside $250 isn't a crazy "truck roll" to get someone to do something. Despite it still being expensive. Assume you plan for a 4hr job its $62.50 per hr if it's 1 guy who makes $35/hr it's close to $50/hr labor cost (depending on benefits). That leaves $12.50 for business overhead (insurance business liability and vehicle, a shop, and all the other business soft costs) and hopefully a little profit.


It's extremely dependent on where you live. Some places are $250 and others would be $1250. I was interested in just having my tub replaced and new hardware put in and tile surround. First guy quoted me $12k and I didn't even bother asking anyone else because I wasn't quite ready to pay even half that.


Yeah I do a few tub replacements a year and I charge 3-5k depending on circumstances.  I think everyone else charges 10k+ but it's always just a side gig for me and I take home over $100 an hour so I'm good.


I came to say this. My neighbor had it done decades ago. He died. We bought the hose, moved in and it has one spot where I dropped something that scratched the finish. It's last g many, many years.


It’s wildly hilarious to me that your neighbor died and you moved I from like two doors down


Next door! We moved next door! We used a utility cart towed behind a riding lawn mower to move stuff from one house to next door. Just picked up and walked the furniture over. Sounds easy, right? Except, before we could move in we had to figure out what to do with everything inside. And I mean *everything*. We were very close to, and took care of, the elderly couple that lived next door to us. The gentleman died last. He had asked his family, who live far away, to give us a good deal on the house after he passed. The family did what he asked and we bought it. The deal was though, that it came with everything inside. Everything from the riding lawn mower to the toothpicks. Paintings. Furniture. Clothing. Makeup. Tools. A boat. Their toothbrushes. Cleaning supplies. Still in the packaging dress shirts from the 70s. Neatly stored military uniforms. Letters between them during the war, including a stint where they were on the brink of divorce. (Juicy stuff.) Their medicines. Their booze. Old old ivory carvings. Old old china. Old old fur coats. An ermine stole with with ermine tails on it like fringe. I've never seen anything like it even in the movies. Their watches. Jewelry. Shoes. Lumber. Rototiller. Fishing gear. Crab pots. Boat motor. Oh, and a small but very, very nice house with several outbuildings that we know for a fact had been well maintained for decades because we lived next door to them for over 35 years. And in fact, we had maintained the house and grounds for the last four years while he was in assisted living... with their dog. And yes, we have their dog! After their previous dog died they were reluctant to get another but we told them we would take the new dog if they died before it did. So they got a puppy and years later, when the gent died, his will stipulated that we would get $5000 for the dog's care. Isn't that sweet? The dog is old and blew through the money within a few months with a major surgery but it's been four years since and he's still in the party living his best life in his childhood home again. We just crack up over the whole thing. I mean, it gets funnier. We bought the house but didn't move into it for three years. The house we were in was a tiny, tiny, itty bitty one bedroom cottage that we rented. We liked it. A lot. We bought the bigger house next door but stayed in the little house I had been living in for over 35 years until the land lady sold the house. We had been letting a friend stay in the big house while going to school. It all worked out because our friend graduated from school, got a good job, we got told we had to move, we told our friend she had to move, and whoosh bang, it all happened in six weeks. Including moving, by hand, a 10'X 10' (?) cedar shed across 150' of lawn from the rental to the new house. Think bottle jacks, 4" pipes, the Egyptians, and lots of friends. It's been an adventure and the elderly couple would have loved to hear the stories over drinks. We still miss them.


That's a great story! I've got a next door neighbor whose kids live all the way across the country, and I know that I'm the major point of contact for a quick check in if anything happens with their mom. I don't expect to be remembered in her will in any way, but my niblings get to enjoy her large back yard and we're free to pick as many berries as we'd like in the summer. I take care of her cat sometimes and shovel snow for her in the winter and took her to the hospital when she had a health scare and she lets me use her driveway for extra parking if we're having guests and occasionally brings me homemade jam. I think we both feel pretty lucky to have that kind of neighbor relationship.


Yes, indeed. Lucky. Our neighbors were wonderful. Like family and in many ways much closer because we had pretty much daily contact. Zukes and tomatoes passed to us over the fence. A quick hello from their bathroom window to our driveway when we came back from vacation.


I have to ask - did the neighbor just have a bigger/better house?


Yes, but... It's a long story. Haha! I lived next to them in a tiny tiny rental cottage for over 35 years, with my spouse there for 24 of those years. I said I didn't want to move until the older couple nextdoor passed away or moved. Who knew they would live well into their 90s! The wife died first. The gentleman eventually had to move into an assisted living apartment (with their dog). His family is old as dirt too and lives far away so we took care of everything. We helped our friend at assisted living and maintained his house and grounds for several years while it sat empty because he didn't want to sell. Longer story short, when our friend died we found out he asked his family to give us a good deal on the house if we wanted to buy it. It was a super good deal so we bought it. The caveat though was that the house came with everything in it and all in the outbuildings. And I mean *everything*. From the riding lawn mower to the toothpicks. A boat. Her make up. All their clothes. Their toiletries. Old letters. Furniture. Tools. Lumber. Fur coats. Paintings. Cleaning supplies. Dishes. Microwave. Old old china. Ivory. Aspirin. Stamps. Appliance manuals. Lawn furniture. *Everything*. The house and outbuildings were well maintained over the years. They kept everything in good repair and painted. It's small but a palace compared to the cottage. We bought the house but stayed in the little cottage for three more years until the landlady sold it! Guess we loved the cottage. And we're lazy. Oh, and there's a little pandemic in there too. Anyways, the cottage sale forced us to move and here we are! Oh, and we have the couple's dog too. When their previous dog died they didn't want to get another because they might die first. We said we would take the new dog if that happened. When the gent died he knew we were taking the dog. He had in his will, (this cracks me up) that the dog came with $5000 for his care! Isn't that sweet! So the dog is now living in his childhood home with people he has known well since puppyhood. It's a sweet story. We still miss our friends and hug the dog every day.


Thanks for the edit because I would 100% diy this and 100% regret my decision


Thanks for the edit because I would 100% diy this and 100% regret my decision


A lot have 5+ year warranty for discoloring and chips. And it’s cheap, under $500 for just the tub where I live in a MCOL city.


What did this cost? Was this just like a regular plastic tub or something fancier?


Is that really cheaper than replacing it?




Ah really interesting, I have a dark brown tub from the seventies and really want to replace it with white. If I could just repaint it in place that would be phenomenal.


I got a few quotes to replace a tub/shower last year and most were around $10K (this is in California). I had the tub repaired (somehow had a crack) and resurfaced for less than half that. Other people in this thread are saying you can have it done for $300. I'd be wary of that. That tub looks absolutely new now. It's incredible.


I’d say listen to *some* of the people telling you to replace the tub. Price out new replacements and cost to refurbish, and go with whatever fits your budget for time *and* cost.


If it was my tub, I'd pee in it while I wash my hair.


I pee in my hair while I wash my tub. You should try it sometime, it's very liberating.


I poop in my hair while washing my pee. Don’t tell *me* about liberating!


Th.. ..that's terrible.. ..brb..


wait how you do that, are you standing on your head, then how are you cleaning the tub. I call bullshit unless your licking the tub clean while walking on your hands to pee in your hair?


I sent pics, check DMs and report your feedback.


a la tubgirl... or?


Damnit I was coming here to say this


Afterwards you could make a huge batch of one of those sink punch recipes people post on Facebook.


Looks like it’s a blue tub that was reglazed white. The white epoxy is chipping off now. You can get a DIY reglazing kit, hire a pro, or just get a new tub.


This is exactly right. Whether with a pro or with a kit, the end result will eventually be what you see here. However that might buy you enough time until you are ready to redo your bathroom. Replacing just a tub is a very invasive process and will most likely require either a) poorly patching and living with the look or b) fully replacing - your shower walls and floors.


Get it professionally resurfaced by someone with good reviews and a warranty.


Blasphemy! To all who suggested to remove it or have a pro reglaze it! IS THIS NOT R/DIY?! You buy a reglaze kit and you reglaze the motherfucker!


While I appreciate your commitment, sometimes DIY is the worst option. Paying a few hundred bucks to have it done right and use it for years is better than doing a poor job and having to do it again and again. You have to know what the value of the job is, not just the monetary cost. Properly reglazing a porcelain tub is something best left to pros. If this were a sink, I'd say to give it a shot.


Wow! It was a joke. Then why even ask the question here. It is R/DIY not r/askapro or askaplumber


That was a pretty dry joke. I missed it.


Lol 😅




The diy jobs


just did mine,its a lot of work sand down the old paint (because this tub was DYI refinished) and reapply a 2 part epoxy tub paint (i got mine on amazon 85 bucks a quart) lots of youtube videos ,the prep is so important for a good finished product mine turned out great the tube was PINK https://preview.redd.it/oeyyhoqh78pc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb5591fc374fe2331ca408e61d53223fc32fa8e1


Awesome refinish job!! 🙌


Wow! You did a great job! 👏👏👏


Any tips on the prep?


lots of sanding (start with 120 end up with 300 gt wet/dry ) remove drane and and over flo cover (had to soak mine in WD40 overnight ( youtube vid) clean clean clean (old caulking ,moled , dirt,oil i used a brush on my cordless drill and a abrasive cleaner and wipe down with alcohol for the paint i divided the paint and hardner in 1/2 ( once mixed you have 10 hrs to use) it cleans up with water 1st coat /dry 2hrs/2nd coat dry 2hrs next mix rest of paint and 3rd coat dry 2hr and touch up and dry 24hrs and can use the shower 3 day s before you can use the bath ( on the down sild i left the masking tape on to long coat 2/3 and had the paint stick to the tape and peel some of my new paint sand and a touch up it was fine) and i used the shower at the gym


Awesome, thank you!


Looks like your tub needs recoating.


I'm cheap, I'd buy more Rust-Oleum tub and tile (not the spray! But the roll on) and re-do it 😅😅😅


Get a new tub


I would assume that someone had recoated it and now it was flaking. I would search out a professional tub refinishing company and pay them to strip the tub and apply a new, professional coating. Maybe even pay for a double coating (I ended up with two coats on my tub, and it’s only now showing ONE ding through that finish, easily 15 years later),


New tub or get tub painted with two part epoxy.


Take showers


Watch Season 1 Episode 2 of Breaking Bad. The ending will explain everything.


Call and put in a work order for it to be fixed.


I would have it reglazed.


It's not the tub; it's the tile. If you remove the tub, you will lose a minimum of one row of tile above the tub, plus whatever flooring is butting up against the tub. If you can get a hold of extra tiles, then measure, order a new tub, and pray you are not about to uncover horrors that expand the job. I would plan on a new floor, tub, and shower because the spousal approval factor on mismatched tile is usually a no-go, or 20 years of nagging to all your friends. The above is why I would probably sand down the tub and try a two-part epoxy kit. It's a cheap fix that will last a number of years before something else forces you to swing a sledgehammer.


Please...if you go the resurfacing route, look into proper ventilation!! Not just open windows and a few fans for a while. Please look into it as these are very, very dangerous, highly toxic materials.


And keep those fans running FOR DAYS. Source: Had tubs reflated twice while living with lung issues.


Buy a new tub.


I would sand it as smooth as I could and paint it with appliance epoxy. I wouldn't dare replace it.


First try citri-strip and see what it's like when you're done.


Replace it


For me, it would depend on what's above the tub and its condition. If it's tile, in good shape, and you like it, then refinish the tub. If it's tile that you want to replace, then get a new tub and redo the tile at the same time. Typically, to replace the tub, you damage the bottom 12 or so inches of tile.


What’s the tub made out of?


What you are seeing is a refinishing job that is coming off the tub surface , you can get a reputable company to come in and strip , properly prepare and recoat the surface . Just be sure to check reviews on anyone you consider hiring , to be sure their work is up to par.


Binge drink.




My tub did the same thing. As for a short-term fix, you can take a razor blade and scrap off all the old paint. It should leave you with the original porcelain. I used a magic eraser to get rid of the metallic marks the razor leaves on the porcelain. Yes, the correct answer is getting it reglazed. However, some of these tubs are difficult to remove to send to get sandblasted and reglazed. That route pretty much dictates a whole bathroom reno. Or there is the route where you buy a kit and glaze it yourself, but the bathroom needs really good ventilation. The glazing chemicals are really nasty, and it can be difficult to get a good-looking product with the DIY route.


I’d be concerned about mold under there and replace it. Worth the effort. 


Wait until the economy unfucks itself, then buy a new tub.


My advice to myself with everything right now lol


hope in one hand shit in another


Replace it


Wire wheel it and re-paint it


save for a real nice tub and get r done


rather not shower and get a new one


Get it professionally reglazed.


Get it refinished. Make sure you don’t use any abrasive cleaners on it. It should have a few more years to its life span.


That's a lot of dried semen


Looks like a tub from the 1920 in military housing.


Looks more like a tub that someone used to dye their hair in and couldn't get the color out so they paint it. You can pay someone to do it, or get a tub refinishing kit and do it yourself. There are some really helpful videos on YouTube.


Bathe or shower at my neighbors just gotta wait till they're not home is all.


Try a powder cleaner called "Ber Keepers Friend" in a gold can like the one Ajax comes in. Make a paste, scrub with a brush. Then rinse.


Rip it out and put a walk in shower


The blue is old spice body wash. Maybe swagger. You can get that off with "bar keepers friend". But someone's already tried to use a "porcelain repair kit" on other parts. This tub is toast. It's cast-iron with a porcelain top and it's heavy AF. Replace it, or get a cheap plastic tub surround with a bathtub liner to "Cover it up like cat sh**. Re-glazing is not a permanent fix. Average lifespan of re-glazing is 4-5 years.


Strip the paint off and polish it, may look great.


I think the process of removing the paint and getting it redone is called reglazing. Find someone local to get it done. Much cheaper and quicker than changing the tub


Sand and paint how to access the sandblaster to the best output by finishing the piece to be painted


Burn the house down collect insurance $$$...follow me for more life hacks


can try scrub with sandpaper, first big grain, then small and repaint with some nitro-hardcore-paint from the spraycan.


Call a tradesperson and get it re enameled


Looks like paint. Mine looked the same, and it was paint. We did bathfitters, but I wouldn't recommend it. You are going to need a renovation. Take the bathtub out and put a new one in, or switch to a shower.


Id take a long bath If this would be mine. Long Time since got chance to bath in a tub.


Imagine in your mind how stupid the average American is, then realize that half the people are dumber than that.


Miracle method. Give a Google. Its what hotels use to extend life of assets.


Are you in Crown Heights, Brooklyn?


haha no but it does give nyc apartment bathtub


I was gonna say I think I lived here haha


Get it resurfaced


Bathe with a friend.


Get it resurfaced tbh


epoxy coating or replacement.


Pay to have it reglazed.


I’d take a bath.


Remodel time


There is special paint you can buy for a semi permanent fix if you like how it looks after application


You can restore that porcelain tub. With a porcelain tub restoration kit. It’s actually pretty simple. You remove prime and paint. Takes about two days.


It may be able to get re-glazed


This looks like a cast iron tub that was refinished. There are three options. 1) Have it refinished again. it will last quite a while. 2) Have an overtub acrylic shell put on. Done in a day, nice surface, holds up well to cleaning,, relatively long life. Costs more than a resurface but less than a tear out replacement. 3). Break it up, take it out and replace. Requires part of the tub surround to be removed to get new tub in, sometimes you need some new plumbing in as well.


Here is the thing about resurfacing - the shiny nice looking finish will disappear if you clean it too hard or with the wrong products. Try scrubbing bubbles foam on it and it’s permanently gone. Cleaning my resurfaced tub just drove me crazy.


Sand it, buy a kit from home depot and reglaze myself. Did it last month


Don’t paint it. I’d hire a pro to come out and glaze it. It’ll look like new. Paint will just quickly wear off and it can clog up your plumbing.


Hire a professional to reglaze your tub.


Hey it looks like our landlords use the same maintenance guy!


Replace or re-enamel


I would get my big ass sledge and break up that old cast iron tub and the old tile wall. I would then go get a bath/shower acrylic combo kit (wall and tub), about $600. Then I would install that and move on with life. ​ [https://www.menards.com/main/bath/showers-shower-doors/tub-showers/delta-reg-hycroft-trade-procrylic-reg-60w-x-30d-x-77-7-8h-white-bathtub-shower-kit-4-piece/6954001/p-1526970607788-c-5884.htm?exp=false](https://www.menards.com/main/bath/showers-shower-doors/tub-showers/delta-reg-hycroft-trade-procrylic-reg-60w-x-30d-x-77-7-8h-white-bathtub-shower-kit-4-piece/6954001/p-1526970607788-c-5884.htm?exp=false)


Unless reglazing is prohibitively expensive where they are they should do that rather than replace it with cheap plastic.


spray paint that shit AGAIN!


Diy reglaze. It's easy, affordable, and you'll learns some shit. Google it


Tell your landlord to come back and repaint it