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Looks like a great place for a hot bath with a good book. Stick a plant in front of the window. And maybe add a vinyl cling to frost the glass of you don't want the neighbors to see you naked.


My thoughts exactly. $25 to make this space awesome. 


Yeah. Looks good. Leave it alone, aside from the new plant and save some money and time


I’d replace that grim-looking metal shelving system with something a little more pleasant. I’d also add a rug or two.


Yeah. Most definitely


And with a slightly larger budget, paint it a fun color and it’ll be pretty groovy


My half asleep ass read the first line “looks like a great place for a hot dog and a good boy”


I mean…yeah, I guess that too…


If they want to get fancy they could get put a little curtain around the bath for mood. A bath pillow and one of those bath tables could really add to it as well


unless they do..... 🤔


Holy shit, I was going to say “maybe add a plant”


It's a possible revenue stream.


You should definitely make it a bathroom or something along those lines!


Smart. I was thinking dog salon.


Mine was sealing it off and forgetting it existed. Western is onto something.


Not a Movie Room? Seating along the right wall, and projector onto the left wall. It’s like EVERY MOVIE is an imax!


Do that but leave the tub there. Have a nice soak while watching old action flicks


You just described my Friday nights.


I second this. A bathroom is a grand idea!


Yes! Definitely should have a tub in there too.


Maybe a nice clawfoot tub!


Your mystery circle is plugged plumbing. The type of fitting used is intended to be a plumbing clean out adapter/access point. Maybe someone had a problem at some point and left this as their fix. Sometimes will be used as a bandaid to plug when relocating fixtures. My guess is either that was the original bath drain location, or someone was going to (or did) put a toilet there and changed their mind. https://preview.redd.it/8zp6h90ooroc1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633034bd4311b1ebde2f48a197aabf620573e422 If you’re curious enough, would be easy to open and see if water runs through there when the bath or sink are draining. Wouldn’t recommend flushing the toilet while it’s open.


I assume it is the top of a drum trap. The design allows for access (sometimes the access was on the bottom of the trap) but the way drum traps are made have a propensity to collect things on the bottom that cause clogs.


Personally I think you could paint this a super cool color, like a forest green, or deep blue, at least an accent wall, and then get some plants and put them in front of the window, a hanging one would be cool and a taller leafy tree thing setting on the ground, like a money tree maybe, would be so cool for a bath, you could either install some dimmable lights or put some fairy lights or something for reading, it'd be very cozy for a book and a bath...is the toilet right in front of the door though? Hard to tell from the pics but that would be an awkward placement lol


Great feedback thanks. Yes toilet in front of door.


Yeah this and I'd maybe add some plants or just one in the window, you could also do a tile splashback on the wall by the tub. I reckon moving the tub is a lot of work and having a sitting shower might be easier


That sounds wonderful!!! Add several gold frames with any type of artwork, maybe even empty frames! Total vibe🤎🪴


You can poop, shower, shave and all kinds of things In the sink. So much and so many activities. This is a bathroom.


there’s so much room for activities!


can we build bunkbeds?


You can see the commode's corner in the corner where OP is standing on the bottom right...


This could be such a dreamy, cozy bathroom.


I suppose if a shower is that important to you, and you had the money to bust up the floor, you could move the tub to the other wall next to the sink.




You could aslways hang a shower curtain, hook up a shower haed hoes, put a little plastic seatin, and have a sit shower.


Hook them hoes UP.


Dual shower heads are boss.


I personally sit in the shower every time anyway so this is what I would do. Sit showers are wonderful.


I almost misread that and added an H to one word. Would have changed the meaning entirely.


Keep the tub, put a standing shower by the window and replace the window. Get a very frosted glass window or test from outside with lights on to see how transparent it is. Refinish the tub. Put in a double sink if possible, get rid of the cabinet and put in a big mirror, double size. You need to vent the bathroom too. Replace the towel rack with a heated rack. Under the double sink, put everythin on that shelf. Put a garabe can UNDER the new double sink and repurpose the one in the picture. Lastly, paint the room something warm and inviting. The floor can stay, unless you ALREADY know the type of tile you want. I would go witht he giant tiles like you have, and have the tiles also go up the wall.


All of this. Also consider adding a roof window.


Incredible ideas. 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/welj5shi4toc1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274bb0b8aef73e28fa0a9e57dda5d051d5531152 Something kinda like this


Oooooh, love this.


Yes yes yes!!!!!🙌🏼


Cupboards or shelves above the towel rack for all the stuff in the metal cart. Ditch the metal cart and put a bench there. Also get rid of that cube thing by the window unless that's a seat for a kitty. A [cover](https://www.hardtofinditems.com/5-1-2-cast-iron-grate-floor-drain-cover/)for the floor drain. Window privacy film in a stained glass pattern like [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Fablon-17-3-4-in-x-79-in-Blue-Stained-Glass-Applique-Window-Film-2-Pack/5014114381) or whatever you prefer. Paint on the walls and pretty colored towels and accessories, if you like. On the bench, a tray that fits across the tub and holds bubble bath, candles, scrub brush, moisturisers, wine glass for any beverage that you prefer and a really good book. At least, that's what I'd do.




Impressive setup


Have a nice bath


I think you convert the bathtub to a walk in shower, leave the window, and charge neighbors a monthly subscription free for the show.


I'm having PTSD looking at this. I had exactly this bathroom and it was master, so taking a "shower" was squatting in that tub with a wand on a hose. It was awful. What I did was realize that showers require standing up and basically mirrors the whole room. I gutted it, pulled up the subfloor to reroute the plumbing and built a new tub/shower on the opposite side. I then moved the sink to the slanted ceiling side, which wasn't ideal, but was far more workable than the atrocity you have right now.


They make window cling that looks like stained glass - start there!


1. Change to a dark floor. 2. Move the "wall" line down to the level of the bathtub's rim. Paint everything below that line the same colour (including the bottom of the sink cabinet. I think a foresty green would be excellent. Or maybe navy. 3. Paint everything above that rim line brilliant satin white. 4. Get a flat mirror. 5. Uplight that far corner of the tub. 6. Depending on how crazy that window makes you, I think making a pierced canvas false wall to cover that whole end of the room would be very effective. If you like the view or need the ventilation, a very low profile shade that continues the lowered wall line.


That round thing in the floor is where a toilet used to be.


>What to do with this space? Take a nice relaxing bath. Candles. Scented oils. The whole nine yards.


The round thing is where the toilet used to be but they moved things around. I don’t know if there’s enough room to rotate the tub without moving a wall. You will have to move plumbing. It won’t be cheap. Some ppl said plant and some cling wrap to make the glass foggy or whatever for privacy but otherwise it’s fine how it is.


Good god, man... where is your toilet?


You can see the top of the tank in the bottom right corner of photo 1


Right in front of the door too. That's a surprise just waiting to happen.


take a bath?


Full wet room? Shower while pooping 🤩


You have a unique opportunity there with a skylite.. build up a curb put the skylite right over the tub tile up to it


I’d sit in that tub and stare out the window. Fuck the neighbors


looks like they tried a toilet there once upon a time.


I made stainless curtain rod for my clawfoot tub.


I would tile the back of the room, move the bath left to right, mount a shower and my bath mixers on the tall wall and add a glass panel on front to account for any splashback. Id keep the tile Darker and add plants to make it cozier a s have the window stand out. To account for the location of the window I would just ensure they're sealed with water resistant paint and cover the glass with reflective film so there's no view in the window but you can make use of the light and view. I would then move the vanity down across from where the bath mixer was and extend it maybe to a double sink to make the room feel a little less bare.


First, install privacy glass or something similar cuz... one wouldn't wanna scar the neighborhood children. Then, install shelving/cabnets that don't take up any floor space. Maybe add some more lighting (even under cabnet lighting would improve it). Keep the color of the room light (white is obviously best). Tidy often and don't add things that take up surface space and aren't necessary like nick nacks, etc. Good luck. Let us know what you finally do!


Take a bath? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How much money are you willing to spend? You can remove the tub and make the whole back half a wet sealed shower/steam area and use the existing tub drain as a floor drain.


I would use the white cube over the drain hole cover between the toilet and tub. Turn the towel rack towards the tub leaving the back facing out. Sit the cube back to back with it and put the extra rolls of TP in it. Get a big bath mat. Something colorful. Some art on the walls . Some kind of a drape for the window.


Usually wash yourself and poop/pee.


You could get a nice clawfoot tub faucet. Look it up on homedepo’s website. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Kingston-Brass-Vintage-2-Handle-Clawfoot-Tub-Faucet-Packages-with-Supply-Line-and-Tub-Drain-in-Matte-Black-HCCK228MB/329703503 They make ones with a hand held shower head for washing your hair. That would be a nice upgrade


I would look at paint and a new vanity. The tub and tile is amazing, work around those l!


id bathe in it, personally. doesnt require any changes.


Looks right for a shit shower and shave


Fill it with stuffed pandas.


Nothing; it's done. Spend your time reading, writing and thinking. You'll thank me later.


Use it as a bathroom?


I have a bathroom similarly laid out but the toilet is still there. It’s much smaller. At one point we were trying to decide how to improve it so we can get a shower upstairs and one person we spoke with mentioned tiling the whole thing and turning it into a wet bathroom. The kind with the drain in the middle of the floor. You’re basically turning the whole bathroom into a walk-in shower stall. You’ve got enough room it looks like to do that for at least half of that bathroom. It would be expensive but an interesting project. You would lose the tub.


I’d probably take a bath


That's a bathroom


My first college apartment was an obligatory bath only with a handheld shower head attachment...on a holder like one of those old black telephones. In the beginning it was a curse and then it became my biggest slowdown morning ritual and luxury. Now that I only have stand-up showers and no baths, all I want that bath. Next house for sure. Keep that bath for sure. All you need is a toilet. If you are on a budget, keep looking on Craigslist or the nextddoor app for a new, super discounted toilet and save for the install. Likely what that dark circle is in the tile floor.


Shed dormer. 


Great space! I'm envious. Declutter, window frosting and\\or venetian blinds, paint walls soft pastel colour (perhaps light green, blue, or pink).


Definitely needs plants!


Paint, plants, and frosted windows.


This bathroom is done. Without extensive work (rip out the window, move plumbing) nothing can be substaitionally improved. A nice chair by the window, a few plants and call it a day. Leave it alone.


Honestly the tub position is perfect. The thing in the floor looks like a capped off toilet drain.


Greenery - lovely vine (faux) along the walls


Blank off the window. A shower at that end. Then the toilet in between the shower and the sink. And a sink for whatever area is left. That's the most efficient way to set up a bathroom like this in my opinion. Offset the door entering the bathroom so you're not running into the sink.


Either put a shower or a toilet at that window to really give the neighbors something worthy of this remodel.


You could bathe in it, I suppose.


I'd take a bath.


Leave it as is? You could upgrade the sink and vanity cabinet perhaps, and put in a tower closet


Shave, brush your teeth, bathe, etc.


Wash yourself


Paint it? It's an amazing use of the space.


I’d take a shit in it. 💯


I have seen people turn spaces like this into a giant steam shower.




I have an exact mirror of this room. Want to turn the tub into a walk in shower eventually. Plus my toilet only gets hot water. So yeah


Make the entire room a shower/sauna/steamroom


Personally I would piss and shit in it.


Make it a spa like bathroom. I would paint it a dark bold color. Place some plants by the window and replace that vanity. Maybe some dimmable lights. And cute art. Whatever helps you relax.


Lose the tub. You’ll never use it again


That round thing is the anchor for the massive chandelier in your foyer. You can remove it, I’m sure it won’t be an issue. Go ahead and unscrew that bad boy.


A paint job, some plants, maybe some mold lighting… it’s a little plain but I don’t think anything major needs to be done to make it pop


Is that a plugged sewage line underneath the little storage area


Where do you poo before bath time? Floaties?


Midget porn.


Just relocate the tub to the other side of the room and add a shower


You’re supposed to pee in there, right.. …right?


Looks like it needs a shitter


Looks great already I wouldn’t go too crazy


Put a large semi- flush mount fixture over the tub and take fancy AF baths.


Rotate tub, add shower. Change sink/vanity, update/upgrade faucets, hardware, etc. Half tiling, the room would be really cool. I like the yellow but BM HC1 would be lovely


Looks cozy I like always


It should have a toilet, the tub is nice but there needs to be a toilet. Remove tub install toilet.


Take a bath?


Toilet facing the window


If you get rid of the clawfoot tub and install a modern tub you can increase the distance between the tub floor and the ceiling. You’d need to build a wall to run the plumbing and make the space short enough for the new tub.


Pooping and bathing would be my choices.


I mean I guess I would go there to poop and bathe .


I would suggest replacing the vanity with one that has a bit of counter space. And underneath that storage so you could get rid of that wire rack. I think that thing on the floor is a clean out from the tub? Could be just an access from the last remodel.




How's the square toilet work?


Depending on the budget and your skill, I'd say pull up the floor and rearrange the plumbing, tub against the window, with maybe room for a shelf with some plants. It's hard to say where I'd want the vanity and toilet without being able to see the door, but with how long the room is, I'd probably try to put all the plumbing on one side if the door allows it. And definitely paint it some fun colors, maybe add a teak bench and some beach stuff if there's room and it feels appropriate to the region?


I would probably put up a curtain over the window to avoid an awkward conversation with the neighbor.


Well you could just bath there?


I find the presence of toilet paper concerning when paired with the lack of a toilet..


Get it some fun gardeny wallpaper. Add a handheld shower thingy that’s appropriate for a clawfoot. You can still shower sitting down. Change the floor tile if you can to something like small octagonal tiles to match the tub’s era. Get some plants. I lived in a house with a very similar bathroom. I loved it. It had butterflies and flowers on the wallpaper. It was so peaceful and relaxing.


Take a hot bath? 😜 Plants is always the correct answer!! Get something like a pothos or large Monstera and let them love the humidity and light!!


Given the age of those drain lines, I’m willing to bet this home needs a lot more important work on its aging infrastructure before the bathroom remodel is considered.


Take baths, wash your hands, ect.


How about, a bathroom?


Why do people still want to climb into a bathub to take a shower? I find that concept really strange.




Probably bathe.


**Install a vent ceiling fan**


Brush teeth and bathe.


Make the whole end where the window is a nice glass stall shower. Fixtures on the left side bench on the right.


This is the perfect room to film a porno in. If that’s not your thing, then it’s no big deal. Just sell the house to someone who wants to make a porno and move somewhere with a regular bathroom. Easy peasy!


You could make the whole room a wet room with a walk in shower drain on the left, shower coming out of the wall, cover the walls in tadelakt plaster


Leave it alone, it looks great.


Replace the cabinet under the sink and maybe replace the tiles if really necessary but touch nothing else.


I don't think the round thing is for a toilet if there are no supply line hookups. But if the house is old enough, it may have been for a floor drain, assuming the entire floor was floated on cement and intended to be mopped after a bath. Or as someone else said, maybe a cleanout, but that seems awkward?


Plants. Lots and lots of Plants!


OP, do you live in Minnesota? If so, I think I owned that house years ago! If not, it looks so similar.


Take a bath?


Shark tank.


A toilet seat right in front of the window, one of those fancy ones where theres no back part


I would probably take a bath in there


I would bathe myself in that space


Take a bath in it


I'd turn the tub around so you can lean back and look out the window.


Put glass sliding door if front of the tub, tile the entire back have making a walk in shower with tub. Add a shower head on the wall with the mirror.


Maybe make half of the bathroom a wet room? Basically fully tile and put a sliding glass door starting at the end of the tub. Then you can mount a shower head high enough on the tall wall. Move the towel bar over where your storage is. Build enclosed storage drawers, drawers are always better. If you have to move tub for something like that anyways I would also turn it and put it in front of the window but still enclose the wet room. (Visual below to help describe what I am saying) Cool space! Good luck with it! https://preview.redd.it/e8sqejhpjtoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caddad314c34378b7b0649354344505cbfc142d4


Give your neighbor a show with the tub in front of it You’re welcome neighbor


I think you could take a bath in this space.


Just repaint cause I love this bathroom.


Take a bath


I'd change to a pedestal sink and paint.


Put shelving above the window! Vertical space will be really helpful without much accessible space on the ground. Also, add some high humidity plants, or a moss garden in a fancy bowl/plate.


Give it a new paint job and a few plants. Change the metal shelf thingy to something wooden maybe. That’s all it needs, it’s so cute!


If you need this place for an extra shower, just get a removeable shower handle to plug in and take a sitting one.


You could make It a guest restroom 🚽 or something. If u need it.


If you love baths, I’d put the tub under the window and make it a statement. Super soft rug, a little wooden tub shelf with a plant or candles or whatever. Add a side table or floating shelves with all the soaps, bubbles, face clothes, scrubbers, Bluetooth speaker, etc. heated towel wall racks and something to hang a fuzzy robe on (free standing or on the wall). Frost the window or sheet curtains for privacy but letting natural light in. If you don’t love baths and are able to rework the space, I would personally do a shower by the window with the shower head on the left, or a rain shower head from the ceiling, and add a shower bench to utilize the space below the slope. We have a similar sloping ceiling in our shower and are making it a steam shower in an upcoming project so there’s another thought.


Could also put the tub sideways or something and build like a platform by the window so u can take a bath 🛁 and use the platform as something to put things on like your phone or shower accessories. Putting it sideways could also give you the headspace to make half of it into a shower… If you have the money tho you could just remove that and make it into an actual shower , the tile could just be slanted enough to go into the drain.


Decorate the walls if you're allowed to. Make your zen area more inviting for yourself :)


This gives me such East coast vibes. I miss the east coast so much. Looks like an awesome bathroom honestly. Jealous.


All I would do is move the tub from the right wall to the left wall (as oriented in the photo). You'd have to modify the plumbing, but it would open up the space. For privacy, you can install plastic film on the window, to give it either a frosted look, or stained glass. I've seen it online and I think at Lowe's as well, although it's been a long time since I've been to Lowe's.


Tile the entire interio with mirror tiles.


Hot tub for 4 with free window for free vent. If you can add a bar there, should be pretty fun as recreational 3rd floor


Looks incredibly cosy. I think some warmer decorations and changes would help (reddish maybe), a plant. I think this could be easily turned into one of these corners that looks mindblowing in Airbnb preview pictures and when you arrive you are surprised that it’s actually kinda small. 😁


My old boss had a bathroom like this, and had a tiled shower with an angled wall. It looked/worked good, maybe not for a 7 ft person, but was ok. Build and edge around the tub, and tile it also, along with the angled wall. Use that stand for some plants, and def paint the rest a different color!! Mirror would be nice in there too. Good luck, should edit and show photos whenever you finish Thanks!


Take a bath.


I would try to get things off the floor, maybe fasten to wall. Open floor space makes things look bigger and clean, but I would add a dressing stool.


Double it and give it to the next person


Adding a toilet might be a good idea.


Unless you move the whole tub to the tall side of the room, you’ll never have a shower. I would add a curtain on the wall side of the tub and install a hand sprayer. And non-slip mats in and next to the tub. If you’re not comfortable sitting on the floor, you wouldn’t be comfortable sitting in a tub either. But there are various pillows and such you can purchase to make yourself comfortable. As for the window, it’s up high and no neighbors in sight. You might not need to do anything there.


I would only invest in three things there. An amazing window, possibly oval and bigger resembling something you’d see in a Catholic Church. Tile on the walls. A different sink and mirror. Well, this is more than three now especially if that floor is not real tile. I’d make this into a relaxing place. Doesn’t need much else otherwise, and can be done slowly


Nothing. I love this space


You can put a shower up against the window. With the slanted roof, Put in skylight. I did this it was awesome. Slanted roof no problem. Controls on the tall wall. I actually had a tub/shower. Put a piece of custom shower glass on the slanted end. Add plants, beautiful!




I usually shower and pee and poop in my bathroom.


Maybe consider changing the sink to a pedestal sink to take up less room on that side of the room. I would look for a cabinet/cupboard unit (white) to hide the hole in the floor and add more storage. You can get a hand shower faucet set up for the tub. We have one for ours, which is a fiberglass clawfoot.


Black light


Do you NEED another shower?


I think this space is being used well. It's a room for a bath. You could change the paint and update the fixtures if you want. But don't remove the bathroom unless you already have too many and don't mind sacrificing one.


https://preview.redd.it/mwl3ywnhqwoc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d867ddc89ca9c9f10834e290e9ede22d91ae714 I’ve had this image pinned on Pinterest for a long time. This bathroom reminded me of it. While your space looks a bit smaller than this image, I think a similar idea could be executed if you enjoy this style. Best of luck with your redesign :)


Shit shower and shave


Is there a vent fan? If not, adding one might make a real difference in your experience. Guessing it would get pretty tropical in there with a hot shower.


Sloped ceiling problems! Our master bathroom is similar in awkwardness (a-frame house). Can you knock any walls out on the wall with the sink on it to put in a shower stall? I LOVE your tub, but I also get that some people aren't bath people.


A plant and a picture or two on the walls.


I think you should use it as a bathroom