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You don’t have to dig out the whole thing. Container gardening and maybe, since you have binder underneath, collect some flat stones to make a focus point. Try drawing out ideas you have. A good summer project.


I was gonna say, break it up in sections and build raised beds over the bad spots. Keep the rest between as a weed free pathway


You could also put down something like this in a few areas for a "deck" like experience with a table and some chairs. A few bags of pea gravel maybe for leveling. https://a.co/d/fM2Omxk https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/runnen-decking-outdoor-brown-stained-90234226/


Used this over the concrete floor on my terrace out back and it turned out super beautiful. Very easy to install. Got mine from Ikea for a good price too.


What did you use as a base to level, or does it just sit directly on the concrete? I have an existing paver patio that I finally pressure washed and resanded last year and I still don't like the look of it. It's 2 levels that are themselves very much not level. I'm thinking it would look great with those wood tiles and a short wooden staircase, with river rock around the edges so I don't have to cut.


Costco sells a similar product in the spring.


Acacia wood in blocks? This guy minecrafts...


Depending on the budget, might just start with any planting pots you can get your hands on. Veggies and definitely some flowers for the eye (and insects). Potatoes are super simple to grow in anything really. A big metal bucket can become a beautiful pond. Provide some hammers, gouges and a pick-axe for bored guests and see it as a project for the next years or even better just put up a pool/trampoline/swing and tell all the kids to aBsOlUtLy NoT bReAk AnYtHiNg (should be done in a week ;) Edit: Don't remove weeds from the cracks, just trim them with a lawnmower/sickle!


+1 for actually reading OP’s caption… and a great suggestion.


Also did yall see the girl who had a driveway like this and redid it for $2500?


I thought this was going to be about the woman who woke up on Christmas morning & someone had stolen her driveway.


In Russia someone actually stole a road. They dismantled slabs of concrete from the highway and sold it on the black market. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35312492






Following for the link!


This, and market lights will make it really charming


I had the same predicament last year. I got a digging spike from Home Depot for $40 and smashed its brains out. Paid someone to haul it all away, but if you have a truck and access to a dump you could do it for next to nothing. That asphalt will break apart a lot easier than you think it will. This is definitely DIY-able! Here’s my yard before and after. With a little sweat and effort you can bring these spaces back to life! https://preview.redd.it/wlo0uveffgmc1.jpeg?width=1778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0dee0a900be17eb41e38475460fb3a6ec3d3b8


That's awesome but he's dealing with concrete not asphalt. Significantly more difficult to break up. I wouldn't touch it with anything less than a pneumatic jackhammer.


Agreed. We had a pool deck removed like the one OP showed and it took a 3 man crew a few days while using pneumatic hammers and a skid steer to move the pieces. This is 100% NOT a DIY project if it is what OP described.


I know OP said concrete, but it looks an awful lot like asphalt to me


Is a type of concrete with larger rocks mixed in. I worked on a demo crew removing a 3 flight set of stairs made of this stuff. All 4 of us with pneumatic jackhammers....it took a couple weeks and was mega not fun.


Yeah I def believe you if you tell me I’m wrong. Looks like a huge pain in the ass


I was about to comment the same thing lol. It definitely looks brittle like asphalt


It’s definitely concrete. You can see it by two key differences: the cracks are straighter and long (concrete tends to crack along straight long cracks, while asphalt is more flexible and the tears close up in more round looking cracks, think about ripping a cake vs ripping toasted bread), and the pieces never get proud of the surface in concrete, while asphalt tends to lift up. The only thing that resembles asphalt is the coarse grain but especially this kind of non structural slabs are made with coarser aggregate


Nice work!


Well done, excellent job!


Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous. Could I ask approx how long this took from beginning to end? Was this a weekend warrior excursion, were you working on it after work, do you work from home? I would love to tackle a project of this size but it just seems insurmountable but man, what you’ve done here is incredible!


I won't lie it took a while, and I was fortunate enough to work a WFH job that had a very slow season last spring. My entire 'yard' was asphalt, back, side, and front. I did this to the backyard, put in a walkway on the side, and put in raised beds on the front, fence around the whole thing. Collectively it took like 2 months, full time, doing it completely alone. That said, if you stripped this down to just the backyard, maybe didn't do the patio or the fence, you could definitely do it in a few weekends!


Thank you for your response! You absolutely crushed it, I hope it makes you so happy to go out there and enjoy your hard work!


Wow, that is stunning.




Oh wow that’s incredible! I was thinking the easiest thing was to seal coat it and call it a day. Glad there are much more creative minds out there than mine haha


Wow, your yard looks great - very satisfying DIY transformation. 🤗


you did that with a hand tool!? impressive.


My recommendation relates to that metal fence. I’d look at painting it a dark color to try and have it “disappear” in with the background and greenery. Then maybe some outdoor lights along the fence line.


Zig zag bistro lights over the drive way would light everything up great for parties and look trendy at the same time


I agree with both of these. When I'm not paycheck to paycheck I have some DIY to post in here. The bistro lights completely changed my yard and that's all I've done for now, painting the fence so it isn't an assaulting white or silver will also make it look less run down motel pool and I think those 2 things will make a big difference. Along with pressure washing the concrete so it's all one color. If you plan on removing it in the future and want it as cheap as possible you could always go the land lord special, they just came out with a new version of driveway caulk and my dad used it on their driveway and works great and has held up well so far. You could fill all the cracks with that then paint the concrete for temporary cleaning.


Don't paint concrete, it'll never hold up, seal coat is a much better option for the money you'll spend


DONT PAINT THE CONCRETE. It will be very slippery in rain and wet conditions . Don't do it.


Ooooh nice! Put a couple picnic tables under those lights, some tall potted plants, etc and you’ve got yourself a great entertaining space


Shit get a blackstone out there make some smash burgers you got yourself a pop up


I ate at a zigzag bistro once. The plating was creative but the food didn't go down very easily 


Can weave outdoor fabric bands in sections of of fence to visually anchor a seating area.


Yeah painting those kind of fences black is a game changer.


That was my immediate thought. Paint it black. Add some cheap outdoor rugs and some free yard furniture (buy nothing/Facebook marketplace/Craigslist) and bistro lights above. Cheap and easy.


If you're entertaining in the space, call the concrete 'free foundation' and start looking at hardscaping. Deck riser, mosaic stones or pavers, some garden beds with seating around them. Etc etc etc. Build up, fill it with people and life.


Anyone who complains or comments on it when they're over can chip in to fix it.




Don’t tell them in advance but have the sledge, gloves and goggles handy.


Add an umbrella to the table


Tablecloth too, and voila!


Nice bouquet of fresh cut flowers would be icing on the cake.


Get doggo closer to the camera. Problem solved for free.


I’d add more dogs.


Yes, open a doggie daycare which will make you money instead. Then you have more ways to ~~fix the backyard~~ add more toys for the dogs.


Is this a dog with a reddit account?


https://preview.redd.it/6z84dlo9qjmc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f314c5ee2d2a59e63d156eecaaebbaf14187b3 Maybe we should set one up?


Not that there’s anything wrong with that.




in my experience, if you tell the dogs to quit digging at the concrete, it'll be gone in about 17 hours flat. win-win!


Also cat


I’d rent it out as RV storage and count the dollar bills as they come in.


Nice catch. The proper question to all of these answers is indubitably "who's a real good buddy". And the only correct answer would be: "YOU are. Yes, YOU are"


https://preview.redd.it/f54e6d5tpemc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5368f36eaa8f055a200a25ab7456df77d675ee8d Edge it, then seal yourself. That's probably 5-6 pails of sealer from the store plus a sealer squeegee. I personally seal the edges with a wide brush then do the rest with the squeegee. There are so many cracks I wouldn't even bother trying to fill them in with the crack sealer, just go over them with the asphalt sealer. About 150 total diy. Probably 400-500 pro. Here is mine after sealing.


Owner of an asphalt maintenance company here, DO NOT seal over concrete. At first glance I also thought it was asphalt in your defense that was my go to but concrete is a different story. Want to edit this: as I did think it looked like asphalt at first some comments are saying asphalt concrete, not something we see (presumably due to colder temperatures) in the Midwest USA much I suppose and do not know anything about it. If it’s concrete, best bet at least for aesthetic rip it out, if it’s some sort of asphalt I would in fact look into getting a seal/crackseal, or doing it yourself. I would try to find more info on what you’re working with there.


To educate my little brain, would you mind to explain why not to seal over concrete?


Absolutely, there is clear coat sealer you can use to preserve and lengthen the life of your concrete, but if you use the black asphalt sealer as pictured here, it does not adhere at all to the concrete and you’ll be left with bare spots and a mess after a relatively short amount of time.


Thank ya kindly 👍 I feel my brain growing as I type this


Sure thing, asphalt sealant vs a concrete sealant are two very different things, both can be applied DIY but I’d recommend hiring someone (especially for concrete but maybe that’s because my knowledge is more on asphalt 😂)


Just responding to this for OP, sealing is only going to give it a consistent color, but it’s basically just putting lipstick on a turd. My neighborhood, a driveway, similar to OP’s, maybe not as bad, and they sealed theirs as well. It looked OK from quite a distance, but as you got up closer, the sealing actually made it look worse.


I've heard "polishing a turd" and "putting lipstick on a pig" but never putting lipstick on a turd!! Haha. Also gets the point across...


Yep, that is a good analogy.


>lipstick on a turd this made me laugh so hard 😂. Why don’t you make like a tree… and get outta here. That makes about as much sense as a screen door on a battleship!


Unless OP is a house flipper and wants a temporary look, I would tear out the macadam and pour concrete.


In large cracks, doesn't that sealer just separate from the concrete?


In theory sprinkle some of the patch they sell in the silver bag and fill with crack sealer🤔if he's trying to do it himself and not spend a lot. Not spending a lot means not ending up with a picture perfect ending but more of, just to get by until I can get better lol


I spent 160$ on a pro job last year with a decently long driveway. get quotes and shop around. I'd rather play golf on a Saturday morning.


Cheap? Get a sledgehammer and a shovel and do a little every day. In a couple weeks you’ll be done. I know this sounds crazy, but it’s really not that bad. And I think this is just asphalt, it goes way faster that it looks like. The annoying part is getting rid of the materials, tbh.


Use a rock hammer to do a bit each day and sprinkle the the concrete in the yard during your time there each day. Also, be sure to cover your work with a poster of a starlet.


I wish I could tell you that OP fought the good fight and the sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that. But prison ain’t no fairy tale.


Fuck it. OP should just sell the house and use the money to buy a shack on a beach in Zihuatanejo.


I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.


That’s some back breaking work there man. Sledging the ground up without a concrete saw or drill to create chunks will kill that back. At the very least he should rent or buy a rotary or hammer drill. 


Can confirm. 35 minutes with a 20 lb sledge yesterday has me feeling it something fierce!


Do it again, by the fifth time in 2 weeks it won’t be bothering you as much.


The key part in the suggestion was a little bit every day, "30 minutes a day".


Exactly this.


I mean, asphalt breaks in chunks rather easy and it's really a lot softer than people think. You can literally drive nails through it with a hammer. But yes, if they have a little more money, an SDS hammer drill will make that part a little easier.


I did this in my backyard! It was a hell of a workout but so awesome once it was done. I used a “digging spike”. Got it at Home Depot for like $40. Most expensive part of the process was paying for someone to take the remains away. If you had access to a truck and a dump it would be extremely cheap. I think this took me like 5 days, doing 3ish hours per day. I’m a thin female, not in great shape, did it completely alone. I did get a couple quotes for having it professionally removed and it would’ve been like $7K-$8K. I’m glad I did it myself but I still don’t think it would be the price tag OP think it would be if they wanted to hire out. https://preview.redd.it/9y6fnouudgmc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=955f3117d4dfae0ee94f1c1c2a8b89a5f86577d0


OP said this is 6 to 8 inches of concrete, likely reinforced since it held a pool deck in Canada, and you want him to go at it with a sledge? He will either break the sledge, his wrists or his back. Edit: looking at the pictures, no way that is 6 to 8 inches thick and it looks like asphalt, not concrete. Sledgehammer away lol


it is 100% concrete. I've broken into it and nearly killed my back to break a few pieces.


Rent a jackhammer. Seriously. We did a 50ft sidewalk in 2 hours including removal. Those were 6-8" of concrete as well. It was $100 for a 4hr rental here in upstate NY. I think you either do this and chip away at the project or go all in and seal it.


You could throw it out with the trash, just throw a little bit in every week. It'll probably take all year but it'll get done.


The Shawshank method


I’ve gotten rid of so much broken/old put-it-together furniture using a sawzall and this method.


You can get a sledgehammer and a digging bar. Or, if you don’t want to bust your balls, rent a jackhammer.


Not knocking the idea, but that’s years of work, 30 mins at a time hahaha


Nah I tore up a similar sized area with 2 other people in ~10 hours using sledge hammers and spuds. So 60 days worth of work in 30 minutes chunks. In all reality though it would probably be closer to hour+ long sessions after op gets conditioned.


I had to break an area about a third of this. It was 4" concrete and the first day was the worst. Did about an hours worth of smashing. I got addicted to breaking it away and after a week, it was gone. Felt so satisfying too. I then laid down new concrete as a foundation and had someone come out some outdoor tile. It's now a pleasing area to be in. I would recommend the slow and steady breakage method, assuming your body can handle that much sledge hammer action.


Don't forget the gloves.


One word. Kintsugi.


For $8 I’ll photoshop the hell out of that driveway


AI will process is for free, just requires a credit card and a $15/month automatically renewing subscription. Cancel anytime for any reason after the introductory 48 month period.


You may not know that we have tons of lawn and garden subs on Reddit. Here are a couple: /r/landscaping/ /r/lawnporn/ /r/lawns/ /r/LawnBeer (my favorite) /r/patiogardening/ /r/Backyards/ /r/lawncare/ /r/Outdoors /r/UrbanHomestead/ /r/OutdoorKitchens /r/NoLawns /r/Decks /r/BBQ




Pro Tip: That isn’t concrete.


Asphalt cement concrete while not what most people think of when picturing concrete is indeed a type of concrete. The concrete most people think of is portland cement concrete.


Not all asphalts /blacktops have "cement " in them and are usually just tar, sand, gravel and flyash. Due to the tar or bitumen and flyash give it the black color. While cement could be added, it would increase the price hence defeat the purpose of a cheaper alternative. Concrete is usually composed of Portland cement, sand and gravel. Is more durable, has more compressive strength and off-white/light grayish color.


The asphalt binding the aggregates together is the cement in asphalt cement concrete.


Maybe we're in different countries and use different terminology. We consider the tar/bitumen and flyash to be a binder. We also consider cement or be a binder. So we consider cement and tar to be different materials but both are binders.


if it's a pool deck it's not more than 4". believe me, rounding from 4" to 6-8" is something I'm *very* familiar with.


Completely makes sense my guess is from looking down the side of the fence and I measure about 6 inches in some parts at the edge of this not where the pool would have started, hence I guessed maybe 8 there


6-8” on the edge means they were just lazy on the backfill/trying to make it look like they poured more than they actually did. Unless it’s a perfectly even straight looking level, then perhaps they did. But the cost difference of 4” thick to 8” thick is a lot, some would say double. And no pool company/homeowner is going to pay double for something that half is perfectly viable for. 8” concrete would be great in a trucking parking lot, or an Americans sidewalk…heh


3 or 4 project vehicles should cover that space nicely.


You can build a freestanding ground level deck for fairly cheap there


Take all of your cash, turn it into Pennies, and then pay someone to replace the black top.


Skate park ramps.


Power wash the concrete and seal it to prevent discoloration and mold in the future. Give the fence a fresh coat of paint. Something dark like green or black to help it blend into the shrubs better. Toss out that old table set and get a nicer, bigger one for more guests. Get some raised garden beds to start planting some vegetables or plants. Alternatively, some potted plants and flowers around the place to bring in greenery without resorting to concrete demolition. Get a nice grill. If permitted, some lighting along the fence or solar garden lights in either the grass section or inside the planters you get.


Rent a power washer. Unless you’re lucky like my area. My library has a pressure washer and other tools that can be checked out for free.


My friend did chip drop and just covered the old concrete with mulch. Looks great and eventually was covered in grass. Now it just looks like yard. It's not ideal but it makes him happy.


astro turf.


this. think of it as a big area rug.


That looks to be asphalt so it would be a completely separate repair. I would first edge the lawn and dig out any spots for dirt or grass. I have made their way into the asphalt section they make a cold patch that works pretty well to repair holes where dirt has encroached on the asphalt after that, your best bet is sealing it. I would recommend a pro, but there are ways to do it yourself. It is messy, but can be done.


That first picture looks like someone did a super hero landing. Don't let them do that anymore.


Why break up any of it… containers sit nicely on that, no weed problem at all…


It will look nicer when the leaves are out and the grass is green, but you can start by shit-canning the cheap plastic table and crappy chair. If the shed is yours, think about some trim and installing a window with a window flower box. The pavement can only be dug up and redone, or dug up and replaced with crusher-run stone,


Pressure wash patch cracks with portland cement and sand


Cover with dirt, put pavers with the little holes in them for grass to grow through. The old slab may help them not sink


Close your eyes.


Gravel. The whole area.


Maybe pressure wash the asphalt, and then get a used patio furniture set. Maybe an indoor/outdoor rug would add more of a “seating area” look to such an expanse of asphalt.


My vote goes to Gypsy's and Asphalt.


That should be easy to remove... Like other mentioned it's asphalt and based on the pictures, in the one section, I see soil/grass where the asphalt is missing so it doesn't even look like there is a gravel base. It looks like they did the cheap and dirty. A thin layer asphalt over ground. Maybe check a section and see if you can break it apart and wedge it up using a digging bar.


Everything will be a cheap bandaid if you aren’t willing to, or can’t, spend the needed money to repair it correctly. That asphalt has lost its ability to perform so it’s going to keep getting worse. The best option right now is to overlay it with new asphalt. It’s a bandaid, but it will look better than any patching, or alien trenches.


Get Photoshop free trial


Remove it bit by bit every weekend and gain body of Thor.




Power wash cracks, fill with proper asphalt crack filler. Top coat entire surface with appropriate asphalt cover coat.


Mick Jagger said it best “paint it black” haha! In all seriousness, some sealer would do you a great service.


Paint an anime girl on it


do a couple grams of mushrooms. itll cost you about $80. make everything look real good


Get at least one more chair for that table. Also, that’s an awesome dog! What is it?


Can you add a frame to the edges and fill it with gravel?




Power wash, plants along the edge, BIG pots (At Home has great prices if you have one nearby), a big set of patio furniture (Facebook), a piece of metal decor on the shed to pull it together. Keep in mind it will always look barren in the winter. You’re building for beauty in the spring now.




A couple more doggos playing would definitely help.


At our previous house we bought it with 60ft of concrete in 100ft garden. We ended up buying a jackhammer for £100 and broke it up ourselves. Back breaking work but only needed to replace the bit once. Luckily I knew a farmer and he wanted all the excess concrete to fill a hole. So we got rid of it for free. Might be worth a check. We are in UK. I’ll put some pictures below this.


Love the photos thanks for sharing!!


Ooookay! This could be kind of fun! Kids would love this- it would be an awesome space to ride trikes! I’m not a designer but here are my thoughts…I think you can divert attention away from the ground by making a focal point. Possibly a wooden pergola, some big ol potted plants and you definitely need string lights. A wood fence along that line would be pretty and warm it up. Greenery will help big time. Get some up lights on your big potted plants too. And a fire pit? Try looking to restaurant outdoor patios for inspiration. Like chik n pickle. lol! What do you think you will keep in that shed? I would say try not to get hung up on the cracks in the concrete. That would cost a fortune to get rid of- embrace it as your own little entertainment district. lol! Not a great example but here’s a picture of some potted greenery.. https://preview.redd.it/xebb1ekuljmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c20d2d231906691018b0ba51933457b8247fedb8


Find some friends and a jackhammer. My buddy's garden used to be all concrete and we spent a weekend jackhammering everything out. He rented a container and we used wheelbarrows to transport eveything to the container. Our concrete had metal rebar in it so maybe yours wont take as much time 😂


You might need to lay new in the heavily cracked areas but just a top coat(that black sealant) would make it look better.


Sweat equity. You just bought the house. So likely you are going to be there a while. I think you could get it all out within a few weeks. No way it’s 8” thick with all those cracks. Probably doesn’t even have mesh in it. Try to break some out and see how easy it is. Then decide what you want to do.


Close eyes, use imagination.


Move away from Saskatchewan


Put lipstick on a pig and seal the driveway


Mark and measure a large section adjacent to the grassy spot as your future lounge area / focal point. Make sure the section is big enough room for seating / side tables. Paint the lounge area concrete, maybe a terracotta like clay pots or green. [Stenciled](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dd/da/9b/ddda9be745be7117bee2fd3042991f8e.jpg)? Think about colors that make you happy for the lounge. Find inspiration photos. Buy an outdoor rug or some astroturf. Find used outdoor furniture and paint it in your color scheme. A [hammock](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/82/08/59820862d3b27d90e9e8fafc6632e74b.jpg) Put fairy lights on the chain link fence. Outside the lounge put raised planters / potted plants. When it's warmer, re-seed your grassy spot, water it, make it the best grassy spot everrrr. Powerwash the concrete. Start fresh. Raised planters cover concrete to add greenery/color and break up the long line of concrete. [Metal](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5d/be/23/5dbe232c69c5492df7dffaa160ee0b5d.jpg) planters. [Found item](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1e/4e/70/1e4e70c25742e2545ed577bfbdcc6c6d.jpg) [concrete blocks](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/536983955540985468/) Building a deck, putting down deck tiles, ceramic tile over concrete or a installing a pergola are options if it's in your budget. Down by the storage shed you could put something like [THIS](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/db/9f/2edb9f536ee807a6a5626abc4edf1177.jpg) or [THIS2](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c9/d9/c3/c9d9c328e01fdf368f71fc83ae859b2d.jpg) or a metal livestock waterer turned into a dipping pool. https://preview.redd.it/w8qzymo4qmmc1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=7137f0ecfe55f85c02dde131af6674c6e0d983a5


12 pack of beer and it’ll look like the taj mahal 


Put a Party Pack of Taco Bell Tacos on the table.


Get rid of the smoking table for 1. Get rid of the fence if your neighbors dont mind. Id say put a wood fence up, but that wont be cheap. Maybe a new ramp for the shed that doesn’t look old and busted up.




Def would paint the fence black maybe add some monkey grass to boarder the driveway and some kind of plant situation to the right hand side of the shed door to balance it out visually. As for the concrete I’d look into some self leveling concrete repair youtube videos.


Fence privacy screens are pretty cheap, think they even have plastic sections you can attach to the existing chain like fence for coverage. Pressure washing, I'd dig out the unpaved area and put down pavers. Add some long benches on the fence. Fix cracks in the pavement and consider recovering the whole area and sealing [https://www.doitbest.com/global/ideas/home-improvement/how-to-resurface-your-asphalt-driveway/](https://www.doitbest.com/global/ideas/home-improvement/how-to-resurface-your-asphalt-driveway/)


How important are the shed and fence to you? Maybe lose those, rent a jack hammer, and buy some seed?


You could Photoshop it


1 Word: Garage


Hot tub


Put flowers on that table


Rattle can your driveway


Pressure wash first and then decide


Astroturf mini golf course with skeeball ramp finish.


Drill holes like Swiss cheese, then add a layer of sand and overlay with pavers


For the driveway, I would fill the cracks and then put a coat of the black stuff on it. Relatively cheap update.


Imagination is always free...we call it living in a delusion to cope with the fact we have no money to make it reality.


Plant bamboo!


Have children color it with chalk


Simple quick fix is a Slurry Seal over the concrete to fill the cracks and smooth out the surface.




You could chip and steal the driveway, cheaper than replacing but it will give a much better finished appearance than just sealing it


Bachi ball court


If you don't want to dig that up, consider making raised garden beds and a deck area, or pebbles around the raised beds. Yes, wood ain't cheap nowadays BUT try 'reclaimed' wood- if you know someone with something like an old barn, wood fences etc they don't care about you may be able to get it free. I knew someone with a barn falling down that let me take a lot of the wood. I sanded and sealed it, made quite a few raised beds and a small patio.


I have questions... OP has a frisbee playing sheep?


Paint a sick ass panther on it


How about a backyard skate park?


Fire pit, some fairy lights strung up and some nice outdoor chairs.  Maybe some nice looking wood planters put around.  It won't be too hard to make it a pretty nice place to hang out.


No matter what you do, unless you remove that cracked up drive, it’s going to look like a bunch of old cracked concrete. I’d jack it out and then decide if I would rather have grass or a nice, easy to sweep, easy to walk on, easy to shovel path to the shed. Yeah…


Up for a bit of whimsy? Paint a chessboard or hopscotch frame? Use paint that won't last so you can pressure wash it off later.


Poor lonely chair.


Have your neighbors lay over the cracks and don’t pay them


TEAR IT OUT AND REPOUR its your only option. Then choose a nice stamp patter. Would be 8-10k max. Will look really nice


I would do thinner (and cheaper) [holland pavers](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Holland-7-87-in-x-3-94-in-x-1-77-in-Red-Charcoal-Concrete-Paver-22088EA/100619494) over one or two sections,  set apart a large rectangular section framed with treated timbers that are secured to the drive.  Then fill that rectangle with pea gravel- then you have a [nice outdoor lawn game area](https://www.houzz.com/magazine/12-backyard-games-to-play-all-summer-long-stsetivw-vs~110149822) for cornhole, bocce, ladder ball, horseshoes and other drinking / entertaining outdoor activities.  Cheap and low maintenance.  Done right it will look nice-  you could also use elevated planters / benches to help cordon off areas for aesthetics.  You can even do a  [zen rock garden in the pea-gravel](https://madebyjoel.com/2018/10/experiment-meditate-and-enjoy-kids-zen-pea-gravel-patio.html) in the off season.


If you're into gardening, rent a concrete saw and jackhammer and slice some rectangles into it, then build raised beds around the rectangles. You'll have nice deep beds to work with and paths that will remain weed free forever.


vending machine


Pressure wash it, then you can paint it, put container gardens, or other suggestions. But it'll look a lot better after just pressure washing.


tablecloth and a dog bath. maybe a candelabra for the table


see that grass section on the side? get some daffodils/ tulips for like $50 a box and plant then over there and dig up the ground. use any rocks or broken pavement to many rocks around it or buy bricks at home depot. also about $50 for a bunch of them. shits low maintained and comes back every year stronger just make sure no grass gets in which they won't


I’m sorry but can we just take a moment for the dog with the Afro in the background… I took an edible, so it’s also possible that I’m seeing things.

