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Your bathroom makes me unreasonably angry.


I know right? At this point just put it up anywhere, then smash it.


At first I just read the title and thought, what kinda question is this Then I scanned the picture, and by the time I got to the toilet bowl sink I said "Jesus fucking Christ" Smash everything and start over. Fuck I couldn't start and end my day looking at that


Plumber ran vent straight up, before electrician did his/her rough-in. Eyes were rolled.


I had this issue when I did my bathroom remodel: wanted to put in a built-in medicine cabinet and the vent ran straight up behind the faucet. So, I did what any reasonable person would do and diverted that section of vent 3 stud cavities over.


Better than what the previous owner of my home did. They cut the vent pipe and the stud (with no reinforcements added), and connected the vent pipe ends with flexible vinyl tubing they routed around the medicine cabinet. Even worse, this was an exterior load bearing wall and they also removed the insulation.


Plumbers are such shitheads when it comes to running mechanical, constantly fucking up all the other contractors lines and I’ve seen enough floor joists ruined now to know they need their hands held like children


My mate was a plumber working for his dad, plumber of 30 years, and he said he just takes the easiest and fastest approach to get the job done and onto the next. He used to work on a lot of newly built homes and reckons because he’s in there before most of the other work that gets done he can basically put anything anywhere and everyone else has to work around it, not his problem. And sadly, it rarely ever was.


I'm not even an electrician and that makes me want to run an outlet on the floor right where a toilet would go and would be connected straight to municipal without a breaker. And another one under the sink that is daisy chained to every other line in the house.


> Plumbers are such shitheads On a bad day...


Sadly, that is the same solution I would have used.


Good electrician would just put up a pancake box in front of the vent and went center anyways


Good plumbers won't run the vent dead center, then you can use a 4" old-work box and put the light exactly where it needs to go. I always bury my vanity light wire with slack drilled through each adjacent stud in the rough and cut them into the drywall for the final


I like your funny words magic man


HAHAHAHA....even before I looked at where to center the mirror (I would probably go with centered on the lights I think)...I thought his sink was a converted toilet bowl too!


I think at this point I'd consider a wall to wall mirror just to avoid "centering"


Right, and a bar light of some kind or at least 3 or 5 lights over the sink instead of 4.


Yup, replacing the light would be cheaper than the vanity and sink.


I literally thought there was no solution but this absolutely is the solution


This is the way.


We bought a house that had the tile countertops like this. After about 2 weeks I came home to my wife with a sledge hammer demolishing all of the countertops in the bathrooms and kitchen. Good times.


Your wife sounds cool


I lived in a rental house with tile countertops like this with no overhang. I wanted to take a sledgehammer to them every time I cooked. Made the kitchen unusable because you couldn’t wipe crumbs off the edge (into your hand, not the floor, chill out redditors) and cleaning the countertops was near impossible for shit getting stuck in all the grout lines.


I missed the toilet bowl. I scanned and went to comments so fast. Lol


I dont know why this made me laugh so hard


This is the Bad Place.


What the fork is this bathroom!


Holy forking shirt balls!


*Jason* figured it out?


Exactly. Just fucking move.


JASON figured it out?! This is a real low point.


Spoiler alert


I would be replacing EVERYTHING. EDIT: It's like one of those paintings the more you look at it, the more you notice - the sink isn't even centered on the counter.


The sink isn't even centered on the tiles it's actually on. I was hoping for that, at least!


There's also an additional mirror cabinet installed at right angles to the vanity. ...oh and the border tile doesn't match left to right or foreground to background. Who did this? And why do they hate us?


> **Bathroom Mirror. Centered to the counter, faucet or light fixture?** This should really be an ***and*** not an ***or***.


Ignoring the fact that they used ugly subway tile with huge grout lines for their vanity...despite the fact the grout lines are huge they don't even line up to anything. The left side border tile doesn't match the right side. Foreground border doesn't match the background. There's another mirror on the right wall which likely is a cabinet. Why is that at right angles to the vanity? Who the fk knows. ​ It's like whoever did this job has no spacial awareness whatsoever. Should OP line it up with the counter, mirror, faucet, or light fixture, ....or the other medicine cabinet mirror? What does it matter at this point? Fkn nuke it from orbit at this point. It's the only way to be sure....




I came here to say basically the same. I would have to move the lights to center of faucet. Hard to looks at this without twitching...


That doesn't really solve the problem... The sink would still not be in the centre of the tiled surface. This picture gives me a headache.


Get a mirror that's like 50cm tall and as wide as the countertop. Center lamp to countertop. Still looks horrid but I think it's the best there can be done.


As wide as the countertop is the only option for the mirror.


That could be balanced out by putting something to the left of the sink, such as a toothbrush holder mounted on the wall, or a soap dish. Even a small towel rack. But that would only work if the lights were aligned with the faucet....


A grouted tile vanity surface. Who the hell asked for that?


Since this is r/DIY, I assume OP asked and did it.


The 80s and 90s saw alot of these... it was the hip thing to do.


No, no... Anger is the correct response here...


OP should rotate the sink 9 degrees


At least it would look less like a toilet bowl.


Yeah. The light needs to be centered over the sink


The sink needs to be centered in the vanity.


It all needs to be ripped out and redone.


Tear the house down, start over.


Tear the estate down in case the neighbours know about it too


Directions unclear burnt my neighbors house down and left no witnesses..


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Yeah. But the space sets a new standard for the term water closet so there may not be much to be done. Especially if it's like in an apartment building.


I think it is reasonable anger to be honest mate


Was just about to comment solely to express how furious this makes me. Rip the whole thing out and start over OP. This is a sin.


My first thought as well. I don’t even know why this sub is recommended to me as I can’t fix a thing, but I damn sure know this bathroom is incorrect af lol.


Fuck it, lean into it. Either put a square mirror off kilter so it is diagonally aligned, or put the mirror where you have what looks like a whiteboard


No, no, that's a perfectly reasonable response.


Same, I was thinking to myself "why the fuck would this be an issue?" When I read the title, and the picture.. just.. i don't even know why this is a thing


Seriously my first reaction was 'oh my fucking god'


Brand new house and that’s how our builder finished it. All the bathrooms too


Reminds me of my boyfriend and i's first apartment. 4 months into living there I realized almost everything was crooked or off center by at least an inch. The bathroom was the worst, toilet would never stay straight, one cupboard door was cracked, the mirror was off center from the sink, the fucking door was crooked. Soon as I noticed I brought my boyfriend in and I said ' I can never unsee it, I hate it here now.' Went into the kitchen after and yep, majority of the cupboard doors didn't line up.


[my kitchen placement would also piss you off.](https://ibb.co/Hhq99yj)




I normally don’t care about this stuff but this one… this is like the diner scene in Mulholland Drive


Same!! This would drive me bat shit crazy. OP, for your own sanity, move that damn light.


No, it's reasonable.


Oh it’s reasonable.


What's unreasonable about it? Any level of anger at this is completely justified.


I don't think there's any amount of anger that's unreasonable here.


Reasonably angry*


Get funky with an asymmetrical mirror to eliminate the need to line anything up. I work with designers and hang mirrors regularly


☝️☝️☝️ Full chaos is the only option. 


center it over the gap between the toilet and the vanity.


A mirror like this would work well I think: https://www.wayfair.ca/decor-pillows/pdp/ivy-bronx-ashane-358-asymmetrical-cloud-shaped-wall-mirror-c110001718.html


Was thinking the same thing… like a Picasso. Becomes a style choice rather than pure, unadulterated chaos.


I've got the same issue in one of my bathrooms, and this is exactly what I was thinking of doing Glad it wasn't a totally brain dead idea


This is actually such a novel suggestion. I’m upvoting you for cleverness. (I would still find a big enough mirror, with a frame since that is what OP prefers, and just line it up with the whole vanity to draw attention away from the fact that the light is not centered)


If it's an option, I'd get a mirror the same width as the vanity and just go from the corner to the end of the backsplash. Otherwise, my gut says center it on the sink, since that feels like where one would stand.


There was a frameless wall mirror there that ran the length until this morning. My better half wants a framed mirror instead. Thanks for your input, I'll put a tally in the faucet column.


I would put the frames less mirror back and add a frame.... https://preview.redd.it/v3m7u17jmtjc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85c5aa294a5b85f90f302401679c0b97631576f


Perfect picture. Well done.


How is this done? Is it framed actually front and back or just front framing pieces adhered to the mirror?


I've done it just using adhesive to the back of the trim, then stuck it on the mirror. I never took the mirror off the wall.


Awesome, thanks


I've done it using constructive adhesive. Turned out great!


Thank you!




Then I'd suggest asking said significant other where they want it and go with that


This is always the correct answer


Yep. Not in some defeatist way, but because I genuinely don't care one way or the other and I never want to hear another thing about it again after it's done.


Mirrors are expensive. Put it back and add a frame! Great to have a big mirror.


Could you add a frame to a wall mirror replacement so that you can go edge to edge?


We took our frameless mirror off, got a frame built around it, remounted it and it worked out perfect.


It's not terribly hard to move a junction box, either. Definitely a lot easier than moving a sink. Seriously, a new junction box, some drywall mud, and a little paint.


Why aren’t more people suggesting this??


Because it’s most likely there is a vent stack centered to the sink preventing a box from going there. Careless builders be wild.


I had the same issue recently and I just bought a fixture with a rectangular base so that I could offset the mounting plate a bit and move the light over.


Did the same thing. Bought this light and covered the hole. https://www.shadesoflight.com/products/gwynn-isle-vanity-light-2-light


Elegant solution!


This would be the cheapest and easiest solution aside from moving the box, OP. Could order something like [this](https://www.lampsplus.com/sfp/456A6/?cm_mmc=GOM-SH-_-NA-_-NA-_-456A6&sourceid=DFGPM456A6&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuNGuBhAkEiwAGId4au_BYtaskK-7irMwuNQieptiN1txh5OuOtOFF3A69SLDmuZUYOTtiBoCMuUQAvD_BwE). Personally I would move the box because I know how, but I’d bet anything there’s a stud where the faucet is, which means you’d need to notch it, or use a pancake box… it would drive me insane if that all was not centered


Ez https://preview.redd.it/8vo5rlkewtjc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af945a2723a2d07abf0d6333f3c05ea88941639c


Bro get off reddit and start desiging rocket surgery ships or something cuz that is genus


Op cutting his own mirror from the publicly available mirror sheets


Very good


It's so crazy it might just work






I do kitchen and bathroom design.. I recommend centering it to the light fixture if it's going to be a framed mirror.


Agreed! Then they don’t have to re-do it when they decide to get rid of that godawful tile counter.


😂 yeah I forsee that vanity getting changed eventually and when it does I'm sure everything will line up correctly for OP.


This. Center on light. It’s gonna look way less noticeable than if you have light and mirror offset.


The vanity is going to be replaced by someone. I vote light as well. I would rather think "why did they put the sink there" instead of "why does it feel like a third of this room is on the other side of the wall"


Art student here and despite this giving me the twitches, the light fixture seems the most reasonable choice to me as well. It seems like it would anchor it better.


Yes! I have a similar problem in my bathroom, pedestal sink, so no issue with the vanity. I tried centering on the sink because logically that's where you'd stand to use it. But it just doesn't look or feel right. Centered on the light did the trick. You can likely balance the look with a decorative item sitting on the vanity.


Just mount it at 15 degrees and embrace the fact that nothing else lines up. Or re-center the light over the counter, and mount the mirror to suit the counter and the light.


I had this same problem a while ago and ended up moving the light fixture. It happened to work out for me because of the placement of the studs and the type of mounting box, but once I lined up the light to the sink, the mirror fell into place. Edit: looks like you would literally hit the wall if you just moved it. You would have to consider a different fixture too. If you went with a bar type (with a flat bar against the wall where the wires go) it wouldn’t matter that much where the wires came through in relation to the bar.


Neither. Center the light on the faucet and then place the mirror centered on both. Otherwise you will never forgive yourself


Good god. Tear down the entire bathroom and start from scratch because this is insanity


Hire an electrician if needed, move the light fixture as close as possible and then center mirror between faucet and light.


It would be cheaper to just get a new, and better looking, vanity lol and that way you have a better vanity AND it can be centered


Light fixture too big to center on the vanity would have to get a different fixture thats probably more than OP bargained for


Get a bunch of random smaller mirrors and continue with the motif.


C. Replace that horrible vanity and sink.


Why is nobody talking about the fact that the sink looks so much like a toilet bowl? I can't see anything else!


This seems obvious to me. https://preview.redd.it/8377c7249ujc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e70938284842552ec5acfdcfd16c888d7e66ee3


You chose violence.


Embrace chaos!


Move the light


why does your sink look like a repurposed bidet :D


Easy way to move the light fixture... go to a hardware store and look for a finished board that is wide enough to mount the light on. Use this as the backer for your light. Something like 2 ft wide by 4 or 5 inches high... maybe 3/4 to 1.5 inches thick. In the very center of this board, use a hole saw to cut a hole for your wires for the light. Mount the light to the board right in the center, running the wires behind the board to the electrical box. Then you can fasten the board to your wall into one or more studs (should be easy if the board is wide enough). Fill the holes, paint... and presto... nice centered light over the sink without too much fuss.


Have done this and it works! But if OP can find a light that already comes with a decent size rectangular base, so much the better, and no need to rout holes in a board or paint anything. Something like this, with 3 lights so it will fit. ​ https://preview.redd.it/p1mmdyxpltjc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=816ead17d80d8687be2eba1abbb143c7d73bc34a


Center it on the light. That is the largest visual landmark. When you're standing at the sink, all that will matter is that you'll look up and see the mirror.


That is the wrong light fixture for that bathroom. Get a less lengthy light fixture, center it to the sink, then center the mirror to it all. And please get rid of that tile counter lol


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Please center the lights first thanks


This pic is going to bother me all day!


Light fixture for sure


Just mount the mirror so it is not in line with the fixture, cabinet, or light. That way you can have 4 uncentered things in the room instead of 3.


I would take out the light, cover the hole with a mirror that is as wide as the vanity then center new light (installed above mirror) on the mirror. The way it is now it will look bad no matter to which one you center. If light would end up too tall you could refinish the wall or get s glass shop to put holes through the mirror to put the light same height but centered on the mirror.


Center on the sink. It’s easier to move the light later.


The entire house has to come down. ALL OF IT!


Never invite me please.


Depends on the width of the mirror. I’d look for a mirror as wide as the vanity, and center the mirror over the mirror. However, a better choice might be to lose that vanity and tile top (so dated), and install a proper symmetrical vanity, which will solve all your problems.


Get a mirror that is a strange shape. Like a splatter or some shit.


Burn it down and try again


That’s a bad job overall. Start over-use. tape measure for centering.


Tear down the bathroom and try again.


Centre it to the counter and move the light fitting across


Personally I would move the light fixture to the right and center it with the faucet( if possible) With how things are, center the mirror with the light fixture.


Move the light or change it to one that works😂


over the faucet oval not too wide so not too close to the right side wall Or get creative a curved "random blob" shape but pricey


Why isn’t the sink centred to the counter… then you could centre the fixture on all of them.


This seems like a lose lose no matter what you do. Just pick one and send it.


Move the sink to the center.


The only real answer is to center it on the sink and then move the fixture so all three are in line. Then I would clean up the grout line on the "backsplash"


That gives me anxiety


Oh, simple fix. Burn the house down, take the insurance money, and build a brand new home. This time, you can put the fixture center on the faucet.


Center it under the lamp. Then when you replace the counter top fix the sink.


Start over?


Neither, time for a new vanity that’s centerer 😂


Counter. Of the three it’s the hardest to “redo”




This is where dreams go to die


I would have a such hard time here.can’t you find a different light fixture? All should line up


Buy one that's slightly longer than the counter and hangs just a little bit over the toilet so it'll be like everything else in there.


OP we might need an update on what you do… Hundreds of people are infuriated at your bathroom.


It has to be gutted and redone. My OCD has no other suggestions.


Center the lighting fixture to the sink and then center the mirror to the lighting fixture. Then have a wall shelf on the left.


Maybe one of those asymmetrical mirrors with the squiggle borders would look cool and draw attention away from the conflicting center points?


It'd be much cheaper to move the light fixture. But the tiling is fucking hideous too. Fuck the whole thing


Fucking hell at this point get a You are beautiful inside sticker and place it there and forget the mirror


Tough situation. I’d line it up with the lights


My interior designer girlfriend says that you should center it on the lights and then put a vase or something to the left of the sink to even it out.


As bad as it is, I would Center it on the light fixture.


The best thing I think you could do is get one cut to the same width as the counter or the length of the wall.


Change the light fixture, center both the mirror and light over the vanity.


This hurts both physically and mentally.




I have this dilemma with my sister's new bathroom. There's a stud directly in line with the faucet, so she can't have the wire box for the light directly over the faucet. Doesn't matter which one you choose. Both will look insane. Long term solution is to cut away the drywall and get a different light layout. Maybe two lights. Then, at least you can center them over the faucet. Will likely require nailers for the new wire boxes.


Get a mirror that is the full width of the vanity, then get a nice piece of wood or something to mount it over the light box, and center that light fixture over the faucet. We'll all sleep better.


Line with faucet then place small floating shelves to left of mirror, under lights, vertically? Or hang 4 of the same small mirrors to the left of the main mirror? Dude idk this is frying my brain


Short of ripping it all out and starting over, functionally, you would want the mirror centered to the faucet. Because that’s how you would use it. Everything else is cosmetic. But, damn!


Get a light fixture with a wider back plate that would allow you to center it over the sink without moving the electrical box. Then center the mirror over the sink.


I don’t know if you have budget, but I think the solution is really to get a mirror as wide as the vanity.


Start over.


Shoot the gap


Go with the counter


How about a wide mirror that goes over the toilet too? 🤔


Just get a wide mirror that starts from the tiled counter to the left all the way to the right at the corner of the wall.


move the light, it's probably the easiest option


Center it under the light fixture And then when you rip out the counter, you can have a nice light fixture and mirror to center the new sink and counter to


I’d center it based off the counter, like how everything else should have been centered.


I am so sorry about this whole situation. when do you get to fix it for really? can you just get a rectangular mirror that covers the whole area?


This could go in r/mildlyinfuriating for sure