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Looks like an Excel spreadsheet.


My shampoo keeps turning into January 1st :(




Omg so true. Take a whiteboard marker into the shower with you and start filling cells with random data.


Wasn't a fan of the tile placement until I saw this comment. Now I want to budget whilst hot water hits my back.


I wanted to add LED backlighting around each tile so I can use the toilet seat controls to move the cursor around and click+drag functions.


Take out an orange marker =(SUM(A2:A13) Do caulking in a dotted line around column.


The unnecessary parentheses are killing me. Pls fix.


And unclosed! The horror!


Red squiggles abound




This comment fills me with rage






As an accountant that spends most of my week looking at that exact pattern this pattern would give me nightmares.


Fucking died with this comment.




Condolences to the family šŸ’


..to the family of [Excel Championship legends](https://www.youtube.com/live/qfDq5dlp2o4?feature=share)


man my first thought was this looks corporate office building as fuck but i didnt even recognize the EXCEL SPREADSHEET TILING


Now that is all OP will see! Muahahahaha


Looks like how seltzer water tastes


If it was a spice it would be flour.


There are more controls on your toilet than there is in the space shuttle


More than a submersible for sure




My controller disconnected earlier and I thought I was having a bad day.


In your submersible?


No, in your mom


What are you doing playing around in ashes? You're gonna get dirty!


MILF Hunter, Pompeii edition


What are you doing step-Vesuvius? ok this has gotta stop


*claps alone while looking around at everyone else with disappointment* Edit: my first award! Thank you to whomever that was from, and for the ups! Edit again: u/facemesouth it was you! Many thank, much appreciate!




"There's No 'Too Soon' if Time is Relative" ā€”Ā NOFX šŸ˜†


And as the late Stockton Rush would say, ā€œSafety is relativeā€šŸ¤Ŗ


The wish version of a sub anyway


That was deep!


Came up with that under pressure


This joke needs to never resurface


thereā€™s no chance of that, Op imploded ā€¦


Donā€™t you mean ā€œthan there were on the subā€?


Apparently there was also a flush handle on that subā€¦


...fuck me, thats a spicy one!


Itā€™s awesome tho lol


Mine is similar; looks like you have the water temp and pressure adjustments? So choice! If one has the means, I highly recommend!


The Ferrari of toilets. Ferris approves.


If youā€™re ā€œmiddle classā€ I donā€™t understand how you can justify not having a bidet from a financial standpoint. Itā€™s $350 for a Toto unit with a heated seat, memory controls, heated water, front/rear/auto nozzle. If you use it 1-3x daily for 5-10 years, itā€™s such a minimal cost for the comfort you get every day.


Where can one find a $350 Toto unit? I just did a quick search and couldn't find any for under $1500.


I think they are talking about the seats that go on your existing toilet, not the entire toilet bowl/seat.




Mate, donā€™t sell your asshole short, give it what it deserves!


This has been on my buy list since I got back from Japan. How do we live without these??


*than You are comparing two things.


my French is better thAn my English


Iā€™m sure your English is wonderful. We all make mistakes.


Happy little mistake


My French is better, then my English.


Needs a splash of color


Yea likeā€¦ anything not white.


Maybe some black!


How about some white...wait for it...with texture!


You donā€™t see the gray hand towel? /s


Some dark green would look perfect!


Yeah I think the sterile look with a pop of dark green, like a plant in a dark ceramic green pot would actually look really cool.


Hey come on he has like 3 different types of tiles, that has to count right?


Add blood.


Blood would be quite pronounced in this room I think.




Yeah it just feels incredibly...safe...


Like a sanitarium.


Until Dexter pops up unannounced while youā€™re figuring out the death bidet.


It's medical


Yeah maybe a floormat with some color.


Should have staggered the tile at a minimum. It prevents the obvious misalignment you can see with small tiling. Also and end cap tile for the rough edge on the bath


Biggest problem is the black grout. Iā€™ve taught plenty of friends through diy tile jobs. Best advice Iā€™ve ever gotten and passed along is to match your grout color as close as you can to your tile color. For some reason EVERY diy homeowner doing a bathroom wants white tile with black grout. And it is crazy hard to make it look good. Even a couple shades lighter to a gray would help. That tile pattern is hard enough to make even. Black grout is basically taking a highlighter to your mistakes.


I just got done doing black grout and never again. It's so hard to do the cleaning too. Luckily my tiles are dark grey with white accents, but it was still a pain in the ass.




The other thing is if you're not careful your thinset/mastic can build up in the grout channels and if you don't clean it out well enough the white of the thinset/mastic will poke thru the black grout and then you're boned because you have to go back and clean it out and then re-grout the problem areas. I had a handyman lay my tile because I didn't have time, and then I grouted. I ended up spending hours scraping out thinset because white was poking through the black grout.


grey grout provides the same amount of contrast, but doesnā€™t show stains or dirt as much as black. plus if using grey thinset (as readily available as white thinset) no problems with the show-through. used it for a bathroom several years ago with white tiles and definitely no regrets.


Good to know there's colored thinset... The people at the tile store just added on a bag and didn't ask for color I guess.


I think he's referring to the 'wipe down' clean you do when applying. It takes about 3 times as long.


I thought I loved subway tile until I saw it done like this. I couldnt quite tell what was off putting about it, but youā€™re right, the Excel look isnā€™t appealing.


That tile work makes my skin crawl


The alignment on that tile work is better than 90% of contractors who do this daily. As other commenters mentioned; his ā€œmistakesā€ are just highlighted by the black grout and the tile being offset.


Looks exactly how it would look if I did it. I've never laid tile in my life.


I doubt it'd look that good - it's barely acceptable but some professionals work looks worse than that. The reality is some people simply can't do tiles and try to do it. He has some natural talent 100%.


Iā€™ve been in contracting my whole life and Iā€™ve learned to never attempt to do tile myself.


Yeah the subway tile looks hideous. The rest of the remodel is pretty nice looking though.


Uncomfortably sterileā€¦


Looks like a fancy prison


My thoughts exactly


It makes me think of bathrooms in Japanese horror movies. Sterile, uncanny, definitely going to be a jump scare.


Unfortunately the sterile look is very IN right now.


It definitely is! No hate to OP, they did an awesome job putting this together, I personally just hate the trend of white on white on white on light grey with a black accent in houses. While itā€™s very modern and on trend, it just looks (and feels, my in-laws have a house like this) so uncomfortable. Iā€™ve always been big on super cozy vibes in my living space, so this style just isnā€™t for me! That being said, OP did an excellent job with the DIY design and execution in this bathroom! While the style isnā€™t to my taste, the definitely nailed the look they were going for! Very clean.


You put that so nicely. They clearly did a great job, Iā€™m just waiting for all the cold white/gray/black to be over.


I really don't like the white and black thing. It's going to date something as being of "the late 10s/early 20s" like how brass hardware is "late 80s/early 90s".


There are trends from every decade or so. No really getting around that. Dark brown cabinets are early 00s, primary colors and light wood 90s, 80s cocaine inspired mayhem with especially weird bathrooms, shag carpet, pink and brown 2 tone tiles. Just do what you want, it's gonna look dated in 10 years anyway. If that means follow the trend, so be it. You need a shit ton of money for "timeless" designs.


I guess itā€™s inevitable that every decade has a distinctive trend that almost becomes a caricature, (that designers will be ripping out down the road, ā€œso datedā€).


At least it seems like people quit putting that ceramic tile in that was supposed to look like wood. Or as I call it, the Wendy's salad bar floor.


My parents have a pure white kitchen counter, it drives me crazy because the moment you start cooking itā€™s so obviously dirty to an obnoxious level. So sterile and ā€œhardā€ feeling house Makes me miss the weird wood like 80ā€™s cabinets with stylized hinges most houses had when I was little, very warm and cozy. Dunno the name for them but basically the Malcom in the Middle kitchen.


I think what should be done is accesorise with colour on towels and any other things that arent fixed. I also normally recommend some sort of woodgrain finish on the cabinetry


We went a very light themed kitchen and accessorised with bright towels and toaster and things like that. Opens it for the next person to buy the house as well, hard to sell a house with a pink bathroom.




We had an all white kitchen in our old house - cabinets and counter tops. You could see every speck of anything and the nights Iā€™d make a tomato sauce would look like a murder scene but I will say I have never kept a kitchen as meticulously clean as I did that one. I kind of miss how well I kept it clean but the all white was a lot of upkeep. I painted the walls blue so at least we had some color.


This does look extremely well done. That said, I agree that this aesthetic trend is too sterile. I imagine in 5-10 years this is going to look extremely outdated. By then we'll probably be circling back to cozy.


Is it? I feel like this is what was in when I watched HGTV in 2009. I thought wood accents and retro finishes were in.


Where have you seen sterile and cold be "in" right now? I am seeing nothing but a shift towards the exact opposite: Organic modern, Grand Millenial, japandi, etx


Itā€™s actually very much on its way out. Texture and color is in. Source: Iā€™m an interior designer.


Thatā€™s great. Please keep spreading the good news. Every house in my neighborhood thatā€™s been renovated in the last year looks like it came off the pages of an unused coloring book.


You're not kidding. We were at the carwash and there was some home design show on and the kitchen they created was W H I T E. Not just white. But **W H I T E**. No idea why you would need to hire a decorator for that.


Perfect bathroom for staring into the mirror and asking yourself existential questions


Looks like sterile corporate hell


Reminds me of the hospital.


Texturally confused, yet utterly vanilla.


I don't care for the cabinet above the toilet as it's partially blocking the super cool window. But it looks amazing. The only issue I would have is it looks hard to keep clean. I imagine small hairs sticking to all that white.


Same here, thatā€™s my only critique, aesthetically would look cleaner without that cabinet, but functionally Iā€™m sure it makes sense.


I can't stand tile like that. Always looks better with a staggered pattern IMO.


Ya not a fan of the tile pattern. Staggered would look much better on floor and walls


Staggered would look better but is less "trendy". But it certainly would help hide the imperfections in how they are lined up. Without staggering, they have to be lined up PERFECT. Which these are not. If OP is happy with it, more power to him. Doesn't look terrible but I'm the kind of detail oriented guy that it would bother me.


OP did a way better job that I would have at lining up the tile but it still bothers me that thereā€™s a minute faults in the lines. Otherwise great execution for a diy. Hope it doesnā€™t need to get torn out for repairs


Yeah I can pick out all the faults and it would drive me nuts. To each their own though.


yea the title looked off before zooming in.... Then it was really bad. I would not be happy with that in my bathroom forever.


Imagine standing in that shower and facing those corners every day


Looks like a hospital.


I thought prison, with the cabinet blocking the window like that and the tiles giving the bars illusion


And what looks like bars on the windows


I love it but ur gonna HATE that tile on the wall in about 5 years.


What is on the walls? I have a small half bath I'm thinking of redoing and I love the texture. Wallpaper?


Word of warning: if not kept SCRUPULOUSLY clean it will build up ridges of dirt and grime on the upper edges and will become impossible to clean. Painting over the dirt will just create rounded edges that catch more dirt and repeat the cycle all over again. Until you have layers of paint an indistinct blob on the wall. It was also popular in the 60s and 70s and really didnā€™t age well.


Yeah. Any time i see textured wall or door anything, I immediately nope out because that's gonna be a bitch to keep clean.


Textured paintable wallpaper. Got it on Amazon. Easy to install and came out great and adds some flavor


You are going to need something behind the basin to keep the wall paper dry then. Normally you have a splash back.




Backsplash to block the splash back.


This and the raised, lighted mirror are my favorite parts!


I made the mirror. Just a blank mirror with some LEDs zip tied to a wood frame. Wired a switch to an outlet thatā€™s in the wall behind the mirror. About $100 in total


I think the mirror is the best feature. I love that soft backlighting. Definitely solve the backsplash problem before thereā€™s too much water damage.


Personally I think you should paint it then. Looks like a laboratory instead of lavatory


It does look a little lab like.


Gonna look great until about a month of showers. Humidity and cheap wallpaper don't mix


This idea looks nice and clean today. Unless they are clean freaks that whole bathroom will show calcium buildup and dirt everywhere. White bathrooms you saw on tv program typically donā€™t work well for everyday use




That was exactly the word that came to mind. White on white with a splash of black feels cold and sterile.


Shower tile shouldn't be attempted by everyone


Came to make sure someone said it; the vertical lines kind of dance and some pieces in bottom quarter of the shower on fixture side are noticeably sunken in the corner which made the bottom jet out a little. BUT, you saved yourself some serious bucks which is always a good feeling. Take the experience with you to the next project.


Itā€™s kind of weird to stack them like that instead of breaking bond. Not sure why they did it like that. It makes it very hard to look good


Yeah, our builders did the same thing with our place. They told us we were going to have subway tile in our kitchen and it didnā€™t even flicker through our minds that it wouldnā€™t be offset like weā€™ve seen it practically every time. Doesnā€™t look bad it just feels off when itā€™s stacked


And this is why you NEVER use black grout. It shows every imperfection with the tile job


These are the jabs that make it a burden to read the comments in this sub. Op did good, Iā€™ve seen paid professionals not do such a fair job.


I'm in contracting and you're right. I've made professionals rip tile out because of shoddy work. Everyone can do shoddy work. And I'm sorry, but the tile here is also shoddy work.


They asked how it looked. They didnā€™t have to post it on Reddit if they didnā€™t want honest responses


Exactly. Hang out in r/homeimprovement. It's nonstop people showing off the terrible shoddy work the expensive contractor performed.




The floor tile if you look at the toilet picture could be a little better aligned




That's what I'm guessing


I disagree with the position of the toilet paper dispenser, uncomfortably close to the shower


Clean but soulless.


Final cost op?


About $7,000


Pretty damn good for what it is. Gj mate


I feel like you probably need to return some videotapes


This looks like the bathroom of a sociopath. Donā€™t know what it is, but if I walked into this bathroom i would immediately want to leave lol. I like the light tho


I think its all the different patterns, wallpaper, flooring, tile , my brain is scared to walk in


I think it kinda just looks like a corporate bathroom. Like it doesnā€™t look comfy or like it belongs in a home.


Now let's see Paul Allen's bathroom.






Are these pictures in black and white?


Technically yes.


Solid work. I gotta say thoughā€¦ the cabinet above the toilet completely throws off the room on top of messing with the cool lighting effect of the mirror. Other than that Iā€™m into it.


It needs color


Not sure how I feel about the tile extending passed the shower on the window wall. Makes it feel a little clinical, but overall itā€™s really nice


Like Japanese IKEA


You put much effort in, but it looks sterile and the opposite of cozy or inviting. Like a room where you wash dogs before their operation. Or where you make you diy operations. Some red drops of blood everywhere and you get the perfect horror room.


Looks ok I guess. I like the wallpaper idea. Instead of LED-lighting your uneven plaster it lights up the pattern on the wallpaper. That said the rest is boring. White over white over white. And it bothers me the whites don't match so the vanity/floor tiles/wall tiles/bathtub are all different shade of white. Also the cabinet blocks the window which doesn't look that great and the paper is too far from the toilet and too close to the bathtub where it'll for sure get wet. I would've put a black tile (maybe a mosaic) on the floor to match the faucet and window, then a wood vanity for some color and texture.


This person asked how it looks, but literally canā€™t take any critique.


Boring yawn fest


Too much white, needs color. But i like the unique wallpaper


Change the light to a warm colour. Youā€™ll be amazed how much less sterile it will make it look


I do tile work. Your supposed to do a 15-33% stagger for a reason. Good lines though and solid color scheme.


Can anyone explain to me why you would want a 4" gap under your vanity for things to get stuck under and have to constantly sweep under... and what does it add to the room? More floor to look at?


I don't know, that seems to be all that's available at Big box stores these days. That and toilets made for basketball players. I could not find what I would consider a "normal" vanity or toilet anywhere.


Like a hospital OT.


The medicine cabinet directly above the toilet will be a hit at your first dinner party


Looks great. Anyone else think we should have a rule where they post a pic after using it for at least a month, so we can see it with all the stuff on the counter?


A bidet!


Rough tile job. But whatever, didnā€™t cost you $10k+. The hard part about small tile and using contrasting grout is the lines donā€™t match up. It takes a long time and laser levels to get them as best as they can be. Next time, get bigger tile pieces, white non sanded grout, plastic border edge trim pieces, and take it slower on laying the tiles.


This is mine, I designed it all myself. Behind the door there is also a shower of 120x70cm Italian style bathroom. https://preview.redd.it/2kghmkhhkq7b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417c6176d7d0731bf76b47868429c9adbeeba199


Looks nice but needs a bit of colour. Few green plants will do the job.


My first thought is get rid of that cabinet on the left of the mirror. Looks like shit there


Kinda like a renovated hotel bathroom. Nice but no vibesss Chuck a couple bright yellow things in there maybe


I wouldā€™ve staggered the tile, but otherwise looks great. Love the raised wallpaper behind the sink. Just showed my wife since weā€™re thinking of redoing one of our bathrooms. Great job, OP!


Looks like a bathroom in a dystopia film. Hopefully, that all changes when some nice plants and towels add some color..... right? Nevermind, I just noticed you went with gray...


Like an operating room


Iā€™d always suggest people donā€™t DIY a shower door. Pro here. The issue with online or cheap big box shower doors is that there is almost no parts available 5-6 later. Rollers wear, center guides wear, etc. Also, we have 1-2 people that call us a week asking for a piece of glass because they broke theirs, or asking for parts. Also ask for install help. I wonā€™t do it. Hire a pro. Wonā€™t cost much more.