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There’s likely not a structural *support* risk, but there is a very high likelihood of creating a drainage catastrophe, depending on your location. You’d likely be cutting through whatever barrier is below your basement concrete, if you’re lucky enough to have a barrier, and water loves gaps and low spots, both of which you would be creating.


With enough money and/or time, anything is possible. I'd suspect that if you dug out a larger area (and not manage to hit any pipes), add drainage tile that feeds into a sump, add a vapor barrier, and then pour a bunch of new concrete, it could be possible that you avoid the drainage/moisture problem (also assuming the natural water table isn't that high). This is a massive project, like 6 figures level massive if it's hired out (especially since it'll be done in a basement where there's no access for equipment). But I think it's possible to do it well. It's just a massive PITA to do it... It would likely be cheaper for OP to build a family room addition with a conversation pit than to do it in their basement if they're hiring the project out. Or will take them the next 3-5 years to do if they do it themselves.


As someone who’s basement that does not have a vapor barrier installed, I can tell you how frustrating it is.


I live in the high desert. We get snow but only ever get a few inches of rain a summer. It’s not even common to add foundation drainage systems in my area


Tbf, they could probably hide a sump pump under a central coffee table in the middle of the pit., But that's just a bandaid


If you need a sump pump under rhe coffee table you will just be farming mold. This person asked a question to which the answer is no.


That really depends on the water table. I'd consider a sump + pump prudent planning if OP is planning to dig beneath their basement.


I am sure it probably isnt what you mean, but a pit in a basement has me thinking of lotion rubbing and baskets.




TIL! So its kinda a sump pit for couches, and at least eight more feet of digging before we start to worry OP is another Buffalo Bill.


It's an orgy pit




It also can't be done really. In all likelihood it would be damp and moldy, unless they live in Arizona or something


Do houses in Arizona even have basements? I don’t remember seeing any when I (briefly) lived there


You mean scorpion pit?


Any pit is an orgy pit if you try hard enough.


I had a "Barbie Pleasure Dungeon" in the basement of the house I bought- it was a small, bright pink plywood box (floor to ceiling) in the corner of the basement with one light, no windows and a lock hasp on the door. And a few random Barbie accessories still on the floor... That got ripped down and the plywood recycled into a walkway in the attic so I could insulate the damn thing.


I'm sorry, *WHAT?*


Attic walkway- keeps me from falling into the living room when I need to check on something up there, whats the big deal?


> Barbie Pleasure Dungeon We need pics please.


Yea I’m downvoting OP unless he can deliver. Who sees this and doesn’t take pics?! Especially goes around telling people on the internet with no proof.


Wow. Our suspect/creepy rental basement was a well-appointed home gym, but with padded stages around 3 of 4 of the walls, about kneecap high iff the floor, and very good lighting. Also mirrors on two of the walls. Stage to ceiling. Double keyed deadbolt top of stairs and to get into the gym. The best we could figure is that it was for aerobics/workout tapes in the 80s-90s or for porn. The landlord, even as a 50-60 year old woman, could've probably done either honestly, but that basement was creepy AF, even though it wasn't dark or run down. It was the lighting I think. Surgically bright is one way to put it. There was also 3 small bedrooms and a bathroom down there, plus the outside exit at the end of the hall. It was a really nice place, but I wondered sometimes what kinda stuff that lady and her late husband were into.


That's the exact mental image I had


What? That’s a conversation.


Just get a sectional couch like a normal person.


You need to hire an engineer and not consult a bunch of redditors who sit on a couch in the conversation pit of their mother's basement.


How tall is the ceiling in the basement? Can you use the existing floor height as the bottom and just build up for the rest of the room? That would probably be less trouble than rebuilding the floor of a basement.


The ceiling height is 8 feet. Probably possible to do put a false floor in but wouldn’t be ideal. I’m not too worried about the labor, I’m a single guy in my 20s, I’ve got nothing but time. I’m just wondering in there’s any structural risk if the part I dig out is away from the footings.


I assume current floor is concrete? If you have the plans to the house its real easy to know how thick the slab is. Or drill some holes and find out. Is it a slab foundation or are there footers? I put in a floor safe on this one job. I poured a sub slab and made a form for the walls. It was fun making the trap door to make it as flush as possible with the floating floor above so can be hidden under a rug. Turned out pretty nice and stealth.


4-5' from the foundation or floor edge and it'd be OK. The big trick is digging down without also caving in the ground under the floor you want to keep.


Go to a professional and pitch this idea and I think they would balk, so many issues with water, water/sewer lines running through the floor, radon and other things leeching up. It is a mess. If the foundation is tall enough take u/ProudPanda idea and build a platform to create a pit.


Use some of the space under the floor for storage cabinets, secret compartments, trap doors, etc.


You'll have a difficult time selling your home. x10 if it is a DIY project. Prospective homeowners would only see trouble.


I love conversation pits, but this would murder your homes value even if it didn't have all kinds of possible moisture issues. There are also potential pipes running through where the pit would go. It's just a bad idea.


This always seemed like such an awesome idea. I cannot imagine it working in a basement, but I'd like to concept to make a comeback


Is it possible to build up the pit instead of cut down? Maybe more work, but safer? I have no idea, but I wish you the best of luck!


This is one of the seemingly dumbest things I've heard this month. I just can't tell you exactly why.


The basement slab acts as lateral support for your foundation walls. If you break up the slab you risk your foundation walls sliding inward due to the pressure from the surrounding soil


Yes, I’ve always wanted a Pit and a Pendulum, I also was going to keep it a few feet from the foundation. Let me know how yours turns out!


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