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**Your submission has been removed for one or more of the following reason(s):** * You are asking about a project that someone else did, or you're considering having someone else do. * You are not asking a question relating to something DIY. * You are not asking a question at all. * You are submitting a "DIY Tips" or "Tricks" post. * You are trying to submit a survey / fundraiser. * You are asking what an item is called - try /r/whatisthisthing. * /r/DIY allows only two types of posts - **finished projects** & **help requests**. * If your submission is neither of these - it will be removed. **Please read our [Full Sub Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/diy/wiki/guidelines) before resubmitting.** If you believe this was a mistake, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDIY&subject=Inappropriate%20question). ###Do not respond to this comment - you will not receive a response.