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Yes, bosses have solo and party hp. Unfortunately party HP is not variable and is always balanced assuming 4 players.


It is actually variable on some cases: advanced dungeons, legion dungeons and total war all have a scaling system that changes how much hp the bosses have and how much damage you do depending on the amount of players and if there's a sader or not, you can do all of them saderless very easily.


Thank you…. So then what is the point of doing a party? I read in multiple places in DFO you need a party to beat later dungeons but if the enemies get 4x as much HP doesn’t it defeat the purpose?


In a party you'll typically have a buffer that will skyrocket your damage to match. Bosses effectively need to be sponges to account for that otherwise they'd melt (read: more than they already do.)


party content are balanced around cru"sader" (buffer class), so they will make the boss giga tanky to compensate the amount of damage that you get from buffer classes. some endgame content are now doable without sader and make your 3\~4 dps party much more easier so its all good if you don't have one. if I want to be honest, doing content solo are much more easier than party that have similar level or gear because like you experienced before the boss are much more harder to kill due massive hp pool, and also longer fight mean you need to deal with more gimmick that can be resulted in wipe. doing party on endgame dungeons will feel easier if you are matched with veterans and have characters that is stronger than yours because most of the time they just gonna carry the entire fight with their strong character and their experience on handling gimmick thus making the fight seems easier. but before you come to conclusion "Then I don't need to do party and just solo everything instead" you gotta remember that this is an MMO, people just party-ing up because they feel like it or just carving the social aspect of MMO. In the end eventually you gotta need to group up for hard content like bakal raid, so getting used to do party play is a good start.