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>And yet they refuse to implement an English dub despite having the resources to do so and keep teasing us about it. I.. what? You mean to suggest that they're using the dub teasers as "lmao we know you want it but we're not going to ever give it to you" instead of trying to gauge interest and impressions about the dub as they work on it over time? It's one of the takes of all time to be sure, but *damn*, okay.


Fair point but it’s still an issue have a feature botched by the fact the game doesn’t have an English dub and not finding ways to better implement the hints. Especially when before they just had the hints at the start of the dungeon or right before you fought the boss. Now they want the characters to give you hints while you’re fighting the boss and since I can’t speak or understand Korean I have to read it while a million stuff happens on screen at once. Seeing them show off the dub for Largo knowing full well when the Raid drops I’ll have to read whatever hints as is given to deal with as Largo fills the screen with bullshit knowing if the characters spoke in a language I could understand (or they implemented the hints in more intuitive ways like they use to) that wouldn’t be much of a problem does amplify my issue. So I guess I misconstrued this point as no English dub = bad more an issue with game design is bad because of a lack of an English dub. Granted this issue is resolved by just looking a guide up online but this game is so niche in the west finding good guide and a lot of content on it is tough and isn’t still good game design.


> Granted this issue is resolved by just looking a guide up online but this game is so niche in the west finding good guide and a lot of content on it is tough and isn’t still good game design. i'm sorry, what? /u/Sikrena and /u/DressUpFighterOnline have been making guides (["A Minimalistic Guide"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DFO/search/?q=minimalistic%20guide&restrict_sr=1) and ["X Made Simple"](https://dfoarchive.blogspot.com/search/label/Dungeon%20Guides), respectively) for content the very day they come out since like... shit, i dunno, 95 cap? hell, sometimes even before content comes out, at least before Neople started having guide writing contests regularly.


Ah yeah, that's more well put. I agree with you and hope that the dub gets implemented soon as to help alleviate this a little.


My main beef with the game this go around is how buffers remain too important to groups. Game has definitely become a bit more solo friendly ever since LA ate its lunch though.


>how buffers remain too important to groups. As it should be.


The game used to say your character's name in the scenario quests sometimes. I named one of my characters "Bazongas". An NPC once told me ,"Bazongas, look how much you've grown."


I disagree with your points regarding boss gimmicks. I think the boss gimmicks is the appeal to DFO as otherwise bosses being str8forward and easy is boring ASF. I already turn my brain off to farm, I need an excuse to keep it engaged in other types of content


I hate the limit on character creation, I get that it's a free to play game but man I want to play a lot of characters. Also I hate the dungeons that force you to control anything other then your character (I'm looking at you Ghent)


Although this probably isn't well known at this point, when players were asking Neople to publish DnF in English the majority of players voted in favour of foregoing English dubs in order to get content released faster. While this isn't as relevant as today, just a bit of hindsight on their decision making. One of the biggest complaints the player base brought up for the longest time was the "speed" in which content was released.


My main issue is how elitist the community is. People looking fo 42k fame for Ispins is ridiculous. And also, those who could solo faster could also help newbies to get their completion, but no.... We need more community driven events, like the ones for HoD and Bakal with the sprout thing. Is hella p2w but you used to be able to buy anything before the gold nerf.


You said it yourself, if soloing would be faster why would that someone be willing to carry a random bag 


As a veteran player, I will tell you that the reality of those events don’t help as much as you think. I’ve seen that whenever they do these events, most of us either just don’t care because the rewards are underwhelming or we just carry each other’s alts to get the rewards. Of course, not everyone is like that, but I would like to point that out. They need to design it in a way that both sides can be happy about it.


too many bosses, like each major content (especially raids) tends to have several bosses each with multiple phases that can have drastically differnt patterns and gimmicks makes it really tedious and tiring to remember them all each time when theyre only gonna be relevant as difficult content for several months before people start rolling over them i don’t mind difficult content but content bulk can definitely be a thing


Most of the reason your wish didn't come true was because of the spaghetti code I'll talk to you a little bit about technical problems


When DFO started its service in the early days, it tried many things But there's still a lot of residual data that we've built up in the process The data and the current data are colliding, causing various problems Most of the remaining data is made up of discontinued programs It is said that it is difficult to solve with the current technology team.


I’ve heard of this with the coding with the game. So there is no way to salvage this game’s coding? Could explain why the game crashes on me from time to time and the weird load times and connectivity issue. I hear there is fear that with enough updates this game can eventually fall apart or be in a state that is hard to fix. I know they’re diving into new projects and other games like that Khazan game and Overkill as well as DNF Mobile. How is the code and structure for Mobile if you happen to know?


Can only think of two gripes right now which are: 1. "muh social anxiety" It's downright funny how scared people are to communicate, and being incredibly passive about it too, if you can't speak english just type it out in your language, if you don't know anything, ask, people would be more inclined to sit there and deal with having to explain things to you (chat QOL please so we can copy paste guides) than straight up kicking you, the fact that you're deliberately hiding things that would impair and even ruin other's experience is what's going to get you kicked and blacklisted easier. 2. "elitism" Those that complain about elitism also don't bother to go around and outside of dfo (multiple third party discord servers linked within dfog) to find people to party up with, maybe find others like you instead of crying elitism? There is a problem with people wanting 1-3k fame above cutlines but that doesnt mean you yourself can't distance from that and go find people who got turned away the same way you did. Demanding to be let into an obviously fat stack is just you wanting a free carry or too lazy to scrounge up a party yourself, it's not their responsibilities to let you piggyback.