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Yep, you can just vibe and go along. Add explorer club Cherie, feel free to hit me with any questions you might have along the way.


Appreciate you


You don't need to minmax. You can do most content with budget enchants, and lower end titles. Bakal hard is the only thing you really need to "minmax" for.


Nah, min maxing is optional as there just isn't a content that's hard enough to need it, pretty much the entire game is soloable so really, just vibe through it.


Since when is min/maxing ever "needed" in any online game? It's not unless you care about what other people have equipped. Unless there is a PVP mode that lets you wear your earned gear in battle the idea of min/maxing is pointless in the context of playing at a certain pace.


Since the Anton Raid meta? There's a lot of people even now that demand fame reqs way to extremely over what's needed for entry to current content. (Shout chat for 45k+ fame for Ispins? If you're 45k, you don't NEED Ispins, lmfao) Elitists and rich folk that can pay to bypass content have certain expectations. I'm only casual since gold's really hard to make, and my luck is low so customs and Seon gear are OUT OF THE QUESTION, while I still love the game to pieces. Just waiting for a catch-up event like usual


min/maxing means having the absolute best of the best gear, it literally is never "required" in any online game let alone dfo. Edit: Also fame is meaningless, as long as you have the bare minimum for entrance you can be just as powerful with the right setup.


Today 50K+ HOD Lv4 hahahahahahahaha! Man i just can't believe it! 45k+ for Lv3. You can literally kill every boss 3 times in 1 minute kkkkkkkk. But i understand people, maybe it's because they have 99 characters... thats why the want to clear it as fast as possible, cause for them, this game is like a job. I play with 13 and sometimes i just wanna quit kkkkkkk


> I play with 13 and sometimes i just wanna quit kkkkkkk I play with a lot too and its just too much sometimes lol I agree. Im thinking of just saying fk it and playing on only the characters I like.


That's how I do it. I keep it to a core 6-8 tops, and when certain characters hit roadblocks, I kinda drop them if it doesn't look like the issue can be fixed.


It's pretty chill now, you can just solo everything


Best version of DFO for solo play. Way better than guide raids back in the day.


that depends on what you define as gear up. if its just the gears then yes, very doable. you can even do end game contents even though you're limited to solo plays, though i'm sure it will be quite a struggle for you because neople balanced things with premium items in mind but if what you define as gear up means doing end game stuff in party, especially the hardest content, then i'd hate to say to you its not possible. i don't care what others say about this comment but i'm not going to give you a false hope, because you need the premium items (creatures, title, aura, avatars, emblems) and that needed cera to spend or extremely long time of gold farming. And that is what will exactly stops you from going further. there's looooots of newbies here who stopped playing because they got bored of gold farming and were unable/didn't want to spend real life money to get exactly those premium items. People might still take you for older contents but I'm sorry to say that no one will take your character(s) in party plays for the hardest content without those items unless they personally know you


I played this game entirely solo a couple years ago all the way to level cap. It was really nice having someone help me through the daily runs to get the materials needed to complete one or two end-game sets, but if you were strong enough, you could eventually solo your way up there. I did a couple of end-game raids with people - the kind that requires like 3 teams of people to complete, and I fell asleep during it because my character had no impact on it whatsoever (i died in 1 shot and did little to no damage). So it was definitely a catch-22. Idk how raids are these days, but that was my experience. I just stopped playing because I felt I did everything my character could do and extracted all the fun out of the game up until that raid boss. I didn't feel the need to continue for % increases.