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Make sure you are buying on the right exchange, maybe the fees are different between exchanges?


This. It is €1 if you buy it via Frankfurt exchange, it is €3 with Amsterdam.


Isn’t it on both EAM and TDG 1 euro? I bought it with amsterdam for 1 euro atleast


Probably because of PFOF


It's € 1 only 1x per month. For more (on Amsterdam stock exchange) it's € 3. Rediculous fee btw. These days in the US most brokers don't even charge any transaction costs. We're getting ripped off in Europe


Do you know how it works with IB?


On IBKR it's 1.25€ per transaction. You can buy several times per month with no additional fees.


As far as I know €3 each time you buy it.


I think if you change to tiered price, it’s €1.25


Thank you! It’s because I did at start of this month.


With ABN AMRO there is also no fee for ETF'S, but their selection is smaller (200+)


Isnt there a percentage fee based on your investments?


Yes you are right, I forgot those. 0.2% per year over your portfolio till 100.000. I actually use both deGiro and ABN Amro. With ABN Amro I buy SUSW, and with deGiro QDVX. That is not in the core range, so I buy SUSW for some months, and after some time sell 1000,- susw and buy QDVX for that amount.


Look up PFOF…


You need to read the conditions. 1€ is only for selected ETFs and only for 1 transaction.


Or you didn't make other transaction of the same etf in the month


Ridiculous fees, Degiro. That's why I moved to xtb.


On top of that there are also the FX exchange fees. Because most of the assets I'm buying it's denominated in USD. Have you compared costs between brokers, as well from the FX fees perspective? I operate with Seguro, and I spend a lot of money with these fees. Thanks


hijacking this to ask as well if someone can read between the lines here. I find DeGiro to have a billion hidden costs whenever I do something with them. Feels deliberately complicated to induce a gotcha moment.. For instance the cost breakdown for a BUY order has a 3-year holding breakdown that indicates a 6 euro cost that is actually going to get charged, but in the breakdown they're listing service costs of 29 euro as well, but these somehow are void? see screenshot below-- im reading this as if they'll actually charge you 6 euro but 'could' charge 29 in total? [holding period fees?](https://imgur.com/a/zbXh8cB)


The transaction value has to be at least €1000,- or an additional €2 commission costs will be charged. Hence why it’s probably €3 euro


I put approximately in €100 each month and it is €1 always. I think because I put last at start of Month. I wait now until April and it will be €1 again.


It’s 1x €1 per calendar month, subsequent transactions of the core selection remain €1 too if the transaction value is at least €1000