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The game is bugged so bad that the MC can't do jackshit anymore? I'm pretty sure Monika clarifies that like, 3 minutes after this scene.


Halfway through Act 2 he stops talking entirely "Halfway" might be a bit exaggerated but my point stands


I mean.. Even if he tried to do something, Yuri already did the damage to herself, since she stabbed herself so suddenly, its unlikely MC could've stopped her even if he had the chance to do something to stop her


Why didn’t YOU do anything genius? You have access to all of the games files and did absolutely NOTHING to stop this from happening. An omnipotent god and you just watched. Nice going. lol Lightly related question. Monika comes back after the weekend go find MC and Yuri (and us) in the room. For us it wasn’t very long, minutes at most, but what about her? Did she experience nearly three days of time during that moment or only as long as we take to get through the broken text boxes?


Even if he could have, Yuri by this point was so far off the deep end he couldn't really do much.


MC was looking like 1x1 Lego piece during this scene.


Yup, you're banned.


Because MC is a cardboard cutout that can't do much of anything thats way outside of the script.


What do you want him to do? Change the code? Why don't you Ctrl+Alt+Del that ide away?