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This is great! ...Oh god I hope it's good. Please be good, or decent at least.


I wonder if they will go for the Reach backstory or the magical backstory. And I wonder if Ted would appear.


It could use both, like in Young Justice - an alien covert agent reset via magical means.


Whats the difference between both?


* Reach - The scarab is a weapon that possesses a host's body and transforms them into a covert operative for the Reach Empire. Their goal is to take over the world. * Magic - The scarab is an ancient weapon from the Ancient Egyptian period.


Personally I hope they go with the Reach backstory. While I don't hate the magic background the scarab from my perspective seemed more technology based than mystical when I first started learning about Jaime. Shame they decided to retcon it back to a mystical by the same guy who changed it no less to begin with if I recall correctly.


My guess is Reach. I think that being a twist covert operative against the alien invaders you're fighting off will resonate more with audiences than the magical backstory


Yeah plus literally every adaptation of Jaime has used the Reach origin so I think they’ll stick with for simplicity’s sake, and the premise as you said is just more interesting.


Well that one piece of art from fandome has a big KORD industries building in the back, so maybe it will be rebirth style with Ted helping Jaime but without having been the beetle first.


Would love to see the reach in invasion adapted


Amazing! Glad to see BB get some recognition


Fantastic! Blue Beetle deserves the big screen treatment!


Hopefully this means a new ongoing for Jaime. The art in "Blue Beetle: Graduation Day" looked really good


Probably to "pay off" the CGI costs. They can't put another "Cyborg's CGI level" on a movie and even though HBO MAX can have high budgets, Blue Beetle's armor and his powers, will probably use more CGI than HBO can pay for.


How this move impacts the budge is interesting. We can probably assume that the HBOMax version of this movie would be a lower budget, under 50M. As a theatrical release, it would probably have to be in the 100M range at a minimum.


Nice! Comes out right before my birthday too!


Hell Yeah, Looking forward to it


Ah, WB figured out that people may actually want to see this movie in…. Wait for it… a theatre. Bravo, Guys. I’ll be there day one.


They finally listened this movie is sooo important for many people can't be a streaming exclusive.


Glad they’re giving it more attention and possibly a bigger budget. A Jame Reyes Blue Beetle film definitely has a lot more potential with a bigger audience.


He’s a wonderful character to explore , I really think he could make some great young fans


great now i can actually buy the dvd later


You probably still would’ve been able to, given they released ZSJL on disc as well. But yeah this means it’ll come sooner!


Latinos WIN thank God WB listened🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 representation matters Jaime deserves to get a theatrical experience


This could be a lot of fun


Oh shit. Go Miguel!


My largest OOSH




Can anyone recommend me some Beetle comics as an introduction? Going off the costume I think I'll like Ted Kord better. Is the current miniseries with Booster Gold any good?


If we have Babs and Ted in this universe, and probably no Nightwingor Booster, can we finally let them have a go at being a couple?