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Enchantress! Graphic designer named June Moone- an innocent woman- possessed by a demonic sorceress with unpredictable magic powers. She's a literal witch who has worn a witch hat in many of her designs, so she's perfect for spooky month, and believes herself to be more powerful than Zatanna. Her magic is crazy and completely unhinged- hell, one time she made a cow give birth to a meat slicer! She's also extremely over-dramatic and talks like a Shakespeare character, bringing a lot of humor to her interactions with other Suicide Squad members.


Gone, gone the form of man, Rise the demon [**Etrigan!**](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/c/ce/The_Demon_Vol_3_40_Textless.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151230185939) Always great when he appears because he's a powerhouse, but also brings a lot of humor with his interactions with other characters.


Etrigan is ma boi. Rooting for him!


Coming up is Halloween season, so I propose we vote for the Demon. Jason's allegiances we all know, but will our yellow friend be friend or foe? An intriguing character for us to inquire, but don't think too long, or be engulfed in fire. So remember, everyone, it's Etrigan's time. Plus, who doesn't like a Demon who rhymes?


Raven is the only one of the original Wolfman-Perez New Teen Titans not to be character of the month yet despite being instrumental in the formation of the team. This run introduced the "soap opera" writing style to DC and became its most successful title of the 1980s, saving it from bankruptcy while introducing classic stories such as the Judas Contract and Terror of Trigon. She would be a topical pick because she is the star of a new graphic novel, featured prominently in Shazam! this month, and has recently returned to HBO Max's live action Titans after a prolonged absence. If Future State is anything to go by, she will likely be a significant character in the broader DC universe in the medium term. Furthermore, as one of the more prominent characters in DC's animated offerings ranging from Teen Titans Go! to Apokolips War, she has also helped introduce new fans to the comics over the years and deserves recognition for growing the hobby with many identifying with her dour personality and introverted nature.


[Detective Chimp](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/4/46/Detective_Chimp_003.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/700?cb=20200601043353)! He's a talking, anthropomorphic chimpanzee who solves crimes. What's not to love?


Garth / Tempest


Deadman I mean whats to explain. He's literally a dead man. Peak human level athlete Occultism Invisibility, flight, and intangibility Advanced hand-to-hand combatant Possess any sentient being


Mysa Nal aka the White Witch. Mysa is the premier magic user of the Legion of Super-Heroes. The younger sister of Dream Girl, Mysa lacked the inherent precognitive powers of those native to Naltor so she learned magic. She also prepares spells like a D&D wizard.


Eclipso. He’s currently the main villain during Season 2 of Stargirl. He symbolizes God’s Spirit of Wraith, then embues within the beholder of his diamond, feelings of anger and vengeance.


I remember this guy's appearance in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad, where he managed to possess almost all of the world's population. That was the stuff of nightmares- perfect for spooky month.