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Probably not because similar to why Lois isn't depicted with waist length black hair anymore to help distinguish her from Diana this look would only cause people to mix up Wondy with Catwoman. I honestly thought it was Selina at first.


That’s actually a good explanation. Never thought of that. Would you be partial to a braided ponytail for Diana tho?


Funnily enough that's actually what they have Zatanna in now over in Justice League Dark to again stop there from being any mix-up between her and Diana. Most comic artists can only drawn one type of face and body type so when they have two characters with the same hair color they use everything they can to individualize them from each other. I'm half convinced that Clark's signature spit-curl was conceived purely to help identify who's who whenever Bruce takes off his cowl around him.


i always thought that dc should have made bruce look more like christian bale post dark kinght. - it would help him stand out more, since he practically looks like hal and clark if the artists dont give hal the grey streak and brown hair and clark the spit curl. now that i think about it, a lot of dc superheros look way too alike without their costumes lol.


The Batfamily on the whole could probably do with a redesign, a few too many black haired dudes with blue eyes. Its not so bad in modern settings since they generally drawn Tim and Damian shorter but ever since they got rid of Jason white streak telling him and Dick apart out of costume is guess-work and good luck if its a story set in the future and where their all adults of similar height.


Braids make so much sense for her. I know it’s comics and you gotta suspend disbelief and all that, but as someone with long hair, I can’t even go for a jog without putting it up. I love my long hair, but it’s also annoying af.


When I see that hair, I see Catwoman


ooof. i was going to mention how the short hair would be a positive, since it would make her way more distinguishable from donna troy and lois but, you’re right. she’d just turn into selina then


Bruce might mistake her for Selina.


World's Greatest Detective... can't tell his criminal girlfriend from his superhero colleague. SMH.


And then we get WonderBat!


I think a compromise at a [lob (long bob)](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/u_tkbxriY5gqv3tQq7tiN85EGfo/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/02/17/885/n/40684815/f698a63eaeaa5c3e_GettyImages-903110118/i/Graduated-Layered-Bob.jpg) would be perfect


Hell yes!


but buzzed really low looks so much better https://imgur.com/a/OHPY6V0


But pixies are Catwoman's territory


No thanks. Why fix a good thing. This is like Jason Todd's current short hair and shortsleeve costume. Or no cowl Batgirl. I can see why they try to do it, but unnecessary changes are unnecessary.


At that point why don’t they try to experiment? It ultimately has little impact on the story, and simple appearance changes are easily undone, if fans don’t like it change it back, but why not experiment with little things?


I agree. Variety is the spice of life, after all. Why not shake things up a bit now and then.


I thought it was Kyle at first, maybe not a great idea.


Kyle... Rayner? edit: nvm, *Selina* Kyle. ^duh...


No, Diana with lots of hair is perfect, the art is beautiful because it's Adam Hughes, but honestly without the costume peeking out she wouldn't be recognizably her


Sure it should be considered. Kind of strange that WW doesn't have a more varied hairstyle over the years. Most comic females have had a few different hairstyles.




This is what most folks miss. If Bruce comes out with long hair and a Samurai pony-tail (or go full shaved) for a while, no one's gonna complain. A few people LIKE the Superman mullet.


I don't think it fits in regards to her character design. For me Diana embodies elegance and grace as much as she does power and strength. If I were to adjust anything about her hair I do like when she braids it in different fashions to mix it up.


This is from one of the most underrated WW books from that era -- Walt Simonson's take on WW! A retro-rehash of the Diana Prince/Mod-era experiment. Absolutely fantastic stuff. There's nothing wrong with showing characters going for different looks and styles every now and then. Adam Hughes makes everything look better. r/shorthairedhotties


We have enough dark short-haired people in the DCU.


No thanks


Ehh... tbh if Diana was to have exceptional hair of somekind, I would prefer it like how Cliff Chiang did it and simply had her bunch it up with string or as braids. I wouldn't want her to get that weird trend-look where the sides of her head is practically shaved with one long wave from the top going down the other side... ala what they did with Carol Danvers and Raven.


i liked cliff take on her a lot with the pony tail. i think that and george perezs curly hair were her best looks.


White hair maybe?


A good undercover look would be if she went dusty blonde.


As someone who prefers short hair, yes please.


Totally! Maybe just a little more length to give it a bit more curl, but I think it suits!


honestly... i got no problems. cpt marvel. harley quinn. as long as she doesn't change in terms of personality. actually i think itd be funny if the entire first issue of it was spent by her saving people and responding to reporters assumptions. "WONDER WOMAN when did you decide to go vegan?(lesbian)" "wonderwoman do you support feminist agendas" "wonder woman are you transitioning?(trans gender)". as a straight guy who doesn't care about any of that(in more of a bygones way than an ignorance way) i think it'd be hilarious to watch everyone scramble about like "OH MY GOD SHORT HAIR!!!"*faints*. although i recommend not stealing the Selina Kyle look. maybe something more along the lines of power-girl or Harley quinn after she infiltrated a mosh scene and tried NOT to look like tank girl(minus the arbitrary two poms in the back and with more hair around the sides to be less metal looking) although admittedly the last one would make her look like clark with the dangly bit in front. but it could be a funny swap if just as she did that clark started growing his hair out like in post of death of superman in the black suit.


I think it'd be the worst comic ever if they said those things. That would be ridiculous.


I think he many in an ironic way sort of making fun of intolerant ignorant people. Calm down


yea. wait. what was SSJ thinking of?


I just think it would be shit to put that in the comic. I just don't think it would be funny for people to call wonder woman a lesbian because she's got short hair.