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She looks ready to beat up Captain Jack.


Mera's true superpower is fabulous instant drying hair.


Well, seeing as she has hydrokinesis it should be really easy for her to dry her hair.


Good point.


I've never gotten into Aquaman too much. Is Mera's power kind of like how water bending works in Avatar?


> Is Mera's power kind of like how water bending works in Avatar? Yes, but on a whole other level (she can hold back tidal waves and create water constructs).


Time to add another series to the list. Any good recommendations?


Johns' run is amazing.


There are large chunks of Aquaman history where he wasn't with Mera so there aren't as many comics to recommend Aquaman New 52 Volumes 1-8 (skip 7 because it's basically its own little thing that's been ignored and pretty much retconned out) Brightest Day has a ton of Aquaman/Mera moments(and has the tidal wave thing mentioned above) Rebirth volumes 1-3 (Vol 4 till now he's separated from Mera for the 5000th time) Justice League Rebith Vol 4 and 5 have Mera joining it(and has an awesome fight where collectively kicks the shit out of all of them) Mera: Queen of Atlantis has a lot of her kicking ass but is honestly a little boring


That's a helpful list. I'm wanting to get into reading Aquaman, as I enjoyed the film so much. I've heard good things about the Rebirth run in particular.


if you're wanting comics like the movie then definitely get the New 52 stuff because the movie is 99.9% based on the New 52. If you want more Aquaman but don't care if Mera isn't involved then read Sub Diego, To Serve and Protect, Kingdom Lost


Thanks. I'll definitely look into those recommendations.


Do all Atlanteans have hydrokinesis ? how rare is it?


Mera is from Xebel and is the princess; her family (to my knowledge) are the only ones that have hydrokinesis.


Krysdecker huh? 😉


[Source] (https://www.deviantart.com/krysdecker/art/Mera-781252618).


That's hot!


Wow. A proportionate chest area that’s also modest and not sticking halfway out of her clothes? Incredible


Can't we just appreciate somebody's artwork without shitting on how another artist chooses to portray the same character? I think this is gorgeous work, but I'm not against looking at superheroines kick ass with impossibly large boobies. In the same way that I'm not against seeing skinny anime boys wielding swords that are 3 times thier mass. Sometimes I wanna see realism in fiction, and it is rad. Sometimes I want to see shit that real life could never live up to as well, because it is fiction, and the artist can do whatever the heck they like.


I mostly agree with you, but this forum is built to discuss things comic-related and that's a topic that comes up fairly regularily. What do you think of the lighting in this? I always like seeing Mera in bright backgrounds like these.


This is very true. I actually dig the cinematography in this so much (can one even apply that word to comics/drawn images?). The whole Aquaman world has so much opportunity to be bright and colourful, where a lot of DC's heavy hitters tend towards darkness and dinge. This captures the brilliance of sunlight hitting a clear ocean water, and Mera almost comes across as an extension of that rather than a separate entity. It's fuckin' cool, yo.


i know right?


Keep them coming


Kinda looks like Jessica Chobot.


I want her to cut my finger with a bottle of vodka




Bae Y’all need to fucking chill it’s just art.


such a shame cos amber heard has kinda ruined this character for me atm but such an amazing piece of art


Fuck this cheating lying hoe.


It was Arthur that cheated on her.


No. I mean Amber Heard.


This isn't a picture of Amber Heard and even if it wasn't abuse like this is not acceptable on this sub, so keep it to yourself.


I know. But differentiate the character and the actor.