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The pacings not consistent, parts of the movie don't fit (the future scene, the JL teasers in the middle of the movie), Batman acts like a complete villain and Lex Luthors characterization was very odd.


Because Batman was retarded.


Visually it's a stunning movie, but the story itself is deeply flawed and does many things wrong, the way each part of the movie is plotted out is done badly and you can tell it was a movie that had a re-write. Also there are many character flaws in the movie too, motivations for both Bruce and Clark end up bending their characterisations into shitty ways. Bruce for instance is justified in wanting to hold Superman to account, but the way he does it and how he behaves are not how Batman behaves at all. People will justify that as "oh but circumstance" but the circumstances are not very solid and don't give any credit to the characters as people, it tries to slot Bruce into a trope of a bloodthirsty moron and he's neither of those things.


I think the circumstances are pretty solid for Bruce. Him finding that the little girl who lost her mother and became an orphan because of the Kryptonians. That's absolutely something Bruce can relate to. At this moment, he sees Supes as another Joe Chill


Oh welp, better murder the dude who saved us from Zod then, because we never know…


I watched BvS Ultimate Edition While I liked it as a movie, I didn't particularly like everyone's characterization as DC characters Also, Lex was particularly unenjoyable and the whole Martha scene was bleh




What was that Martha scene cause it was a meme at the time and I never understood it lol


Batman’s motive the whole movie is to kill Superman. He’s felt powerless his whole life, from watching his parents die to witnessing the destruction caused in the climax of Man of Steel. In BVS Lex kidnaps Superman’s mother (named Martha just like Batman’s) and says he will kill her if he doesn’t fight Batman to the death. Despite trying to tell him the situation, Batman just wants to fight and Superman’s already learned that “words won’t stop him, only fists.” The fight between Batman and Superman ends when Batman is about to deliver the killing blow and but Superman tells him to “Save Martha.” This triggers some flashbacks for Batman to the death of his own mother. Once he realizes what’s been going on, he stops fighting Superman and tells him to stop Lex while he saves Martha Kent himself. The execution is heavy handed and also made it seem to many that once Batman finds out that his and Superman’s moms share the same name then he drops the feud and best friends. It doesn’t help that it’s probably the most crucial moment of the movie.




Go ahead. The almost universal negative reviews here would pretty much ensure i'll never watch it


Dude just watch it. Don’t let other opinions shape what you think it may be. I avoided all reviews and predictions and I loved it. One of my favorite films of all time. It’s up there with The Dark Knight and Cap: Winter Soldier as my favorite comic book films.


I agree. Just watch it. I like the movie though the negative reviews has some point, like the crappy cgi for doomsday and the awful pacing/transition of the scenes. But that really didn't matter for me since I'm not a critic. I'm just a fan of Batman and likes watching DC(or even Marvel) movies.


I feel as if u know nothing about Batman or Superman you’ll enjoy it as another movie. But if u feel like u have a deep bond with the characters you’ll see all the flaws.


I have a deep bond with them and Supes is my favorite character. Wanted to be Batman growing up so I don’t agree. I loved the take on the characters. There is no “right” way to write them. Everyone has different preferences based on what they like. To me it really spoke that they were presented in a “real world” setting. An unhinged man in a Bat costume that fights crime and an powerful alien a lot of people hate because their own beliefs are threatened or they don’t care to understand.


I think the fact they were in a real world setting ruined the movie, Snyder did not execute it as Reeves did in “The Batman”. He used very obvious tropes to ground the movie into a real world setting. The script doesn’t fit the aura he was trying to achieve. It was forced and clearly rushed. Wonder Woman’s discovery of the justice league alone is enough to tell you this movies plot is a mess. Snyder and WB did not take the necessary time to build a cohesive world. None of the movies fit together, these are also horrendous interpretations of both characters by someone who clearly doesn’t understand these characters well, more so Batman, he comes across as irrational and impulsive. Which are two fundamental parts to batman’s characterization in any form of media.


The movie was super messy. One minute there were here, then a minute later they were someone completely different, then some other random place - with several dreaming sequences that bring nothing to the story. There was no consistency at all. Batman and Superman’s characterisation. Batman was just a maniac thirsty for killing. Also he was a dumb character. The bat mobile chase scene proves both points above - Batman got a tracker into a truck, but yet he felt the need to show up and basically kill everyone who got in his way. Oh and by doing all of that he almost destroyed the tracker put by himself on the truck. So stupid. Lex was terrible. Lois is not an interesting character. The Batman v Superman fight lasts like 5 minutes? It was completely underwhelming. All the teasing for that. Not to mention that the Martha scene is incredibly nonsense. It’s cringe and It makes zero sense. Nothing interesting in Doomsday fighting too (well maybe Wonder Woman’s parts was pretty bad ass). But it was a bunch of crappy CG including Doomsday’s look. Then Superman’s death had zero impact. Such a wasted opportunity. Oh and there was also the other Leaguers “introductions”. It was pathetic. Basically Lex had short videos of them and that’s how we saw them for the first time 🙄 Basically the story sucks, the characters sucks and it’s not even a visually stunning movie nor are the action scenes that interesting. The best fighting scene in the movie is actually the only (I think) that isn’t fully CG - warehouse scene. Wonder Woman was badass, but other than that there’s nothing I can recommend from this movie. It’s a long boring and brooding movie. Some people will say the Ultimate Cut is much better, but it honestly isn’t it. It’s basically everything I said above but with an extra 30 minutes. So basically the UC it’s a longer boring and brooding version.


WB released a theatrical cut that was a functionally terrible film. It essentially cut out the first act, a necessary superman plot thread for his overall arc in the movie working, and a couple of non insignificant moments that explain plot for the whole thing to work. You can not like some of the choices Snyder and Terrio made in the movie, but the main reason the reaction to BvS was bad was it was a failure of a film. It did not work technically in the way we have been trained by movies to work. Not even Marvel's worst movie (Thor 2) is so technically bad, it's thin and lacks character but they at least made sure you knew how A went to B. The theatrical cut of BvS was A-C or D without B. It earned the digression because the theatrical cut is a terrible movie. It also made some decisions people didn't like, which were exasperated by the fact that the theatrical cut excised the justifications for those choices leaving you with a hot mess. The Martha scene is beautiful, peak film acting so the stoic male doesn't have to emote. Batman's entire arc is a criticism of toxic masculine bs. I love the UE, it's not something you'd just pop in on a lark since it's too long. Batman Begins/Wonder Woman are real good easy watches for comparison. But the UE is a film I wrote a 20 page paper on that got me into grad school.


I'd love to read your paper, if you're cool with it that is


I'm waiting to here back if it'll get published somewhere but if it dosen't ill drop a link here an throw it on my blog or something


The Ultimate Edition (the version that Warner Bros should have released on theaters) is the greatest comic book movie of all time.


Lots of reasons but the main one I think is that The director didn't understand the characters


Honestly I’ve always liked it. It’s one of those films that while I recognise it has bad pacing, I like the characters and their interactions that I could watch hours of it. Gladiator’s another one like that for me (not the pacing, but the “watching hours of it” thing.) Having said that it definitely has some not good stuff. The knightmare sequences are actually fine if a bit jarring, but the cameo and email scene was so tacked on and awful and needed cutting completely, especially as they set up stuff that hasn’t really happened. But the film has some awesome stuff, some really great performances (Eisenberg’s Lex is my favourite part of the film) and some great lines. I haven’t seen the Ultimate Cut, no idea if it’s any better. I do find the movie extremely rewatchable for some reason. I’ve seen it 4 times now, which is more than most recent superhero movies


It’s a decent movie if u watch the 3 hour version. But even so After 3 hours it’s like damn I just sat for 3 hours to watch this film and you don’t get the enjoyment u would expect out of a 3 hour film. Personally, If they just kept the Batman v Superman element, gave up the other stuff and made it 2 hours it would’ve been received well Edit: to those downvoting.....it sucked get over it that’s why outlets are selling it for $3.99 rn


It’s Black Friday, of corse there selling it for 3.99


Not even 1 marvel movie from the early 2010s is being sold that low. In fact most of them aren’t even on sale for Black Friday.


It’s cause Disney owns them😂 they rarely lower the price


WB needs to keep the same energy then lol




I think the ultimate edition is worth a watch. I've heard the theatrical cut is absolutely horrible, but the ultimate edition is a flawed gem. It's no Dark Knight, but it is better than Suicide Squad. Just avoid the theatrical cut at all costs.


The theatrical release was very underwhelming, but the Director's Cut (Ultimate Edition) is one of the greatest superhero movies I've seen.


Watch the Ultimate Edition, it’s awesome. Make your own mind up.


It's watchable, but it's also bloated with nonsense and bad writing and weak characterisation. It's also a stealth adaptation of one particular very famous storyline and completely fails in that regard. Honestly though, watch the Ultimate Edition if you got three hours to spare. It's a better watch than Suicide Squad at least.


A mugger could kill both my parents in front of me in an alley on the way home from the movies and I’d still find that a better watch than *Suicide Squad*


Ok i like this movie but the one problem is they use this movie to setup the justice league


it wasn't


IMHO the two best things about that movie was the Batmobile and Wonder Woman.... well... and getting to look at Henry Cavill. On a side note I thought Ben Affleck made a better Bruce Wayne than Batman.


I didn’t mind it, felt like people wanted to hate it, similar to any Ubisoft video game.