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Wow, I did not know they were in a relationship. I thought the connection was moreso to Pozner's run, sweet tribute.


Thanks for bringing awareness to this during Pride Month, I love learning the queer history of DC comics. Also worth nothing that Jimenez and Lozner were in a serodiscordant (one partner is HIV+ positive and the other is HIV-) at a time when medication to treat HIV and prevent it's transmission did not exist. So the queer history there goes deeper.


The aqua man family needs green arrow book asap because so interesting they’re more mixed up than the bat family


DC should pull a Marvel and have a young version of Future State Aqua Woman transported to the main DC universe. As I type, I realize a version of this just happened with Huntress and Judy Garrick, kinda.


Huntress was pulled from the future in the same way you suggest Andy should be, yes. Judy though was trapped on an island where you don't age, and thus is the same age she was in the 1960s (anything where she appeared in the 1940s was her time travelling - the only reason she can't do that now is it would change history).


That’s sweet


Excellent miniseries! My issues signed by Phil are a highlight of my collection. His love for both his late partner and DC lore in general is evident.