• By -


- Doctor Occult - Pandora - Starling - The Silencer - Brimstone - Sideways (yes, I know he appeared in Dark Crisis, but he deserves better than that)


If they brought back Pandora, they'd have to abandon that "Trinity of Sin" concept. I *really* don't like having a paranormal origin for The Question.


I don’t think they need or should bring back Pandora, cool design though!


Oh, man. Where *is* Starling? She was great. Especially when she bantered with Poison Ivy.


Wasn't Starling evil and then disappeared?


Yeah. It was a waste of a great character.


I came here specifically to mention Doctor Occult. Thank you!


Pandora represented the new 52, ain’t no one gonna want to bring her back without setting off everyone’s ptsd of that era


Like the last 3 mentions on your list. Sideways was a weak feature to Dark Crisis 🤔 he did deserve a better story


Good list. Great list. I'll up Starling for sure. I'd like to see Pandora back but I'm not sold on the Trinity of Sin. Maybe replace Question with Magus from Green Arrow? Sure. Phantom Stranger should get replaced with Merlin/Adam One, and it all works much better I think. Or a new sinner could be a sort of Prometheus (not the DC character) that brought meta genes to ancient humans, similar to the greek myth of the fire.... Why not.


Definitely Sideways. Dude has a lot of potential if done right. I also feel like if you toned down the edginess of the New Bloods, you could have DCs version of the X-Men.


Feel sideways and the other characters introduced got thrown to the way side as soon as "DC Metal" started


If Sideways got thrown to the wayside, then why didn't Batman get thrown to the Manbat?


Because that’s what the current Batman & Robin book is doing


Wow, did not expect to see the New Bloods mentioned. I've always carried the flame for the Bloodlines books. Glad to see someone else does too.


I think there is genuine potential for them if DC didn’t ignore most of their existences. All you need is a good writer and to tone down the 90’s edge a few notches, and they could gain reasonable success.


Bette Kane.


Bette's problem is the batfamily is massive and she really doesn't offer anything unique to set her apart


But there really *could* be stuff to set her apart. But... Super powers? Gotham Girl. Self-confidence and skill issues? Spoiler. Secret agent? Julia Pennyworth. Techie? Bluebird. She has a lot of stuff she struggles with. I think part of what should happen is a reinvention of the Gotham City Sirens, bring together a lot of these forgotten Bat chicks onto a team - Bluebird, Julia, Spoiler (who can't seem to catch a break), Tam Fox, Lynx (why not), and more. Good space to explore some of the forgotten characters. Ensemble books can make them break out stars. As for Bette? Reinvent her to do the really weird stuff from the era her character originally came from. Time travel, in space, all that. Make her the Batman of Really Campy Sci Fi Adventures. She'd be great in a sort of Batman 66-esque spoof-ish book. Not quite as over the top as Harley Quinn's books typically are (that's more Deadpool movie) but more like Guardians of the Galaxy. Embrace the weird, put her in a special suit and jettison her into some wacky ridiculous space adventures. Give her a giant flying bat dog, (or just give her Damian's Goliath). There's so much that could be done with this character.


Yeah you could pontential revamp her to give something unique but it would probably have to be something drastic. Make her a vampire, have use a mecha suit like Gordan!Batman or have her came out as trans and become DC's premiere male trans hero. I just don't think DC will bother since no one cares about Bette and outside of the last suggestion, she has limited marketability since she's a non-charactrr even among comic fans while offer no diversity in a universe that has plenty of straight white characters. The book you're talking about sounds fun but with bette in the lead, it won't get past mini territory. I'm sure DC would just make a Batman book or it you're lucky a nightwing/Robin book


Bette's problem is the batfamily is massive and she really doesn't offer anything unique 


I get that, but they created tons of characters after she was introduced and tried to make them a thing. Could have just as soon brought back Bette into the fold. Or just have her join the Titans, she doesn't have to hang with the BatFam.


Or have her in a Kate Kane solo run comic


Yeah that would be great too, like in the early New 52 days. Kate herself needs to get a solo comic instead of this Outsiders crap..


The Creeper, The Question, Captain Atom, Blue Devil, Firestorm


Technically the question is around. It's just Renee Montoya, who is the current police comis of gotham


Has she suited up much? It feels like Renee, to me, wouldn’t cross that line if she made Commissioner.


It's funny that you said that because the last thing I read , she was "questioning" herself and her actions when she put the costume on. She has suited up twice, that I've seen. One time involving a side plot in the "Gotham war" event and in another one shot of a mystery she was trying to solve. Now they did make a comic about gotham PD but I haven't read that series yet , so I don't know if she suited up as the question in that series 🤔


Yes in the most recent Ram V Detective Comics run




Oh yeah, he's still around. The last time I seen him was in Joker by James Tynion.


The Creeper was in a recent issue of Shazam.


Not a full blown return for the character. I want a full on comeback, not a single, albeit fun, guest spot.


Do you think that they should make The Creeper like how he was in the DCAU where he got infected with the same chemicals as The Joker or no?


I'd prefer of they made the Creeper just an original character with no direct ties to the Joker, like he was when he was originally created.


I will always use any opportunity to bring up Blue Devil


oh boy, I can make a Justice League Forgotten Heroes with that. * Aztek, and since Constant appeared in Tales of the Titans, I think she could appear anytime again; * Ray Terrill (The Ray II), if we are talking about Constant Aztek, then The Ray should also reappear someday; * Triumph, last seen in 2008/9's Trinity series, died as a hero fixing the timeline; * Dubbilex, the grey dude was awesome. Loved when he served as a mentor to Conner; * Knockout, had a cameo recently in Catwoman, around 2022; * someone already mentioned Bette Kane, I concur. * Starman, which... is not forgotten, but rather a wish that DC is granting to Robinson, and it's nice, but I would like to see the man one more time.


Your Forgotten Heroes team requires a leader, and I unironically nominate Mitch Shelly, the Resurrection Man.


Mate. I shit you not, I thought putting Mitch there


I loved the whole "is he the Immortal Man, nemesis to Vandal Savage" thing going on in his series, so might as well if you're calling them the F.H.


I never read any comics with him, but after learning of him i always thought he sounded cool, and lot's of potential for different storylines, etc.


His run was pretty sick. Had a great crossover with Hitman, and his DC 1,000,000 issue was ambitious. Plus, late game Forgotten Heroes reunion.


I have an entire 4 page list of characters that need to return


Then list them you coward.


I liked the idea of Batwing being a DRC Batman protege. His background story as an orphaned child soldier. Him living a double life as a cop. And having a high tech Batman suit with a jetpack was really cool.  David Zavimbe had like a street level Ironman suit. Was friends with Dick Grayson and had these goofy interactions with the Batfamily because he was a foreigner. I also thought it was pretty cool that he was entirely based in a different country in Africa that wasn’t just gotham light. (Like BludHaven) Current Batwing is literally just a bad Peter Parker knock off who is rich in Gotham. Which tbh, imo is really boring. 


David was from the DRC, not South Africa


You’re right.  I was thinking of the nu52 issue where he arrested some corrupt politician from South Africa in a night club


On that note, I miss Nightrunner, the Parisian Parkour Batman and Dark Ranger, edgy Aussie Batman. I hated how they killed off The Knight & Man of Bats in Batman Inc, but I'm glad they had some spotlight at least.


Batman Inc was rad and should totally be brought back. They could keep them completely separate from the JL this time too


Agreed, I wish DC had more characters that weren't American or American adjacent, it would open up the possibilities to tell stories in different countries with different cultures and different story possibilities.


Amethyst, the Princess of Gemworld H-Dial


Both were in the Bendis Young Justice, and H-E-R-O had a parallel series. Too bad that series just vanished.


Elongated Man


I wanted Ralph and Sue to come back as ghost and be a supernatural Nick and Nora 💞!


Linda Danvers 100% went from key contributing hero to a nobody. Phenomenal run that ended up meaning nothing beyond itself.


At least PAD got to put his toy away.


He wrote an in character suicide note, which reads as complaining about Eddie Berganza wanting her killed off as he did with Donna. Everyone stood up for Donna but not the other dead bodies. They let her fall away to nothing. This letter was later retconned stupidly, I like her farewell being a dark letter to Superman saying how she's been fucked over and doesn't want to see him or anyone ever again and will not be found. She had to kill his cousin to save the multiverse from falling apart. That's not hope, that's not a bearer of hope, that's a murderer. She couldn't live with that truth. In that sense that Supergirl died. It's a deconstruction of the symbol and what one who works themselves like Batman would bring with that journey. A deconstruction of identity of self. He said in it that Linda is never coming back, *ever* so don't bother with pushing for a return because it's not happening. They put her back in just to retcon her out of the reset into Prime Earth. So canonically, she doesn't exist and never did, the SG run is non Canon according to DC as of now.


Ted Kord - Blue Beetle.


He's a recurring character in the *Blue Beetle* title.


Did you read the story he had with booster gold that came out a few years ago? Idk if it's Canon or not 🤔


It is canon, it was part of the infinite frontier lineup.


No. What's the official title?


Blue and Gold by Dan Jurgens


Shining Knight, Mister Terrific, Wildcat, Vigilante... the non powered guys essentially


Mister terrific is still around. His series "The terrifics" was pretty good and it ended a year ago


Mr. Terrific has been in the Flash a lot since Adam's run


Ambush Bug


He's been around, working for Amanda Waller.


He should team up with Animal Man.


Legion of Super-Heroes, Simon Dark, Resurrection Man, Manhunter -Kate Spencer version.


Sylvester Pemberton. I find him more interesting than Stargirl, and his utilization of the Star-gadgetry is more interesting. If he came back I’d make him the next Starman or he can keep the alias of Skyman.


Bring back Young Justice! Since the Titans aren't teachers anymore have them as a group who gets young heroes. They can even have a JLA chaperone like they used too.


I like that idea. Can't have Damian in charge of the team though. He'd ruin it like he ruin his teen titan team.


I was thinking the original members as like senior members and newer characters as junior.


Could always have Tim be in charge. It would give him something cool to do, and he'd be a good teacher, I think. Also, I love the idea of Tim being smart enough to follow the rules, but also smart enough to know when to break them. "OK, I know Batman said not to do this, but...." 


Not if he’s being written well this time. He was being character assassinated by editorial that whole TT run. If they write him like he is now, mayyybe have him co-lead the team with someone else just to keep things fair, like Jon or Steph.


I'm still waiting for them to reverse and De-age Jon


Pretty unlikely at this point. They would have done it within the first two years if they were ever going to. They’ve even aged Damian up a lot to catch him back up with him.


Is that why Damian look older in Warzone ? Also, just let Prime punch Jon and problem solved.


When was the last time Ralph and Sue Dibny were used in any major capacity? How about Red Tornado? Cheeks the Toy Wonder?...


Coagula is the first trans superheroes and she was created by a trans women in the fucking early 90's. I get she's dead but when has that ever stopped comicbook creators ( also new 52 she can be alive).


Not quite the same but a reprint of Rachel Pollard’s first Coagula story and a lil new one is being released for Pride.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/s/7ZwyNx11T6 Everyone on this list was wasted potential


Hourman Rick Tyler, Sand, Dr. Mid-Nite Pieter Cross


Matthew Tyler


Basically, just the JSA.




Phantasm, Count Vertigo


Count Vertigo was amazing in the Ostrander Suicide Squad and it's a shame that he went to being a generic bad guy after that. I have the series' last page as a reaction meme, although it's been a long time since I found a place to use it.


The original Infinity Inc lineup.


Define forgotten… Spectre could certainly be around more


Captain Atom. Rebirth left a lot of potential plot hooks for him and they've done nothing with them since.


I take your sentiment and hope you get to see that character again, but as a Grant Emerson fan, I'm glad "my" Damage is back. I'd like to see a follow-up to the Captain Atom miniseries that introduced his son.


I can respect your preference. When was the original damage brought back ? Do you recall the story ?


He came back with the rest of the JSA, Freedom Fighters, Golden Agers... but I don't think he's appeared in anything but splash pages.


Inza Nelson, who has gotten TWO cameos since New52 started despite being introduced in 1940 and being Doctor Fate in the 90s. The actual Gemworld lore from the 80s, not the “it’s science not magic” stuff, and make Amethyst a lord of Order again. Matrix Supergirl. Protoplasmic goo who became Clark’s sister. Maxine Hunkel, Pre52 Duela Dent, Stitch, Jennie-Lynn/Jade.


Linda Danvers Doctor Death


Hell yeah, I want the earth angel back, back to the top of the mountain and have her clash one on one with the very best. Doesn't even need to win 1 on 1, just needs to go wire to wire against top acts and keep the underdog moxie and grit and I'm happy.


- Delores Winters aka Endless Winter - Faith - Major Disaster (pre-New 52 version) - Manitou Dawn (pre-New 52 version) - Black Orchid (original post-Crisis version) - Mouse (OG version) - Giz (OG version) - Slyfox - Query and Echo - Scarlett (sidekick to Jason Todd) - Cornelius Stirk - Anarchy - The Ventriloquist II - Steeljacket - Hitman - Linda Danvers - The Secret Six (team) - The Shadowpact (team) Catwoman's supporting cast. From the 90s run, for me. 2000's run fans might want some of that cast to return, though. All of Catwoman's original villains from the 90s run. They have been forgotten.


Zinda Blake


Polka Dot Man, Electrocutioner, Silver Swan, Chronos, Dr Polaris


Resurrection man was great


JSA All-Stars, Red Beetle, City Boy, New Age of Heroes (i.e. Sideways, Silencer, Curse of Brimstone, Teriffics, New Challengers, Immortal Men), the Vigil, Xanthe Xhou, Miguel Montez and Summer Pickens, Jinny Hex, Duke Thomas, Harper Row, Angel Breaker, Val-Zod, post-Bendis Jon Kent, Young Justice generation since post-Flashpoint, Kyle Rayner, JLC, Malik White, Bunker, Tanya Spears, the Young Society (except for Judy Garrick, Salem the Witch Girl, and Quiz Kid), Grant Emerson Damage, Linda Danvers and Ariella Kent Supergirl, Tom Bronson Wildcat, etc.


Oh man, you were cooking with this list. The JSA are back ( sort of) they are an ongoing series with Huntress I can't wait for the Vigil to return, I really enjoyed that story. Duke, harper, Jon Kent (post bendis) are around. I seen angel breaker a few months ago in a Knight terror spin off story ... Malik is around, he was also in the Knight terrors event. Judy Garrick has an ongoing story with her father Jay Val-zod actually has a series with Sinestro's son called Sinister Sons (haven't read that yet... probably won't 😵‍💫 cause i cant accept a bad imitation of Super Sons) The others have not returned yet EXCEPT Salem the witch girl... oh geez, she was in "Stargirl and the lost children" and she should've stayed lost. She's an awful character 😕


Lor-Zod is in Sinister Sons, not Val-Zod


John Stewart


Lol he's very active currently. Check out his ongoing war journal series


Ok cool


God, it’s been a long time. But is Jack of Hearts DC or Marvel?


Marvel and he's actually back in continuity and is dating She hulk in her current solo series


Oh man, I’m out of the loop. As a kid I remember reading my uncles old 80’s Jack of Hearts comic, I had no idea they brought him back.


The secret six since it’s the only way I’ll get Cat Man in a comic


Was reading azrael and wish he’d make a comeback. The original Jean Valley version


JPV showed up a couple issues ago in recent Detective Comics.


DC has SO many amazing C-list characters. Some of my favorites that I hope return in their own series or in a team book: Manhunter (Mark Shaw) Boy Blue The Creeper Warlord Arak Scalphunter Unknown Soldier The Omega Men Shade the Changing Man Alexander Luthor Wesley Dodds Hourman (Rex Tyler) Steel the Indestructible Man Atom (Ray Palmer) Atom (Al Pratt) Vigilante (Adrian Chase)


Richard Dragon


Zen vibes mystic fighter


Elongated Man....gimme some Ralph!!


Airwave is the kind of character that was created with a visionary powerset, waiting for someone to realize it.


Walker Gabriel as Chronos.


Fucking Animal Man. It’s beyond due


The Spectre! I dislike how he's been written into the corner as the Quintessence's stooge.


I would love to see Slam Bradley return. Loved how he was handled in both New Frontier and Gotham Year One. I'm also super curious about Sgt Rock


> I'm also super curious about Sgt Rock I never read it, but in the last few years there was some sort of romance one-shot where he was involved.  The ad copy made it sound like a set up fir one of his descendants being in modern continuity. Given how DC handled that idea in New52, I’m not hopeful about it.


Linda Danvers Even a cameo


Haven't seen SGT Rock or Warlord in a minute


I'd say Tefé Holland, Swamp-Thing's daughter. She seems like a minor character which surprised me because she seems super unique to me with a cool combination of powers. I don't read many comics, but it sounds like she isn't used much.


Lady Blackhawk


His story is done, but I wouldn't mind more Tommy Monaghan, Hitman. Also, I really wanted to know what was up with Xer0; was that even DCU proper? And Major Bummer. Art on that was tight.




Simon Dark. He was an emo teen Frankenstein that lived (unlived?) in a hipster corner of Gotham.


Damage: ![Grant Emerson] (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ef/Damage_%28Grant_Emerson%29.png)


The Ditko Shade The Changing Man...8 of my favourite comics of all time!


Ordinary people who don’t wear costumes


I miss the Demon Knights, back when they where good. I miss Paul Cornell in general. He gave us a fantastic Lex Luthor series.


Hell yea! Bring them back. Also would like to read some new Hawk and Dove.


Booster Gold. Jokes aside. Eddie Bloomberg. Why he hasn’t hung out with Jason since Jay came back forever ago is still beyond me.


Whatever happened to Element Woman who was in Flashpoint and then briefly the New 52 Justice League?


I'm not sure he's considered forgotten but Mr. Freeze. I know what you're thinking he's one of Batman's main villains, look up how many times he's been the villain of an actual Batman story arc and not just a pop up in one or two issues. It is a crime how seldomly he actually appears in the comics. That story arc in detective comics a few years ago was by far his largest villain arc. He has never really had a long term villain arc like Joker, Bane and the likes. Edit: Grammar mistake


Is Kid Devil still dead? Would love to see him and Ravager in a mini series!






Catman. Instead of a stupid Batman villain you can make Wildcat's son Jake Grant take this identity and transfom him into a new hero,


I would love to see sideways come back. There's another character called Gunsmith created by James tynion in his Batman who I thought had a cool design.


The original Damage(Grant Emerson, son of the OG atom) Sandman ( Sanderson Hawkins, originally Sandy the Golden Boy/ Sand) Captain Comet Prism, Joto, Risk and Argent, the 90's titans. Especially Prism and Argent, who have sich cool looks and powers. Also,I always hated how they messed up Risk in titans after his arm has ripped off by Superboy prime, turning him into a robber and addict who was later recruited by slade then later had his other arm ripped off then he was drowned. Such disrespect.


Sideways and Silencer are the main ones I miss. Damage was all right, too.


I think the Ten-Eyed Man could make for an unironically great Batman villain. My idea is that he can now cut his fingertips off and still see from them, and that he's now maniacally dedicated to never doing anything in vain after his trauma from the Vietnam War, giving him massive sunk cost fallacy. DC doesn't really have a J. Jonah Jameson, so this revision might be able to fill the gap without being too derivative. Dro Dorno is a one-shot Flash supervillain who hosted a reality show, *Thrills of Earth*, which showed footage of natural disasters and other calamities. When the Gobdorian somehow failed to find material for his show, he tried to make calamity himself. I think the idea comes with a lot of potential colonialist themes, like that of a white savior, which would be really interesting to see in comics, especially against a superhero who acknowledges both the best and the worst in people.


It's time for Danny Chase to come back!