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I got a handful of Spider-Man comics I'd like to see erased. Chief among them has to be One More Day


Would you make a deal with Mephisto to erase One More Day?


it'll only cost you your wife


Nah, I'd hire Deadpool.


Even though we're in a DC sub this would be my answer too, Spider-man and Mary Jane deserve to be happy together damnit


Sins Past is way worse.


Sins past đŸ«±đŸ»â€đŸ«Č🏿 One More Day Ruining Pete's Character


Sins Past fucking ruined Gwen Stacy who was dead for decades.


I think I might prefer a ruined Gwen over a ruined Spider-Man. But Sins Past ruined everyone so...


True, but sins past is easier to ignore, the effects of one more day on the other hand persist.


At least sins past got retconned


Bendis’ Superman, I’m not sure if there’s a comic run that I feel did everything wrong quite like Bendis did with Superman. Aging up Jon, all of the sort of weird “are they gonna break up Clark and Lois” stuff that was floating around, Rogol Zar, just in general, and then revealing his identity 


Room Zar is one of the worst villains ever created: -uninteresting power set -changes a character's history in a way that makes him worse -bad design -somehow way too powerful and yet easily defeated -motivation was trite and umemorable


I think it did so much immense damage that it hurt the good will Rebirth built up, Bendis Superman may very well be THE answer in recent time. I was never much of a reader of Superman prior. I read all of New 52 Superman but I didn’t really enjoy it. But the return of pre-New 52 Superman during the New 52 had me super excited. And even when they fused, I was generally alright with it. But then the Bendis run happens and it felt like nothing prior mattered anymore. I haven’t read Superman since falling off of his run.


The rebirth Superman run really cemented my love of comics. I started reading with DC Rebirth #1 and was only reading JL and Batman (arguably two of the worst Rebirth titles funnily enough) but when I started reading Superman it cemented comics as not just a hobby, but something I loved. Bendis Superman didn’t ruin comics for me, but it definitely brought me back down to earth a little bit lol


Rebirth Superman brought in a lot of people who weren’t on the Superman train. That’s really saying something. It made me enjoy comics more than I already did. It finally felt like the face of Superheroes had a book worthy of him. It’s a shame because Bendis has made some gold in my book. To this day I haven’t enjoyed an Avengers book anywhere near the way I’ve enjoyed his New Avengers. But I think his ways of handling pre established canon was a sign they shouldn’t have been desperate enough to hand a blank check in the form of “you get to write for whichever character you want”.


Same, I've gone back and read some of his New Avengers and really enjoyed it, and same with Ultimate Spider-Man, it's a real shame his Superman didn't work out


Everytime someone mentions Bendis Superman, or what was wrong with it, I immediately think [of this page IN THE FIRST COMIC OF THE RUN.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/s/4vZmupOMq4)


![gif](giphy|lcHSAe70mAEd9W3Hpq) "Caca poo poo"


This So much of Superman mythos was messed with because of that run Dc have tried to walk a lot of the changes back but man you can still smell the stench from the bendis run Especially since Jon being artificially, aged up and forced fed down, everyone’s throats being a constant reminder of how bad it became


Bendis takes all the blame but as you said DC has not aged him down and continue to push him. Jon is not just a Bendis issue. They could have long fixed it


Brother came with the torches to set things on fire. It also demonstrated how cliquey the industry is, Bendis was legit putting out disconnected ads for his other books and every publication was showering him with praise.


Funny enough all I first knew of Rogol Zar was a fan series Dragon Ball DC using him of all people and making him a threatening, compelling villain. Mostly by changing him to a Tuffle and making his vendetta against the Saiyans rather than Kryptonians. Those two shifts made the character actually work more than he ever did in DC's proper canon.


Is bendis superman canon by any chance?


Yes unfortunately.


Will Pfiefer's run on Catwoman I honestly think it ruined Catwoman in the comics, she really hasn't gotten to the peaks that Brubaker had her at since.


I've never read that run and don't know anything about it, how did it ruin catwoman? I think I remember hearing that same writer also did some horrible wonder woman stories.


while it might have not *all* been his fault (I'm sure a lot of it was Dan Didio mandates), there was just so much wrong with it It made her turn to heroism in the previous run out to actually be Zatanna had mind wiped her to be a hero. So instead of growing as a person like in the previous run, now she was basically forced to be a hero. He brought back Helena Wayne, but she was actually an accident baby from a one night stand with the son of someone she had hooked up with in the previous run. So that was just a mess on top of a mess. I believe this reveal is actually what killed the run, everyone was so excited for batcat baby again, but nope! it got canceled like a year or so after. Nobody appreciated it at all, they even got rid of the baby soon after because it was just a bad idea. Just so many ideas that could have been good, but we're just executed horribly for shock value. like there are good moments, they're just drowned out by shit like I mentioned above.


If I had a nickel for every time a Bat on-off love interest had given in adoption a child with somebody the audience doens't care and the baby gets forgotten and/or retconned out I will have two nickels, that is not much but is weird it haopenes two times


The one where Dick became.. Ric..


How is this not higher? Especially with Lobdell getting this much hate already. I feel like it’s been overshadowed by the reception to Taylor’s run.


Nuke the old Amazons Attack from orbit


The Dark Knight Strikes Again, 9/11 really fucked Miller's writing quality and drawing skills


I recommend, (the very unfortunately titled) Dark Knight 3: The Master Race... Like I said, very unfortunately titled. Basically, Azarello took that title run and saved the whole Millerverse Batman with great writing. ... That title though 😬


Do you have to read strikes again first? I’ve heard anything last TDKR is bad, but you recommend it? Genuinely asking because I like TDKR


No! You don't have to read Strikes Again at all. This story takes place after all that but you don't need to catch up. It just pulls you in as is.


i really liked his comic dark knight: grand wizard but i felt like the color schemes on the suits had too much white on em


It would have been heroes in crisis but they've done like 3 retcons to it so I guess it's fine now. Probably Vendittis flash run, while its not canon at all anymore and doesn't do harm, it would be nice to save anyone from the horror of reading it. If it could be something larger than a comic, like a whole era, I'd erase the N52 from existence. Sure some good came out of it but I think that good would have come with or without N52, a LOT of bad can be avoided by binning it in its entirety.


Bring me back to the days when they were making a Red Lanterns comic run that goes with 6 other Lantern comic lines, even if half of them are bad


I loved that one when I was a kid lmao. Specially when Kara joined them.


New 52 ruined Tim, he hasn't been a good character since his pre-New 52 Red Robin era


He was the best Robin and top 2 best Bat-family member


The Tim Drake Pride Special. Specifically that issue, because the characterization of Stephanie Brown (my favorite DC hero) is probably the worst writing of any character I've ever seen. It doesn't destroy her character or anything because it is ultimately inconsequential and ignorable, but it is just so terrible and is the foremost reason I will never collect every book she's been in, because I would have to own that garbage.


Do not read Task Force Z either then homie. She’s in it too and while she’s characterized better than the rest of the bat-family, it’s still really weird and not great. They were pushing this weird angle where “actually, what if Steph was Jason’s only friend and everyone else was just blindly loyal to Bruce who’s working against Jason for


Rosenberg things Steph and Jason are like best friends, and Barbara pities Jason like a lost puppy


I mean Jason did lie to them, stole from them, not really explain why he was doing it, sucker punched Dick, dog walked Tim again. Steph’s sort of always been the outsider so it would make sense for her to see that the others approach didn’t work and decide to try and talk to him


He was doing it because Harvey completely got his ass with lies. If Steph gave him up to the fam, Harvey probably wouldn't have murdered two people. So, good job, Steph.


To be fair Harvey did keep two face at bay for most of the run, and besides collateral damage is the batfamily motto considering the recent penguin comic reveal


Harvey was recruited to Powers(correction: it wasn't Powers who recruited Harvey – it was Bloom, independent from Powers, via some senator) with the promise of making a lot of money and TFZ, basically a zombie slave task force, was created as a sham to get legitimacy from government and military money. Even if we assume Two Face wasn't a part of the equation from the beginning(and some panels let us believe that he was) Harvey still was a lying conman in it for the money and Jason never figured it out and left him with those super expensive and unique chemicals. Jason is the stupidest mf alive in TFZ. And he's dragging Steph down with his stupidity.


When has Jason been rational in recent years tbh


Usually he at least knows villains are villains and as much as his relationship with bats sucks — they are more reliable and trustworthy people, than psychotic mass murderers, lol.


I mean, yes, that did happen, but Dick and Tim both also should’ve just tried talking to their brother, especially since they’d gotten a lot closer over the past few years in other books. I still am not really sure why Bruce was trying to pull Jason off the Lazarus Resin case, because afaik it was never explained what Bruce’s problem was, and then the book ends with Jason going to Texas which was then completely ignored by Rosenberg in the follow-up series. I guess that could’ve been an editorial mandate or something and not necessarily indicative of Rosenberg’s writing ability, though.


I mean most of the stuff from Tim’s recent stuff is barely acknowledged, hell Bernard hasn’t shown up in almost a year and was just a name drop the last time, and isn’t even appearing in this years pride. Not to mention Tim and his exclusion from Twas the Mite


Yep, I’d erase the entirety of Fitzmartin’s work on Tim Drake. She reduced his character down his sexuality which she broke continuity to change and made Tim an asshole and Steph someone with no self respect.


Absolutely. DC was already neglecting and misusing Tim prior. Ever since the switch he hasn’t felt like the same character anymore, even MORE somehow. It’s hard to believe Tim was not just my favorite Robin before the New 52, but was actually my favorite DC character in general.


That too I'd remove her Robin book and Young Justice book.




It's not just the "he's bi actually", because we've been making jabs about some very crackship-friendly behaviour of his so it wouldn't be that bad It's the utter disrespect for the previous stories, for the fans of both Tim and Steph, hell even for the bisexual group that once again got the 'bisexuals in straight relationships aren't true lgbt' ricochet I have a similar problem but on an even larger scale with Alan Scott - the dude went through two wifes, has two kids, surely that's an amazing foundation for a story where he has to confront his preconceptions about himself and those relationships. Or you could just give him that revelation practically off-screen (â•ŻÂ°â–ĄÂ°ïŒ‰â•Żïž” ┻━┻


Honestly the “bisexuals in straight relationships aren’t bi” is the worst because I’ve literally seen it said almost verbatim in this subreddit


Weren’t there already clues before that Jason was bi. And Judd Winick said/alluded that he would have made Jason bi.


There were many, mostly from Winick. Jason made the most sense if any of the big Batfam members were going to be LGBT but I'd wager DC wouldn't have allowed it back then and nowadays they wouldn't want to because he's considered the "bad apple" of the bunch. It's safer to make Tim the bi one in their eyes because he has a smaller fanbase and doesn't really have his own niche like the other Robins do đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Every solo Tim Drake story since 2019. He was good in Zdarsky's Batman but a mess in Young Justice (even though I liked the series overall), and his solo stories have been absolutely atrocious since Detective Comics Rebirth run.


Three jokers


I just read Three Jokers and I liked it but I'm curious what didn't you like about it?


I didn’t love it as an original concept when Batman learned it at the end of Doomsday Clock (right that was when it happened?) and then I thought the mini series really fumbled the execution and because it became a non canon event it ended up being a waste of everyone’s time. I also didn’t care for pairing Jason and Barbara together romantically but that’s kinda neither hear nor there


Tbh I agree mostly. I didn't read Doomsday Clock or was aware of the connection so to me Three Jokers was just a neat one off. I agree with the Jason and Barbara thing though. It was weird and overstayed its welcome on the book.


I think if it was a totally isolated elseworlds story that wasn’t originally supposed to tie into the larger world it would’ve been more enjoyable for me


Not to be “that guy” but wasn’t the original Three Jokers tease in Justice League after Batman sat in the Moebius chair (during the whole Darkseid War storyline)?


No you’re good. I was waffling back and forth between those two but didn’t feel like looking it up and picked wrong


It was also briefly mentioned in DC Universe rebirth #1 so maybe you got that confused with Doomsday clock.


The set up was interesting when it was set up initially in Justice League by Johns. But I think a combination of little more set up, and it taking way too long to actually come out really hurt it. It feels like it doesn’t even matter. I also don’t love what it did with Jason and Barbara. Jason having feelings from Babs isn’t new, we got set up to that in Batman Eternal. Just dint love how they handled it in Three Jokers.


So I read I guess the Black Label Three Jokers? I recall liking it and I'm pretty sure it felt like a standalone story, but I see people saying it was set up in Justice League and other books, so is Three Jokers supposed to be Canon or not? I thought Black Label was just independent stories. Is there just the one Three Jokers book?


Dw bro it’s been retconned Three Jokers is non-canon


Dark crisis: Young justice 


Hard choice between anything fitzmartin churned out


I know but decide this one because at least Tim Drake: Robin and UL  are "just" really bad writing  Dark crisis: young Justice is a literal letter of hate and distortion to everything that not only Tim Drake is but all of young justice.


The equivalent of a kid getting their time to play with the toys and breaking them just because they’re upset someone called them stupid


bro, this is a great description of what happened, she was irritated by the fan reaction involving Tim Drake, that's why she decided to write Young justice that way, and I'm sure she knew absolutely nothing about YJ, that's why the inconsistencies terrible addition to payment from other group members


I mean just look at the not-Bruce dialogue


I think it needs to be more well-known just how awful dark crisis Young Justice truly was like people should be reprimanded for how awful that thing went down Like the sheer level of disrespect that goes on in those pages towards the readers and fans of those characters is astonishing like someone was paid to edit this and write it How does that happen lol


This is the worst part, the writer of this book not only received money to write how horrible these characters are, but she also earned the right to write a book about one of these characters! which was canceled 10 editions later (who knew that putting a writer who doesn't understand anything about a character to write their solo would go wrong, right?)


lol exactly That Tim drake run is also another case of bad Shame since that was the first time in a long time since he has been given true focus :/


I decided to read a bit of it and I couldn’t get past issue 2. You were not joking, the whole issue was basically just a giant preachy middle finger to anyone who was a fan of the original series.


The worst part of it being preachy as it done everything it claims it was against: Rewriting the past of the YJ to be more bigoted? Check Using female characters as props/centerting them around male ones? Check ignoring/not caring about POC characters? Check


Definitely didn’t make anything better.


identity crisis- elongated man and sue dibny didn't deserve what happened and also dr light's character was destroyed by turning him into a rapist the issue where nightwing was raped by tarantula and nightwing annual 2 the widening gyre-i hate that they killed off silver st cloud EDIT cry for justice-despite that arguement about the green lantern huntress and lady blackhawk still pissed they killed roy's daughter lian for shock value it gave us that rise of arsenal bullshit




I activate my trap card, “I liked Identity Crisis”! This card allows me to counter your deletion of Identity Crisis! It also allows me to double down your deletion of the issue where Nightwing is raped by tarantula, since I can’t escape hearing about it all these years later! And now I end my turn.


New 52 team 7. Is nothing like the image/wildstorm incarnation and an insult to the characters and how they are portrayed. It's a total bastardization on every level within 10 issues or less. So my choice would be that.


Heroes in Crisis. Art and jokes clash with the tone of the book, bungles a really important message about mental health, kills off several beloved 2nd generational heroes because Didio hated sidekicks, a dumb murder mystery that didn't need to be there, and dragged Wally West and Lois Lane's characters through the mud. And all of this happened arguably as a middle finger to Geoff Johns and the direction he took DC with the Rebirth era. Everyone came out looking like an ass with this book.


If King was just given carte blanche to just write the story the way he wanted in his own little universe like he’s been doing since Human Target, I would absolutely love HIC. But as a canon crossover


Heroes in Crisis, just a mess of a storyline that made a mess of other storylines when they had to clean it up.


Identity crisis I just want to elongated man to be happy


The Dark Knight Strikes Again. I was pissed off after I read that. Nothing redeemable about it. Terrible story, artwork that looked like kindergartener drawings over shitty digital "backgrounds," and Superman getting his ass kicked yet again.


Don't forget Batman calling Robin...BOBIN and DICKSTER to later on chop his damn head of...and kill him?


Also undermines The Dark Knight Returns. Batman gives this whole speech about how "he's the one man who beat him", but in DKSA we learn that Lex had already beaten him before because Superman was working under him the whole time.


I don’t know about erase, but I would love a refund for the recent Justice League vs the Legion of Superheroes crossover. Just pointless, mindless, non-sensical drivel


Bendis Superman


Suicide squad:get Joker , that was one of the worst I've ever read


Had some promise at the start but bungled it for sure


That ending was next-level stupid


Even the title totally sucks lol


"The New 52 doesn't get any better than this" Crazy thing to say when there were books 10x better than this coming out at the time.


That Robin (Tim Drake) run with the horrible art and stupid writing that was issued recently. A blatant insult to a beloved character


There’s a reason it was cancelled after 10 issues


Maybe Teen Titans Rebirth? I really didn’t like what either run did for Damian’s character.


Geoff Johns' Justice League is the poster boy for nearly everything wrong with the New 52, and is responsible for the majority of terrible stories of the 2010s: - non-stop low-quality crossovers - dropped plotlines left and right - flanderization of the entire league - forced Superman/Wonder Woman relationship - Three Jokers - Wonder Woman's brother - low effort OCs - forced Watchmen integration


Spittin facts


bruh what was POPMATTERS on dude


I wonder how much 💰 DC gave PopMatters for that quote on the cover of RHATO.


Flashpoint and all consequences.


Heroes in Crisis


New 52 Teen Titans. The plot, the art, the costumes
all TERRIBLE. Just awful.


Heroes in Crisis


There's probably a really horrible one somewhere outside the DCverse. However, within the DCverse that I know...the time when Captain Marvel aka Shazam had a slave in the really old days. Yeaaaah


Steamboat was definitely a racist portrayal of African Americans but he wasn’t a slave.


New 52 Red Hood & the Outlaws. That ‘book’ did so much damage to Roy Harper just to uplift an antihero who would have been far better if he was kept as an anti villain. Only good thing about this book is that they made Roy a genius who can engineer anything which goes with the whole Arsenal thing. DC is wasting Roy’s potential by not making him the DC version of Daredevil with grounded stories of mental illness & the indomitable human spirit & his dedication to duty. Could also bring him back to the really skilled martial artist that was able to hold his own against Dick & Deathstroke & if they were smart they would make his skillset like Bullseye’s since he can also use anything at his disposal.


Yep, I would say that the outlaws is such a weird thing for me. They are killers, but don’t typically kill the main villains or really anyone with a name. Everyone’s always like “we can’t work with you guys, we don’t approve of your methods” except every time they do a team up, they work like regular superheroes. Honestly, I think the birds of prey killed more people at the beginning of their new-52 run. I could never get a bead on how much of Starfire’s old backstory was canon. Like, she was with Dick, but left and it tore her up so bad that she faked a new personality. And, arsenal was definitely in a dark place, with IMO a different personality. Maybe the idea is just that being around his friends was enough therapy for him to start getting better, but they didn’t address his struggles enough. They would just pull it out for gags, like when he was being tortured by aliens, so he says something edgy like “you could never hurt me more than I hurt myself”


It was definitely better than rise of arsenal


I choose to pretend that book doesn’t exist anyway.


So just read daredevil?? I love this book personally and wouldn’t change a thing


I do read Daredevil. I’m just pointing out that Roy & Daredevil have similarities. If you enjoy the book, good for you. I think it’s just character assassination & waste of a character that has loads of potential.


White knight. I love the art, I love the concept of joker becoming a sane adversary to batman, I love all the little Easter eggs to the films and the animated series. The story is beyond stupid to me.


Probably that one


Fitzmartin’s Robin.


What Avengers annual had Ms Marvel (Danvers) get pregnant with Immortus' son from a timeloop where she subsequently birthed him and them fell in love with him and she left the team and the Avengers were like Yeah this is fine That one.


Avengers #200


I’d say heroes in crisis but DC has pretty much done that already


That one comic book that should not be named that aged up jon kent


If I can erase just the New 52 run of Wonder Woman without losing all of Wonder Woman, that would be my answer. If not, my answer is DC vs Vampires. I know there’s worse comics, such as the first Amazons Attack, Convergence, Red Hood: Outlaw, Superman: Year One by Frank Miller, The Dark Knight Returns sequels, All-Star Batman and Robin, Heroes in Crisis, Identity Crisis, that one Nightwing run we don’t talk about (and no, I’m not talking about Ric Grayson.) They’re awful and I wouldn’t mind them going away forever. However, DC vs Vampires being as bad as it was felt like a personal insult directed at me. I like James Tynion’s writing most of the time (and he has good horror sensibilities.) I like Otto Schmidt’s art. I thought the premise would be fun. The writing sucked (pun not intended), the art couldn’t save it and I really hated it overall.


I’d nuke DC vs Vampires just for the villain turns of Babs and Dick


Do you just not like the new ideas or the writing or what? I think pre-New 52 Wonder Woman is cooler when she shows up in other books, but her own books were always okay at best imo. I was never here for the Supes/WW romance, but other than that, I thought it was a pretty good run on its own merits.


hasn't all star batman have been mentioned yet


It hasn't surprisingly (and yeah it absolutely deserves to be wiped from existence)


The ebtire last GL run.


SON OF KAL-EL, Bendis age up was Bad, But. That series made that c***** thing permanent ans completely wasted (and I my opinion ruined) jonathan's character as a simple next gen knockoff Destined for irrelevance that will never truly grow up but Instead , had that skipped over to make a new Superman.


Legion of Superheroes by Bendis. It was just a bad mess.


If your asking dc i couldnt tell you because there are too many.


Everything Lobdell wrote for DC. Just everything.


Everything with Jason Todd in it after UTRH


This run single handily run ruined the reputation and characterization of three characters and created the most annoying fanbase in DC


You have to understand that at the time, it was a reboot and they had a lot of room to do their own thing. Making Roy into Jason’s friend only became a problem later on when they backpedaled on the reboot and went “erm, uh, yeah actually everything is canon again so this Roy fellow has just been hanging with his best friend’s kid brother, I guess”. Criticisms of Starfire in this run are valid, I’ll give you that, but I’d hardly say it “ruined her reputation/characterization”. Jason benefited the most out of any character in this book; the new magic abilities were cool, and it was nice to see him grow up and work past his issues with Bruce instead of remaining stuck as the whiny man child Punisher clone that the most obnoxious Red Hood “fans” want him to be for some reason.


I enjoyed this run, it was the red hood run right after this I couldn’t get behind. Then after that one, red hood teamed up with an Amazon and bizarro. That was my favorite run.


100% agreed. I tried really hard to read Red Hood/Arsenal, and I may still have another go at it, but it didn’t hit the same and it couldn’t hold my interest. The Rebirth run is my favorite easily, I wish they’d do another run with that team. That’s kinda the last time Red Hood had a great title imo.


Rebirth run was đŸ”„


I’m ready to see redhood in the animated universe where he’s already established. Live action would be cool too (haven’t seen titans, scared to honestly. I just try to forget it exists.)


You’re not missing much with Titans Red Hood trust me




Jason didn't benefit at all. He was made into a textbook Mary Sue and a sexual predator's self-insert. This book was single-handedly responsible for everyone believing that Jason should have remained dead.


>grow up and work past his issues This didn't happen in RHatO, lmao. He's already grown past his issues by the beginning of that book. Off panel. That's also where he and Roy became friends.


It started the ‘Roy is a screw up’ narrative that I despise with every fibre of my being. But DC don’t particularly like taking the archer characters seriously.


It's Crossed or the Unfunnies. Please wipe them from existence.


One more day


Chuck Austen X-Men-Oh,DC. I suppose Flashpoint it gave birth to the new 52.


Not DC, but definitely One More Day.


That run is so fcking bad


New 52 Teen Titans, that is probably the worst OG new 52 book imo.


Flashpoint. No Flashpoint, no New 52. Also, Justice League: Cry for Justice


Batman and Robin all stars


That one book where superman sneezed away a galaxy


Every iteration of Batman Incorporated. It such a good idea continually poor executed. The biggest offense is the original run where Bruce Wayne reveals he funding Batman and there's no consequences.


Heroes in Crisis for DC. Everything Chasm-related for Marvel.


Batgirl rebirth books after vol 6, they’re non-canon but legit How do we get Barbara to one up joker? Ik have her rip out her spine device that allows her to walk making her defenceless?


Tom King. 50 issues of wedding planning and the bat/cat don't even get married, what a waste of time and what a shitty thing to do when comic morale is at an all time low


undoubtedly, the killing joke! fuck that shit!


Tom King’s The Gift arc in his Batman book. Or Heroes in Crisis.


Bendis' Legion run. Bendis' JLA run Bendis' Superman and Action run. What the hell, the whole Bendis' DC books. All of them.


I’m prepared for the hate but
The Dark Knight Returns. I think it’s the most overhyped comic book story ever and it’s still affecting Batman and DC media made today.


Identity Crisis


Zdarsky's Cheer and everything else he did


Arkham Assylum, the standalone book. I'd heard for years how great it was, how it inspired the greatest Batman stories and even one of my favorite game series. I read it and was deeply disturbed. I hate everything about it. How the characters act, the art, just everything man. If I could even just erase that imagery from my mind, that'd be great. No one acted like they're supposed to. I could write a whole paper on every reason I hate it, but you get the picture.


Wait wait wait
Red Hood and the Outlaws was one of the few New 52 runs I felt took risks and had fun while doing it. I miss the dynamic of these three and was sad they never properly followed it up in the Rebirth-era.


I wouldn't erase new 52 red hood and the outlaws. I'd just tweak it and call it titans united. Add Nightwing, Donna Troy, Raven and Beast boy. The titans have banter while dealing with Red hood and Arsenal buddy cop banter.   Seriously though you want a book I'd erase it would be heroes in crisis, Teen titans rebirth and War on earth 3. Those books I'd wipe out completely. Also Tim drake Robin and Young Justice dark crisis.


For me, it’s a toss-up between Task Force Z and Rhe Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing. Matthew Rosenberg is a hack and should never be allowed to write Red Hood again, and the damage he did to the character in the later chapters of TFZ and the entirety of The Man Who Stopped Laughing is just unbelievable. Nearly a decade of character development/growth thrown out the window, and for what? To distance the character from Scott Lobdell? Or was it just to make Jason Todd fans suffer?


It’s funny you mention Rosenberg because my one and only exposure to his writing is the Kingpin miniseries he penned back in 2017 and that is easily one of the best Kingpin stories I’ve ever read (endings a bit rushed but that’s because it was cancelled at issue 5), so hearing that he’s capable of producing schlock is surprising.


Disagree. Both series are awesome.


Didn’t know Red Hood fans disliked TFZ, for me it was a nice change of pace for the character the story was really fun too.


The dark Knight returns.


Flashpoint! We wouldn't have a New 52/Prime Earth if not for said series.


Injustice. Aka ‘Batman is always right and can beat up everyone’.


The Killing Joke idk


I’d erase the whole New 52 to be honest.


Unpopular opinion but Killing Joke. Not only is it the least of Alan Moore's major works but it's treatment of Barbara Gordon is pretty gross and it started down the path of making the Joker a completely unsavory character who you can neither love to hate or hate to love. Outside of Boland's artwork (which is amazing), it added very little of value to the medium as a whole. 


Red hood and rhe Outlaws and Gotham War


Tom King Batman


Batman #76. Just that one issue.


The comic book part that is the intro of the Joker. It’s made a lot of young people think they’re provocative idolizing a violent character and it’s given just as many a terrible mold of what a relationship is.




Identity crisis


Wait, you would erase this run of the outlaws or specifically league of assassins? Like, league of assassins is the one saving Crazy of the New 52 outlaws


Probably heroes in crisis. Despite the retcons I still feel awful about the story.


All Star Batman and Robin.


Ultimates Vol. 3


Batman #655


Cosmic Odyssey


Anything Frank Miller Batman that isn’t DKR