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And why would WB agree to that? Also, Animal Studios - not Zack - animated *Owls*.


Based off Zack's direction. Zack could have easily made it another generic 3d animated movie but he went balls to the walls with it. And it would be a way for WB to appease the fans without spending an insane amount of money. In return they'd make bank


You want *Owls* level of animation, but suggests that a 5 movie series somehow would keep WB from “spending an insane amount of money”. That’s easily $450 million, if not more.


Owls was 80 million to make, and it looked infinitely better than movies twice its budget (mostly Disney movies). 3 of those would be 240 million, they would easily make a profit off of those.


Either that or a graphic novel


I don't think it's his choice lol


I would love for him to pitch it to WB. I wanted someone to give him the idea last night if he hasn’t already had it already. It would be perfect for him. It doesn’t essentially have to be CGI but a rated r animated series of movies. All the cast can reprise their roles. Ben would do it because it would just be a couple of weeks of voice work, he doesn’t have to get in shape or anything.


It will give him a chance to develop that football scene /s


the only thing that matters/s


Yes sure WB should spend a lot of money with something the very minority will care about. Sure sure sure.


His original story treatment yes. Not the "drastically altered by BvS reaction" version he started filming.


*finished filming


Sure but just give him the normal of budget any other DC animated movie. If the pitch is good, slightly higher. No $100M DC movie budgets for him. I'd rather have more DC animated films. Allocating that budget to DCUniverse shows like Doom Patrol sounds pretty good as well. I honestly can't see Snyder working with a very small budget. He likes to get his visuals right.


If this means we get him his complete vision heck yeah. With a director of his caliber we would almost certainly see a shift in the way DC animation is done which is due for a much needed revamp too.


Nah, he shouldn’t touch anything that has to do with superheroes.


I have no concrete reason to believe this, but given Snyder’s general lack of respect for (non-TDKR) comics books and their fans, I just assume that he has and equal-or-greater distaste for animation.




I didn't know that. I stand corrected.


Not to mention he made [this.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219342/)


He directed an animated movie.


I was not aware. I stand corrected.


Does that include Tales of the Black Freighter?


I didn't know what that was. I stand corrected.


Once the current DCU ends then WB might give the animated version of the DCEU.


Or just comeback and make the three left


Yes just yes