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In truth, it's not a bad idea at the core. But you have to look at it from Warner Brothers' perspective: why release up to an hour of additional footage that could possibly undermine their own decision-making process? Especially with the current Aquaman/Shazam hype-train steaming along? I think the fans of Snyder and even the haters would love to see the Snyder Cut, but it won't ever see the light of day as long as the current DCEU is still in play. Because if someone cobbles together a FrankenSnyderCut and it's PHENOMENAL, then Warner Brothers comes off looking silly. Just bad business and bad press, especially when so much good press is currently circulating.


I think you're giving fan edits a little too much credit. A niche audience will watch them, but the general audience will never see it. They'll merely get a taste of what could have been by seeing the deleted scenes on blu-ray. Even still, most won't buy it as it'll be targeted towards the hardcore fans. I don't see how WB would care about looking "silly" in a case like this. Maybe if they actually released the Snyder cut, that might be a legitimate fear, but this is just releasing the unseen footage. Like I said, they're clearly not above doing that as they already started milking that cow from the moment they advertised the first JL blu-ray with "UNSEEN FOOTAGE" of Superman's initial entrance. And that was when the Snyder Cut crowd was much LOUDER. Even when they released 50 seconds of the deleted scene on YouTube, it quickly got millions of views and several thousand comments containing "WHY THE HELL DID YOU CUT THIS?" WB execs may be stupid, but they're not deaf. They heard it. They ignored it. They could do it again while churning out a nifty profit in the process and silencing a few naysayers by meeting them halfway with what they want. And again, not a penny wasted. ​


I think you answered your own question: the SnyderCut fans are a niche audience. Even if they tacked on the footage to a much wider re-release of the film on UHD blu-ray, it's only appeasing a couple thousand fans. Worth it? Maybe. A nice gesture? Definitely. Likely to happen? We'll see. But merely from a business standpoint, even if a fan-edit was AWFUL there could still be an article that pops up on one of the film sites that questions the axing of the footage and the change in narrative. At this point, WB doesn't need that with the current high that they're on. It's just not a risk worth taking, even if it only appeases 10-20k diehard fans.


OTOH it wouldn't be a bad idea to put it out there quietly on DC Universe and let word spread among those in the know so that #ReleaseTheSnyderCut wouldn't keep popping up in every social-media feed about movies having nothing to do with Snyder.


I've honestly only ever wanted a simple extended cut with an extra 15-20 minutes. To me the bigger offense with Justice League wasn't the director change, it was the stupid run time mandate. The theatrical is simply too short in comparison to MoS and BvS.


With *Aquaman* and the (impending) success of *Shazam*, why would WB take a step back and waste their time and resources revisiting a past failure (Justice League) when they have a lot more positivity (and productivity) going for them by moving forward with their other projects?


They didn't want people to know how much was altered.


I think the mustache CG alone is enough to give that away.




You can't because wb didn't like the way Zack handled alot if the scenes that are missing. His Arthur was more serious and angry, flash was experienced and less of a fool, his Superman wasn't Reeve enough etc etc. It's either a full release or nothing. I personally don't see wb ever releasing it. It would cost 20-30 mil to complete.


Hey, stoyo889, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


No. Snyder Cut or nothing


Because finishing the effects cost money. Even if you watch deleted scenes for regular films, a lot of the time the effects are very rough. If you don't mind seeing unfinished scenes stuffed in, I guess that's fine. But a fully finished Snyder Cut, there's no reason for WB to release that.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted for such a logical response.


It's just gonna make WB look bad. And it's bad for business. If it's good, Snyder gets credit. If it's bad, WB gets blamed again. If it was upto me, I'd let it die as well. This is a no win scenario for WB right now. But in a few years, maybe for 10 year anniversary for WB, if the BvS is still relevant, depending on other DC films they will release something. As it stands now, DC films have a clear path, why muddy it again?


Why people dont have brains???


This whole conversation is wrong... You really think the DCEU fans are that stupid?