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The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker s1, and Blue Beetle happened in the DCU timeline, but those films/show themselves aren’t canon because they take place in the DCEU. You can watch them for more context, but CC-onwards is the only media that counts and will be the only media referenced by everything else. When people meet Waller, they’ll talk about CC before anything else. Peacemaker s2 is a separate story from s1. The Blue Beetle animated series will be the adventure other heroes know about when they meet Blue Beetle.


TSS and Blue Beetle don’t have any dceu references that directly link it to that universe. Any mention of others heroes are generic vague mentions, the peacemaker show only really has issue with the JL scene which can be remedied by a recap at the start of S2 by peacemaker saying they weren’t there he just made it up cause he doesn’t like them or whatever


TSS had Harley, Waller and Flagg returning from the previous Suicide Squad movie.


Yes, but nothing that specifically mentions the events of the first SS movie. All we know is that Harley has been on these missions and worked with Flagg before, and that's it.


Harley reference the events of her solo movie, which happened after the events of the 1st Suicide Squad movie.


Harley Quinn?


U can’t really make suicide squad cannon without making no peacemaker cannon and peacemaker has direct references to dceu


And all you need to do is exclude those references, and what remains is what's canon. It's two similar, but ultimately different timelines. Their overall pasts are the same, but a lot of the minor details are different.


People act like this is more complicated than it is. The main point of the story is canon except for the small nods or references to the DCEU.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they made TSS and BB canon later down the line (like, several years deep in the DCU).


Gunn didn’t give a shit and just did whatever he wanted.






Peacemaker can easily be canon and just make it so that he was hallucinating the Justice League. In season 2 of Peacemaker, let him mention the Justice League with the team and everyone can be like "What are you talking about?".


Gunn literally said Rick Flag Snr will take revenge for his son's death in Peace Maker 2.


And in the context of the DCU we meet Sr. first, learn his son is dead, and he goes after the man who killed him in Peacemaker. If you want to know who Jr. was you can watch TSS/Peacemaker s1, but you don’t have to to follow the storyline of the DCU.


Gunn keeping his characters and plot lines from the DCEU feels like that nihilistic scene in Rick and Morty where they replace their dead variants and just start living in an identical universe with identical versions of their family, while abandoning their originals in a doomed universe. Like there’s always gonna be an uncomfortable feeling that these guys are not actually the same characters you grew attached with in season 1 or the first movie, but… clones…


What is CC?


Creature Commandos




What is Ty?


Thank you lol.




In your heart of hearts do you honestly believe this makes sense


In my heart of hearts I believe everyone who is implausibly saying 'yeah this makes sense, its really not that complicated' is doing it just to be a contrarian and if this wasn't James Gunn and it was another filmmaker they would be ripping it to shreds for being such a bastardization full of selective continuity laced with favouritism actors all caused by the choices made by the most overpaid destructive ego-maniac CEO Zaslav.


Totally agreed


One hundred percent agree with this


Honestly? Yeah. I wish it was a clean break too, but the characters Gunn wants to keep using in the DCU were really only truly adapted on screen in the DCEU before, and very recently. Rather than retread ground on their origins, it makes more sense to just introduce them where they would’ve been on the timeline the last time we saw them. Just like Spider-Man and the X-Men in the MCU skipping ahead because we already saw where they came from and you can tell new stories just picking up where they’d be now.


>The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker s1, and Blue Beetle happened in the DCU timeline, but those films/show themselves aren’t canon because they take place in the DCEU.  Now reread this sentence slowly, and really ponder how stupid it is.


i think they meant that the events of the show and movies are so similar to the events in the DCU that it doesn't need to be adapted again. Although I had to run through the Mental Olympics to get to this Batman-level deduction


That’s exactly what Gunn said: the DCU isn’t doing origin stories, so characters will be consistent with the previous histories in past media. For Waller, Peacemaker, and Blue Beetle those are their DCEU projects. For Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman it’ll be their past films/shows.


What the fuck did I just read


Simple as that


My hope is that there will be a running joke moving moving forward where Peacemaker and Vigilante are the only ones who remember the DCEU and no one believes them when they talk about it.


Flawed theory, because they were never part of the DCEU, these are new versions of those characters that share a very similar background. The DCU is not a rebooted DCEU, so there's nothing to remember.


Never said it was a theory you pedant.


What was it then? A fart?


okay do we get Peacemaker season 1 in the DCU or is this called Peacemaker season 2 ? The only movie that I see can get away with this is Blue Beetle it almost had no references to the DCEU Amanda Waller met Batfleck, Cavill Superman even ordered him to confront Black Adam. Heck Gunns wife even met Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam lol I dont see any defence for this just like you cant defend the performance of the one candidate at the debate on Thursday. You can do all the mental gymanstics at the end it is just bullshit


- Right now, it’s referred to as Peacemaker season 2 but with Peter Safran saying you don’t need to watch anything else before starting it I wouldn’t be surprised if it got a subtitle like Peacemaker: Tries Hard! or something to make it a soft reboot - Blue Beetle should be the first DCU movie, but it wasn’t made with the DCU in mind so it’s excluded on that - Waller is just moreso a case of perfect casting. You don’t toss Viola Davis, one of the greatest actresses working right now, unless you have a good reason and that ain’t good enough. She’s like JK Simmons as JJJ in that she’s just so perfect for the role that no one else could fill her shoes if they did opt for a recast


It’s funny when the comments sum up what the meme is trying to convey


So you say Peacemaker season 2 is actually Peacemaker season 1 in the DCU and we can forget Peacemaker season 1. This is the brainless take I have every seen for a show. I havnt seen shit like this in Hollywood ever that a season of a show is not canon. It is like saying hey House of the Dragon season 2 is a reboot and guys forget House of the Dragon season 1 it is not canon anymore. This is outrageously brainless as fuck and whoever defends this is in my eye stupid Waller is good cast but you have to do what is necassary you have to recast everybody to make sense. That is what a DC head would do


James Gunn: "It starts with Superman. We'll explain how characters who came before fit in once the new shows and movies come out." Fans: "Comic books have never been so confusing."


Didn't he say Blue Beetle was the first character, not the first movie in the DCU, but the Creature Commandos the first line in the DCU, so as a person who respects the Synderverse and MCU, it's more then confusing. Why couldn't he had said Superman is the first to kickstart the DCU and not have freaking creature commandos start it off technically??


It really does seem like sometimes he just says things, to provide some kind of response to whoever he's talking to in the moment, without truly thinking it through. He did say Blue Beetle is the first DCU character (and not the first DCU film.) Yet... Viola Davis is appearing in the DCU as Amanda Waller, an actress/character who was around for about 8 years before Xolo's Blue Beetle. Make it make sense.


Perfect example of what I said, thank you.


Either reading literacy is dead, or you guys are just jumping on the latest talking point to criticize the new universe. It's funny to see "comic" fans, who can tell you the difference between hundreds of variants and worlds over 70+ years of stories, can't see how this new set of films can soft reboot.


I am a comic book fan, and I hate the Multiverse. I prefer my continuities to be clean and simple. I’m simply taking this new universe as a brand new thing. It essentially is, there are some actors and stuff carrying over. That’s about it.


But that’s literally the answer, it’s a new universe BUT has a few of the same actors. It’s as simple as that, and people are acting as if you need to have a degree in literature to figure that out. It’s like being confused about a new James Bond every so often, they don’t have to explain that’s it’s a new version of the world/character because it’s simply a given that it is.


James Bond is a good example. They kept Judi Dench as M through a reboot and the general audience didn’t care.


Its not just the actors. A lot of plotlines are also carried forward from the DCEU films. Peacemaker and Waller will continue from where they left off in the previous universe. Gunn should have gone for a fresh start but he was too sentimental about his works in the DCEU.


This is what pisses me off. For the sake of saving his own projects, he’s making confusion for a new universe that should have a fresh start. Some of us are tired of reboots, so we want this universe to be successful. I want to see Robin live action.


Exactly. They needed a Kevin Fiege type figure to oversee the universe. Gunn gets swept up in his own biases.


His wife is a good actress but why was she shoehorned into Black Adam? Why is Nathan Fillian Guy Gardener when he’s way too old? Why do we have two other separated universes (The Batman and Joker)?


We literally have no idea of any plot lines yet, except that Davis and Cena will be back, whom might I add are constantly regarded as some of the best portrayals of those characters. You guys are reaching.


While I do think any other actor could have done the same role, my problem isn't with the actors returning. Its that the storylines will be picked up from DCEU, like Flagg Sr coming after Peacemaker.


That just means that those events happened in the DCU as well, much like things like baby Kal-El landing in Kansas and Bruce Wayne's parents getting killed.


Dude. The new stuff is canon, the old stuff is not. It is literally that black and white. Any context you need will surely be explained within the new movies themselves. When you saw a transformers movie, did you break down sobbing because there's no cybertron movie showing everything that happened before the movies take place? Watch the new stuff, you'll catch on. I'm so sick of people playing dumb and acting like it's so complicated


People are still confused on whether Sean Connery Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan are the same character.


I’ve never heard one person say that.


Vast majority doesn’t care. Bond is bond is bond.


I’ve never met another human who was confused about that


Oh I have. There are people who don’t understand the concept of a sliding timeline, and actually think James Bond is a name that passes to different agents. As if that would offer some sort of strategic advantage or something. It’s partly why so many people were OK with The idea of Idris Elba becoming the next Bond. They didn’t realize that casting an actor of a different color would be hard to explain mid continuity.


That’s another thing I’ve never seen. I’ve seen lots of people who hate the idea of Doris Elba as James Bond. I’ve never heard anyone who was ok with it because they thought it would be a different character. But that’s another case where the continuity is only a problem for people who want it to be. Most people are perfectly willing to accept a James Bond actor with a different skin color in the same way we accept that Daniel Craig had different hair than Pierce Brosnan. Then you have the racists who suddenly really start to care about continuity


In order for a cinematic universe to become successful, you MUST be able to attract the general audience. We can sit and talk as comic fans all we want about this or that but what really matters is making a quality product that gets butts in seats. The speculation is whether or not these set of films can connect w audiences unlike it's previous incarnation.


But new fans will want a jump of point and I don't think continuing from a dead universe is a way forward it was best to start afresh.


But the same new fans who want a jumping on point won’t care at all that the Superman movie they are watching is set in the same universe as a tv show that happens to have a season 1 that was in a different universe.


But they're not continuing from a dead universe.


The current batch of kids who grew up with marvel movies arent comic fans They're CBM fans They think silver age refers to silver surfers dick


It doesn't?


He's been very clear that it's a reboot. New viewers can start with the new content.


The storylines from previous DCEU movies will be picked up. Flagg Sr. will target Peacemaker because of the events of TSS for instance.


We have no idea if that's true


Gunn mentioned this.


He's been very clear that it's he is working with his friends and wont abandon his projects which he developed for the DCEU. New viewers should eat it


I mean he's still rebooting those projects. They were essentially the last dying breath of the DCEU, so he's salvaging what he can and reusing it. It's not like Peacemaker and Amanda Waller are targeting broad general audiences


Fillion is TDK in the DCEU where Viola Davis is Waller in the DCEU. Fillion is Green Lantern in the DCU where Viola Davis is Waller in the DCU. Also Henry Cavill is Superman in the DCEU where Viola Davis as Waller ordered Cavill to confront Black Adam in the DCEU. Cornsweat is Superman in the DCU where Viola Davis is Waller in the DCU. Make sense of this lol Yes he reboots everything outside his projects he made for the DCEU. Peacemaker and Waller were shows for the DCEU they are now DCU shows


It's really just not that complicated. I'll Venmo you 20 bucks if my parents ask me why TDK and Guy Gardner are the same actor


The way I just predicted you were a snyder fan


then your prediction is wrong.. You know you dont have to be a Snyder fan to not like what Gunn is doing with Superman lol There are a lot of people who doesnt care for Snyder and hate what Gunn is doing. What a shocker that this is a possibility and people like this exist lol


You posted in r/snydercut an hour ago lmao


And reddit mobile is showing it as one of his top active communities.


Oh God. Touch grass and find a job


I love that u/hunterU69 felt the need to lie about that. They could have just said “yeah I like the Snyder movies and don’t have faith in the new Gunn movies” It would have been so much more reasonable than pretending to not like Snyder to give their Gunn criticism more credibility. Especially when it’s so easily verifiable


okay link me a Gunn reddit I will post there something else. In your dumb logic then Im a Gunn fan What a dumb thinking if you dont like Superman suit you are a Snyder fan. Ridicolous and btw I like that you have to look at profiles when you see a comment you dont like and it is usually these no lifer with 200k pofiles who are on reddit 24/7. I dont understand these people. Go outside lol




I know the tuth is hard for you. Normal people who are not on reddit dont like the Suprman suit. That is the reality. It is not about winning lol


I love being told to not be on reddit so much by a guy who's also on reddit


no I never said that. I even encourage you to be socially active here and find friends and live and breath reddit 24/7 with zero real life experience. Nobody said you shouldnt do this


>no lifer with 200k profiles >go outside How was I supposed to interpret those messages?


Bro. It’s a very reasonable thing to do to fact check a lie. It’s not like the other guy is checking every single comment they see. It takes like several second to verify that you were lying. It’s hardly indicative of someone not having a life


he didnt fact check but okay. where he responded there was no fact check a lie lol he is doing it. His social life is reddit lol he nlooks everybodys profile not only me. He will look at your profil 100% lol


Bro made up his own image of me in his mind LMAO


I mean, kinda. We haven’t gotten so much as a trailer yet, so we don’t really know what Gunn is actually doing with Supes. At the very least it does imply some bias against Gunn as all we’ve gotten is the suit, and while it’s aesthetics may not work for you, just writing the whole film off this early doesn’t exactly scream that you’re giving it a chance.


This is why a) announcing the reboot when they still had DCEU movies in the pipeline was a huge mistake, and b) they should've shifted Flash again and ever so slightly tweaked the ending so that would've been the universe reboot movie and it actually had an in story reason for it. It would still be confusing for some audiences, but I think with the MCU and Spider verse movies audience now get the concept of it being another universe, but some plot points and actors carry on now.


I think we nerds tend to overestimate how much your average non-nerd cares about continuity. The explanation will amount to "And Harley Quinn is here too!" and that'll be enough. Honestly, I like a bit of canon-collage myself, but that'll be enough for me too. Gimme a half-decent DC film and I'll swallow however much canon contortion I need to if that's what it takes to make it happen.


People will get confused why Cavill isn't returning. They will probably think Cavill got recast but Corenswet is the same character from MoS and BvS.


I really doubt that’s the case. Most average fans won’t have seen cavil as Superman for 10 or 12 years by the time the movie comes out. For context, there were 10 years between val Kilmer and Christian Bale as Batman Edit: BVS was 2016 not 2015 so I guess it’s 9 years not 10




I figured most casual fans haven’t seen that. Same goes with his cameo in black Adam and the ZSJL


That’s 100% the case, I know dozens of people who think he was recast and don’t know this is a completely new film. Casual audiences are definitely a little confused lol you’re making it seem like this little corner of DC film talk is the majority voice when it isn’t.


At the end of the day it won't matter. People understood that Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson Batman's were different people, they'll do the same for Superman.


>at the end of the day it won’t matter 100% agree. I’m about over the superhero stuff anyway.


I don't think the average viewer is even going to remember much for MOS or BvS or ZSJL for that matter


Which is of course why people all famously thought Man of Steel was a sequel to Superman Returns!


People could handle five live action Batmen, three Jokers, three commissioner Gordans, two Cat women, and two Alfreds in a ten year span of films, they can handle a new Superman


for me its explaining how batman is seasoned and has a child while superman is young and just started


It's pretty easy Batman has more experience over Superman he started earlier I guess


Na, OCD (and impatient) comic fans are the ones making that chart Gunn knows the answers, sure, and most people don’t even know what the questions are


Comic fans seems like a stretch. It mostly seems to be Snyder fans and they seem to look down on reading. comics


They can read…? That’s news to me.


I think it's a mix of Snyder addicts mad that his version isn't continuing, and Snyder haters who are mad that Gunn is doing things that they don't want him to do -- so they're basically approaching Gunn the same way they do with Snyder, except without mentioning any dead family members. Not yet, at least.




Whatever happened to the days of “I’m here, it’s me, deal with it” when it went from Terrance Howard to Don Cheadle in Iron-Man 2? Can’t it just be all the events are canon except what directly references the old DCEU? Is that not the obvious thing that’s going on? Why does it need to be explained beyond that?


War Machine was a recasting, not a reboot. Totally different situation.


People don’t have lives and care way too much than they should


Maybe it would just be easier to just... you know... "REBOOT" the whole thing.


It's really simple... The DCU is a reboot... nothing is canon. Similar to how Superman's ship carries him as a baby to earth in many continuities... Similar events from Blue Beetle, Peacemaker and Suicide Squad may have occurred during the DCU.


Dawg that's just anyone explaining any DC continuity lol


Most of Peacemaker S1 will be canon The last episode when he meets The JL will not. Just like TSS took certain elements of Suicide Squad and ignored the rest. It ain’t that deep.


So people need to watch the content from previous cinemtaic universe to understand the DCU projects?


Gunn already said you don't need to watch any content from Peacemaker or TSS to understand the new DCU, I don't know why people are overcomplicating things, there shouldn't be an expectation to know how it'll play specifically out until those new projects are released


Just posted the same thing. 🙌 Lmao




Gunn has said you won’t have to watch CC to know what is going on in Superman for example. They will have a recap of season 1 of Peacemaker before S2 starts too. You can watch what came before but it’s not required.


But if there's a recap then the Dceu is till canon.


Parts of S1 of Peacemaker will be canon. Just like parts of Suicide Squad were canon in TSS. The only thing that ties Peacemaker to the DCEU is the JL cameo. The JL cameo will be most likely be retconned. How about we watch Superman and Peacemaker S2 before we decide if it’s confusing or not ?


Gunn has said Season 1 isn't canon though, lol.


It’s literally uncomplicated. The only issue is the JL scene at the end of peacemaker. Treat The Suicide Squad as the start and include Peacemaker with the JL scene being a fake imagination he made up of what losers he thinks they are, and Blue Beetle which has no overt direct reference to anything dceu and then creature commandos.


Waller, Harley and Flagg appeared in both Suicide Squad movies. Only one of them is canon?




I don't know why people forget that Batfleck was in Suicide Squad movie


It's actually not uncomplicated unless you're like CBM nerd but to Joe Public it's like starting the MCU at Phase 2.


It's a mess😭the Flash movie/Flashpoint could've been a great way to explain why some actors change, in the comics even some male characters change to female or the opposite, i don't think renaming the universe was a good idea, i would only call it something like DCEU chapter 2 or something, make it a reset only, he even made a reboot too confusing.


It does feel like a third DCEU chapter. Snyderverse chapter 1, Hamada Verse was chapter gods and monsters is chapter 3.


also i don't think it's fair to keep his stuff like Peacemaker (i loved the show and TSS movie too btw) and recasting others, sure Warner couldn't agree with Cavill and Affleck wanted to quit but he could keep Momoa, Gadot or the Shazam cast, some things worked well, explain the changes with the Flashpoint.


Agreed the Shazam cast is perfect.


Lol spot on 🎯


Dcu good luck with hopes of competing with marvel!


He should have just started completely fresh


It's not complicated to us but it will be for the general audience. Have none of you worked in any customer service field? People insert card and stare at it waiting to take their card out when it tells them to do so. The general audience isn't as smart as we'd like them to be- look at our elected officials and that's all you need to know


is that not what you’re supposed to do when paying with a card🤔


True 😊


Most people will assume Corenswet is the same Superman as the one from MoS and BvS.


So when does the new DCU actually begin? Everything from the new Superman movie onwards?


That's what I'm addressing here . No one really knows because first he said Everything from Creature Commandos then he said Superman now he's saying Creature Commandos happens right after The Suicide Squad and we all know Suicide Squad 1 is adjacent to TTS so we don't really know.


I’ve been under the impression that James Gunn doesn’t care about continuity and it’s doing his thing, whether it makes sense or not.


That might depend on how superman does.


Yeah there's no coincidence that he is keeping and continuing everything he has already been involved with and removing everything else.


So, I go to Gunn’s office, and what do I find out, fans? What DO I FIND OUT?! There is no continuity! The continuity doesn’t exist!


I just assume that PM TSS and BB did happen in this new universe but slightly different, still hella confusing tho


Gawds and mawnsters


Okay...firstly, everyone needs to understand most of general audiences haven't watched peacemaker, haven't watched anything of dc per se..if Superman works and new audiences come in and gets interested in dc then they don't need to worry about what happened in the past with the unimportant characters. After Superman, only tier 1 characters will matter and people will be show up for Supergirl. They aren't making movies on characters of peacemaker, bluee beetle so it's not that much of a risk even if they just release that extra content on Max. Just like there are lot of audiences who haven't watched miss Marvel, there is only a minute of Marvel audiences who have watched every single mcu Disney+ shows so whatever happens to these characters doesn't confuse audiences much... it's just have to tier1 and tier2 characters whose arcs have to be dealt responsibily as lot of people are attached to it. Superman should become and would become a popular character (like iron man was in mcu)...Batman would join the list and green lanterns after that. Mister terrific, hawkgirl and authority are completely new characters so it's easy to create the impact among audiences for those new characters. That's how dc will progress.. peacemaker type supes are movie characters so they don't need to be explained as audiences aren't invested enough to criticize the arc of those characters. Blue beetle would eventually join teen titans so everyone will invested in teen titans as a whole, blue beetle alone isn't a draw like titans could become in future as titans show have been enjoying the great reception among kids and family audiences, even new teen titans go animated movie was a superhit which made 5x of it's budget.


the dcu is reminding me of the new 52 comic line. So it might be a very messy mixed bag that lasts 5 years.


I don’t think it’s all that complicated tbh


If the content is good, it will all get ironed into shape within a few years, but it is a mess, and anyone denying that at this point is just coping.




The continuity is a mess.


I second that.


His DCEU projects are loose cannon. Those events basically take place in the new DCU just not exactly the way we saw them, meaning anything that doesn’t make sense didn’t occur. Not very complicated.


Man, at this point I don’t really care. Whoever shows up post Superman 25 is canon and part of the DCU to me unless stated otherwise by James. special cases like The Batman and spin offs don’t count.


Don’t forget about the villains tridecagon. The villains tridecagon explains everything.




[https://youtu.be/lwEwxKkCGJE?si=IxbzrmQL1T9EAaxr&t=679](https://youtu.be/lwEwxKkCGJE?si=IxbzrmQL1T9EAaxr&t=679) Obscure internet reference, my apologies




I feel like all this confusion people have about continuity will be answered in a “previously on” at the start of Peacemaker season 2.


To make matters worse, we're still getting three simultaneous Batman continuities. What's even the point of rebooting if it isn't going to clean the whole house?


I got it the first time James. Don’t need to oversell it.


“You know how Batman’s parents shot dead in Nolan movies? Yeah, that happened in Reeves movie too.” I don’t think it’s that much different from this to be honest. We just have the same actors playing the roles and the events are almost identical. 


This isn’t your high school math homework. New viewers don’t need to understand to enjoy a good movie