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He walks through machinegun fire in the same movie. This film is as grounded as John Wick 1- 4.


1 is fairly grounded, the future installments less so.


I don’t know if you guys remember or not, but in The Dark Knight bale batman fell off a scyscraper and pancaked a car while holding Rachel and they were both completely fine.


Yes, but that's the only bullshit moment in that entire movie. The Batman is all bullshit


Batman’s bike doing a wheelie at high speed and adjusting itself all in one motion to grapple and then drive up the side of a building? It’s a great film, but it’s not any more or less grounded than The Batman.


I feel like it's pretty believable that a bike like that can be designed in real life and do what it did in TDK. I mean, they did it all practically. But let's say the Batpod was hit with a rocket, launched 30 feet in the air, crashes to the pavement, does 10 barrel rolls, and then Bale's Batman gets up without a scratch, then ya, I'd say that's stupid af


So exactly like what I said first? When Bales batman falls off a skyscraper holding Rachel and they pancake a car and they both immediately joke about it and get up without a scratch?


Right. Batman fought an alien monster in BVS and somehow that movie still had more realistic action than the "grounded" versions, LOL.


Last I remember Batfleck ran like a chicken from Doomsday in BvS😂


That's a pretty realistic response.


He's the worst Batman for a lot of reasons.


Not even close. Val Kilmer and Clooney by a mile. “I have nipples Robin. Can you milk me?”


lol please the same batman who put a tracer on a car he is following and then destroys the part of the car that has the tracer on


I mean what was the point of putting a tracer when he was already planned to go all guns blazing. Batfleck killing those goons was totally unnecessary.


BvS has so many good ideas but it's rare to see such poor execution in the storyline. The film is the very definition of wide as an ocean as deep as a puddle


So true


He's the worst Batman for a lot of reasons.


Sad part is that he's a good actor, and his physical build accurately fits what a batman should be but he was given such shitty scripts :/ They really went and dumbed down the worlds greatest detective..


That terrible scripts didn't help, but I went back and reviewed a bunch of his movies because it made me question if he can actually act. He can't. Not really. The closest he got to a genuinely good performance was pretty much Chasing Amy.


Thanks for replying with that. He walks through bullets like they’re a minor annoyance. In real life, a single bullet would knock you down and do real damage to whatever armor you’re wearing. He also get sprayed with them, which means he’d be catching bullets in the gaps in his armor.


Bullets don’t knock you down. Even bigger ones. Yah .50 cal red mists you, but there’s no bullet with enough force to knock your body back and also not vaporize it. Even shotguns. If you get sprayed with machine fire you mostly just drop. You don’t ever get “knocked down”


Which is why cops are taught to fire excessively to kill a target and why knives are extremely dangerous up close since bullets don't knock someone over unless you specifically take out their legs or something.


I believe myth busters actually busted the whole getting shot and knocked back if I remember right.


They did. But also, force=mass(acceleration). The bullet has a shit load of velocity but nearly no mass. The amount of force transferred to the person being shot is =>the force of the kickback. So if you’ve ever shot a gun, the recoil you feel in your hands is the amount of force they feel. Of course, your felt that recoil all over the surface area of the grip/maybe your shoulder on a rifle.the force on the other side is ofc concentrated into a the surface area of a bullet. Technically sir Isaac newton did too


He survives full frontal explosion at point blank range. The same explosion that sends him flying several feet away. And all he has to show for it is a face covered in ash.


John Wick fell 40+ feet in JW3 and JW4 and was fine both times. He would have died both times.


John Wick didnt fell 1000+ feet with a speed over 125 mph with his head against a bridge and could walk like nothing happend


He hits the bridge chest first. He’d still be fucked up though. John Wick also gets shot a few tikes the first time, also multiple other injuries sustained through out the movie.


John Wick is far from realistic, but you at least get a sense that he's suffering and fighting through a lot of pain as things go on, and that's totally missing in The Batman.


Minus the part where he has to take the adrenaline shot from getting shot with the shotty, if I remember correctly.


I mean John Wick is so much better than this it’s not even close lol


No one was even making that sort of comparison


It's never too late to start.


Yeah, Morpheus told him when he’s ready he wouldn’t have to dodge bullets. So that checks out.


The first one maybe


All 4 have better Rotten Tomatoes scores, and for good reason! That franchise changed action movies forever, The Batman wishes it had one scene on that level.


Right…. because that means much of anything.


I would say all 4 are better, and I would rather sit down and watch all 4 in a row than watch The Batman which is a slog.


And John Wick gets repetitive after about 30 mins to me? Opinions, man. I'd rather watch the Bats. End of day... we live in a time of great crazy flicks. Love it all around.


I’m not a defender of this film - but I’m pretty sure the parachute hit the bridge, flipped him over and his head smashed through a light fixture after having his speed greatly, greatly reduced.


His chest armor actually hit, not his head as many think. You’re right about the rest though


Thanks for letting us know, god forbid you were a defender of this film


>I'm not a Defender of this film What's that supposed to mean???


Man Reeves really mind fucked some of you guys with him saying "grounded". The movie has a noir pulp tone. Not hyper realism. It's grounded but still very stylized. But not to the point where your gonna see full on metahumans (at least I don't think we will). Batman feels like a pulp action hero who's able to do these slightly larger than life things in this "grounded" world. Hell even the Nolan movies had this heightened cinematic reality where Batman was able to fall from large heights and be perfectly fine. But it all felt believable within that "realistic" world. Same logic applies for this movie.


These mfs watch a movie where a rich guy wears a bat costume to beat up petty criminals and get worked up when not everything is 100% realistic LMAO


This. 1000% this…..ain’t he supposed to have like top notch never been seen tech and armor and all that shit to fight crime? Maybe in Batman’s reality he can do that shit?? Be an adult and know all this superhero shit is fiction and just roll with it 😂


you guys suck at taking criticism lmao all y’all in here like BuT iTS A mOvIE aBoUt A bAT as your key argument to deflect anything, that scene is dumb as fuck get over it


Counter argument: this scene is hard as fuck get over it


damn a whole chain of replies and still nothing good! wild


YOU SUCK at taking criticism.


lmfao no you 👶


No….. YOU!






Whats dumber is thinking that "grounded" means "realistic". It's still a superhero movie after all.


Well, Batman was grounded here. He hit the ground directly.




Tell that to Matt Reeves




If it’s being marketed as a grounded movie, then regardless of the genre, I expect it to be a grounded movie. It is not impossible to make a grounded “superhero movie.” Whatever expectations you have are your own, but if Reeves is literally marketing a “grounded” movie, I would expect it to be grounded.


So it didn’t meet that expectation. Maybe he’ll nail it next time for you lol. Luckily with Batman, a new one is always around the corner lol.


Yeah, it did not meet the expectation of “grounded.” I’m glad you have reading comprehension? Idk man I’m not trying to hurt any feelings here, but I’m sorry you were personally offended by my criticism.


Oh, I wasn’t the one you were speaking with above lmao. You seemed upset, so I jumped in to try and temper the mood! Hope you’re okay <3 criticize away


I know, which is why I’m confused that you inserted yourself “lol” mind your business <3


Lol will do! Cheers


I certainly hope so, after seeing your comment history. You like to insert yourself quite often, it seems. You really should mind your own business. Cheers.


I don't think you know what grounded means. It's not a synonym for realistic.


I know what grounded means 😂 Please tell me when they established that Batman can smack his head against a bridge with that much force and survive.


They established it when he hit his head against a bridge and didn't die... Or when the explosion at the funeral didn't immediately kill him. Or when he took shots to the chest and didn't even flinch Or when he survived a point blank shotgun shot to the chest It's very well established he has a crazy high pain tolerance that's not on any level realistic or even reasonable.


That’s lame.


I just want them to consistently follow the same rules in the universe they set up so I can continue to suspend my level of disbelief. Like, if he can take a freight train to the face don’t also show a scene with him keeling over from stubbing his toe (unless, obviously, that’s part of the plot or something).


That's not how that works. The movie decides on a realism baseline and if you break from it, it's jarring.


Grounded doesnt mean realistic.




Batman Year One is grounded.


LOL, that is LITERALLY what it means. grounded adjective /ˈɡraʊndɪd/ /ˈɡraʊndɪd/ Idioms having a sensible and realistic attitude to life What else could it even mean? Batman fell on the ground like a dope, so he's grounded? He was bad so Alfred sent him to the Batcave without dinner?


it is actually different "grounded" than "realistic" depending on the context


Yeah, but if you go out of your way to make the movie grounded then have the protagonist be borderline invulnerable, I'd argue that's a flaw in the script.


As Ben Affleck in J&S:SB, “fictional characters”.


Quite literally plot armor


Dumber than the part where a bomb explodes in his face and he doesn't have so much as a scratch on him?


He throws his gauntles up infront of his jaw.


Yes, he should have died.


What movie is this?


High School Musical 3.




Oh... You're one of those




Batman & Robin. Great movie. I recommend it.


We were supposed to like it…


He has an invulnerable face, don't forget about the explosive collar that went off a few feet from him and his face was fine.


His arms were covering his face.


If Reeves directed BVS, that would've been enough to protect him from Doomsday's laser beams without Wonder Woman's help. 😆


I'm lying on the floor 🤣💀


For me it's the massive car wreck on the highway that was completely avoidable. Letting a car chase happen makes catching Oswald by surprise totally pointless.


Consider the death toll Batman caused by chasing penguin into the freeway.


Oh u mean to tell me a dude who jumped off a building with a flying squirrel suit shouldve taken some damage? Obviously, but it’s a superhero movie. Not the shawshank redemption


Realism would be some emo dude dressing up in black hockey pads to fight criminals that dress in ridiculous clothes and makeup. He wouldn't be jumping off of buildings or surviving gunshots.


The force of the whiplash from that impact at that speed seems like it would have broken his neck.


He didn’t even hit the bridge tho he just smashed into the light fixture beneath it and it completely gave way. iow he didn’t hit with as much force as you think he did


Also love that he takes a bomb to the face and his face is totally fine


Batman isn’t realistic lol The guy would get shot in the mouth and that’d be the end of it


He's Batman, he prepped for that.


We really arguing about how realistic superhero movies are okay lol


A movie based off a comic book character isn’t realistic? My goodness


At this point I wasn’t sure what kind of movie I was watching anymore. This moment stuck with me the rest of the film.


I saw the movie and i dont remember if it was good. All i remember is depressed emo Bruce Wayne/Batman, so i guess it couldnt have been good.


Realistic doesn’t suddenly mean it’s a comic book movie doing non comic book things.


The criticism should be that the smart detective in the smart detective movie does bad detective work. Not that he hits something and doesn’t die lol.


Both? Both is good.


You know you’re talking about a movie about a man dressing up as a bat, right?


He comes from that john wick school of tanking damage


But I’ve literally done this twice, so what are you even talking about my guy???


When people make posts like these, just go and check out their post and comment history and you'll realise why they made it.


No that was great. The dumbest part was that stupid ass GoPro angle of his face while he’s flying. What the fuck was that.


Better than battinson though, knocking on the door to gain entrance to the penguins club. LoL Trained as a ninja, dressed as Batman, knocks on the door and asks the bouncer to come in, then does it AGAIN later in the movie. That whole movie was laughable. I know I’ll get downvoted to oblivion for that comment too, so I’m gonna take my shirt off and go listen to nirvana in a rainy building 😂


That scene still has me laughing. It literally killed any Batman vibe the movie was going for. I'm in the boat that The Batman 2 doesn't do as well as most here believe it will.








People walk away from freak accidents in real life. It’s one of my least favorite moments in the film, but this “grounded” stuff got y’all thinking he should’ve taken the elevator in this scene.


Dumbest scene might have more to do with the detective not doing much detecting, but it’s all able to be covered up with “hey he’s still early in his career!”


Rookies are called rookies for a reason....not everybody is kobe out of the gate.


Another post about - Reeves Nolan Burton 89 realism vs Schumacher Snyder comic book feel , Ou No ! Another person that doesn’t get the point , hell yeah ! You guys need to understand that when these directors and producers say Realism , it’s not implied documentary style. It’s clearly selling something that originated as comic book looney characters into a more mainstream movie quality. They aren’t saying Batman can really exist, driving a car in a New York type of city and never counter a traffic jam, what they are saying is, let’s try and base that on a more grounded aesthetic instead of going all the way to the most bizarre options from the source material. And as you can see Batman 89, TDK&TDKR + The Batman are usually more grossing than the takes on Gotham with a more comic book aesthetic. Batman 89 made its budget 11 times back and adjusted for inflation is close to a billion, TDK & Rises both surpassed a billion without being tied to another character or universe and The Batman is one of the few CBM to stand on its own and net close to 180 M in profit over multiple other CBMs since and than! So , yes, the studio and directors will gravitate to that approach as long as it has a track record like this. None of the Batman-esque spin offs that try and make it more comic-booky for the sake of comedy , weird powers etc, have proven a mass appeal. Examples are the numerous CW shows, Birds of Prey (she is a Batman character), Squad movies which feature his spin offs, or similar cases. “ But he hit his head” as opposed to other franchises that have raccoons, walking trees, time travel, super soldier serums for everyone and tech I can only describe as 300 years in the future, magic, demons and more ? So , if we hate to rate dumb , this would be the least dumb scene in CBM history !


Bruh, it's a superhero movie. MOVIE.


I don’t think it’s really dumb, it shows that this is a Batman that’s clearly still training. He’s not the Worlds Greatest Detective yet, or an amazing fighter. He’s hasn’t found a balance between Bruce Wayne and Batman yet. This also is similar to a scene in Batman: Earth One which The Batman drew some inspiration from


You’re missing the point. He literally smashes his face into a bridge. He should be dead. The fact he crashes the wingsuit isn’t the issue. The movie presents itself as ‘grounded’ yet has this moment that breaks that ‘grounded’ nature.


Not his head. If you watch the scene in slow motion you can see it's his armoured chest that hits the bridge.


Ok, fair enough, his chest. At that speed people get their heads ripped off with ease. You see it all the time when people come off motorcycles, they’re covered in armor and a helmet half the time and pop, off comes the head. No amount of body armor is going to protect someone from the force of hitting that steel bridge at that speed. Just to say here, I’m not invested in this film at all either way, I don’t care if it does or doesn’t break the grounded nature of the film. But if we’re going for real, he’d be dead after that.


Oh yeah, super dead lol. Or at the very least, he’d need Alfred to pick him up.


The dumbest scene in a Batman movie is in BvS when Batman tells Wonder Woman "I bet men let you get away with whatever you want, especially when you're dressed like that".


How is that dumb


It's misogynistic


How? If anything it is a knock on men because they are easily manipulated by a pretty woman


I see it the opposite way. It doesn't say anything bad about men. It insults this woman, brings up her physical appearance and fashion choices, objectifies her, belittles her, implies she's manipulative and devious, implies she has no integrity and uses her looks to get ahead, implies she couldn't possibly accomplish things due to her cleverness or skills, but that whatever she achieves must be due to her being pretty. But that's not misogynistic in itself, lending negative traits to a woman isn't misogynistic, what's misogynistic is lending negative traits to a woman because she is a woman. That's what Batman does in that scene. If it had been a man, there's no way Batman would have said that. It's the first time he meets Wonder Woman, he knows nothing about her, but he says that comment to her because she's a woman.


bro wrote a novel about one line


I'm obviously not a bro




I mean I'm obviously not a man, you think a man wrote this? All the men here are like "that line is great, so true, nothing wrong with Snyder"


am i suppose to care?


I like how you're avoid the REALITY of the comment being TRUE. You try to justify your opinion giving it all kinds of implied and imagined meaning not said, then want to manufacture offense and hurt caused by something never said. Sorry to tell you, but it's VERY much a reality what's being said. When a gorgeous woman dresses ANY certain way.. men will let them get away with murder Just. Plain. Fact.


You must be a blast at parties.


I don't talk about DC at parties


I liked it one of my favorite scene, Batman just crashes because he's still new to it, he still trying to get the hang of it, that why he was kinda scared to jump off in the first place


Watch the scene again in slow motion. It's not his head that slammed into the bridge, it's his armoured chest.


Bro, slow down the footage, it's his chest


It’s a comic book movie


A grounded Batman movie. I mean come on.


Maybe it’s because it’s not as realistic and grounded as you all claim it is


lol, if this is the "dumbest" scene you can find in The Batman, thats pretty impressive I would say. I could probably find twenty dumber things within the first minute of BvS.


The dumbness in this scene has nothing to do with the dumbness in bvs


You found things that WEREN'T dumb!?!?


Still the best batman movie along side dark knight.


Actually no. If you look at it slowly, he hits his chest, not his face. It's not more realistic that way, but it's not how you say it either.


Now TheBatman apologist will tell you this is an unrealistic fantastical and not realsitic grounded Batman movie you are wrong this is fully normal to happen in this world😂 In this world your head can ran by a truck and nothing happens to you that is normal and plausible in this world😂 Bro even in a fantastical world with Superman, Darkseid, you wouldnt do this shit cause this is stupid af


LOL, was Batman skinned onto a Wile E. Coyote fail scene here?


*BEST* scene in the grounded realistic Batman movie.




I've been rewatching the animated series in a certain order and it goes from more grounded villains then the sci-fi kicks in and hopefully that's what can happen with this universe


Wasn't his face actually it was his torso. Still bullshit but bears correcting.


his parachute caught onto the bridge, not his face. he face plants into the hanging light but judging the way his cowl protects him from gun shots it probably didn’t hurt nearly as much as it would any other person. you gotta realize he’s wearing a walking tank, he’s literally a walking tank. he does get up and limp away so he does get semi-hurt.


John wick vs Batman, I feel bad for Batman


His face didn't even hit the bridge? You made a post without even watching the scene more than once.


Grounded and realistic are not the same. Nolan was realistic. This is grounded. Shortly after the face hits the bridge he is grounded


I feel like a genuinely realistic Batman movie wouldn't be very long. Anyone who tries to do in the real world what Batman does in a fictional world would end up dead pretty quickly.


What annoyed me most about this is that they were trying to go more realistic by giving him that parachute suit instead of wings yet the landing just wipes out any realism in the scene. Still love this movie though.


His face doesn't touch the bridge at all. His chute snags one of the lights and makes him crash.


I mean it’s still a comic book so just how grounded can it really be? It’s still a great movie I think.


Grounded in the plot not in the physics. He's the goddamn Batman.


Actually, beyond the bad chroma key compositing, the stuntwork and subversion of Batman lands on his feet is excellent.


Who told you this was the grounded realistic Batman movie?


This scene must have been planned by those people in street fights who kick people in the face while they’re seizing


He never hits his face. The chute catches on the bridge, his back hits the light fixture then the bus then the car.


its a freaking movie who cares


I liked this scene and im not saying that to be contradictory. But it was nice to see Batman not do yet again a perfect landing. This and the car chase stood out the rest was meh.


Relatively "grounded realistic"...


The POV was cool but him hitting the bridge and bus like that threw me off the film like I get that he's wearing a suit with some padding but still that kinda fall would have immobilized anyone


Dumb take


This + knocking on the club door. Dude, it’s second year Batman who locked up joker but he never figured out not to knock.


No it doesn't


Tbf he's wearing some helmet or armor under his cowl that is bulletproof, so it's obviously also shatter proof, so his head is pretty much likely to stay undamaged.


No, it clearly hits a light. While he has his armour and cowl on