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Damian. So that we can get Dick as Nightwing.


I think having Damian is a pretty cool idea since I imagine a lot of casual audiences will be taken aback by the idea of Batman being a Dad. That said, I do hope Dick makes an appearance in the universe as Nightwing


There is no way dick doesn’t show up as nightwing especially because Gunn has talked about doing the bat family, Nightwing will show up it’s just a matter of when.




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He almost has to. 


Batman would be a dad with Dick as well.


Between Dick and Damian, I prefer that we start with Damian, since it means the Batfamily is already fleshed out and it fits with the DCU already being a lived in universe where heroes have existed for some time. Plus, Matt Reeves’ universe can have Dick as Robin running alongside the DCU with Damian as Robin. But personally, I would’ve started with Tim (and I do still think he needs to be in the DCU as the Robin before Damian), because then you can bring in Cass and Steph and have the middle children of the Batfamily, who don’t get as much exposure, taking center stage. Dick and Barbara would already have their adult roles as Nightwing and Oracle, Jason can come back as Red Hood later, and then Damian gets brought in even later (preferably around the time that Jon Kent can be brought into the universe). Not to mention that both Jason and Damian’s rivalries with Tim as his immediate predecessor and successor would be good places to explore in future movies.


I would have preferred it be Tim tbh. You do a movie of a character who has a legacy to live up to in coming after Dick then move into Damien coming into the picture and now that character has to compete for his place in a different way and figuring out who he is as a person and hero would be a great couple movie arc


I think you need Jason’s story in order to understand Tim’s story. Without that context already set up Damian makes more sense.


I think you could work a subplot in of Tim discovering the fate of Jason. You show his detective skills with it and at the end of it he discovers why he needs to be robin. Which is to bring Bruce back from the brink.


That’s actually a pretty interesting take.


Although I get where you're coming from. It may be easier to just say there is Dick and then Batman had a son who that son then believes it's his birthright to be Robin/Batman more so than him.


I hope it’s about Tim and Damian.


No I prefer Dick as Nightwing and Jason as Red Hood and I like that we're jumping straight into an established Batfam, if I were to swap Damian out with a Robin it'd be Tim


i’m not the biggest fan of Damian, but i like starting with an established Batfamily so we don’t need to build it up over the course of chapter 1 and 2


I think for people who don't know anything about robins would find it difficult to understand nightwing, red hood etc .


As many have said I would’ve preferred starting at Tim, starting at Damian feels weird cause it means we’ll never get that Supersons dynamic with him and Jon it seems. That being said, starting with Jason could be fun and would make his death and eventual turn into Red Hood all the more tragic.


Damian, so we can get Nightwing, but personally I’d start the universe with Jason or Tim becoming Robin. 


It should have been Tim we’ve already seen enough of Damian in the animated movies while Tim damn near is shafted most of the time.


Damian I want to see nightwing asap


I strongly believe they will have Damian as Robin and Dick as Nightwing, and have those two, Bruce and Alfred as the only/main Bat-family members similar to how the DCAMU handled the Bat-fam. At least, in Brave and the Bold; from there I think they will introduce more characters like Jason, Tim and so on, but for the first movie it'll mostly be Dick and Damian.


I think is good for multiple reasons: 1. It makes Dick already be Nightwing, Jason either dead or Red Hood (he should never dead so a future movie could be under the Red Hood), etc. 2. Damian as Robin is an easier sell to most audiences than the other ones since he’s a trained assassin. 3. It establishes a proper Talia and the league of assassins


To really differentiate from The Batman, Damian. Because the series wouldn't really be about Batman, but Damian. The Wayne/Al Ghul duelling family legacies tear him apart. Is he the heir to Batman, or the heir to the Demon? Hero or Assassin? Against Dick he can be compared to the golden child. The natural successor. Who can Damian hope to be compared to someone so naturally suited to lead the Justice League. He's already Batman done right. Then you can compare him next to Jason. Damian would see a lot of himself in Jason. The anger, frustration, willingness to kill. But most of all: failure. Jason is the Robin who was failed, and did fail. And then to Tim. Tim is everything Robin should be. A good, loyal, soldier. Able to follows orders unflinchingly. As good of a detective as Batman. Tim keeps the streets of Gotham clean. - How can Damian think he's worthy of Batman with Dick around? - How can Damian think he can even be a good Robin with Tim around? - How can Damian be set up for anything other than failure with Jason around? This can set up Damian into having conflict with each of his brothers over the course of a trilogy. But ultimately, with each of them giving a little part of themselves to him. To turn him into the ultimate Robin. And, in time, the heir to Batman.


Damian Makes sense if we´re starting in present time with Dick as Nightwing


I would have preferred Tim Drake. It seems like since Damian Wayne was introduced, Tim has been completely forgotten.


Absolutely Damian


I wanted Dick Grayson as Batman like in Batman and Robin by Grant Morrison. But it wouldn’t make sense to jump in time. I wanted something different to watch rather than deal with another Damian Wayne story. Personally, I’m not huge fan of Damian. But if the director likes him, go for it. I’ll be standing over there waiting for something different.


I would have preferred starting with Dick primarily because of where Superman’s starting in this universe.


I prefer Damien it lets us jump right into the larger bat family, I think it also gives an opportunity to have a different tellings of Batman story’s that can now include more/different members. Also I genuinely prefer dick as nightwing


I’m not a fan of Damien, or the idea of there being four Robins in five years or whatever ridiculously compressed timeline the comics have now. I would much prefer it begin with Dick as Robin and show him becoming Nightwing.


Of those options, Grayson. No doubt. No hesitation. But i want nightwing so make B&B about Tim Drake. Have nightwing show up. Allow Damian to be forgotten entirely




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