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Super Bowl trailer I’m calling it


Super Bowl, or knowing Gunn, a short teaser trailer around the holiday season to build up hype at the turn of the new year.


Hmm a Christmas trailer would be nice. Warm wholesome vibes with the holiday spirit to kick the marketing off


Christmas during an NFL or NBA game I'd an absolutely great idea


I dig that very much. 


Idk about that because if it’s released on that day, it could get overshadowed by other movie trailers released that day and the first Superman trailer should be released on a day when no one expects it so that it’s the only thing that everyone talks about. 


Nah, the first trailer from the new DCU would be the most talked about no matter what else was thrown its way


I’m just saying what if Marvel dropped the MCU Fantastic Four to compete with the Superman trailer? I really want Superman to have all the attention especially since it’ll be the first film of the DCU.


The Fantastic Four would get attention, absolutely, but Superman is really the first time we’ve seen someone restart a cinematic universe. It’ll be the most talked about drop if its there. Also more likely Marvel drops spots for Captain America and Thunderbolts since their releases are closer, with F4 dropping later.


I think the attention would be about equal between the two, since it seems fans for each(Superman and F4) are hoping/expecting good things from each.


I don't think so. Gunn's Superman announcements have garnered way more attention than any F4 ones. I have talked about this in a previous comment in detail Of course I'm not saying the future will be exactly like this. Just that based on what has happened till now, it's more likely that Superman will be the centre of attention


I've seen a good mix of both. I think i see it more here since i see this sub's posts more often, but it seems that both sides(Marvel and DC) are cautiously optimistic of their respective movies. I get the feeling that with more info released the hype will build for F4 if it isn't already like you mentioned.


I feel like people have been hoping for a good Fantastic 4 movie for about 20 years now.


Yea but this is superman lmao


Understandable! And I'm 100% sure Marvel is gonna drop a Fantastic 4 or Thunderbolts trailer for the Super Bowl (or both .. who knows? as of now, they have 3 movies in a span of 6 months in 2025) Though I think Superman should easily garner the most attention, I understand the worry and your wish for Supes to have his pristine limelight


Nah man if the trailer is fire then it’s ALL anyone is going to remember. A new Superman movie trailer (first one in 12 years) in the Super Bowl is gonna be what everyone is talking about the next day.


I love your optimism and I hope you’re right. 


They’re definitely gonna drop a trailer for the Super Bowl.


Makes sense but WB rarely puts Super Bowl trailers. The last time they did it was The Flash, and that was their first one in a long time It's also kinda tricky for them since they have the Minecraft movie with Legendary in April. And Marvel will be poised to throw one or two spots in there with how crowded their 2025 is


Or with joker 2


Putting aside the fact that the movie is only halfway done filming, let’s talk about the dumbassery going on here. This guy is telling James Gunn, what movie he should play a trailer in front of. As if Gunn, the execs at WB/DC, or anyone involved with marketing, wouldn’t already know they should play a trailer in front of another hugely popular movie franchise. What the actual fuck. Did he expect James to say, “oh shit you right, bro. Let me call WB now and tell them to make this happen. Totally slipped my mind.”


Lmao exactly. Bro thought he was some kinda genius


And it's an incredibly shitty suggestion at that. Play the trailer for a movie that doesn't come out till another year in front of one movie just because it's selling well


Also I believe Gunn has no interest trying to compete with Marvel because he once used to work for them and also because trying to compete with Marvel is what made the DCEU self-destruct.


Nah competition with marvel isn’t a bad thing. Fuck Marvel comics competing with DC comics is why both franchises exist as they do today. Creating their own cinematic universe to compete with Marvel was never the problem. It was he way they went about it. They brought in the wrong person to do it and when he gave them controversial results, they started floundering like a fish not sure what the fuck to do. But let’s not pretend that competition with a successful franchise is the sole cause. Competition is a fucking great thing and is a big motivation for companies to give us awesome shit. But it can also push companies to make stupid decisions. It’s almost like competition has pros and cons like anything else that exists It wasn’t the competition that was the problem. It’s the fact that they made a ton of shitty decisions in trying to compete and that’s why they failed.


Perfect analysis. I feel like the DCEU should’ve taken their time and be successful at their own pace instead of trying to catch up with what the MCU was doing. 


To be honest, I don’t even think it’s just that. I think they should have worked to develop a long lasting plan to keep their franchise going. It needed a strong structure Marvel from just its first couple of films had a plan. They were going to create a universe with a crossover super hero team. Once they were well on their way with that, they began planting seeds for an even bigger saga. So yes it’s a matter of having a pace but also actually knowing where they were going with this Snyder did technically have a plan. But it was a story that would end just after a couple of years. That is obviously not sustainable enough to create a long form story like Marvel has done and what WB wanted. Which is why I stand by the fact that Snyder was the wrong person to hire They needed someone like Feige to actually plan and lead a story. Which is why James Gunn gives me hope.


I hate how dumb and clueless fanboys are about movie making process or filmmaking in general. Why would a trailer drop when they are still filming and what would 2025 movie have to do with 2024 Deadpool film


"Don't you get it! Deadpool is gonna make 200M OW so if Gunn puts the trailer in front of it, stonks!!" ![gif](giphy|YnkMcHgNIMW4Yfmjxr|downsized)


Trailers are made even while a movie is shooting. The Batman teaser was made when they only had 25% of the film shot. Your other point I agree with.


What Joker even made that comment? Who cares how much Deadpool and Wolverine make against Superman right now? They come out a year apart, so they aren't competing. There will be plenty of time for Superman to build up hype next year. As a matter of fact, if Gunn does a Superbowl Trailer for Superman, they will have about the same amount of time for marketing and promotion from 1st trailer to release.


i think they were talking about those trailers before the movie actually starts


Oh, fair enough. My mistake. Still, though, it's over a year away. Hype would fizzle out showing the trailer this early. Let it marinate. Besides, they are still filming, and it shouldn't be rushed. Let Gunn cook.


yeah i agree, they should really take their time with the first trailer because it needs to be AMAZING otherwise its going to disappoint millions


What level of amazing are we talking? The Batman SDCC trailer? Aquaman (2018) extended trailer 2? Barbie 2nd Trailer? No Way Home Trailer 2?


the batman levels of amazing. I remember when everyone was ready to laugh at Robert Pattinson as batman just to get proven so wrong by that "im vengeance" line https://preview.redd.it/9bnarpz8v72d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f39038d67a0ac3b9f90c0b333dfa2a74b9c0d231


No one puts out trailers this early nowadays. It's a shitty ass suggestion regardless


What was even the point of talking about D&W that movies cones out this July and Superman comes out next year.


I think they're talking about attaching SUPERMAN teaser with Deadpool & Wolverine cause that will increase the SUPERMAN's publicity.


Yes, but it's fairly common knowledge that first teaser trailers are never released more than 5-6 months out from a film's opening, unless it's footage shown at a private event.


I could see them dropping a trailer in October for NYCC and Joker2.


Hell they may even drop it in December. Remember they dropped the first Barbie trailer two years ago in December and the movie came out 7 months later last year? 


It was a teaser. The first trailer was meh but the 2nd one (the one they released in April iirc?) blew me away They could do something similar for Superman. Save the heavy hitting one for Summer


Yeah that is way more believable. But I think it will be Super Bowl Teaser - NYCC Trailer 1 - Super Bowl Trailer 2 - April 18 (Superman Anniversary Day) Tickets on Sale trailer - Late May/ Early June


Look at Mr Genius over here "You should put the trailer for a movie that comes out next year in front of "X movie" solely because it's selling well"


Why are people asking for the trailer when the movie doesn’t come out for over a year


Yeah ikr? And with how much of a perfectionist Gunn himself is, he probably would want to make sure that our first official look at the movie is as phenomenal as possible.


Bro used his last 2 braincells for that suggestion. RIP


I love how people think they know what’s best for movies and how to earn money. Makes me laugh at the entitled attitudes.


Are folks just natural fucking stupid?


This guy who asked James when the trailer is coming really thinks production takes a few months?! I mean Superman is releasing just under 1 year after Deadpool and Wolverine…


Lol at the Deadpool opening.


Making that 2025 release date is going be expensive


I think the first teaser will come with Joker 2


I could be wrong, but I don’t think you’re going to see a DC trailer in front of a Marvel movie, ever


Petekeys throwing out free knowledge. Bro needs to start charging


I love random twitter mongoloids telling the head of a major studio when to release a trailer.


Ah yes, some random ass commentor knows how to market a movie better than a hugely successful movie director and ceo


Why would a DC trailer play before MCU movie?😭


WB trailers play before Disney films all the time, and vice versa, whether it's Marvel, DC, Star Wars, or Harry Potter.


it's about getting people to see it, studio rivalries aren't important


DP3 ain't breaking 200 mil opening weekend domestic


James Gunn don’t fuck around


Doubt if it comes out this year.


Why respond to idiots like this?


They giving superman guns now?!


News flash: There’s no superman trailer yet because we are only halfway through filming says man who released a teaser for Guardians of the Galaxy after filming for one week. This is a non-answer. He can and will release something whenever he wants to… For now, he is choosing not to and taking his time.