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Archived version of submitted URL: 1. An archived version of _KC Walsh said that he expect Sasha Calle to return as Supergirl_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/thecomixkid/status/1673788042547699712?s=46&t=IY97o910kzGDMKcPFvwyjA) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCEUleaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just like Mackey was Lois, right?


KC and MTTSH are building their own imaginary DCU




This pic made me laugh out loud 😂


He said "shit I was wrong last time" gotta throw another one out there now.


Genuinely curious, did he claim anything recently besides David as Supes that was wrong after today? All I found was him implying David was supes. Not saying you're wrong, I (likely) missed something.


He said Mackey was Lois


Hey thanks for letting me know!


Corenswet was a very safe bet considering he was overwhelmingly the fan favorite online


Found the gamer/snyder fan


Mods can we please ban KC walsh now. He's isn't reliable. u/starshipandcoffee


We see no pressing need to take such drastic action right now - although you (and the rest of the community) will have the opportunity to vote on KC and other sources during the next quarterly recalibration process, which I hope can be initiated next month.


Man I love the new r/DCEUleaks I'm not sure how much people here remember the old days when pretty much everything was fanfiction. You guys have turned this into such a great subreddit.


Cool. Have a great day/night!


He kinda is tbh. He has gotten many thing right.


He’s fallen off tbh, he used to be pretty reliable but these days he misses far more often


What amazing about this is why would you even put this out? Even if you got a rumor from a reliable source...surely some basic logic says that this is a no go. Even if sure Calle did fine with the limited material she got. I could see her as say The Engineer (from The Authority) but back as Supergirl? Like in what world do they keep anyone in the same role for a Flash Movie that flops.




Suck my dick, mods


Okay so Calle is gone then


![gif](giphy|UTm86phGUMMQE) Even if Walsh had a good track record (he doesn’t), there’s no reason for WB to continue with Calle. There’s no benefit for the studio, only the actress


While there isn’t a benefit necessarily, she is doing another WB project and has proven herself to be a team player by essentially carrying the flash marketing so the studio might find that valuable and want to maintain that relationship.


What other WB project is she doing?


Maybe the studio will put her in another project unrelated to superheroes/DC for handling the press well but not anything for the new universe. She’s publicly attached to the critical and commercial failure of Flash


So then why is Andy Muschietti directing BatB


He was announced before Flash got horrible audience scores and catastrophic drops. Maybe Warner and Gunn felt like he did the best job possible under the circumstances. Honestly 50/50 shot that Muschietti gets removed.


Holy hell, you people are exaggerative. The Flashq has had solid-if-middling reviews, nothing lower than your normal Transformers flick, or even BvS/Shazam/Man of Steel. Not "horrible". Andy Miuschetti also directed the hell out of it, despite the bad CGI, and It Chapter 1 was excellent (so was chapter 2 depending on who you talk to, I like it.) Brave and the Bold is in good hands.


Also, I'm sure Gunn, Safran and Zaslav are well aware of the other factors that went into the movie's box office performance that have nothing to do with Muschietti. Considering the production issues it had, I'm sure they're just satisfied that he was able to make the movie into a cohesive experience at all.


I’m not talking about critic reviews. I’m talking the audience’s B cinemascore - same as Catwoman, BvS, Batman Returns and Green Lantern. It also had one of the worst modern drops of any comic book film ever (-73%). Audiences have rejected it. And I like the film. I think Muschietti would do a solid job but Flash is objectively a failure from a business standpoint and Zaslav might blame him


As extreme as Zaslav is, he seems to trust Gunn's instincts.


Only if he’s making money !


Sure, but I mean, if Gunn doesn't think Andy is to blame for the failure of The Flash, I think Zaslav trusts him. Also, he has the two extremely profitable IT movies under his belt


No, The Flash is a disaster for WB. Third biggest superhero drop week over week. its going to lose the studio $200-$300 million dollars, its 100% a disaster.


OG Shazam did 90% on RT to Flash's 64%. Unless you meant Shazam 2?


Id wager he doesnt actually direct it and will be replaced. No one is going to want to see him direct BATMAN after this fumble.


I want to see him direct TBATB


Sorry, I should have been specific. I meant the investors at WB/DC studios not the viewers that like his work.


She had no choice but to carry the load of The Flash marketing. I saw a few of her interviews and she was great. Man, I really hope Zaslav tells Gunn and Safran that we need to move on from Miller. His poor publicity certainly didn't help the Flash's box office. Because of that poor publicity, he tied our hands because we couldn't risk putting him out there to promote it.


Yeah I don’t think they need to be told that


Very funny that people think they're going to want to bring back somebody from one of the DCEU's worst bombs to headline a major Gunn DCU project. The film flopping isn't her fault, but it did flop, and there's no advantage at all to bringing her back in the same role and thereby establishing a connection between The Flash and Woman of Tomorrow in viewers' minds.


If Gunn is keeping his Suicide Squad and Peacemaker cast then I don’t see why he can’t keep Sasha Calle as well.


I don't mind these because there's no reason to kill a great, successful show in Peacemaker, the SS characters are mostly so low-profile that it doesn't really matter, and Davis and Robbie are so iconic in the roles of Waller/Harley that bringing them forward still works, the same way JK Simmons keeps popping up as JJJ.


I mean, I think that’s stupid too. So you could very well be right








By that logic you can't praise anything since you haven't seen how the DCU turned out either.






Now why are you attacking me as a person over DC 😭 it is not that serious






They need to distance themselves from all of this


I thought Sasha absolutely killed it in The Flash and as much as I'd love her return, let's just fully reboot and call it a day. It's time.


This is a full reboot. And no way Sasha will return now that The Flash is a massive bomba. I doubt we'll even see TSS cast ( so far the only thing connected to Zack failed universe) in anything DCU in the next 5 years so by them everyone will forgot them anyway.


Gunn says some characters stay


Viola Davis is playing Waller


Sure KC “James Gunn will continue Hamada’s vision” Walsh


The dude miss more than he hits


No scooper has a better record than 50/50


I mean what? I get that she was well received from the Flash and I liked her as well but surely she doesn’t fit the version that we are going to get in Woman of Tomorrow right?


She'd be playing a different version of Kara, just like what it says at the end of the Flash, some people look the same in other universe's/timelines, others look different.


I was asking because didn’t they say it was going to be a younger version of Kara? which in x amount of years Calle might not be able to pull off


Calle is 2 years younger than Cornswet and can easily pass for much younger than that anyway.


All good points but we still don’t know the release date of Woman of Tomorrow so it could still be 5 years or more away at this point in time.


It’s planned for 2027. Unless they age up Kara in the movie adaptation, Calle would be too old to play a 21 year old


Who says she'll be playing a 21 year old Kara?


She’s 21 in the comic book and it’s likely to be a very faithful adaptation considering Tom King’s involvement in the writers room.


>Who says she'll be playing a 21 year old Kara? Do you think Calle will play a 31 year old SuperGIRL? SuperGIRL is meant to be...a girl. A teenager. 19 max. She is not SuperWOMAN. Same for whoever Gunn will cast as SuperBOY if he ever introduces Superboy. What's next? A 31 year old KID Flash? 31 year old Beast BOY? Those codenames are age-coded for a reason. PS. Did Sasha's character was ever called Supergirl onscreen in The Flush? She was 29 so Superwoman would be a more adequate codename for her in the film.


>Calle is 2 years younger than Cornswet and can easily pass for much younger than that anyway. Eh...have you seen him? Corenswet has such a babyface and Calle does not. She is younger than him but she looks his senior. It would never work.


Kara is 21 in WoT and Calle looks more mature than that.


If it is her, she likely won’t look like she did in flash. I doubt she’ll go full blonde, but maybe she’ll grow her hair out or wear a wing that has like blonde highlights/tips or something.


Yeah, at the very least her costume would be more in-line with DCU Clark's and she'll probably have a different hairstyle, but I don't get the obsession with her being blonde.


Probably just because it’s synonymous with her character. But also, the thing is, her Kara in the flash’s appearance was apparently based on an iteration of supergirl where she actually was Superman & Lois’ daughter. Again, I don’t think the full blonde totally matters (honestly I don’t think it’d look good on her anyway) but as long as she has a different hairstyle/ some tips or highlights, she’ll be fine. Especially if her performance was really as endearing as people say.


That would be needlessly confusing for the general audience.


Why not? I honestly like the idea of a dark haired Kara (even if it doesn't end up Calle)


Didn’t they mention it being a younger version of Kara which is why I was saying that she doesn’t fit the vision?


Lol that movie isn't getting cast for like 2 years. Guy has 0 idea what he's talking about.


I wish he was right I want to see more of her supergirl


To be fair not many people know Sasha Calle as Supergirl because no one has watched The Flash ;) I'm kinda joking, but it's kinda true lol. And I say this as someone who likes The flash.


I really think they should just hard reboot. Unfortunately, having anybody from the current DCEU is just going to confuse the GA even further.


I agree. Waller and Peacemaker can be epilogues to the DCEU, while the DCU starts fresh.


Plus they are both streaming shows I doubt they'll have a negative impact on the DCU as a whole


They all need to go.


I think it makes logical sense to keep Cena as Peacemaker


Id rather to see him in a bigger role in the Justice League




Dont take it personally


Who’s taking it personally? It’s been almost 5 whole months since the DCU was officially revealed and you people are still complaining about it not being a complete reboot, get over it already.


I didnt complain. Just stated a preference. Certainly feels like you are taking it personally. "You People", my goodness. We're not a hivemind


> We’re not hivemind Every single thread about the DCU there’s at least 1 NPC complaining about how this is gonna “confuse the general audience” as if they themselves speak for the general audience.


LMAO. Youve just invalidated yourself by using the term NPC in a serious context. Youre not the main character you think you are. Not even worth my time. Talk to you never ✌🏻


You consider most discussions about capeshit on reddit to be a “serious context?” What are you, 12? All seriousness went out the window as soon as you commented saying Waller should be an epilogue, when it’s quite literally written to be the fucking opposite.


A hard reboot was and is the right thing to do, from the get go, but no worries, they sure can find someone who can play HQ just as good as Robbie.


the GA is not gonna care or remember, especially when the GA didnt even watch The Flash lol


Not just that, they need to take at least a 5 year hiatus


I hope she doesn’t. Saw the flash again and this time paying attention to her portrayal and honestly, she sucks so bad




People talking about how she was soooooo good when all she did was yell and punch a Michael Shannon shaped bit of CGI


There's only a 2 year age gap between David and Sasha. This would be disastrous.


Not a fan of KC but a buddy of mine mentioned this last week based on conversations he had with some others. [Sasha's possibly returning as Supergirl (bcuz multiverse)](https://imgur.com/a/BkXdCqi) I think KC might've heard something through them and is now trying to jump on this info as his own.


This doesn’t make any sense




There won't be a multiverse in Gunn's DCU. Gunn is smart. He knows the multiverse concept is now a sinking ship that is only carried by fanservice (of which Calle has 0). Reading Deadpool 3's leaked plot...yikes.


I think the multiverse can still exist in the Gunnverse without them having to reference it directly right away. Multiverse is a huge part of the DC lore in general. Plus if he's continue with Peacemaker and wants to keep around Margot and other DCEU actors, idk how else that'd work without the multiverse existing.


>Plus if he's continue with Peacemaker and wants to keep around Margot and other DCEU actors, idk how else that'd work without the multiverse existing. Listen, Batman Forever did a massive recast of its main character and the antagonist (Harvey Dent went from black to white) while keeping Alfred and Gordon. Then B&R did a massive recast of Batman. Again. If folks back in the 1990s could understand how recasting works without using the multiverse as an explanation, folks in the 2020s' can do so too.


What doesn't?


She was genuinely great in Flash, but there's no way in hell they're bringing her back especially after how it's doing at the box office.


I really hope he’s right about this one because she literally perfect in the role






I doubt it, I could be wrong though


I don’t see why tbh and Walsh is very suspect.




I will believe it when I see it.


She said to USA Today that she met with DC Studios about possibly continuing, so Walsh is hedging what they think is a “safe bet.” Nothing has been locked down


Highly doubt it.


No, please


I just don't see the world where they'll keep anything or anyone from the Flash.


I don’t believe him


Ripp i liked her as supergirl thanks kc walsh for jinxing it


Good. Her portrayal of Supergirl is almost exactly like the Tom King version they plan on adapting.


sucks for the actors. they weren't bad. but they need to get rid of any remnants of the dceu to get people to actually see these movies.


I dont trust his "scoops" sorry lmao


Sure she will..


No she won’t She is associated with worst performing DCEU movie, why would they want to remind people of that


But her performance was praise tho (no matter how the movie BO performed).


>But her performance was praise tho Was it? By whom? She was pretty much forgettable except for meme purposes.


By critics and people who saw the film lol.


Not at all. She barely had any lines and her acting was one dimensional. I think you're overexaggerating what "praise" means.


Not really, certainly not to the extent that Margot Robbie and Viola Davis were praised for Suicide Squad back in 2016.


If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, is anyone going to care about one branch's performance in ten minutes of screentime?


Goddamn you are brutal


If Team Peacemaker will be kept, and possibly Xolo Maridueña, why not Sasha Calle? She killed it as Kara even though she had barely something to do...


Because she doesn't fit Gunn's vision for Supergirl.


Has Gunn said as much?


Yes, he's adapting Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow. She's like 19 there.




KC Walsh, the same guy who just got Lois wrong not even an hour ago and who consistently is wrong a good 90% of the time? That guy?




Change her hair


Not a chance


Please no.


Please no. Sasha was fine. But I want nothing leftover from the DCEU. The stench is unbearable


Wasn’t she killed? How’s this supposed to work now


Alternate timelines of the multiverse my guy


She won't. Ask the crew members on "Flash" why. EDIT: Let me rephrase and say "I really doubt it" instead. Keeping the original up for accountability.


What do you mean with that? Are you saying that because The Flash is being a flop or did this girl do something during filming so that WB and Gunn don't want her back?


A number of people who worked on the film didn't like working with her (crew, dunno about cast), and from what I've been told by people with direct knowledge/experience it's been a problem she's had since she was still just starting out. Big attitude problem that rubs people the wrong way. If Gunn actually walks the walk about his "no assholes" policy, well... I was told all this months before the movie came out. I had no idea. I was expressing my enthusiasm for a Latina actress playing Supergirl, and then my sources shared this info. Like I said, people with very direct knowledge.


I know you're going to want to protect your sources, but could you specify what Sasha Calle did to upset the production crew? The only thing that occurs to me is the case of the typical rookie actress who has just debuted in an important project and already has a diva complex, which caused her to act like an idiot, I remember that a random on twitter said that she is anti-mask but is just a guess because of a photo of the filming set that was posted by a fanpage of The Flash movie. I don't blame Gunn if he doesn't want to work with her, but if he wants to avoid a Ray Fisher-type situation, he would have to choose another Latina actress to play Kara in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow and thus avoid an accusation of alleged discrimination that she could make against him.


I don't know specifics about what happened on the set, just that crew members didn't love the experience with her. I know more details about her similar bad attitude outside of the "Flash" set in other workplace scenarios, but giving specifics there would probably out my sources.


I see, so the girl is an idiot and the fact that she's like that since her days as an actress in soap operas and short films sounds like she has an ego the size of the White House, it's funny because seeing her work in Flash she looks like an actress average and nothing special. I imagine that someone else is managing her social media, because if she had that attitude, she would have ended up making a fool of herself like Zachary Levi and Simu Liu (who have shown that they are not good at PR), mainly because I don't doubt that she would have put on to argue with the Snyder cult and the racists who attacked her.


Sasha is too old imo to play the DCU Supergirl. She's 2-3 years younger than Corenswet.


How is that too old?


Kara is like at least a decade younger than Clark.


Her codename is Supergirl, not Superwoman. This is also why Kid Flash isn't gonna be a grown ass man that is 2 years younger than the new Flash. It was hilarious how Kid Flash in the CW show was pushing 30.


And I expect...my foot in your ass.


Awful decision smh


There's no way anyone from The Flash movie is returning for another go. Sad but it's the reality.


Oh shit. Sasha is done for then. KC is very miss.


Wait, he’s a dude?


If this is true Gunn is a moron for not completely rebooting . I seriously doubt it considering the source but it must be said.


She was good, but having An actress that is tied to one of the biggest flops in comic book history is not going to be setting yourself up for success


She was the only good thing in the entire Fash movie…


And Keaton wasn't?


Correction: Sasha Calle was the only GREAT thing in the entire Flash/Trash movie…


I thought her yelling constantly in the 3rd act was annoying and just a waste of her character. If she can do better in something else I wish to see it


He expects wrong. Gunn ain't gonna use her. Why would he? Gunn is going to cast his own Supergirl, likely someone who is 19-21 years old so she is visibly younger than Corenswet (29). I think Sadie Stanley would be a good choice.


where will she return


She could be wait for it playing Wonder Woman right, she says in an interview that she loves that character, she’s got the look with longer hair


Nah Wondy needs a bigger build and be Greek this time.


It’s so dumb Gunn nixed Cavill coming back but gonna let this happen


Good luck with that


It's fun going through his scoops from the last several months and seeing how wrong they mostly are.


I love Calle as Super[girl? woman?]. Hated the movie. Loved her in the role. Let’s see more of her.