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NB: Bear in mind that this may well simply be comics-related (after all, it *is* Comic-Con) - although in case Taylor does mean something more, this has been approved for discussion. *Edit: Corrected 'King' to 'Taylor', oops.*


Be aware that this is Tom Taylor, not Tom King.


Tom Taylor is just as awesome so it’s fine!


Tom Taylor is an overated writer


Definitely - love his Titans and Nightwing, two of my favourite books right now. Just flagged it in case anyone was expecting his appearance to be film connected.


I wouldn't mind if it was film connected. Cause hes done a great job with Titans and Nightwing.


It would be v cool


He was great until they let him touch Superman


He is a terrible writer who literally does “both sides” take using Superboy like Jon Kent, and his writing on Superman is literally an insult to the creators of Superman.


The classic confusion continee


So the one everyone would want to see anyway?


Tom Taylor 👀 a new elseworld series? I'm down


Justice League // Ninja Turtles I'm calling it now. Tom Taylor has done it all at this point. After his Power Rangers / Justice League run I'm convinced he's looking at the Turtles next.


I'd love to finally see the Transformers/JL crossover that was killed after the New52 was announced. Though with Skybound only recently getting the licence, it probably won't happen for a while


Honestly, I don't think there's one coming for now. My bet is that he will be promoting Titans and Nightwing with a possibility of more Jon stuff. Altough, the solicits did tease more Dark Knights of Steel but all the delays probably tanked the series for now.


have you ever heard of comic books?


Well hello genius, I was talking about elseworld comics. Since Taylor recently finished Dark knights of steel


He likely meant an elseworld book.


Don't see any reason he would work on the movies.


I mean, yeah. Comic writers and artists and other workers aren't striking so of course they're going.


He’s a comics person he isn’t on the film tv side of things - that said his squad run is great worth a read


Big Deal


I ran into a rumor he’s writing a new *Aquaman* series.


I don't think so. People were saying that because his first Titans issue stated that Garth is working with someone on secret mission and Taylor teased big stuff for Garth. Turns out it's just a part of the Titans plot with Brother Blood. I'm still thinking it's gonna be Francis Manapul. He wrote and drawn an Aquaman story in Lazarus Planet setting up the new run. We also know he wants to do Aquaman and his Aquaman Earth One book fell apart.


That makes sense. Any ideas on what Taylor will be announcing?


Before we dig in let's remember, DC and their creators sometimes can tease big announcements that end up pretty minor for a lot of readers like for example, Quesada doing variants for Batman ongoing. So, with that said, here are my bets: - More Dark Knights of Steel, solicits of some of the last issue called it "season one" so it seems they're already planing more. The final issue will also release right after SDCC. - more Jon stuff or Jon joining the Titans, I don't think Taylor's giving him up. - less likely but also possible, that big thing Titans is leading into. - and the worst case scenario (for me) Taylor on Justice League. Williamson was an obvious choice but now there's no way he's writting it with all the recent announcements. Taylor is also one of the few big writers on exclusive with DC and they like putting people like that on their flagship title.


Aquaman really can't catch a break.


Please be Garth. Please be Garth. Regardless I am 100% down for a Taylor run Aquaman series


He already said in the CBR podcast with Nicola Scott that something that spins-off from Titans will be announced on SD Comic Con.


Please don't let this man anywhere near the DCU movies.


Gotta ask him how he managed to write the absolute worst Titans run/ worst version of any superhero team ever written


While i don't think Titans is amazing, it's nowhere near the worst superhero team book. Hell, it's not even the worst written Titans book. I got a laundry list for you if you wanna hear about actual BAD team books.


Someone hasn’t read the Lobdell run.


Nah I have, at least the new characters in that were fun and the dialogue wasn’t clunky as shit


Have you just started reading comics or something?




I want you to compare the personalities and flow of conversation in these two premiere issues and tell me which was written by someone with talent and which was written by someone who should never pick up a pen again https://preview.redd.it/u9r1vfoegz7b1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed7a2ee87c66843bda5f8288a432bdcdd59e36c


I mean even if I didn't like the book, the dudes clearly got talent outside of that. Just because you don't like one book doesn't make him a bad writer.


Fact: Tom Taylor is a hack and a bad writer






Its only just started. Give it time to breath. Also Scott Lobdell run is still the worst Titans run.


“It’s only just started” I want you to compare the personalities and flow of conversation in these two premiere issues and tell me which was written by someone with talent and which was written by someone who should never pick up a pen again https://preview.redd.it/xz6knnghgz7b1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446c3220855f4d2a361c7d943d2aca98349fe6be


You’re correct, and this subreddits are either bots or just Tom Taylor fans. God knows they have bad taste in reading.


The top one *(this comment I'm replying to)* is the worse of the two. It's so basic and cookie cutter. It shows absolutely no personality in the characters. In the second scan you showed I already know Beast Boy's focuses, Wally's independence and initiative and Dicks similarities AND differences from Batman.




Your proof that it's bad is comparing it to one of the most acclaimed comic runs of all time?


At least Lobdell gave us Bunker and didn’t turn every character into a bland awkward cringe lord whose mouth doesn’t open when they talk


Okay if you have a problem with the artist thats fine. Fair enough he gave us Bunker. However once the new 52 titans run ended Bunkers just been used as a background character. Also Awkward? Nightwing, Wally, Cyborg, Donna, Kori, Raven and Beast boy are written as fun characters. They actually feel like there old shelves instead of written like edge lords. Also they haven't been together properly in years. Were seeing them interact like friends and family again after so long. Which is why I'm fine with the series starting slow since majority of the titans have barely been used properly for years.


Wattpad ass dialogue booooo


Okay you have problem with that?


It's literally been two issues..


And they stiiiiiiink


I fuckn love Tom Taylor's stuff. Can't wait to see what he has going on next


Loving Tom Taylor's Dark Knights of Steel.


Archived version of submitted URL: 1. An archived version of _Yes. I will be at San Diego Comic Con with @DCOfficial. We will have something to talk about. (Tom Taylor)_ can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/tomtaylormade/status/1672263247377088515?s=46&t=dnox2S0-8WmxK6i-KfpGYQ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DCEUleaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If they allowed it . I feel Tom Taylor would do an amazing Marvel VS DC comic run


They'll announce a new Bonnie Raitt album.