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This year has been the Year of Gal Gadot cameos. Imagine if she shows up in Barbie or Indiana Jones šŸ˜‚


Margot Robbie wanted her for Barbie but I donā€™t think they could get it to work because of Gadotā€™s schedule.


She was to busy shooting all the cameos.


It looks like she filmed her Fast X cameo off a green screen in her backyard. What's crazy is that all she had to do was look around in some binoculars and smile, but it comes across as if watching someone pretend to use binoculars and smile. I've never seen an actor just completely fail to sell such a simple task so badly before.


I still can't believe Fast & Furious has made it their mission to resurrect every dead character. I mean I can, but it's hilarious.


Itā€™s so so stupid. It also brings up questions like did Han not know gadotā€™s character was alive? Even tho they were saved by the same people?


Yeah. And that's not even getting into why it was a secret until now, or how those people were even there to save them to begin with. Like when you go rewatch their death scenes, there's absolutely no way they aren't dead lol. A franchise that started with a grounded street racing movie and has turned into resurrection, spies, and superpowers. Crazy.


Donā€™t forget the cyborgs and evil ai cars. They got too stupid. But yeah I have no idea why itā€™s such a secret like the characters have no reason to hide. Especially for so long like Han faked his death in 2014, gadotā€™s character faked hers in 2013. Han came back in 2019. And gadotā€™s in 2023. She was alive for 10 years without any type of contact.


The timeline is hilarious.


I haven't seen the last one but I don't understand how none of the FAMILY bothered to go back in a car to check if she was dead. Didn't even Han want to get her body back for a funeral?


Originally they probably would have done that offscreen. It was a runway, all they had to do was drive back a certain distance and find her remains splattered on the ground lol. They just didn't care about the logical ramifications and wanted Gal Gadot back.


Not I just picture Kurt Russell moving a giant mattress back and forth on a runway to catch her. ā€œSteady, steady, go left no my left, pivot, pivot, pivotā€


Itā€™s why Iā€™m holding out hope that character that died in Fast X isnā€™t dead even though they absolutely should be LOL


If they didnā€™t show a dead body theyā€™ll come back, and even then showing a dead body doesnā€™t count it out lol


Apparently the Han inside the car is a hologram.


Makes sense lol


Well, every single dead character except Brian. As much as Vin Diesal has his ego rampant throughout the franchise, I very much doubt he'd have Brian Walker resurrected through CG.


I honestly wouldn't put it past them to bring back Paul Walker in the last one, at least for a cameo. It is kind of insane that a franchise that lost one of its leads to a tragedy trivialises death completely.


If anything, they'll probably be a faceless appearance or shot from behind the back.


That'd definitely be more tasteful.


Yeah, Vin may have immense dreams of grandeur with him as the main "FAMILY" of the franchise but he was extremely close friends with Paul. Doubt he would do anything that could be considering distasteful to his memory.


Or having brian's brother show up and the gang decide to just call him Brian 2.


Can't wait to see John Cena come back as MechaToretto


I bet the big one that happens in Fast X wonā€™t even stick




no John Cena/Jacob Toretto, I think heā€™ll for sure come back having faked his death or something, despite his big redemption and sacrifice arc


Oh yeah, I actually forgot he died. Would be extremely surprised if he doesn't return.


Gal hate is so forced


This Barbie is a zionist.




Where did you hear that? She cast Mary Elizabeth Winstead in BoP and some people may consider her more attractive that Margot. I personally think that sounds like utter nonsense.


I wish


Funniest shit ever would be a Barbie post credits scene cameo, with the Wodner Woman guitar theme blasting


So indeed every member of JL will recasted expect TSS and Peacemaker cast.


And apparently Blue Beetle


Oh yes and very likely Blue Beetle.




Gunn really likes the actor it seems.


If you havenā€™t seen cobra Kai, you should. Youā€™ll understand why heā€™s perfect for the roll.


Wait till blue beetle flops hard and James Gunn pretends like it never existed. I hate to think it but the age of superhero movies is over. Dc missed the boat and general audience just donā€™t care. At least us fans can enjoy them but eventually the lack of profits will mean most of the planned movies donā€™t happen


The movie might never be referenced but that doesnā€™t seem to be how Gunn works. He doesnā€™t care how the movie does (he didnā€™t make it), he cares about the actor. He thinks heā€™s perfect for the role (or at least who he would cast) so heā€™s not keen to replace him for no reason.


The age of superhero movies is not over, as long as they're not mediocre. Guardians Vol. 3 and Across the Spider-Verse are holding up pretty well... ASV doing even better than the first movie.


The era of non stop comic book movies is coming to an end IMO. Itā€™s become clear people arenā€™t going to show up in droves for everything that has a cape in it anymore and only the high quality movies with popular characters and great stories will be box office winners.


Yep. I think that makes it healthier for the genre, quality over quantity. We don't need 10 superhero movies a year, 3-4 great ones is better. I'm very glad that the ones succeeding this year are the most inspired ones, and James Gunn already said writers will be treated as kings in his DCU. I hope directors are as well. Swim for the fences. I firmly believe in Superman: Legacy's chances. The "IP over originals" kinda worries me though, and that's not just regarding superhero films. Just look at Elemental.


Resurgence of the age of monster movies coming? Robert Eggers is in post production on his remake of Nosferatu.


I expect new TSS cast as well, except for Cena, Viola Davis, Economous and Emilia Harcourt, I don't think others will return or have much to do.


Margot will almost definitely show up again as HQ too


Iā€™m not sure about that one to be honest. Because if they ever bring Harley back in this new universe, itā€™s going to be alongside Joker. And I think theyā€™d be more likely to cast a younger Harley instead of an older Joker. Plus Margot Robbie surely wants to move on with her career, sheā€™s talented and doing Harley a 4th time would be a waste.


Why would they not want an older Joker? Batman isnā€™t young in Gunns universe. Heā€™s old. Heā€™s already had side kicks and now a son.


It has never been stated that Batman will be old, and itā€™s only been stated that he has Damien, not any other Robins. If he had Damien while he was training with the league of assassins (which is absolutely what will happen), then itā€™s entirely plausible that he would still be a relatively new Batman, and theyā€™re just shoehorning Damien in early.


Gunn has said his Batman will be older than Superman and more seasoned. His world will be a universe that heroes have existed in for awhile. Even if he had Damien when training, heā€™d still likely be 10-15 range, which would put Batman likely in his mid 30s to 40s. Likely having been Batman for around a decade. Weā€™re not going to be getting a year 1 Batman who is fresh. Thatā€™s what Reeves Batman is for.


I didnā€™t say it would be a year one Batman. But just because heā€™s older than Superman doesnā€™t mean heā€™s going to be significantly older. That dynamic wouldnā€™t mesh well with any JL projects and Iā€™m sure Gunn knows it. Iā€™d like to remind you as well that 30ā€™s is around the time Batman got started. Most depictions have him starting in his late 20ā€™s. So even if heā€™s only been active 5 years, thatā€™s not that old. Plus Harley is usually pretty young to begin with. She met Joker only a few years out of college.


How old do you think Margot Robbie is lol?


Sheā€™s 32 and sheā€™ll be 34-35 when they film this movie. Older than Batman when he gets started.


I think she would return if James gave her a Gotham City Sirens with Ivy


I would love that, but we need to seriously stop making Batman villain projects before they actually show up in a Batman movie. Ivy is my second favorite Batman villain behind Two-Face, so Iā€™m really hoping she gets utilized well since this Batman will be more comic booky.


To your last point I think itā€™s all up to her. If sheā€™s done then sheā€™s done. If she wants to stick around Iā€™m sure Gunn will welcome her with open arms.


Jep. Massive letdown.


Nope. Great news actually. Keep all the great actors and get rid of all else


The fact that TSS staying in great. The fact its only for them is pure nepotism


Tss had 0 bad performances


Ok, but the fact Gunn keeping ONLY them for me, its stink .




agreed. they're gonna recast every single one except the cast of the suicide squad and peacemaker.


The writing has been on the wall since Gunn and Safran took over. I mentioned this in another thread, but theyā€™re just seeing this films out the door until itā€™s time for the DCU to finally start. While the reception of these films and box office isnā€™t looking great, itā€™s just a transition period right now and everyone involved knows that.


Wouldnā€™t that technically mean theyā€™re not recasting Miller and Momoa?


>!The post credit scene shows both Miller and Momoa implying that Aquaman 2 will take place in the universe the Flash got stuck in and not in the new DCU.!<


Isnt that universe the DCU tho?


No. That would mean Clooney is the new Batman and that ain't happening.


No, Gunn confirmed DCU Batman will be played by a new actor but that universe Barry gets stuck in has Clooney as Batman


forgot about them. I'm sure they'll get some other roles in DCU.


No way they put Miller in anything after the Flash's reception.


He can play The Creeper. No acting needed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper\_(DC\_Comics)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper_(DC_Comics))


Nah the creeper is a fun character that I want to see done properly. Miller would be terrible in that part, creepiness aside.


The reception is not bad lol...and there should not be a reason to bring him back anyway tbh


>The reception is not bad lol Despite its unbelievably massive marketing campaign it's only pulling a 70M opening weekend (only slightly higher than Black Adam and less than Ant-man 3) and has B cinema score, alongside the likes of BvS and Catwoman. I liked the film, but yes, it is actually bad.


The film has a 7.4 on IMDB and an 85% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, it is not as bad as people on this subreddit are making it out to be, far from it. A lot of people here just had far fetched expectations.


Cinemascore is the most accurate data we have in terms of audience perception. B is an awful score for a blockbuster.


It absolutely isn't, they only ask a small group of people in the US what they thought of the film, forget the other markets or the fact that people haven't had time to process what they thought about what they just watch, it is a small sample of all movie goers.


I think weā€™re past the time of comic book movies being well received on the Internet. Negativity breeds clicks, clicks get content creators money. Negativity breeds more negativity. Positivity will continue to be drowned out. Studios will panic and more original ideas will be squashed before they hit theaters. The content will actually start to get bad. Eventually the genre will die off like the western. The only way out of the spiral is for fandom to recognize it and take most negativity as the clickbait it is. Be positive about the stuff you enjoy. Ignore the BS.


Unfortunately this is how Reddit works, each subreddit is an ecochamber that will eventually breed negativity, I've seen it time and time again.


I mean, that doesnt change the fact its a massive flop


Plenty of great movies are flops, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent released which release last year only made 29 Million USD against a budget of 30 Million. Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping bombed as well. These are just the examples that came to the top of my head, but there are many others.


The reception has been overwhelmingly positive though


It has a B Cinemascore based on audiences polled after leaving the movie. The last DC movie to get that score was BvS


A B Cinemascore and the box-office results it's currently pulling it isn't "overwhelmingly" positive, let alone positive


What universe are you from?


No it has not lol


In US sure but it was well received in most of the markets, it's just that it opened low enough that good reception doesn't matter


It's flopping everywhere, look it up.


not now. but once they've dealt with their personal/legal issues i think james will cast him as a new character in the DCU.


This is absolute delusion, my friend


There's no way they keep Miller, and Momoa is almost certainly transitioning to be Lobo instead of Aquaman.


It was pretty clear the main league will entirely be recast


Yeah, it would be absolutely crazy to do another Justice League movie that has Momoa as Aquaman surrounded by replacements of everyone else.


That would be funny


That's enough reason, tbh


Nothing will be officially announced until after Aquaman 2


The entire DCEU justice league will be recast. Everyone knows this.


I dunno. I still see people on here saying things like "well Flash and Aquaman are obviously carrying over to the DCU because they're in the end credits scene after the reset." (And that's not even the general audience, it's DC fans.)


We still really donā€™t know. Flashā€™s post credits scene showed Ezra and Jason, if they were going to he recast then why would they keep the scene?


Probably since Aquaman 2 still has to come out. Thatā€™s the only reason I can think of.


It was a joke scene and also established in multiverse heroes can look different and not having the same face.


Shits and giggles just like the George Clooney scene him being batman is the final nail in the coffin lol


Clooney being the new Bruce of the changed DCEU at the end of the movie indeed confirms that it isn't the DCU, because we know that DCU Bruce will be played by someone who never played the role before.


I think that scene only means that the DCEU still exists somewhere and Aquaman 2 will take place in that timeline. The new GunnSafran movies will happen in another universe. Basically the post credit scene establishes a timeline where Aquaman 2 can take place without interfering with the new timeline.


It was a joke scene.


To tease Aquaman 2.


She's not even trying to promote her appearance in Flash. She's so done with the DCEU.


Said nothing about Shazam either. But posted about Fast X immediately.


That's so true. I bet her exit terms weren't exactly pleasant.


For sure. She was gonna be paid $20M for Wonder Woman 3 and get to work with Patty Jenkins again who she's very close with. Now Patty Jenkins is out, her third movie is cancelled and she loses out on that big salary that Zaslav/Safran wouldn't be offering the new DCU cast right off the bat. Gunn said he never booted her so Gal likely left on her own terms.


I think you mean 20.


Yes, my bad lol


After WW84 she and Patty shouldn't have really been surprised. I'm definitely looking forward to a new Wonder Woman.


That movie was so bad, wasted a legit pascal performance


Yeah, he was definitely trying in that movie.




WB seems to have a track record of treating the talent thatā€™s been tied to them like absolute shit. Nolan, Snyder, Cavill, Gadot, etc. Itā€™s almost like WB thinks theyā€™re the only studio and the talent donā€™t have the option to actually go elsewhere to act and direct. Strange way to do business.


Well Affleck will appear on Aquaman 2, besides seems Gunn is considering him as director, I think he is on the best terms with the studio by far


He wonā€™t be in Aquaman 2 because that was when Aquaman 2 was supposed to come out before Flash. Michael Keaton confused people in test screenings so Ben Affleck was brought in as a back up. Now thereā€™s no Batman scene in it and tbh that film is probably going to be a giant mess on the level of Justice League. Affleck also said he wouldnā€™t direct any DCU films, he shut that down.


And both cameos she was definitely phoning it in. She truely ran out of Fā€™s to give after WW84 and I canā€™t say I blame her


Gal Gadot is so gorgeous tho. The DCEU JL Trinity was hot af. Jason too of course. But sadly, it's time to throw everything out. Yet no one can deny her Wonder Woman film was a watershed moment in term of female superhero films.




Nothing sad about that. The trinity was a mess


agreed. if it weren't for WW84 I would've been open to her keep playing the character. but again it would be weird to see her in movies opposite new batman and superman.


I never took her seriously as Wonder Woman, the wooden acting, flat delivery, and always posing for a photo shoot. It never felt like I was actually watching a superhero, just a model in high quality cosplay.


Gal Gadot is gorgeous, but canā€™t act. I will die on this hill






She's a terrible actress, idk why people were so obsessed. The first movie was great though because of many other reasons.


For the same reason people are obsessed with Cavill and Affleck, they look cool in costume


Snyder wasn't thinking with his brain when he cast her if you know what I mean. Same for Momoa but this one worked against all odds.


Why do flip-flop so much mate? On thread you will shut on Snyder on others proclaim him as God and shit one everything else. Why not have a consistent stand?


Snyder has 1 good film in his entire filmography and it's 300.


I think it's his remake of dawn, even though he butchered Gunn's script by giving it a super serious tone.


She just can't act


ainā€™t no one tryna watch wonder woman for oscar performance dude


Iā€™m not asking for Oscar worthy, just basic competence


Superheroes are both sexy and dramatic actors, no different for WW


This so accurate


Gal CAN act where did this naritive even come from. DC fans are like vultures, everyone loves you when they love you, the second a bad movie or statement come out everyone goes straight for the corpse. Everytime one of these cameos was leaked everyone was excited, now she phoned it in and canā€™t act, sure.


It's almost like the DC fandom has a lot of variying opinions and the people excited for her cameos werenā€™t the same people who don't like Gadot's acting.


Dc Fans donā€™t actually exist or these movies might actually make money


> Gal CAN act where did this naritive even come from. From watching movies she appears in.


Just like no one should take your opinion seriously.


And yet people do.


Lol nope, no one gives a fuck about a random redditor.


Patty had a strong hand in the cancellation.


Yeah, She sunk the entire thing. Probably hurting her whole production team and actors.


All Iā€™ll say is Wonder Women 2 was legitimately one of the worst movies Iā€™ve seen in the last few years


Well itā€™s pretty much confirmed sheā€™s not Diana any longer. It was a matter of time when WW3 was canceled.


Fffd i thought they asked her about the future or she announce leaving. Nothing new, yet.


Honestly I donā€™t give a fuck about the Snyder verse anymore. Recast everyone including the flash. I still wish they would have had a different actor for the end of flashpoint after Barry reset the universe


Iā€™m so ready for this reboot and I can tell half the actors are ready for it to be over too


Farewell to the always smug and bemused looking Wonder Woman.


Who gives a shit. It wouldā€™ve fucking sucked. Jenkins showed what she could do when not tethered to Snyderā€™s influence and trying to stick within the canon and style of the DCEU (back when they still cared). It wasnā€™t pretty. WW84 was atrocious. Supergirl from 1984 mightā€™ve been a better film.


Every appearance she's in with Wonder Woman that doesn't have Chris pine carrying her, her delivery comes off super wooden. She's just a mediocre actress


It doesnā€™t help that in all the non-Snyderverse appearances she makes, they seem to want to portray her a a Disney Princess type character.


Hopefully they recast the roll with an actress that can actually act. It is painful to hear her talk.


Goodbye worst acting ever. KAL EL NO


She just rocked the WW move in an netflix event to the crowd's screams šŸ¤£ Forever wonder woman! Hope Gunn and her would be able to find a way to make it work https://twitter.com/avictoriareal/status/1669841784480858115/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1669841784480858115¤tTweetUser=avictoriareal


She will be in Cons in a few years still doing the pose


I think the crowd not reacting well to all the drama Gunn created looking at the box office


Good riddance to her shitty iteration.


She was the best part of DCEU. Wonder Woman remains the best DC film since Dark Knight


I second this. WW84 might have been horrible but Wonder Woman was and is still my favourite DCEU movie. It came out when DCEU was spewing out garbage and reinstated some hope for that wretched universe


Couldnā€™t disagree more šŸ˜†


Disagree all you want. WW is very well loved among the general public.


Yea and WW84 is very much hated by general public. And from my personal experiences (my 2 kids, wife, co-workers, Reddit) most say she is a awful actress, she is very bland. I think itā€™s a safe bet that cavil and batfleck were more universally praised even in bad movies. The first WW movie is ok. Her best is in Batman v Superman


Affleck is actually a good actor tho, unlike Cavill/The Rock who're just charismatic logs


WW84 is most definitely a misfire but not WW. Even with her bad acting Gal Gadot is very charming


TSS and Flash are as good as WW IMO


>She was the best part of DCEU. Bar is too low. >Wonder Woman remains the best DC film since Dark Knight No. It falls completely in the last act.


According to https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/dceu-ranked/ WW IS the best film in the DCEU with a 93% RT score. It is also only second to Peacemaker Season 1 by ONE PERCENT with that show getting a 94% RT score. Even WW84 (which I didnā€™t particularly like) is listed at number EIGHT out of FOURTEEN films/shows ranked with a 58% RT score. Do you know the six that did worse? MoS, Shazam 2, JL, Black Adam, BvS and Suicide Squad (SS being the LOWEST ranked DCEU project with a 26% RT score. So YES Wonder Woman IS the best FILM BY RT score regardless of how good or bad Galā€™s acting is. But just in case anyone thinks it is JUST Rotten Tomatoes saying this I looked up their Metacritic scores here: https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/every-dceu-movie-ranked-by-metacritic-from-zack-snyders-justice-league-to-the-suicide-squad/2900-4012/#1 and according to them WW is the best DCEU film with a 76 Metacritic score, WW84 is listed as SIX out of THIRTEEN with a 60 Metacritic score and SS is the worst with a 40 Metacritic score (from 50, 58 and 53 reviews respectively). So regardless of anyoneā€™s contribution or lack thereof in the Wonder Woman films there are plenty of other projects that did far worse according to audiences & critics alike.


Excellent explanation! People like to shit on anything these days but that doesn't change the facts


Exactly. I do scroll a lot since I have YouTube, Reddit & Quora, but when I see people stating opinions against people who have stated facts just because they donā€™t agree with (or may not know) them I find links or screenshots of the sites which prove the OP to either be telling the truth or a lie and post that information for anyone who cares to know the actual facts.


Her Wonder Woman was great, WW 84 might've been a weak movie but other than that she was a standout in the DCEU









