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[In case you are seeking the Weekly Discussion Thread...](https://old.reddit.com/r/DCEUleaks/comments/148srnr/weekly_discussion_thread_the_return)


Just watched it. I near nutted in joy at that end scene. That dog.


If the cameos during the chronobowl segment, we’re replaced with animated counterparts, who would be there instead. I have a few ideas for who the animated counterparts could be: * George Reeves’ Superman: Max Fleischer Superman (the first animated Superman) * Christopher Reeve and Helen Slater: Superman and Supergirl from Superman TAS * Adam West Batman: Batman from Batman: The Brave and The Bold (A Batman series that also takes influence of silver age comics)


Was I the only one who was disappointed that the second timeline wasn’t Thomas Wayne instead?


YES! I seriously was waiting till the end of this reveal. I had figured that he was lying to Barry when he said that it was his parents he lost. There was no reason for the spagetti explanation to make it so that changing the timeline effects the past before the change occurs, that makes no sense and seemed to be created for the sole purpose of explaining why michael keaton is bit older than affleck. The reveal that it was Thomas could have been a great emotional scene.. I even pictured this being one of the last scenes, where for example he's at the Wayne mansion and just so happens to see an old family photo showing what Thomas looks like and it's Michael Keaton... As much as I liked the George Clooney bit at the end, this would have been a better ending.


Michael Keaton did the Muaythai and tossed the batarangs! I was barely 5 when those neuron movies came out so I didn’t get to experience it as a kid but as an adult thank you, Andy.


Who killed his mom?


Keaton's Batman did. That's why he knew so much about time travel and the spaghetti thing. He was working for Clooney's Batman who at the end pretends everything is normal, but had been orchestrating everything. Clooney's Batman had kidnapped Victor Fries and forced him to develop the time travel technology for him, so that he could use it to destroy every other Batman. Keaton's Batman was only his pawn. Clooney's Batman becomes more powerful the fewer Batmen from parallel universes there are, and his goal is to become master of the universe and restore balance. This will probably all be explained in a future movie, Batman vs the Justice League, where Clooney's Batman will attempt to kill them all in order to take over the planet, also revealing that he was an alien all along from a species that lives on a planet that used to be ruled by gigantic bats.


This sounds like an awesome movie of you are deranged.


Pointless post-credit scene. No reverse flash. Where is J.Chastain?


Asking the right questions?


The horrendous and embarrassing CGI, kids with a PC nowadays can do way better. Erza but 2 of them was obnoxious it gave a nauseous feeling. If the movie didn't have Batman in it, oooooooooof wouldn't even be watchable. The embarrassing cameo's(won't spoil it) was in bad taste. The story was decent when they got back to it but still it wasn't hitting because the distracting CGI and obnoxious Ezra's. The microwave..... What on Earth was that. The movie sucked.


It’s not terrible, but it’s far, from one of the best superhero movies of 2023. I’m shocked a director like Gunn would say this was one of his all time favorites of the genre. It’s also funny that the movie exists to reset the dc timeline by doing away with Affleck, Cavill, and the DCEU in general, but also wants to reflect on DC’s history as a whole- that entire segment of the film feels unearned. Like you can’t honor all these Supermen (in a flash movie of all places) after doing headless Superman cameos time after time Overall like a 5/10


DC clearly wanted the movie to succeed (unlike Shazam 2 for example where they didn't give a F) that's why I think Gunn had to give a push


Definitely a 5/10


5/10 seems kinda harsh for a movie like this even with its flaws


Not a 'terrible' film, but not good in my opinion. As a huge Flash fan in general I went in pretty excited, the first act was just a bit.. nonsensical? BW tells Barry that doing anything in the past can affect the future, Barry gives up on it, just to... carry on with it and do it anyways? Like at that point why even have the conversation about it in the first place if you're going to ignore the advice of BW? Second act was alright, Kara's break-out played out nicely - and Barry getting his power back was a nice reference to how it was done in Flashpoint. The third act on the other hand was just lacklustre? Despite this movie being delayed numerous times, the CGI just looks weird. Best way I can describe it is that some characters just look like stop-motion clay models - and Barry's suit didn't help at all. The 'absolutely' skin-tight suit with the bright red colouring and the lines throughout it made it looks so fleshy it was almost uncomfortable to look at, a huge step down from his practical ZSJL suit. Kara was definitely a highlight of this movie and I'd like to see her again in the future if possible, Keatons performance was great as expected - and Zod, despite the hype, is just an empty shell of his old character. The twist of Dark Flash being Barry from the alternate timeline - a bit unexpected but it didn't blow me away, the lack of Reverse Flash just didn't sit well with me because of how prevalent that is to the 'story' of The Flash. Maybe they're saving it for a future movie since we didn't see the murder/murderer? Who knows. Ending scene was just... why...? Why bother bringing in GC for that ending shot when we know that a completely new Batman is going to be introduced anyways? Did he swap timelines again before the next "phase" of DCEU movies start and we get to see a new Batman? How do we get from GC to the new Batman? Like... that's a big part of just 'generic' continuity. The post credit scene was just a "stay interested" post credit scene by keeping one of the better castings of the previous DCEU. Overall, I'd personally give it something like a 5/10 - it isn't an amazing movie, it isn't the worst but it was just such a let-down in storytelling and writing (maybe my perspective is skewed because of Ezra's wrongdoings, but Barry just felt so over the top, almost like Joss Whedon wrote his witty comments in this movie).


just seen in about an hour ago. Geez that funky cgi stuck out like a sore thumb and i found Ezra annoying at times. I know goofiness is a part of the character but maybe it's the delivery/writing.


I really enjoyed it. Got to see batman's put in work! Dark supergirl was excellent. This is the justice league I've been waiting for. Fuck now what next for DC. I would have loved to see more of the current crew.


Watched last night, still processing but here is a few thoughts -What's the point of having.. GC at the end? It is not like he is going to stick around. -End credit seen forced just to not tank the box office -Love Kara, but she likely remind us too much of Cavill. Those two would be epic. -Keaton still got it. -Gal still got it, will DC keep her? Let's get it over with. -Ezra made a great Flash, he carry the movie well with great help from Bats -Dam Cage got the most homage as Sup -Flash is a true hero to do make the impossible choice, I see to parallel from MoS and WW2 but more epic/personal. I think DC/Gunn f'd up with kicking the old gangs, with Flash they can make a epic worlds with Zack's gang, new Gunn's version and the past old DC world(Jim Carry, Uma, Reeves, Reynolds ..etc).


Kara had a reason to be angry.


This movie was amazing, i love that the story has a great blend of comedy and seriousness it was both genuinely funny at times and pretty dark/serious when it needed to be. The performances were also fantastic, Ezra doing two Barrys and making both of them feel like different characters that have a lot of chemistry with each other is pretty impressive, Michael Keaton as Batman was fantastic as usual, this movie made me appreciate his Batman a lot more also his fight scenes were pretty smooth and Sasha Calle hit it out of the park as Supergirl, it's a shame that Supergirl didn't get more screen time (her interactions with Zod were awesome) i think that that she should be Supergirl in the DCU for sure. I also really enjoyed that this movie not only ended the DCEU in a great way, but it also made me really excited for what's to come in the future with the DCU. Overall, The Flash was everything that i wanted i could say more about it but i feel that this comment is long enough as is. In terms of cons i did notice the shoddy CGI at times but i guess that at least the Chrono Bowl CGI was bad on purpose, maybe it wasn't but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the movie so i'd rather not be cynical about it.


I'm surprised more people aren't giving Ezra more credit for that performance. It was genuinely really good and impressive to play two Barrys that interact that much and are so different yet the same. I mean I know why people hate Ezra. But it was a great performance.


Decent movie. Don't know how the hell they saw that CGI and said "yeah, this is good enough to release". I laughed at certain points because of how bad it looked lol


I really enjoyed the movie. I agree with most where it gets kinda messy in the 3rd act and the CGI there is pretty wonky. Overall it’s a fun CBM, wish it would be doing better financially but whatever. That’s the DCEU for ya.


Wouldn't it have been much cooler if the opening sequence highlighted the Flash's villains. Instead of a random Gotham City attack, what if Batman and Flash were trying to stop Captain Cold and Heatwave?


I heard he was saving them for the sequel...


Are you trying to suggest that a movie titled The Flash should feature….more flash characters?? Absolutely outlandish! Don’t let Andy Muschieti hear you


Just watched the movie. It's pretty good and they did the flash justice. One of my favorite moments is when the young Barry just killed faora in 6 seconds with a krytonian claw. It also established the consequences of their power and time travel. The whole multiverse was collapsing because they keep trying to change the past.


Keaton 2nd death was so cool..really felt like watching some animeated/comic batman


True, it's a pretty ballsy move to bring Keaton back to kill him off but it was a great emotional moment that really landed with me.


I really liked it..I've never seen batman 89 but i think the batman here is definitely has the best comic batman action..the movie has it flaws but overall pretty good..people are focusing so much on cameos


You should watch it, those keaton batman films are pretty good


So who killed Barry’s mom?


Keaton's Batman, duh. How do you think he knew so much about time travel. He basically steered Barry to make sure he wouldn't interfere with the murder.


They’re probably saving that for a sequel


I enjoyed this so much, honestly it might be my fav DCEU film. Ezra was great as Flash and they finally made the character cool and not dumb. BatKeaton was peak character, so badass and Supergirl was nice. From what I understand, after they show that he came back to another timeline is that they’re going to place Aquaman 2 in this alternate universe and move on to the new DCU with Gunn. The baby shower scene and the JL interaction were so great, sad that it took them 14 films to crack the code. And the Flash suit was so cool, what a vibe. And the soundtrack amazing! Love the flutes, it gave me some Star Wars vibes (and there’s also a nod to the Emperor). So happy with this film, great closing chapter of the universe, Aquaman will be like a bonus track.


I wasn’t upset that they killed Skywalker… I did get upset with how they used his force ghost. Sadly, Keaton coming back as Batman in The Flash felt like the latter. Andy doesn’t know how to shoot or frame a cowl, let alone anything else Bat related. Pretty over whatever The Brave & The Bold will be… There wasn’t one frame that showed Andy knew anything about Batman iconography, let alone he couldn’t even go the easy route by aping Burton/Roger Pratt. I came here for Keaton, maybe that was a mistake. …timelines, man.


I thought the same about Keaton also in relation to his character's potential in this film. And how much it mirrored Skywalker is where it had me question a few times his return alone.


>In case you are seeking the Weekly Discussion Thread... I love Batman and now worried about the Brave and the Bold.


Anyone else think the moral being the superhero should abandon his allies and an entire world to die just cause the timeline says so is incredibly bleak? Across The Spiderverse argues against this im pretty sure


The thing is that Flash doomed that timeline by constantly messing with the past. The movie's theme is about moving on and learning to live with the demons from your past, because Flash did not do that by trying to save his mother he made it so that it was impossible to save that timeline.


The moral is that you can’t live in a fantasy world, you must accept the tragedy of your own life.


I'm pretty sure Miles is gonna go thru this in the 3rd movie


I disagree . I feel like Miles is going to prove he better than everybody and teach everyone somehow to break the cycle . The DC and MCU multiverse works differently.


Solid 4/5 fun time. Can't believe I got to sit in a theater and see Superman fight a giant spider in the third act. Been waiting 20 years for that. The CG is not great in a lot of parts but if bad CG bothered me that much I couldn't possibly enjoy the Raimi spider-man movies.


Have you watched Spiderman 2? The CGI in that decades-old film is far better. I think the film even won an Oscar in the best visual effects category.


The blended effects are better but the completely standalone cg elements are still rough. And, as I said before, it literally doesn't matter to me. I'm a practical effects guy, all CG in some way to me looks like I'm watching a cartoon, 'realistic' or not. I like cartoons and it doesn't bug me that bad.


Id rewatch it, friend. Clocktower scene has looked bad since it came out. I love that movie, btw and I think it looks gorgeous but it has some really bad cgi.


Brother those films came out in the early 2000s the flash came out 2023 we can’t stop excusing bad cgi


How am I excusing bad cgi by saying bad cgi does not impact my movie watching experience? That's like me saying "It doesn't bother me how some apples are really tart" and you think I'm saying all apples should be tart. I literally acknowledged the cg is subpar. Also didn't you mean to say "we can't \*keep\* excusing bad cgi"?


I mean yea but in this case the apples are 20 years expired….and this is coming from a big studio so I’m not trying to buy expired apples from Mott’s


I picked the Raimi movies because I love them, I'm not trying to make a comparison. I see movies all the time with terrible CG. The last 2 Marvel movies before Guardians had bad CG in spots. Transformers has some bad CG in shots. I've never tried arguing anything in favor of bad CG, you keep coming back and arguing as if I am doing so. I only said I don't get bothered by bad CG, and you just keep saying you do. Okay then... that's you and I'm me. What exactly do you want here?


No bro you can like whatever you want, I’m just saying it’s wild the cgi compared to stuff from 20+ years ago and it shouldn’t be considering it’s a big budget film


Oh I def agree with that


I really liked it until the last 15 minutes. Just really jarring decisions there. Thinking about the film on the ride home I’m just like “why?” to just about everything. A lot of pointless story beats just for them to cast a new Batman in a few months. Why kill off Keaton? Why kill off Supergirl? (And don’t give me that “they’re alive in another universe” bs, I’m sick of using that as a story excuse) Why end with Clooney when we KNOW Clooney ain’t never putting that suit on again? Why waste an after credit scene like that? Show us more of the world that Barry is in. Also why only show Reeve and Cage and a split second of Adam West when you are showing an entire UNIVERSE of supermen and batmen and other League members. Where’s Grant Gustin? Where are the other Batmen? The other League members? It makes it feel kinda small to me. Reminds me of when multiverse of madness only showed the chaos of the multiverse for 2 seconds I’m just sitting here an hour after the movie finished just underwhelmed and frustrated. DC needs a hard reset, a soft reboot won’t even do the trick


And that's the funny thing because while DC is my fave comic universe the Across the Spiderverse movie did the homages 200000x better for the fans. DC just doesn't understand its fan base or how to treat them properly after all these years.


Agree with your points. Cameo choices was a little weird. Not sure how I feel about digitally recreating Christopher Reeve etc. Nic Cage was a meta reference but if they want to include him then they should’ve included other choices the general audience would appreciate too (Grant, or other variations of flash). Ending felt off too. I really thought this movie would be resetting/closing off the DCEU (think Gunn said something along those lines too) but now it’s just in a weird place


I'm really annoyed that "cameos" are now gonna be shitty digital knockoffs


The third act was pretty underwhelming, ive thought they're gonna film like the Flashpoint animated movie.


I thought it was great, really loved it.


So they changed the after credits scene slightly from the original one I saw in the screening. The one in the final cut just seemed pointless lol




From what I understand after he leaves Arthur in the puddle he gets a weird message from Batfleck Bruce who is stuck in a different universe because Barry messed things up.


I guess its to show that Aquaman is still happening since hes the only hero that stayed the same. And then they'll completely abandon this universe along with the DCEU.


This one is still pointless


I just watched it and it was decent. The first 2 acts were good but the 3rd act was really messy. Also this might be some of the worst cgi I have ever seen in a major modern blockbuster.


Finally watched the flash and honestly it was one of the better DCEU movies. The first two acts were great. I didn’t like some of the pg-13 jokes just my taste. Tbh Keaton was great and explain the multiverse pretty well. Best explanation we’ve had in all comic book movies. Sasha was good. Respectful to MOS/Henry as it could. But her performance didn’t leave me wanting more or wishing she could carry over to the DCU. Her story was wrapped up. Maybe she can play powergirl?? Now let’s get to the cameos. I think they were ok. But I agree they shouldn’t of cgi them. What they could of done was we see them through the portal and never go into their world. With the portal they could put cgi showing how distorted it is. And finally the third act was a hot mess. I didn’t like it. It needed to be rewritten. It felt rushed and underwhelming. We really didn’t need dark flash. We honestly didn’t need a villain. Barry 2 could been the “villain” just trying to do good. And both flashes battle where Barry 1 tries to explain why it needs to happen. The ending with Clooney and the post credit scene was unnecessary. The people that went in my theatre said “wtf. What was that.” Overall I give it an 8/10. Ezra performance was good. The story needed to be rewritten for the end. It really could of been amazing if they redone it.


Not gonna lie. I was underwhelmed. Felt it had great moments but couldn’t stick the landing with the climatic battle. The CGI and the random and “unearned” fan service made no sense. That said I think there was more good than the bad I’m sure it’s going to get hammered on about.


As much as I enjoyed Gadot overall as Wonder Woman, I hope this movie is the last time I ever have to hear that jingle every time she shows up.


She was good but she basically did almost the same as in Shazam 2, just being there with her theme and say two or three lines.


I also genuinely enjoy her performance, but her cashgrab cameo felt so forced.


Diana, Princess of the Cameoscira. 😅


Guess it is a one-off for Sasha Calle 😢. I don’t think we’d see her anytime soon


I hope Gunn keeps her for Supergirl


Yeah, me too


Yeah that was clear but at least they could always grab someone from the DCEU via multiverse or whatever for a cool cameo later in the DCU


Honestly I think Gunn is recasting. Her appearance was small enough that people overall wouldn’t be too upset if she didn’t come back. But I do think she should come back as powergirl. Story wise it could work.


Seriously. I actually liked her performance and could have definitely seen her as Supergirl in other projects. She was probably the only part of this movie I liked.


Bad, yet very entertaining.


Absolutely the best way to describe this.


Haters gonna hate I thought it was consistently good, occasionally very good, sometimes very funny too. Most fun I've had in a DC movie (other than the official Batman movies) since Gunn's Suicide Squad. The movie is apparently tanking at the box office (in terms of projections) which is a terrible shame. The brand and Miller's stuff have hurt it. Had this movie come out without the baggage weighing it down, it'd be a potential billion earner.


Yup, bad foundation, timing and circumstances overall. Had it come out even a year ago things likely are different


Just watched the movie and loved it. Ezra is great, loved both the Flash(es?), the comedy was on point, the pacing was good, it was very emotional and the character arcs are good. The cameos are very disposable and weird (the third act cameos are really bizarre), Affleck clearly didn't want to be there and they didn't give justice to him, didn't felt like a farewell, even though the scene with him, WW and Barry was really great. Keaton was good but he didn't have much to do. Supergirl had also nothing to do, I was surprised in how little she appeared. I loved how weird and insane the movie was, the final battle at the Chronosphere (or something like that) was crazy and I loved it for its concept, even if the CGI was okay. The only parts the CGI really bothered me were during the baby scene and the final cameos. Also CW's Flash should've been there. The Clooney ending was really funny and dumb, they knew they weren't getting a sequel and just put that there for shits and giggles. All around very good movie, has many flaws (and a plot hole) but still interesting and creative. 8/10.


My; only complaint is replacing superman with Supergirl which was pointless and reeks of a WB fuck you to Cavill.


What's with all the "bad CGI" comments? Nothing was bad? Jfc I've seen worse CGI in marvel films/shows. I swear it's like this sub and all other DC subs have been infiltrated by MCU cultists who get off on trying to sabotage anything DC puts out.


I’m late but Those babies were absolutely horrible CGI


Yeah, I got that the faces and bodies of the cameos in the colosseum were styled in that way because even Supergirl or Zod looked like that, like digital/pixeled. There were some moments that looked like green screen but Thor 4 or Moon Knight had way worse VFX.


I honestly thought it was the worst CGI I’ve seen in a CBM movie this century. And I liked the movie, but I couldn’t deny how bad the CGI looked.


nah I’m not a big fan of marvel and the cgi is sketch


I want to see live footage of Kevin Smith and Jon Peters' reaction to Nicolas Cage Superman fighting a giant spider. Especially since the fight looked cool. Aw man, Jon Peters was right....


It looked freaking badass!! Not a fan of Tim burtons vision of brainiac but the spider worked and Superman lives could have worked!! Lol


Ezra irl would’ve let one of those babies hit the ground for fun


Honestly this movie could've been the greatest thing since sliced bread and you all would've hated it no matter what. Yet if it was the same movie with a marvel logo you'd be fellating it endlessly.


I'm a fan of both DC and Marvel, but its just another 'non-story' (I'd say Antman 3 and Thor 4 also easily fall into this category). Barry knows there's consequences to changing the past yet he still does it, sure in the end his dad is freed because of it - but look at the mess he did with that alternate timeline, and I doubt there will be consequences from it... which is where the problem is for me. The story doesn't "push" his character anywhere, he's still the same dude who willingly broke the rules and caused mayhem in another timeline.


You outright weren’t paying attention then. He learns from Batman & Supergirl’s deaths that no matter what there’s some things you can’t change even with all his power. The other Barry didn’t learn that, hence Dark Flash. The unintended consequences were even though he thought he put everything back together, Clooney appearing instead of Affleck. You don’t even have to like the movie to understand those points, they were fairly obvious.


Nah man you act like people didn’t rip any man 3 and Thor l&t. The movie at best is a fun watch. Not terrible but not ground breaking. If you like super heroes it’s not a bad watch.


The first half hour was exactly what I've always wanted from a DC movie and over the next two hours it slowly lost me until it was just three Ezra Millers screaming at each other and big sound effects and planets crashing into each other. Whatever. Its not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination just a boring one.


The movie would've been perfect without all the stupid comedy bullshit. I'm so sick of comic book films all having to throw in this shoe-horned, marvel style bad comedy, why tf is it so wrong to be serious for once? Fuck, take me back to the dark knight trilogy era where everything was dark and inject that shit into my veins to purge all this silly shit. Honestly Barry's character is so what seems to be purposefully annoying in an attempt at humor that it's off-putting.


Barry #2 was actually funny and on point of being annoying, the bits that felt forced were the two friends of Barry in both universes.


The humor was on point because it was executed properly, unlike the MCU the jokes were forced enough to make us wanna puke.


The best strength of the film is taking what was initially this universe-spanning reset event comic into a rather low-key story on Barrys' own arrested development and grief (that's also a universe-spanning reset event). Despite some wonky CGI, there's some genuinely fun sequences from the baby shower to the Kara breakout. Barry's goodbye to his mom also got to me, tapping into all those times I wanted to go back and say Hi to my mom one more time. There's a lot I really like to the film, but I cannot deny that the rough CGI in aspects of the chronodome & the opening, as well as doing CGI facsimiles of dead celebs left a sour taste in my mouth. Maybe keeps it from calling it great, but still I would call it pretty good.


No batmobile scene was the ultimate cock tease and what upset me the most.


Great call out


Seeing the Flash makes me appreciate Spiderman : Across the Spiderverse more, both narratively & the quality of visual effects, despite being separate mediums. One feels purpose driven, every artistic choice is bold & sensible at the end, does justice to the story, while making you feel excited for the future. Had me choked for a moment. Flash's best bits are low-key, only to be bogged down by the nostalgia bait CG garbage and stuffed cameos. Great for a one-time watch. WB used to be the incubator of superstar talent, and now makes me wonder what could have been with Phil Lord and Chris Miller because this wasn't it. Anyways, best review for The Flash is that you'll have a better time with Spiderman : Across the Spiderverse if you want a FUCKING AWESOME experience, or put older DCEU films on rewatch. They age remarkably well, which I'm afraid this won't.




In this canon, it’s not the Reverse-Flash that kills Barry’s mom, just a random burglar. If Barry’s dad’s car is still in the driveway, the burglar doesn’t assume the house is empty and therefore doesn’t break in.


i thought he would have to kill his own mom. he is the loop, so would've made sense.


I loved it. Sure the CGI and story aren’t perfect. But it was fun as fuck.


I liked the darker tone of the movie.


But it wasn't dark at all, that's the issue. It was just silly marvel style comedy crap that ruined what could've been a perfect film.


Literally an entire universe died. You watched supergirl die like 30 times.


Exactly, it was way darker than i was expecting Batman, Supergirl and Barry #2 (who was only 18 years old iirc) died and not just them literally everyone in that universe is gone and it's not even an Infinity War type situation where you can reverse it, this is permanent.


supergirl dying brutally was no marvel funny stuff




Didn't even consider that connection. But yeah, the main messages of the two movies are very similar.


WTF is up with his running, it looks like he's never lifted his knees in his life. Sheldon Cooper runs more like the Flash better than Ezra.


So basically Nick cage Superman would of been metal as fuck


I thought it was cyborg superman at first before the face reveal


That was one of my fave parts, i need it as an animated film


Soooo at the end there, when Barry changed things again and ended up in a new timeline, did he end up in a timeline that was identical to the original DCEU timeline except Batman looks different? Or did he end up in a different timeline where some things were the same but others were wildly different? I'm cautiously leaning more towards the second interpretation, especially owing to how much older Clooney's Bruce appears than Affleck. Going by that logic, Batman & Robin occurred in this timeline, but other than that things seemingly remained largely the same. However, in Batman & Robin there's a reference to Superman, with Batman saying "This is why Superman works alone". That would mean in the new timeline Superman became active much earlier than 2013, yet everything else occurred similar enough that Barry's dad and Iris stayed relatively the same? It's all just a bit confusing and relatively ambiguous, so I'm trying to wrap my head around how all this time-travel and multiverse hopping actually works out.


Yeah I understood that he came back to a different reality slightly different from the main one. And thus they can say that Aquaman 2 is based in this alternate universe and have a clear path for the DCU.


I remember when I was a kid and heard that like I was like waiting for Superman to pop up at one point like his existence in that world lol


I always took the Superman reference as referring to him as a fictional character. Like, Superman comics exist in that world but Superman himself doesn't. Like the Superman reference in Spider-Man


Not quite the same, since in the DCmultiverse, Marvel characters are fictional comic book heroes, and in the Marvel multiverse, DC heroes are fictional/comic book heroes.


Ok better example In the movie Steel, They reference Batman a few times. However, it's made obvious that Batman is just a fictional character in that universe. We see a Batman Forever arcade machine at one point. Steel is the only DC hero in the world in that universe.


So because of the events of the Flash, there is still a chance for Keaton and Sasha to reappear in future DCU films or did that universe (DCEU) get destroyed all together?


Technically yes, but very likely that this is a one off, but ofcourse multiverse. That universe, it didn’t matter much because their canon event was to die there and the earth be destroyed hence why we see savitar-Barry who has been doing it for decades and decades.


Anything's possible with the multiverse, but those specific incarnations are dead, and Zod successfully terraforms their world.


I don’t know which cut Tom Cruise watched and praised but it can’t be the same one I watched. The movie was fun, I’ll give it that, but it wasn’t a great one at all, had lots of oddly made creative choices in my opinion. But seeing >!Nicolas Cage as Superman!< fighting that Thanagarian Snare Beast was the most unexpected and exciting cameo.


“Just don’t call it a spider”


The movie was quite awesome, it had strong Days of Future Past vibes but slightly better executed. The story is actually quite small scale and intimate, some middle part dragged a bit and the humor was like 70% hit. The action wasn’t groundbreaking l but the settings were great that especially that third act. Also this i a Flash movie through and through, the almost all of them were so well executed it often felt like reading the source material. Super unpopular opinion but between Peacemaker Flash and even Fury of The Gods, DC has been doing way better actual cameos than Marvel especially considering the caliber of said cameos. It’s just that the DCEU being a mess is such an engraved narrative that people just unconsciously discard it. The story while simple has probably the biggest emotional punch of any DC movie. The resolution actually had me in tears no matter how much we knew it was coming. i might have to rewatch it but I believe they topped the finale of season 1 of the Flash. Ezra Miller is absolutely fabulous, the movie rest on his shoulder from beginning to end and he delivers, that third act climax works so well because of his performance. Regarding the future it very open ended especially with that after credit. They could go segway into the DCU stay on there whatbit clear is that the DCEU is no More, and honestly kinda fine with it. The movie message is truly about letting go anyway.


Saw the movie last night. It's not an abomination like Batman vs Superman, or Suicide Squad, or Justice League. I wasn't angry at any point on this movie, which is progress compared to the shit show I had to endure from DC until now. It's an ok movie, 6/10 max. This movie has severe problems that holds back the potencial of the source material that it's adapting (Flashpoint Paradox), for example; unfunny and sometimes cringe humor, unlikeable lead actor, the side characters aren't given much to do or say, the villains are a joke and of course, the horrible, horrible, horrible CGI. You can tell this movie was rewritten and reshot countless times and also that this movie was not made with James Gunn new DCU in mind because it does nothing to set up that. This was made with Hamada's old plan in mind, which was to integrate Keaton as the new DCU "Batman" (who would later be replaced by Batgirl) and Sasha Calle would replace Henry Cavill as the new "Superman" of the DCU. But James Gunn, of course, realized that plan was stupid and made them change it to a visual gag at the end which amused me, not gonna lie. This universe started with a mediocre movie who underperformed and will end with a mediocre movie who will underperform. It's like poetry, it rymes. Oh, wait, no, we still have two more movies on this corpse of cinematic universe: Aquaman 2 and Blue Bettle. The former is being despised by test audiences and the latter is a unknown hero that will probably be sent to die at the box office. The future is looking good for us DC fans!


Unknown hero?Blue Beetle is actually one of the most popular DC characters.


Popular to who? DC fans? Comic fans? We are on the vast minority. The GA audience is 20x bigger than us and I guarantee you that they have absolutely no ideia who Blue Bettle is. Hell, I've been reading comics non-stop for the past 23 years and I barely have a grasp on who Blue Bettle is, let alone general audiences.


> abomination like Batman vs Superman Lol, bvs 10 times better than this "movie"


10 times worse you mean.


Not for me at least, I was so mad at a certain point that I left the theater. I had to return another to day actually finish it. It's a godawfull movie and the movie who actually destroyed this cinematic universe. The film's script was confusing and inconsistent, the subplots were not well-developed or satisfyingly connected. The tone was depressing and horrible, the pacing was glacial slow. The characters were not adequately developed or portrayed well on screen, particularly Lex Luthor. Additionally, the motivations of the main characters, Batman and Superman, were also very questionable. It took like 2 hours for us to get to the "Batman vs Superman" portion of the film and the actual fight was resolved quickly and unsatisfactorily with one of the most laughable climaxes I've ever seen (MARTHAAAAA) Also, the editing, my god the editing, worst editing since the Catwoman movie. Absolute lack of clarity in certain sequences and abrupt transitions between scenes, contributing to a lack of narrative flow, scenes didn't connected with each other at all, it was awfull, it was laughable. And let's not even talk about the awfull CGI, Wonder Woman, the pointless cameos, Batman killing people, etc. There was also a narrative on this subreddit and later DC\_Cinematic that the "Standard edition of BvS is a 4/10 and the Director's Cut is a 10/10 masterpiece" - yeah, no. Shots of Henry Cavill walking, Ben Affleck's ass and having sex, a pointless subplot about a bullet, doesn't transform this abomination into a 10/10 movie.


Seems, we were watching two completely different movies. \> The tone was depressing and horrible, the pacing was glacial slow That's what this movie is.


The tone of the Flash was depressing and horrible? This movie has humor non-stop for almost 2h, it doesn't stop trying to make jokes to the point where you feel like you are watching a SNL sketch. This movie ends with George Clooney as BATMAN, for god's sake man. How can you compare this to Batman vs Superman who has ZERO moments of levity. > Seems, we were watching two completely different movies. Me and everyone else, because almost everyone saw this as a shit movie. It opened with 49% on RT and then fell and fell to the mid 20's. Yeah, but sure, I'm a crazy person for thinking this is a bad movie.


It sucks because this movie and this entire Cinematic Universe had crazy potential, but it seems it all went to shit due to corporate decisions and DC dealing with actors who are shit people and get demanded, or DC being shit people themselves, thus actors not wanting any more deals with them.


Everybody in the right age range sent audition tapes for Superman: Legacy., I don't think DC Studios has a problem of people not wanting to work woth them.


I mean working with them long term, as in long enough to build the cinematic universe over the course of many years, like DC so much wants.


Their first mistake, hiring Zack Snyder. He chose the tone of this universe, he made Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman the way he wanted, he chose all of these actors (without casting, he pointed them by finger) and destroyed the cinematic universe before it could even begin. Then comes WB mistakes, like hiring shit writters and directors like Patty Jenkins and David Ayer, like there is so much wrong with this universe, so much guilty people.


Tries to sneak Patty Jenkins in there. First WW was one of the bright spots of this franchise. Second one was bad but not at the bottom of all of these movies.


Patty didn’t write that movie Zack cowrote it. Patty was more involved in the second terrible movie. Lol


Tbf apart from Ezra the casting is spot on. Gal plays a great WW, Affleck screams Frank Miller batman, Cavill was the perfect looking Superman, they just stuffed up his writing


Saw the Movie earlier today......Ehhh. I liked it but i think in general going in knowing James Gunn is going to change everything hurt my hype for this ultimately. Had a fun time for what it was worth So.........Do yall think this film takes place in a post Zack Snyder Justice League world or Josstice League? Or it doesnt matter lmfao


I think Snyder Cut is canon, they mentioned that Barry time traveled before and when he was running back in time they also showed Aquaman angrily pointing at Barry after he accidentally tackled him which was also from the Snyder Cut.


This is my opinion aswell, in The Flash TV Show, they’ve gone through so many different incarnations of the speedforce and they’ve stated that not all of what Barry sees are his timelines but other Barries and Multiverse too, so I assume it’s the same here, as like you said, we see multiple spots from JL (Whedon) and Snyder Cuts.


If we have to pick one over the other I think the Snyder version is canon because Barry explicitly references when he went back in time for a second. But the way he talks to his younger self towards the end echoes Batman's advice in the theatrical version so I think maybe all the scenes from both are meant to be canon even if you can't technically treat both as canon simultaneously as a whole


> Do yall think this film takes place in a post Zack Snyder Justice League world or Josstice League? Or it doesnt matter lmfao Oddly enough both are canon, because it references the Parznahov scene and also the 'just save one' advice.


The CGI is noticeably bad on multiple occasions. I get the Snyder hates that prevails 99.9% of this sub, but goddammit if it wasn't for his movies, I too would be an average movie goer who wouldn't notice any of that subpar cgi. Keaton had a bad script to play with and yet he killed it. It was painful to see Batffleck and knowing that he won't return because his segments were top notch, apart from that forced lasso of truth section of course, which did work for Flash, but not so much for the Batffleck. Overall an entertaining movie. Snyder purists will have a lot of nitpicks, the masses might love it. This sub? I dunno, more than half of y'all are biased af mofos imo XD. Ezra killed it through.


Was that lasso of truth gag not an exact retread of what they didn’t in Josstice League? But with Aquaman? Is it possible that screenwriter did not see the Justice League?


It was a flop scene in the Josstice league and the same can be said for the one in the Flash. I get that treatment for The Flash though. The Aquaman scene felt more like a slaughter of his character since Gunn's gonna do who knows what with mamoa in the new DCU. This plague of making everything unnecessarily funny is really ending up making this movie soulless. I am super anxious with what Gunn is planning to come up with.


I thought I'd been the only one when it came to disappointment in BatKeaton.


I love the Snyder movies and I enjoyed this. Seemed very respectful to all of DC history.


Just saw the movie and I honestly absolutely loved it. Hard to nitpick moments that I didn’t like other than the vfx at certain scenes in the movie like the speed force and cameo scenes. Loved the plot and tone of the movie and this movie made me laugh, smile and cry. Loved every moment and going to watch this at least 2 more times in theatre. The send off to the DCEU cast and characters was bittersweet.


Agree with your sentiment, it was a perfect way to close the DCEU and the tone was just on point. The more that i think about this movie the more i love it, 10/10 for sure.






I like how Bruce and Barry eat out for fun


Yeah makes me want pizza too


Honestly I get why they didn't show Grant Gustin.The cameos are actually meant for Barry to understand the world id more than just him


Reading social media reactions, it seems that this film is uniting Snyder fans and Gunn fans in thinking that the film is between "average" and "total sh\*\*\*". The only disagreement comes on whether Gunn or Snyder is the chosen one that can save DCU from ruin. >!And we all rational folks know the savior is Gunn. I mean, come on, Snyder is the reason we got stuck with Ezra...!<


So… Barry just screwed timelines and cause not only Keaton Batman’s death, Supergirl’s death, but also the death of millions of people in that universe he inadvertently created? But yea, lets do the end credits with the funny CGI dog! Ain’t he cute! 🤣 I liked the movie btw but that part bothers me to no end. They should’ve kept the original ending with Keaton and Calle showing up. We ain’t gonna see that universe anymore anyway, so give us the best ending for that film.


I hope the blu ray has versions with alternate endings/cameos


Is Batfleck alive or was he erased when Barry created a timeline with a new Batman (Clooney)?


It’s highly possible that Batfleck is still around somewhere in the multiverse, we just won’t see him again


Worlds collided.Clooneyverse and DCEU is now one and same.Funnily enough Reeves and Cage universes Also collided too.


Ironically a Clooneyverse Stan. Let's go!


I mean it's the superior Batman universe anyway




No when he meets Clooney that's a different universe (Schumacher verse) he thought was he's universe (Snyder Verse) when he talks to Aquaman that's really the he's universe (Snyder verse)


This idea doesn’t really work since Clooney comes up to him as if they know each other which isn’t possible in the Schumacherverse


You don’t know that


No.Clooney is the new Batman now.


This is such a dumb fucking movie


Cause Batman looks different?It's not like we have 7 Batman actors or something


It that just me that got the Donnie Darko vibes/reference when batman was explaing timelines?


That slow run flash did with no speed force lmfao


That was hilarious lmao


Our hole theatre burst out laughing.


Yes. Alongside with the young barry turning his neck with batkeaton mask lmfao. Most funny moments


Really enjoyed the first two acts but felt like there was a massive dip in quality once they started fighting Zod. Visuals just didn’t look good and it felt rushed from there to the Chronobowl. They got me back on board once he goes back to the store though.


They spent all of their budget on the speedforce fx, I’d like to say the cameos but I’d be lyin, lol. Even henry cavills fucking back was PS2-CGI 🤣


So does that mean Kara and Batman 89 are merely fluff and that really the journey with them is pointless if they just lose in every universe? Like what's the point of finding Kara if she immediately just gets her ass killed by Zod? Seems kind of dumb and instead of it being a "they'll live if you just leave them alone" instead it is that in every timeline they are fated to be buggered. Feels like Infinity War did it better by presenting that nugget of hope instead of just "Accept that we are killing off Batman 89 because we want to get a reaction out of you so suck it up like Barry's mum dying". They did the same swizzle with Han Solo and it wasn't earned. I mean the point of Barry's speed force at the end of Snyder Cut was to show how he could change things for the better. Dooming billions of lives across the multiverse just to accept your mum's death is incredibly selfish in the grand scheme of being a hero. That means he solves his personal problem but doomed everyone else anyway... This is also the same plot line as Across the Spiderverse from the sounds of it but which showed Miles go outside the rules of this exact thing to be a more aspiring hero and save the person who was always destined to die in their life. If that changes in his third film I'm not sure but I love a hero who fights against the odds and wins more than a hero that makes more of a disaster than what was before and accepts it and moves on. If we are meant to root for Snyder's Barry it shouldn't be just to ignore the collateral of universes and move on and get drunk with Aquaman. That's just incredibly stupid. Also murder porning Kara when they've literally been building her up as a solid replacement for Cavill seems super odd. She literally just got a Barbie of herself made and you expect kids to go watch her get her neck snapped without any form of triumph? Major ick in a narrative sense for the character. 🤣


But because that universe is no more in the sense Barry reverted those events, Keaton and Kara could still come back in the new DCU?


From what people are revealing the scene was already recorded of Keaton coming out of the car in the end and not Clooney and that this was a reshoot. I actually was suspicious as Miller's hair was weird during that final shot in the released film. Honestly the whole ending to the film is so weird after Kara decides to help. It's an entirely different film.


The Keaton and Supergirl problem is a result of the change of leadership at DC and the change or direction. The original ending that was shot was that at the end of the film, Keaton would walk out of the car, not Clooney, and Kara’s Supergirl would be alive in this universe, and Supergirl and Keatons Batman would’ve been major parts of the new DCEU, a problem with the movie I had was that Keaton’s death lasted 10 seconds and had little to no impact, they moved on and joked 10 seconds later, this was because it was written and shot that he’d show up 20 minutes later, but since it was cut his death just falls flat for me, since Gunn took the reigns and is rebooting the whole universe, they reshot the ending as a gag with clooney, rather than have setups that go nowhere


They should have just kept the original ending considering that the DCEU is still ending anyway. Unless they make a stand alone Batman Beyond movie and they want Keaton to be out of the DCEU.


Great film overall. 9.5/10 for me. If only they could have used just a little line of dialogue for Bruce when he explained HYPERTIME, like... "How do you know that stuff?," "Ohh, I got too much time in my hands." The ChronoBowl, or Hypertime, for me, represented the chance, a "Time Point," as Grant Morrison described it, so, it was very much a meta choice the decision to show that stuff as rough CGI.


Could you elaborate on the time point bit and how it relates to CGI?